Wednesday, November 29, 2017

900: Hangs the tyrant to provoke, Xia Nation Might!

#900: Hangs the tyrant to provoke, Xia Nation Might!
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Li Jian Na­tion this World Sus­pended Tyrant, has ‚World Po­lice Force’ the title, de­fends against in­jus­tice in the en­tire World range for a long time, was known as that ‚mas­ter ten thou­sand peo­ple re­spect, who re­fuses to ac­cept to hit who!’
After the new mil­len­nium, the na­tional strength de­vel­op­ment of Xia Na­tion is very rapid, World Sus­pended Tyrant Li Jian Na­tion early wants to tidy up Xia Na­tion, re­stric­tion(s) Xia Na­tion de­vel­op­ment speed, in order to avoid the Xia Na­tion de­vel­op­ment speed is too quick, af­fects Li Jian Na­tion ‚ten thou­sand peo­ple re­spect’ sta­tus.
World Sus­pended Tyrant Li Jian Na­tion had still not found op­por­tu­nity, be­cause Xia Na­tion has 【Peace Halo】, Also 【Mil­len­nia Tur­tle】 Dual at­trib­utes, how re­gard­less of World Sus­pended Tyrant Li Jian Na­tion pro­vokes, Xia Na­tion does not pay at­ten­tion.
How­ever, this World Sus­pended Tyrant Li Jian Na­tion had fi­nally found a good op­por­tu­nity. Nanyue Na­tion open to the pub­lic has vi­o­lated with the Xia Na­tion bor­der agree­ment, builds the se­cret mil­i­tary use base in the bor­der. If Xia Na­tion when again Mil­len­nia Tur­tle, the unique skill of dis­play en­dur­ing tur­tle, per­haps Xia Na­tion pe­riph­eral Na­tion(s), com­pletely must study Nanyue Na­tion, bla­tantly vi­o­lates with the bor­der agree­ment of Xia Na­tion.
What is placed in front of Xia Na­tion is in a dilemma road, ei­ther swal­lows an in­sult, ac­cepts the sur­round­ing Na­tion(s) fla­grant ram­pancy \; Ei­ther tears the peace­ful mask, looks for Nanyue Na­tion to do ac­counts well. But, any one type chooses Xia Na­tion not to be good to make the de­ci­sion!
the gps Global Po­si­tion­ing Sys­tem il­le­gal link, the gps Global Po­si­tion­ing Sys­tem image, trans­mit­ted en­tire World major video web­site, mak­ing the en­tire World peo­ple share the Nanyue Na­tion in­ter­nal mil­i­tary con­flict.
Gen­er­ally, the Li Jian Na­tion three big in­tel­li­gence ser­vices will col­lab­o­rate to force out bad in­for­ma­tion in net­work. But they not only have not forced out, in­stead has the ten­dency of adding fuel to the flames.
Shi Lei in gps Global Po­si­tion­ing Sys­tem, even has also dis­cov­ered Xia Na­tion Hacker shadow. Shi Lei is mon­i­tor­ing gps Global Po­si­tion­ing Sys­tem data, while or­ders [Izual] to trace Xia Na­tion Hacker in­for­ma­tion.
Shi Lei also thinks [Izual] can­not pur­sue Xia Na­tion Hacker Iden­tity In­for­ma­tion ab­solutely, be­cause can in­vade to enter gps Global Po­si­tion­ing Sys­tem Hacker in­de­pen­dently, only de­pends on [Izual] and Black Magic Soft­ware. Pos­si­bly how to hold the op­po­site party?
How­ever the re­sult ac­tu­ally stems from Shi Lei's to be un­ex­pected. Black Magic Soft­ware and [Izual] united in to­gether, trace real ip ad­dress Xia Na­tion Hacker un­ex­pect­edly re­ally!
After this is not Black Magic Soft­ware and [Izual] unite, there is any a mys­te­ri­ous at­tribute ad­di­tion, but is that ‚in­va­sion’ gps Global Po­si­tion­ing Sys­tem ‚Hacker’ too the dish, sim­ply does not have the too much de­fense mea­sure, re­laxed was held by [Izual].
„Sir, has locked op­po­site party real ip ad­dress. And in­quired real ad­dress, in­formed the rel­e­vant au­thor­ity?” [Izual] was ask­ing the Shi Lei dis­posal rec­om­men­da­tion.
Shi Lei shook the head, has re­jected the [Izual]'s dis­posal plan, „[Izual], main­tains the mon­i­tor­ing of gps Global Po­si­tion­ing Sys­tem, pays at­ten­tion to de­fense any to in­vade data. I must have a look per­son­ally, this Xia Na­tion Hacker. Ac­tu­ally is any fel­low!”
[Izual] has taken over con­trol of Shi Lei in gps Global Po­si­tion­ing Sys­tem in­ter­nal mon­i­tor­ing data. Shi Lei be­gins to process Black Magic Soft­ware and chan­nel of [Izual] in­va­sion, en­tered the Xia Na­tion Hacker com­puter.
Shi Lei in this Xia Na­tion Hacker com­puter, is scan­ning the hard­ware con­sti­tu­tion of Com­puter Sys­tem se­cretly, dis­cov­ered that this Xia Na­tion Hacker use com­puter, un­ex­pect­edly merely is only Or­di­nary home com­puter.
If uses home com­puter, then can fall gps Global Po­si­tion­ing Sys­tem black. If there is this Ex­pert, Shi Lei also wants proper knelt to him. En­ters the wor­ship­ping on bended knees pat­tern.
Mon­i­tor­ing data that gps Global Po­si­tion­ing Sys­tem that this Or­di­nary home com­puter, will re­ceive ob­tains, the syn­chro a Xia Na­tion well-known video site, hav­ing en­abled the Xia Na­tion In­ter­net users to ex­am­ine ca­su­ally. Xia Na­tion net­work and World net­work, are away from to­gether Great Wall Fire­wall. This Fire­wall ex­ag­ger­a­tion, iso­lated 99.99% In­ter­net users to glance over for­eign web­site to­gether.
‚Good Li Jian Na­tion, good to mur­der with a bor­rowed knife!’ In the Shi Lei heart sneers, this ‚in­va­sion’ gps Global Po­si­tion­ing Sys­tem ‚Hacker’, clearly by Li Jian Na­tion per­son­nel, the rhythm that frames.
On some Xia Na­tion fa­mous video web­site, Nanyue Na­tion re­gion clash, in the web­site home page by live trans­mis­sion, but also uses bright red title Pulling Hos­til­ity: ‚Nanyue Na­tion at­tack Xia Na­tion, the bor­der mil­i­tary base ex­poses de­lib­er­ately!’
Be­sides these, video web­site home page, but also was opened the plate of re­view, some well-known mil­i­tary re­view Spe­cial­ist Teacher Zhang, suf­fers sim­i­larly is in­vited, in the web­site re­view plate, was com­ment­ing this Nanyue Na­tion the event of bor­der mil­i­tary base.
In the re­view plate, Host talked with the writ­ing with in­vited Teacher Zhang mu­tu­ally:
Host: Teacher Zhang, re­gard­ing Nanyue Na­tion the bor­der line that ap­proaches with our coun­try, has con­structed a se­cret mil­i­tary base, and also has ini­ti­ated the re­gion tur­moil, how you re­gard this issue.
Teacher Zhang: This was Nanyue Na­tion has vi­o­lated the bor­der agree­ment with our coun­try ab­solutely. Ac­cord­ing to our agree­ment of Na­tion(s) and Nanyue Na­tion, bor­der being sta­tioned that to safe­guard the bor­der peace, in­di­cated clearly ex­cept for both sides stood with the im­por­tant pass out­side, can­not build any mil­i­tary base. The be­hav­ior of Nanyue Na­tion se­cret con­struc­tion mil­i­tary base, be­longed has se­ri­ously run counter to each other com­mit­ment of agree­ment, our Na­tion(s) had priv­i­lege to re­quest Nanyue Na­tion to give the ex­pla­na­tion.
Host: Teacher Zhang, Nanyue Na­tion has made the so sig­nif­i­cant mis­take, do we only re­quest the Nanyue Na­tion ex­pla­na­tion merely?
Teacher Zhang: We will also make the con­dem­na­tion to the Nanyue Na­tion be­hav­ior, strong protest, more­over re­quests Nanyue Na­tion open to the pub­lic to apol­o­gize to us.
Shi Lei looks at re­view plate in­side in­for­ma­tion con­tent, al­most loses one's voice to smile, this ab­solutely is the con­tent that Li Jian Na­tion spe­cial­ized per­son­nel does, they un­der­stood un­ex­pect­edly speech cus­tom of Teacher Zhang, seems Teacher Zhang I am re­ally same in the com­men­tary.
The com­men­tary of Teacher Zhang, was not liked by the gen­eral In­ter­net users , hap­pen to have stirred up the anger of gen­eral In­ter­net users, per­son­nel use that thus har­bored ul­te­rior mo­tives by Li Jian Na­tion.
This type uses the net­work method, in­ten­tion­ally Li Jian Na­tion per­son­nel of man­u­fac­ture rumor and in­ci­dent, ex­actly as stated so-called net­work spe­cial. The ser­vice, is called the net spe­cial!
Shi Lei has not man­aged these net spe­cial meth­ods, but looked at the com­puter screen right bot­tom time, then took up cell phone to dial a num­ber, waited for the mo­ment, the tele­phone was put through.
„Hello? Shi Lei, what mat­ter do you ask me to have?” The Ling Yuguo sound passes on, has hes­i­tated slightly, he then asked: „Is on­line mat­ter you do?”
On net­work has noisy Nanyue Na­tion re­gional con­flict, Cen­ter po­si­tion ex­actly as stated Ling Yuguo gives Shi Lei's tar­get, in ad­di­tion Shi Lei tele­phones in such co­in­ci­dence time, has to make Ling Yuguo sus­pect that all these are the big noises that Shi Lei makes.
„Uncle Ling, this is Third tar­get!” Shi Lei smiles to say.
Ling Yuguo some­what does not know whether to laugh or cry, „Shi Lei, I am lets your sneak­ily kill this tar­get, but is not makes the en­tire World peo­ple to know. You have a look at the pre­sent sit­u­a­tion, has been com­pletely out of con­trol, more­over gave us Na­tion(s) to bring being in a dilemma issue. How do you plan to process now?”
Shi Lei hā hā smiles, „these Li Jian Na­tion nets spe­cial, on­line fab­ri­cated a rumor our Na­tion(s) is the thou­sand years soft eggs, ten thou­sand years of tor­toise. Be­sides the con­dem­na­tion and warn­ing, does not dare to have other any mo­tions ab­solutely. If our Na­tion(s) does have the mo­tion?”
Ling Yuguo de­nied di­rectly: „Is im­pos­si­ble! Shi Lei, takes the larger sit­u­a­tion into ac­count, we can­not give a pre­text to Li Jian Na­tion, let them draws in Abyss of war us.”
„Xia Na­tion Of­fi­cial not, but other in­flu­ence meet­ings! So long as when the time comes, the out­side in­flu­ence rec­og­nized con­sis­tently is Xia Na­tion does, but Xia Na­tion Of­fi­cial doom did not ac­knowl­edge that does, Nanyue Na­tion, is Li Jian Na­tion, how Xia Na­tion.” Shi Lei pleased was say­ing.
The Li Jian Na­tion net spe­cial has their Zhang Liang ji, Shi Lei also has own wall lad­der. Which one is good and which one is bad, after com­par­ing, knows. net­work spe­cial. The ser­vice fab­ri­cated a rumor this move in In­ter­net, Shi Lei was not the novice.
Ling Yuguo silent a meet­ing, af­fir­ma­tive reply: „En, you look at the of­fice!” The reply of Ling Yuguo, rep­re­sents him to sup­port the Shi Lei's pro­ce­dure, but the sup­port of Ling Yuguo, rep­re­sents the ice is being the sup­port of fam­ily.
Shi Lei has hung up the tele­phone, passes Blue­tooth ear­phone con­tact Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad say­ing: „A'Feng, your side sit­u­a­tions how?”
„Boss, at pre­sent sit­u­a­tion all nor­mal, we also in same place hid­ing wait­ing. Just, Armed He­li­copter on top of the head is still cir­cling, we could not find the op­por­tu­nity to leave.” Ye Feng was re­spond­ing to Shi Lei.
„Opens your pda, I trans­mit map in­for­ma­tion to give you, in­side con­tained your es­cap­ing route. More­over, after three points of twenty sec­ond, four [The Steel and Iron] will ar­rive in the war zone, you pre­pare to es­cape at any time.” Shi Lei looked at the [The Steel and Iron] fly­ing route to say.
Ye Feng re­laxed slightly, al­though Ye Feng is will­ing to make, even if were the de­ci­sion of sac­ri­fice, but who can not die to be will­ing dead?
Three min­utes of standby pe­ri­ods, are the most dif­fi­cult time, Shi Lei [Izual] were say­ing with Voice Com­mand with­out doubt: „[Izual], starts net­work pub­lic opin­ion Plan, im­ple­ment ‚Xia Na­tion Might’ the plan of code num­ber!”
„Sir, starts the Xia Na­tion Might plan, what event by makes the hype?” [Izual] in­quired.
‚Xia Na­tion Might’ net­work pub­lic opin­ion plan, is mainly Shi Lei in view of the Li Jian Na­tion net spe­cial counter-at­tack, it is only a big frame, but does not have con­crete small Plan.
Shi Lei is or­der­ing [Izual] fast, the pre­sent sit­u­a­tion, will trans­form the order voice com­pletely, mak­ing [Izual] go to the im­ple­ment net­work pub­lic opin­ion of­fen­sive, is Xia Na­tion em­bold­ens to cheer.
„Sir, the order an­a­lyzes, Ac­tion Plan of cur­rently pro­duc­tion cor­re­spon­dence, Ac­tion Plan an­a­lyzes, whether im­me­di­ately im­ple­ment ‚Xia Na­tion Might’ plan?”
Shi Lei nod­ded, looks at [The Steel and Iron] to ar­rive in the bat­tle­field time, one minute, his hēi hēi has smiled.
[Izual] was under the Shi Lei's order, im­me­di­ately in en­tire World In­ter­net, started ‚Xia Na­tion Might’ the net­work pub­lic opin­ion male of­fen­sive...


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