#885: The AMD64 frame, Devil arrives!
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Li Jian Nation is Ruled by Law Nation(s), but did not mean that Li Jian Nation law certainly is fair. So-called absolute fair, appears in Fairy Tale World merely, but is not clear real world.
Antitrust Law in Li Jian Nation implement severely, benefits from the protection of Antitrust Law, AMD Company had not gone out of business, and also obtained the help of competitor Intel Company.
In the hearsay Intel Company hand, has part of AMD Company Stock, what a pity l Company finally chose has sold AMD Company Stock, chose gives Dream Entertainment to wield AMD Company.
This Intel Company good intention , helping Dream Entertainment Company actually on own initiative, but is Intel Company has to seek! l will Company suffer a loss? They had found Antitrust Law flaw, or Li Jian Nation is willing to drill Antitrust Law flaw to Intel Company.
Shi Lei very clear Antitrust Law, definitely is unable to have the influence to Intel Company. Only if, AMD Company as before is the Li Jian Nation capital, then AMD Company may the dependence send the protection of monopoly law , to continue to struggle the l Company Press Conference scene in Intel Company Shadow, reads the bbc news that Craig Beret smiles Female Reporter, until that somewhat beauty Female Reporter, is after wear a look of poverty-stricken, Craig opens the mouth to answer the question of opposite party.
„Madame, you are not perhaps familiar with Li Jian Nation law. Even if our Intel Company has taken back to the authorization of AMD Company x86 CPU Framework Technology, will not offend Antitrust Law!” Craig Beret affirmative replied.
Female Reporter of bbc news gets to the bottom saying: „Mr. Craig, your Intel Company and AMD Company are the direct competition matches. In individual computer domain. The production sells the manufacturer of cpu CPU, only then your Intel and AMD. If your Intel Company, after forcing out AMD Company, in the entire market, besides your Intel Company cpu CPU, other products can choose? Isn't this also the monopoly?”
The Craig Beret wear a look of happy expression, not having the least bit to be intense. Is the becoming angry out of shame expression, but the light start to talk said: „Madame, you are not the professional in related Industry, you do not know the AMD Company situation. Even if our Intel Company cancelled to the authorization of AMD Company x86 CPU Framework Technology, but AMD Company also has similar displacement technology.”
Has stopped slightly the moment. Craig Beret continues to explain: „AMD Company acts according to x86 CPU Framework Technology, developed AMD 64 Framework Technology. The AMD 64 technologies, can downward compatible all technologies of x86 frame, any software that can in the x86 frame system operation, can operate in the AMD 64 frames, from CPU Framework Technology. AMD 64 Framework Technology are more advanced than our Intel Company x86 Framework Technology, belongs to next generation Framework Technology, the support newest Sixty-four position CPU!”
Craig Beret is AMD Company waves the flag and shouts on own initiative. May in fact, AMD 64 Framework Technology have certain flaw. Biggest flaw, compatibility degree issue of exactly as stated to software, especially support of Operating System. microsoft Company always with Intel Company is the alliance, two Company have composed l Great Coalition!
microsoft will Company on own initiative support AMD 64 Framework Technology?
For these reasons, AMD 64 Framework Technology have not developed, is the AMD Company weak technology, is unable to be separated from the technical threat of Intel Company.
Female Reporter of bbc news does not understand the AMD 64 Framework Technology shortcomings, but also silly inquiry: „Mr. Craig, since AMD Company has a more advanced technology. Why can also use the Intel Company backward technology?”
On the Craig Beret face the happy expression is more abundant, „this issue, my unable to answer. Because, why I do not know!”
Industry in Reporter some on the scene, laugh in abundance, they somewhat know Intel Company and AMD Company gratitude and grudges. If AMD Company can use the AMD 64 frames to defeat Intel Company, that AMD Company already did!
The previous life historical orbit, AMD Company indeed relied on the AMD 64 frames to win some market shares, but Intel Company has used similar 64 CPU Framework Technology Intel immediately 64, suppressed AMD Company immediately.
The Shi Lei's fall-out plan, exactly as stated adopts the AMD 64 frames, gets rid of the Intel Company x86 frame, and also gives up microsoft Company windows series Operating System, studies apple Company, the development belongs to Dream Entertainment Company independent Sealed Off System.
macos System of apple Company development, as well as ios System of mobile equipment, has been all the rage entire World, won numerous faithful user, became World Top 500 Ranked First Company.
Shi Lei also plans to walk apple Company road, but, a development of Graphical Operating System, is not the too simple matter, Shi Lei plans first to develop simple System, similar xbox and same Operating System, is Dream Entertainment Exclusive Gaming System.
AMD is Dream Entertainment Company development Second Generation Personal Game Server, perhaps can only serve for the game really temporarily, moreover can only be used in Brave's World.
Shi Lei plans to consume from three months to four months, unites Tao Wenxian and [Izual], together accomplish Dream Entertainment Company visualization Graphical Operating System.
This work is very vast, is not the difficulty is too high. Shi Lei planned that based on the linux essence, constructs one, but Graphical Operating System, he and Tao Wenxian compiles Core Procedure, but [Izual] filling in foundation code.
After Dream Entertainment Company exclusive visualization Graphical Operating System accomplish, AMD Company is Dream Entertainment Company manufacture Second Generation Personal Game Server, or is the cpu CPU that AMD Company independent sells. Can directly use Dream Entertainment Company exclusive System.
Similar to the ibm Company powerpc series microprocessor, applies ibm Company own Operating System, moreover performance very strong.
In May the Twenty-three day, 10 : 00 pm l Company Press Conference, had experienced for one hour, finally had finished, the Shi Lei entire journey watched Intel Company Press Conference. Not too angry feeling.
He placed cell phone on computer table to make a sound, Caller ID was Xie Hui, it seems like Intel Company Press Conference, making Xie Hui a little unable to sit still, as for AMD Company that side. Shi Lei had already confessed Dirk Mayer and Old Iven, AMD Company will not come under the influence of Intel Company Press Conference temporarily.
„Hey, does Old Xie, what matter have?” Shi Lei presses down the answering key, asking of coming straight to the point.
The Xie Hui expression said anxiously: „Chief Shi l Company convened Press Conference. They announced that takes back...”
„Took back to the AMD Company x86 CPU technology framework is authorized Right?” Shi Lei to break Xie Hui, the expression was saying calmly: „Old Xie, this matter I knew. You do not need to be worried, we purchase AMD Company time, then expected that this situation, currently all completely are grasping!”
Perhaps by the Shi Lei's calm infection. Xie Hui also calm, „Chief Shi, our Second Generation Personal Game Server what to do? Intel Company and we have had a falling out, but Personal Game Server of AMD Company production, definitely is unable to go round the x86 frame. Otherwise, do we postpone sell Second Generation Personal Game Server?”
„Does not use! The Personal Game Server matter, is handled by Mirror Science and Technology First Main Technology Department. Old Xie, you handle the Dream Entertainment Company matter by all means that yes?” Shi Lei was reminding Xie Hui, making Xie Hui not need to be worried to result in too much.
Xie Hui one hear of Mirror Science and Technology First Main Technology Department, in the heart raised curiously, actually cannot ask that can only reply: „Understood, Chief Shi!”
After hang up the phone, Shi Lei returns on cell phone the computer table, looked at right bottom time, just ten point over more than ten minutes, Shi Lei opened the mouth to tell: „[Izual], turns on the software editor!” He prepares to compile Second Generation Personal Game Server Exclusive Gaming System, that is only simple Operating System, is used to run Brave's World's Game System specially.
In fact, this is used to run Brave's World's Game System specially, source code is very simple, Shi Lei has only spent less than one hour, accomplish the compilation of Core Source Code, then has then filled in the foundation code by [Izual].
Close to 11 : 30, [Izual] accomplish the compilation work of foundation code, under the Shi Lei's instruction, the debugging has then verified all codes, and has conducted the practical measurement.
„Sir, after the test, Exclusive Gaming System runs Brave's World perfectly. Exclusive Gaming System reduces 8% regarding the pressure of Graphical Graphics Card equipment, reduces 11% regarding the pressure of CPU.” [Izual] is reporting the situation.
Exclusive Game System, in performance aspect, has surpassed windows series System unexpectedly. This performance is not strange, for example xbox or is mechanical games, disposes aspect in hardware, cannot catch up with the high-end absolutely individual computer. But they on game picture quality, obviously Outstanding some. The optimization design of this exactly as stated specialized System, stressed the optimization of game aspect completely.
Exclusive Gaming System of Shi Lei design, is similar such situation, the specialty favors Brave's World's Game System, decreases the demand of Brave's World to computer hardware.
After having had a yawn, Shi Lei somewhat is stranded intent saying: „Possibly [Izual], pressure test Exclusive Gaming System, seeks for bug information that has. Bug information that may have records, waited for tomorrow after I awoke, tells me.”
However, Shi Lei just combed the hair and wash the face, prepares to sleep, places the telephone on computer table, has made a sound once more.
„Phone call that [Izual], who makes?” Shi Lei has lain on the bed, the least bit does not want to move.
„Sir, calls personnel is Nanyue Nation Ye Feng, puts through?” [Izual] inquired.
„Ye Feng?, Is it possible that to have what accident?” Shi Lei said hastily: „[Izual], a bit faster connection!”
The telephone just put through, Ye Feng then expression rapid saying: „Boss, we have encountered the attack of Devil Mercenary Corps, requested the telesupport!”
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Monday, November 27, 2017
885: The AMD64 frame, Devil arrives!

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