Thursday, November 30, 2017

934: military use network System Back Door

HK :: VOLUME #10
#934: military use network System Back Door
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On June 2, 9 : 00 pm just passed.
Shi Lei cur­rently and Ye Feng tele­phone, Nanyue Na­tion Meis­han Is­land had some con­tin­gen­cies, Shi Lei has needed to solve this mat­ter as soon as pos­si­ble. Oth­er­wise, Nanyue Na­tion has pos­si­bil­ity very ‚ac­ci­den­tal in­jury’ [N235 Metal].
„Boss, what Plan do you have? How should we do?” Ye Feng was in­quir­ing Shi Lei, he does not un­der­stand that what opin­ion Shi Lei was, if were not Dark Hell teaches Nanyue Na­tion, why that Nanyue Na­tion doesn't dare to look for the trou­ble of Dark Hell?
In the Shi Lei's heart, after a pon­der, has thought very good Plan, not only can solve Meis­han Is­land issue, but can also at­tack Nanyue Na­tion, and can teach re­cently very ram­pant Fei Lu Na­tion.
Xia Na­tion pe­riph­eral Na­tion(s), al­ways likes op­pos­ing with Xia Na­tion, has in­cluded Nanyue Na­tion, Fei Lu Na­tion!
Fei Lu Na­tion in 1999, sneak­ily has wrested away Xia Na­tion Airen Is­land, this year's time, al­though Fei Lu Na­tion claimed that must with­draw Airen Is­land, may not have any mo­tion.
Shi Lei plans to use Nanyue Na­tion and Fei Lu Na­tion, takes Airen Is­land as con­flict Cen­ter, causes two Na­tion(s) bat­tles, tak­ing the op­por­tu­nity shifts the Nanyue Na­tion vi­sion, then also helps Xia Na­tion solve Airen Is­land issue.
Al­though solves Airen Is­land issue and Shi Lei not any re­la­tions, but Shi Lei is will­ing to help Xia Na­tion silently, true help Xia Na­tion.
„A'Feng, on Meis­han Is­land, now also how many peo­ple?” Shi Lei first asked about the Meis­han Is­land pre­sent sit­u­a­tion.
„Boss, be­cause Nanyue Na­tion started to pay at­ten­tion to Meis­han Is­land, I some orig­i­nal staff per­son­nel, evac­u­ated the Meis­han Is­land work­ing space. At pre­sent, in is­land four Squadron be­sides us and Rul­ing Se­cu­rity, only then about 30 staff per­son­nel.” Ye Feng is re­port­ing the Shi Lei's in­quiry.
Shi Lei had con­sid­ered, is imag­in­ing, if shoul­ders Nanyue Na­tion and Fei Lu Na­tion con­flict pre­med­i­tated, must make two Na­tion(s) hate mu­tu­ally. But, their two Na­tion(s). The re­la­tions also cal­cu­late quite har­mo­niously.
Nanyue Na­tion and Fei Lu Na­tion sep­a­rate the sea to look, they usu­ally to­gether re­sist Xia Na­tion, some­what some ‚Com­rade-In-Arms’ friend­ship.
Shi Lei wants to shoul­der the ha­treds of two Na­tion(s). It is not a sim­ple mat­ter. How­ever, Shi Lei has al­ready thought plan that can im­ple­ment. More­over be­fore Shi Lei, has left be­hind the door.
„A'Feng, I will arrange [The Steel and Iron] im­me­di­ately, co­or­di­nat­ing you to work, I want you in any event, must within three days, find [N235 Metal] that I need. Does not need too much, so long as over one cubic decime­ter were then OK!” Shi Lei was telling.
The [N235 Metal] den­sity is 5.7 g / cm 3. Under Early Grade Ap­pli­ca­tion Plan, the calorific value is gaso­line 120 time. One cubic decime­ter [N235 Metal], weight is 5.7 kg, the equiv­a­lent to 684 kg gaso­line com­bus­tion calorific value. Also is one cubic decime­ter [N235 Metal] , the en­ergy, sim­i­lar equiv­a­lent to ex­ceeds the en­ergy that seven hec­to­liters gaso­line has had.
The gen­eral Small-scale au­to­mo­bile, seven liters gaso­line can ex­er­cise 100 kilo­me­ters, seven hec­to­liters gaso­line then equiv­a­lent to Ten Thou­sand kilo­me­ter trav­el­ing sched­ule of!
5.7 kg [N235 Metal]. The vol­ume is only one cubic decime­ter merely, merely has one liter, the so small vol­ume, then can erupt that for­mi­da­ble en­ergy. If [N235 Metal], ap­plies on [Shadow Dragon] or [The Steel and Iron]. What qual­i­ta­tive change will have?
This is also Shi Lei the mat­ter that pre­pares to achieve!
„Boss, how that does [N235 Metal] sur­vey?” Ye Feng cu­ri­ous ask­ing.
„[The Steel and Iron] will help you sur­vey, you only need, when [The Steel and Iron] sur­veys, the ex­ca­va­tion mines [N235 Metal]!” Shi Lei has not ex­plained the sur­vey method.
Con­crete sur­vey method, only then [Izual] can un­der­stand, even if Shi Lei, wants to with­draw the sur­vey method, is com­plex and trou­ble­some.
„Un­der­stood, Boss!” Ye Feng a lit­tle cu­rios­ity, but will not be ab­solutely in­tense. Ye Feng knows that any­thing should ask, any­thing should not ask, issue that some should not know, does not know in­stead has not wor­ried.
After hav­ing hung up the tele­phone, Shi Lei tells [Izual] im­me­di­ately, di­rect link Meis­han Is­land [The Steel and Iron], starts [N235 Metal] sur­vey Sys­tem, after sur­vey­ing sur­face layer the ground con­tains [N235 Metal], in­form­ing Ye Feng they to un­earth the col­lec­tion.
Pro­cess­ing told that Ye Feng that side mat­ter, Shi Lei dials tele­phone con­tact Li Cai, Li Cai an­swered the speed of tele­phone to be slow, after the tele­phone put through, Shi Lei was hear­ing some Li Cai respites sounds, he was im­me­di­ately crooked!
„Big Brother Stone, hū ~ hū ~ you have, what mat­ter?” Li Cai as if made any phys­i­cal strength to be ex­actly same, in gulps was pant­ing for breath.
Shi Lei hēi hēi has smiled two strangely, „Lit­tle Plum, what are you mak­ing?”
„What am I mak­ing? I am in the dor­mi­tory!” Li Cai sud­denly has not un­der­stood Shi Lei's opin­ion, but after he replied, un­der­stood the Shi Lei's idea in a flash.
„Big Brother Stone, your this big hole, I was just bring­ing kn99 Dust-proof Mask, is man­u­fac­tur­ing [The Steel and Iron] Ul­tra-high Speed Multi-fre­quency Elec­tric Cur­rent Stim­u­la­tor!” Li Cai was ex­plain­ing.
kn99 Dust-proof Mask can fil­ter in the air 99.99% dust par­ti­cles, pre­vent­ing the lungs in­spi­ra­tion to man­u­fac­ture Ul­tra-high Speed Multi-fre­quency Elec­tric Cur­rent Stim­u­la­tor, but metal par­ti­cles that pro­duces.
As a re­sult of the kn99 Dust-proof Mask par­tic­u­lar­ity, after hav­ing taken it, breathes the re­sis­tance to in­crease, thus cre­ates the con­di­tion that one type needs to breathe fiercely, there­fore breath of Li Cai, some respites fla­vors.
„[The Steel and Iron] Ul­tra-high Speed Multi-fre­quency Elec­tric Cur­rent Stim­u­la­tor? You did not say be­fore that can only make the model of [Shadow Dragon] match?” Shi Lei cu­ri­ous ask­ing.
Hears Shi Lei's to in­quire, Li Cai im­me­di­ately self-sat­is­fied laughs, „Big Brother Stone, I from my fam­ily old man, the pit came a ul­tra-high ef­fect Elec­tric-pow­ered ma­chine, can adapt to the [The Steel and Iron] de­mand. The power of this type of ul­tra-high ef­fect Elec­tric-pow­ered ma­chine, so long as Power Sup­ply can fol­low, power ratio [The Steel and Iron] orig­i­nal en­tire alu­minum tur­bo­su­per­charged en­gine that it pro­vides, but must strongly.”
Shi Lei has coughed two, Li Cai this is ready the proper pit fa­ther's rhythm!
„Lit­tle Plum, I also just want to say this mat­ter to you, since you have processed [The Steel and Iron] Ul­tra-high Speed Multi-fre­quency Elec­tric Cur­rent Stim­u­la­tor, I was not many say any­thing! I only want to say to you that brand-new Third Gen­er­a­tion [The Steel and Iron], will make solid is bet­ter, should bet­ter be able anti- to live in long-dis­tance range Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle at­tack. Mean­while, but must give it to in­stall im­mense de­struc­tive force weapon, Elec­tro­mag­netic Ar­tillery of knock­off ver­sion, this is must use. Do not con­sider that [N235 Metal] that issue that any­thing un­der­ca­pac­ity, I said that we will soon take. Long-term Use Ca­pa­bil­ity as­pect ab­solutely is not issue!” Shi Lei was il­lus­trat­ing the sit­u­a­tion.
Li Cai is lis­ten­ing to the Shi Lei's words, felt that has some not to suit, „Big Brother Stone, why rhythm can you? Must go, when ter­ror­ist?”
„Well? How do you know?” Shi Lei half half Fake was re­ply­ing.
„Re­ally whom, when ter­ror­ist Ah? this time we do do?” Replied re­gard­ing Shi Lei's that Li Cai does not have the feel­ing of least bit fear, in­stead has also treated as the Shi Lei's part­ner. „Was right, Big Brother Stone, must do the ter­ror­ist work, I make sev­eral Bomb to you!”
These was one's turn Shi Lei to blush with shame, will Li Cai make Bomb? Did the Bomb man­u­fac­ture way, de­gen­er­ate into the fam­ily cook­book same stan­dard prod­uct?
„Lit­tle Plum, will you also make Bomb? What Bomb will you make? Might how?” Shi Lei was in­quir­ing Li Cai, if the Bomb might of Li Cai man­u­fac­ture were strong, can meet the Shi Lei's need ac­tu­ally.
In the Li Cai ex­pres­sion is bring­ing with ease, „Big Brother Stone, I will make RDX, do you need?”
The ex­plo­sion power of RDX blast­ing ex­plo­sive is the t.n.t 1.5 times of might . More­over the chem­i­cal prop­erty is sta­ble, be­longs to high qual­ity Great De­struc­tive Force Bomb.
„Oh?” Shi Lei sur­prised, the RDX might, Shi Lei nat­u­rally knows that „Lit­tle Plum, you will man­u­fac­ture the RDX mat­ter, does your fam­ily mem­ber know?”
„Nat­u­rally knows! I in child­hood, have man­u­fac­tured small size RDX fire­crack­ers, the next door Uncle Wang pas­sen­ger ve­hi­cle, ex­ploded the frag­ment, my fa­ther hit me half dead!” Li Cai was say­ing with an earnest ex­pres­sion.
‚Bear Child (Lit­tle Devil)!’ In the Shi Lei's mind, braves these three char­ac­ters sud­denly, Li Cai such is true Bear Child (Lit­tle Devil), un­ex­pect­edly makes the fire­crack­ers with RDX, but also is used to ex­plode the au­to­mo­bile, has say­ing that the Li Cai child­hood is re­ally ag­gres­sive in­com­pa­ra­ble!
„Lit­tle Plum, you make sev­eral RDX Bomb, re­mem­bers to make big­ger, mak­ing [The Steel and Iron] be hang­ing, at least can blow up the mil­i­tary naval ves­sel de­gree!” Shi Lei set the re­quest.
„I x! Big Brother Stone, re­ally do not ex­plode mil­i­tary naval ves­sel Right?” Li Cai sur­prised ask­ing.
„Nat­u­rally, I never crack a joke!” Shi Lei smiles ex­plained to Li Cai some sit­u­a­tions, then has hung up the tele­phone. Shi Lei also wants im­ple­ment last to pre­pare Plan.
To pro­voke two Na­tion(s) bat­tles, so is can it be that easy?
Shi Lei in Num­ber One Server, through [Izual] and [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang], opened the for­merly reser­va­tion in Nanyue Na­tion North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand In­ter­nal Net­work Sys­tem Back Door, then en­tered In­ter­nal Net­work of Nanyue Na­tion North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand.
This Sys­tem Back Door is be­fore, Shi Lei when the pre­vi­ous mo­tion, ex­ter­mi­nates the Nanyue Na­tion bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house, the in­va­sion stays be­hind. Shi Lei has not thought it will have any­thing to af­fect, has not thought that now has made use of waste ac­tu­ally.
In In­ter­nal Net­work of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, Shi Lei first un­tied founded brand-new op­er­a­tional Task an­nounce­ment(s) au­thor­ity, in other words, Shi Lei in In­ter­nal Net­work of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, ob­tained ‚newly-built’ au­thor­ity.
Shi Lei uses newly-built in­for­ma­tion au­thor­ity im­me­di­ately, in In­ter­nal Net­work of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, founded brand-new op­er­a­tional Task, more­over se­cu­rity au­thor­ity that es­tab­lishes is high.
This op­er­a­tional Task is Nanyue Na­tion to Fei Lu Na­tion, an­chors starts in Xia Na­tion Airen Is­land nine No. 10 mil­i­tary naval ves­sel, from the Fei Lu Na­tion hand, has snatched Airen Is­land Con­trol­ling Right.
Shi Lei this op­er­a­tional Task, newly-built pro­duc­tion in In­ter­nal Net­work of North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, then chooses broad­cast rel­e­vant com­bat Task in­for­ma­tion...


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