Wednesday, November 29, 2017

906: Levitate recent clue, time like shuttle

HK :: VOLUME #10
#906: Levitate recent clue, time like shuttle
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The Shi Lei both feet sits cross-legged on the cloth skill sofa of liv­ing room, as if the sit­ting pos­ture of as­cetic per­son, in­quired: „[Izual], you said that [Jazz] does look for me?”
„Yes , sir! In­forms Mr. Tao Wenx­ian? Ac­cord­ing to Sys­tem au­to­matic de­ter­mine, Mr. Tao Wenx­ian has not had the sup­per, can have the sup­per with you to­gether.” [Izual] is prompt­ing Shi Lei.
The Shi Lei cor­ners of the mouth pull out, [Izual] will be only High Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, [Izual] will not have the sup­per even­tu­ally clearly, should be the ro­man­tic mat­ter, but two men who non- [Izual] will say will have the sup­per to­gether.
„[Izual], in­form­ing [Jazz] to come to have the din­ner to­gether!” Shi Lei is re­ply­ing [Izual], then pon­dered se­cretly that ac­tu­ally Tao Wenx­ian asks him to have any mat­ter.
Merely after one minute, the Shi Lei Room bur­glar-proof door was sounded, Shi Lei hit a sound to refer, [Izual] was con­trol­ling bur­glar-proof door un­lock. Shi Lei's Room, after se­ries mod­ify, has re­al­ized the in­tel­li­gent home net­work con­trol.
Tao Wenx­ian some­what sloppy walks, called to shout: „Big Brother Stone, din­ner where? Din­ner?”
„, [Jazz], are you sev­eral have not eaten the rhythm?” Shi Lei cu­ri­ous ask­ing.
Tao Wenx­ian wears the night clothes, deep dark pouche, had in­di­cated his sleep is se­ri­ous, the chaotic hair sub­tilis seems to be same, just like is a Crazy dead otaku image.
„Mainly is the break­fast and lunch has not eaten, now is much hun­grier, planned to go out the back street. This is not just right, Big Brother Stone you called me to eat meal, I came to dine im­me­di­ately!” Tao Wenx­ian looks around had not dis­cov­ered that the looks like has the din­ner rhythm, can only help­less sit­ting on the sofa.
„Waits a bit, my sched­uled going. Wait­ing a while should de­liver!” Shi Lei was il­lus­trat­ing, his cook not fine, if made him go to the kitchen to pre­pare food per­son­ally, Shi Lei was afraid Tao Wenx­ian to eat.
„Was right. [Jazz], what mat­ter do you ask me to have? My yes­ter­day stay­ing up late night, day­time has been sleep­ing.” Shi Lei was in­quir­ing Tao Wenx­ian.
A Tao Wenx­ian also barely alive ap­pear­ance, after hear­ing Shi Lei's issue. Re­stored the vigor im­me­di­ately, seemed full of the en­ergy to be the same in a flash.
„Big Brother Stone, my in­ves­ti­gate to the Lev­i­ta­tion Slate de­tailed string rope!” Tao Wenx­ian de­lighted nar­ra­tion: „Big Brother Stone, I in Yin­jia Na­tion net­work, through in­quir­ing nu­mer­ous local News­pa­per, then shifted local Forum of Yin­jia Na­tion each area tar­get, from these Forum and News­pa­per, has dis­cov­ered sus­pi­cious tar­get.”
Shi Lei nods, „what sus­pi­cious tar­get?”
„In Yin­jia Na­tion Uttar Pradesh State. In Uttar Pradesh State local Forum. Some peo­ple said that they wit­nessed in Uttar Pradesh State have been able Lev­i­tate in the fly­ing trapeze. This view ob­tained the af­fir­ma­tions of many per­son. In local Forum, many peo­ple said that they have also looked at Lev­i­tate in the area in the air­borne per­son . More­over the local res­i­dent also in­di­cated. They have seen Lev­i­tate Stone.” Tao Wenx­ian pleased vast was say­ing, as if had not found Lev­i­ta­tion Slate data. But ob­tained Lev­i­ta­tion Slate to be the same.
„Big Brother Stone, Lev­i­tate is Stone, not just Lev­i­ta­tion Slate? If we can go to Yin­jia Na­tion, from Uttar Pradesh State that small town, robs their Lev­i­ta­tion Slate, we can...”
„dōng dōng dōng ~”
The knock has bro­ken Tao Wenx­ian im­prac­ti­cal Fan­tasy, wears young­ster of Emer­ald Lake Guest­house jean, stands in the gate tastes: „Hello, Mr. Shi, this is the sup­per that you book.”
Shi Lei re­ceived a restor­ing the old portable gift box from the op­po­site party hand, the nod said: „Was la­bo­ri­ous!”
young­ster shakes the head say­ing: „It is not la­bo­ri­ous, is not la­bo­ri­ous, if Mr. Shi does not have other in­struc­tion, I first went back to work.”
„Goes!” Shi Lei close the bur­glar-proof door, has car­ried the gift box to ar­rive at the table, Tao Wenx­ian early look shin­ing sit­ting by the table, was wait­ing for serv­ing a meal.
The [Izual] sched­uled sup­per is very good, does not have what ample food, but pays great at­ten­tion to match­ing of nu­tri­tion, rea­son­able meals struc­ture.
Shi Lei and Tao Wenx­ian have spent for over a half hour, fin­ished eat­ing this din­ner. After the food, Shi Lei the table­ware and left­over dish any­thing, has re­turned com­pletely in the gift box, he only needs to place the stair hall the gift box, nat­u­rally has Emer­ald Lake Guest­house per­son­nel to take away.
Jingya Gar­den Build­ing Ten, starts from 18 th floors, was sold out­right by dif­fer­ent iden­tity en­tire by Shi Lei com­pletely, does this to be able max­i­mum limit to guar­an­tee Safety, pre­vent­ing any strange per­son­nel to enter the Shi Lei ex­clu­sive floor.
Emer­ald Lake Guest­house de­liv­er­ing meal per­son­nel, if did not ob­tain the pro­vi­sional recog­ni­tion of [End­less De­fense] Sys­tem ahead of time, de­liv­ers meal per­son­nel def­i­nitely un­able to ar­rive at the Twen­ti­eth build­ing.
After Shi Lei and Tao Wenx­ian eat to the full, sat on the sofa, Shi Lei se­lected the tele­vi­sion of liv­ing room con­ve­niently, opened the mouth to ask: „[Jazz], where do you dis­cover the Lev­i­ta­tion Slate de­tailed place?”
Tao Wenx­ian re­called, opens the mouth say­ing: „Uttar Pradesh State Badia Lit­tle Town! Right, right, is Badia Lit­tle Town!”
Shi Lei is re­call­ing the Yin­jia Na­tion Uttar Pradesh State map in the mind, „[Jazz], this Badia Lit­tle Town, should not be Uttar Pradesh State Right?, but is Ut­tarak­hand State is right!”
Ut­tarak­hand State splits from Uttar Pradesh State, has formed a Yin­jia Na­tion Twenty-sev­enth na­tion. The na­tion that just, this type splits, in most cases, the na­tive as be­fore thinks that they be­long to Uttar Pradesh State, but is not the re­cently es­tab­lished na­tion.
„This I do not know ac­tu­ally that is only on place Forum, these Yin­jia Na­tion peo­ple, said any Uttar Pradesh State com­pletely, I have not gone into se­ri­ously.” Tao Wenx­ian some­what awk­ward [say / way].
„Ut­tarak­hand State Badia Lit­tle Town, if I have not re­mem­bered in­cor­rectly, this small town is lo­cated in the hills prob­a­bly, by nu­mer­ous tem­ples are sur­round­ing Right?” Shi Lei in­dis­tinct to the Badia Lit­tle Town a lit­tle im­pres­sion, but he has un­able to re­call to mind the fur­ther in­for­ma­tion about Badia Lit­tle Town.
„En, right! This small town in the hills, the sur­round­ings has many tem­ples! Big Brother Stone, did we find right place? Can send for Yin­jia Na­tion hav­ing a look?” Tao Wenx­ian is ex­cited ask­ing.
„Con­tin­ues in­ves­ti­gate, tem­porar­ily does not send, I at the Nanyue Na­tion mat­ter, have not processed tem­porar­ily.” Shi Lei taboo Tao Wenx­ian de­sir­ably, Nanyue Na­tion re­cently what hap­pened, Tao Wenx­ian must be clear on net­work.
Just, Tao Wenx­ian any­thing had not in­di­cated that shrugs say­ing: „Does not have issue, I will con­tinue to pay at­ten­tion to Badia Lit­tle Town, all in­for­ma­tion data of en­tire small town, looks up com­pletely, in­clud­ing be­fore­hand an­cient small town Log, I also meets in­ves­ti­gate to come out.”
„This is best!” Shi Lei praised Tao Wenx­ian sev­eral, then said: „[Jazz], for these days, helped my to­gether ac­com­plish pro­ject re­cently.” Shi Lei pre­pares to let Tao Wenx­ian, par­tic­i­pates in the ac­com­plish Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine pro­ject.
In the Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine pro­ject, Shi Lei has eaten sev­eral times to owe, this time he sets firm re­solve to Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine do. Even if spends time, Shi Lei must make Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine!
The cur­rent sit­u­a­tion, Shi Lei is in any case im­pos­si­ble again in In­ter­net World, or is real world stir up winds and rain. real world be­cause of Nanyue Na­tion and Xia Na­tion bor­der re­gion clash, made that is en­tire World is pay­ing at­ten­tion.
And Wo Sang Na­tion hop fiercest, their ur­gent [Hope] Li Jian Na­tion Old Big Bro can jump, ti­dies up Xia Na­tion, mak­ing the de­vel­op­ment of Xia Na­tion that rapid, in order to avoid threat­ens Wo Sang Na­tion in the Asian Area au­thor­ity po­si­tion.
Li Jian Na­tion also wants to tidy up Xia Na­tion, how reply that Xia Na­tion gives, mak­ing Li Jian Na­tion un­able to seize the op­por­tu­nity to tidy up Xia Na­tion, can only play to stare on help­lessly with Xia Na­tion.
The net world sit­u­a­tion has lived it up, orig­i­nally Li Jian Na­tion net spe­cial, al­ways liked fab­ri­cat­ing a rumor Li Jian Na­tion was how good, to be how strong, Xia Na­tion al­ways liked, when Os­trich (re­fuses to face re­al­ity or prob­lems) wait / etc..
But this time, Xia Na­tion not when again Os­trich (re­fuses to face re­al­ity or prob­lems), di­rectly ag­gres­sive in­com­pa­ra­ble, ac­knowl­edged in Nanyue Na­tion re­gional con­flict, un­clear in­flu­ence per­son­nel has used Xia Na­tion mil­i­tary weaponry.
Al­though Xia Na­tion had not in­di­cated that this re­gional con­flict, has Xia Na­tion the trace that pro­motes in the back, may ac­knowl­edge Xia Na­tion has these ad­vanced weapon, enough has given the pe­riph­eral Na­tion(s) de­ter­rent ef­fect.
net world and Re­al­ity sit­u­a­tion is equally awful, Shi Lei must lie low until some­thing blows over tem­porar­ily, hap­pen to unites the Tao Wenx­ian same place, man­u­fac­tures Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine, later fa­cil­i­tates wants in­ves­ti­gate any­thing per­son­nel time, or is some re­trieve per­son­nel, when any place, can find some­body pre­cisely fast.
Cur­rent Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine, al­though also does com­pared with Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine in cer­tain as­pect is bet­ter, but the Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine recog­ni­tion cor­re­sponds the tar­get premise is, has to cor­re­spond tar­get Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture.
If no cor­re­spond­ing Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture, Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine is un­able to dis­tin­guish per­son­nel iden­tity. For ex­am­ple in Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture Data­base, with­out Li Cai Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture, then the mon­i­tor­ing cam­era is very dif­fi­cult to de­ter­mine that who is Li Cai.
But Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine is dif­fer­ent, if seeks for Li Cai with it, only needs the Li Cai pic­ture, gives the analy­sis of Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine, then can sur­pass hun­dred 500,000 mon­i­tor­ing cam­eras through Shuangqing City, car­ries on all -around in­ves­ti­gate lo­cal­iza­tion.
„Big Brother Stone, you wanted me to help to make any pro­ject Ah?” Tao Wenx­ian to say cu­ri­ously.
„Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine!” Shi Lei il­lus­trated the tech­nol­ogy about Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine, fi­nally said: „[Jazz], this Task, should un­able to baf­fle your Right?”
The Tao Wenx­ian af­fir­ma­tive nod, „felt re­lieved, Big Brother Stone, ac­cord­ing to our speeds, in ad­di­tion the [Izual] ac­com­plish foun­da­tion code, most only re­quires two days of time, then can thor­ough ac­com­plish en­tire Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine.”
Re­gard­ing the Tao Wenx­ian an­swer, Shi Lei has not ex­pressed the sup­port, has not ex­pressed the de­nial. The time like the shut­tle, one week of time passes by in a hurry. In one week of time, Xia Na­tion and Nanyue Na­tion, World Po­lice Force Li Jian Na­tion, re­gard­ing the bor­der re­gion clash, pulls the end­less skin, the prin­ci­ple of not talk­ing clearly.
Shi Lei and Tao Wenx­ian Sixth ac­com­plish Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine, Tao Wenx­ian had es­ti­mated two days of time ac­com­plish, but that First ver­sion iden­ti­fi­ca­tion rate is too low, Shi Lei has aban­doned di­rectly the orig­i­nal plan.
Along with pol­ish and ad­just­ment of one week of time, Shi Lei be­lieves that Sixth ac­com­plish Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine, will cer­tainly dis­play pow­er­ful recog­ni­tion ac­cu­rate.


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