Wednesday, November 29, 2017

907: 99.5% registration rates, steal plan!

HK :: VOLUME #10
#907: 99.5% registration rates, steal plan!
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On May 31, 11 : 00 am just passed.
The Jingya Gar­den Build­ing Ten 20 zero No. 3 room, Shi Lei and Tao Wenx­ian cur­rently tests Sixth ac­com­plish Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine, Tao Wenx­ian is a big hole com­pares com­pletely, Shi Lei is too high to his ex­pected value, Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine un­ceas­ing car­ries on to re­vise ver­sion.
If early knows that Tao Wenx­ian is not so pow­er­ful in the tech­nol­ogy of image do­main, Shi Lei will not in­vite Tao Wenx­ian to start the de­vel­op­ment work of Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine.
„Big Brother Stone, you debug the code, I act as tested per­son­nel!” Tao Wenx­ian hēi hēi says with a smile.
Sixth mod­ify ac­com­plish Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine, al­most does not have any tech­nol­ogy that Tao Wenx­ian in­creases, Tao Wenx­ian has in­stead made some quite funny com­pared with the set­ting, but these teased the ratio to es­tab­lish by Shi Lei are erased, will not af­fect the Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine per­for­mance.
Shi Lei Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine source code, pack­ages as [Izual]'s Sub­sys­tem, mak­ing [Izual] have com­pletely au­thor­ity to con­trol Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine.
„[Jazz], you stand in that side, do not move heed­lessly!” Shi Lei was greet­ing Tao Wenx­ian, was de­bug­ging a usb high-de­f­i­n­i­tion cam­era, mak­ing [Izual] con­trol Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine.
The [Izual] ice-cold sound re­sounds in Room: „cur­rently an­a­lyzes tar­get Fa­cial Fea­ture, cur­rently in­ves­ti­gate cor­re­sponds the data store­house, con­trasts data ac­com­plish, tar­get is Tao Wenx­ian, Fa­cial Fea­ture data store­house cur­rently from the Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture data store­house, du­pli­cates re­lated in­for­ma­tion. Has es­tab­lished Tar­get Data­base suc­cess­fully, may pass Fa­cial Recog­ni­tion. Also may pass Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture Recog­ni­tion.”
Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine and Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine, it may be said that are each has his good points also re­spec­tively have the limit. Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine is quicker in de­ter­mine Tar­get Per­son iden­tity. For ex­am­ple so long as has the Tar­get Per­son pic­ture, then can through Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine, search in mon­i­tor­ing Cam­era Sys­tem of cor­re­spon­dence.
How­ever, if tar­get the masked man or the mask per­son? Was Fa­cial Fea­ture pre­vented by other ob­jects? Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine is not then able to dis­tin­guish tar­get iden­tity.
At this time then needed Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine to go on stage, Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine ac­cord­ing to each hu­man­ity the fine dis­tinc­tion of Dy­namic Be­hav­ior, thus iden­tity of de­ter­mine every­one. The Dy­namic Be­hav­ior dif­fer­ence of hu­man­ity, is sim­i­lar to the fin­ger­print of hu­man­ity is equally pre­cise, every­one is dif­fer­ent. Has very slight dif­fer­ence.
Per­haps this dif­fer­ence looks like in the ob­ser­va­tion of human naked eye, com­plete Un­able to Judge comes out, may under the ma­chine and soft­ware de­ter­mine, then pre­sented com­pletely the dif­fer­ent dif­fer­ence.
Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine ex­actly as stated acts ac­cord­ing to each human dif­fer­ent Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture, thus de­ter­mine tar­get Iden­tity In­for­ma­tion.
„[Izual], did you record ac­com­plish my in­for­ma­tion? For­bids to use Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine, only al­lows to use Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine de­ter­mine. Who you have a look at me again are!” Tao Wenx­ian was [Izual] sets the de­f­i­n­i­tion con­di­tion, then played the role of the ugly face in­ten­tion­ally.
Sees only on lip of Tao Wenx­ian to­ward left, the lip, the tongue also has ex­tended to­ward right, shows the whites of the eyes, one ‚I am mourn­ing corpse’ ex­pres­sion.
usb high-de­f­i­n­i­tion cam­era de­ter­mine Tao Wenx­ian Fa­cial Fea­ture. [Izual] is feed­ing back the real-time re­port, „cur­rently an­a­lyzes Fa­cial Fea­ture, cur­rently au­to­matic cor­rec­tion Fa­cial Fea­ture, cur­rently re­or­ga­nizes Fa­cial Fea­ture au­to­mat­i­cally, the cur­rently con­trast eye­brow bone char­ac­ter­is­tics. cur­rently analy­sis max­il­lary bone char­ac­ter­is­tics, de­ter­mine ac­com­plish. The tar­get ob­ject is Tao Wenx­ian, con­crete data...”
„Stops!” Tao Wenx­ian stop­ping with­out hes­i­ta­tion, he is afraid by Shi Lei is ac­tu­ally heard, data that since [Izual] knows, doesn't Shi Lei pos­si­bly know?
„[Izual], can your this de­ter­mine come out?” Tao Wenx­ian sur­prised in­com­pa­ra­ble ask­ing.
The Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine de­ter­mine way, is not the Or­di­nary change face out­ward ap­pear­ance, then can af­fect Sys­tem de­ter­mine. even though per­forms the cos­metic surgery, so long as has not ad­justed the face skele­ton, Sys­tem can dis­tin­guish as be­fore. ” The [Izual] re­sponse said.
The Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine tech­nol­ogy is very for­mi­da­ble, wants to ex­plain the recog­ni­tion of Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine, only then car­ries on face skele­ton mod­ify, ad­justs the width of max­il­lary bone, ad­justs High De­gree of eye­brow bone, may avoid by the risk of Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine recog­ni­tion.
Even but if has ad­justed the max­il­lary bone and eye­brow bone, has shunted the recog­ni­tion of Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine, Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine! To avoid the recog­ni­tion of Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine, only then means that that do not make any move­ment, mak­ing oth­ers lift walk­ing!
„Damn [Izual], your Drop Dead, you must tidy up, your fam­ily must tidy up!” Tao Wenx­ian gets angry slightly said that Tao Wenx­ian is long very well, hand­some fa­cial fea­tures, what also what Xu ti­dies up?
Shi Lei is lis­ten­ing to Tao Wenx­ian and [Izual]'s talks, in the heart gives a calm smile, Tao Wenx­ian has treated as True Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence [Izual] ob­vi­ously, but is not Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem.
[Izual] has High De­gree in­te­gra­tion the human emo­tion sim­u­la­tion of human Log­i­cal Think­ing and high sim­u­la­tion, av­er­age per­son rad­i­cally Un­able to Judge [Izual] and true hu­man­ity have any­thing to dis­tin­guish.
This is also [Izual] in Brave's World, has en­trusted with these Non-player Con­trolled Char­ac­ters, im­i­tates, if real wis­dom life rea­son.
Men­tioned Brave's World, then has say­ing that today was on May 31, the day of Brave's World First Pe­riod Mar­tial World Strug­gle for Power Com­pe­ti­tion reg­is­tra­tion clo­sure. Orig­i­nally, Brave's World First Pe­riod Mar­tial World Strug­gle for Power Com­pe­ti­tion, reg­is­tra­tion very lonely, the low that the reg­is­tra­tion rate con­tin­ues, has not achieved in­clud­ing 30% of Gamer total quan­tity.
Shi Lei has used many plans, does not have the pro­moted reg­is­tra­tion rate. Fi­nally, can only use peo­ple's bet­ting and Vic­tory Re­ward, at­tracts the par­tic­i­pa­tion of all Gamer. Es­pe­cially Vic­tory Re­ward this plan, makes Gamer Crazy get up di­rectly.
From date of First Pe­riod Mar­tial World Strug­gle for Power Com­pe­ti­tion reg­is­tra­tion clo­sure, is less than 13 hours, but the Brave's World's reg­is­tra­tion rate has sur­passed 99.5%. Merely only then less than 0.5% pure life Gamer, or is pure scenery Gamer, does not pre­pare to par­tic­i­pate in First Pe­riod Mar­tial World Strug­gle for Power Com­pe­ti­tion.
From this reg­is­tra­tion rate, the Vic­tory Re­ward plan that Shi Lei pro­posed, ob­tained the enor­mous suc­cess, was Brave's World First Pe­riod Mar­tial World Strug­gle for Power Com­pe­ti­tion, Cre­ate a lively be­gin­ning.
If en­ters for First Pe­riod Mar­tial World Strug­gle for Power Com­pe­ti­tion Gamer to be too few, that was too sense­less?
Jingya Gar­den, Build­ing Ten, 20 zero No. 3 room.
Shi Lei and Tao Wenx­ian tested ac­com­plish Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine, Sixth mod­ify Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine, fi­nally met the Shi Lei's re­quire­ments, the Shi Lei First time has or­dered [Izual], in­te­grated in Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine the Shuangqing City over­all mon­i­tor­ing en­vi­ron­ment, built the per­fect Human Fa­cial Fea­ture data store­house.
At least must achieve in Shuangqing City, Shi Lei wants the in­ves­ti­gate any­thing per­son, the de­gree that [Izual] can speed­ily find.
„Big Brother Stone, Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine has com­pleted, do we want to begin to tidy up Yin­jia Na­tion? Passed through these days in­ves­ti­gate, data about Lev­i­ta­tion Slate, we ob­tained more and more in­for­ma­tion, al­most can de­ter­mine in Badia Lit­tle Town, def­i­nitely has the Lev­i­ta­tion Slate rel­e­vant in­for­ma­tion. Haven't we looked for Lev­i­ta­tion Slate?” Tao Wenx­ian a lit­tle ex­cit­edly was say­ing.
Shi Lei shook the head, „[Jazz], I cite an ex­am­ple, if we had found Lev­i­ta­tion Slate, again?”
„Had found Lev­i­ta­tion Slate? Nat­u­rally was brings!” Tao Wenx­ian nat­ural say­ing.
„How to bring to come back?” Shi Lei has thrown to Tao Wenx­ian issue, „[Jazz], we have tested Lev­i­ta­tion Slate to­gether, that east and west|thing can the op­er­a­tion of in­ter­fer­ence Elec­tronic Equip­ment. This mean­ing car­ries Lev­i­ta­tion Slate, is un­able to use any Elec­tronic Equip­ment surely. It is not able to use Elec­tronic Equip­ment, is un­able to carry off Lev­i­ta­tion Slate fast, once after alert­ing the enemy, Yin­jia Na­tion will also give us the op­por­tu­nity?”
„We can...... Can......” Tao Wenx­ian think for quite a while, has not thought that what ef­fec­tive plan, „Big Brother Stone, is it pos­si­ble that we can such give up?”
„Nat­u­rally is not! We must first look for Cyber Se­cu­rity West­ern Head­quar­ters, bor­rows to use their wooden box. That wooden box does not know that is bro­ken toy that the lum­ber of any type makes, it can sup­press some Lev­i­ta­tion Slate elec­tron in­ter­fer­ence spheres of ac­tion ef­fec­tively.” On the Shi Lei face re­vealed has wiped the happy ex­pres­sion.
„Big Brother Stone, Cyber Se­cu­rity will West­ern Head­quar­ters lend us?” Tao Wenx­ian is hav­ing a sus­pi­cion, if Tao Wenx­ian processes, ini­tially will not give back to Cyber Se­cu­rity West­ern Head­quar­ters Lev­i­ta­tion Slate.
Shi Lei nods, af­fir­ma­tive reply: „Their meet­ing!” He has com­pleted that many mat­ters for Ling Yuguo, looks for Cyber Se­cu­rity West­ern Head­quar­ters to bor­row not a well-known bro­ken box, Ling Yuguo should mean-spirit­edly not be right!
So long as has bor­rowed Cyber Se­cu­rity West­ern Head­quar­ters bro­ken wooden box, Shi Lei will then arrange Yin­jia Na­tion to cap­ture the Lev­i­ta­tion Slate mat­ter. How­ever, es­ti­mated ac­cord­ing to Shi Lei's that this mat­ter, must wait by July, at least also wants Brave's World First Pe­riod Mar­tial World Strug­gle for Power Com­pe­ti­tion, after com­plete ac­com­plish, Shi Lei will pre­pare to cap­ture Lev­i­ta­tion Slate Plan.
The Brave's World First Pe­riod Mar­tial World Strug­gle for Power Com­pe­ti­tion no small mat­ter, Shi Lei [Hope] it does not pre­sent any issue, Shi Lei the en­tire jour­ney at­ten­tion en­tire Mar­tial World Strug­gle for Power Com­pe­ti­tion com­pe­ti­tion sched­ule.
Cap­tures the mo­tion of Lev­i­ta­tion Slate, if were known by Yin­jia Na­tion, Yin­jia Na­tion ready ready will look for their trou­bles. That is very ar­du­ous Task, even com­pares this Nanyue Na­tion bor­der clashe Dan­ger. After all, the Yin­jia Na­tion mil­i­tary power was stronger than Nanyue Na­tion, with the Yin­jia Na­tion Na­tion(s) in­stru­ment of vi­o­lence re­sis­tance, Shi Lei has not wanted to do tem­porar­ily.
Be­sides this rea­son, an­other rea­son.
[N235 Metal] es­ti­mated that mined the First batch on June 15, at the ap­pointed time, [The Steel and Iron], [Shadow Dragon], was [Dawn] and Land Com­bat Sys­tem, will ob­tain the for­mi­da­ble en­ergy stor­age com­pletely, means the more pow­er­ful bat­tle ef­fi­ciency.
Mean­while, in June about the twenty day, the AMD Com­pany do­na­tion to Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany Su­per­com­puter, will it is ex­pected that as­sem­ble ac­com­plish, Shi Lei will grasp the the­o­ret­i­cal cal­cu­la­tion speed to achieve 320 tflops Su­per­com­puter.
Once after hav­ing all sorts of su­pe­ri­or­ity, cap­tures Lev­i­ta­tion Slate Plan, but can also not be suc­cess­ful?
Can Shi Lei also un­able to ob­tain Lev­i­ta­tion Slate?
So long as has ex­plained Lev­i­ta­tion Slate se­cret, Lev­i­ta­tion Tech can also be Dream?


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