#889: Smuggles [Rice]?
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Xia Nation Time, before dawn close.
Shi Lei extraordinary does not have the sleepiness, but how plans to give under Devil Mercenary Corps to wrap, lets Devil Mercenary Corps and Nanyue Nation border secret military use warehouse has the conflict, then and military resistance of Nanyue Nation.
„Boss, what Plan do you have?” Ye Feng was inquiring Shi Lei. If lets some Ye Feng implement command order, Ye Feng very complete accomplish fight target. But, making Ye Feng plan the schemes and tricks, then a little forced someone to do something against his will.
Shi Lei is controlling that side Ye Feng once more, the Notebook Computer mouse, has labelled one on the map red, „here is the natural cavern Safety foothold that you discover, Ruling Security and Lonely Massacre personnel, complete arrangement here. Right, that natural cavern Safety foothold, altogether do how many exit / to speak?” Shi Lei discrete asking.
If only then a Safety import and export, Shi Lei's Plan must make the change. After all, in a natural cavern, if only then a Safety import and export, that radically is an impasse, belongs to bring upon oneself the rhythm of blind alley.
„Boss, that natural cave foothold, altogether has five Safety imports and exports, besides positive import and export, four imports and exports. And an import and export, through internal be continuous cavern, extended to covert wooded mountain a five kilometers away. even though Devil Mercenary Corps, has blocked the positive import and export, is unable to close off our escape routes, we can definitely draw support from the internal intriguing route, escapes them in the positive blockade.” Ye Feng expression from channel.
„Is very good!” Shi Lei is very satisfied this natural cavern Safety foothold the situation, „A'Feng, tempts Devil Mercenary Corps Task very Danger, I planned that Ruling Security and Lonely Massacre personnel, shifts Meishan Island through the natural cavern Safety foothold temporarily, only leaves behind your Punishment Merc Warsquad personnel, goes to implement following Task, do you have issue?”
„Does not have issue!” Ye Feng firm replied.
„Good, our Plan are this. Your careful writing down.” Shi Lei will tempt Devil Mercenary Corps Plan, said completely, then the injunction said: „A'Feng, you must remember, do not have the least bit mistake, knows?”
Ye Feng hear Shi Lei's Plan, forehead sweating cannot help but. Shi Lei's Plan is very bold , is quite effective. The successful probability is very high, Devil Mercenary Corps meets fooled absolutely.
„Boss, guarantees accomplish Task!” Ye Feng has wiped cold sweat of forehead, was saying resolutely. Initially, Ye Feng pledged gives loyalty to Shi Lei, then completed has paid with the life the price.
Shi Lei has guaranteed to Ye Feng, if Ye Feng had any misfortune, Shi Lei will bear Deng Xiaoling all living expenses, is responsible for Deng Xiaoling all life issue.
Deng Xiaoling is Ye Feng only worrying, if no Deng Xiaoling. Ye Feng may the choice perish together with some bigwig personnel, but does not go into exile in the overseas, becomes mercenary.
„En, you defer to Plan to carry out the initial work first, I must prepare some related document information! Has any unusual circumstance. Immediately contact I.” After Shi Lei said that has hung up the telephone.
Has placed on cell phone the computer table, Shi Lei stood up, arrives at the living room to turn on the water heater, then looked for two bags of instant coffee, swelled one thick coffee to prepare to stay up late.
Shi Lei little stays up late, usually about 12 : 00, will then fall into the dreamland, does not have serving of thick coffee, Shi Lei also really may stay up late to be defeated. He is unable early to rest tonight temporarily, the matter that he needs to prepare also has.
Nanyue Nation.
Ye Feng has put down cell phone, takes up another Nanyue Nation local cell phone, has dialed a number, waited for the moment, in the cell phone receiver, has broadcast a discontented sound: „Hey, Who? was so late, telephones to do!”
At present is Nanyue Nation 2 : 00 am, the normal person was disturbed at this time, definitely will not have any good nature.
„Li Bing, I am Old Owl (trafficker)!” The Ye Feng expression cold response said. ‚Old Owl (trafficker)’ is Ye Feng in the Nanyue Nation code number, is representing formidable Drug Lord.
Is called the Li Bing man, the disaffection in expression vanishes immediately, having one to flatter saying: „Originally is Old Owl (trafficker), what matter has?”
Ye Feng has not taken lightly Li Bing because of the change of attitude of Li Bing, thought on the contrary Li Bing is person of being adaptable to the situation, makes the clothing material of important matter together. „Li Bing, prepares 100 tons [Rice] to me, I want immediately!”
„100 tons?” In the Li Bing sound, is having one surprisedly with the question, „Old Owl (trafficker), you say 100 kilograms?”
„100 tons! I have not spoken incorrectly, you have not misunderstood! I want now, you prepare immediately to me. Let alone you do not have, your details, I know clear. Currently the weather early, your waiters did not estimate that also went to sleep, I am higher than the current price on market percent twenty prices to you, I must see 100 tons [Rice] immediately, remembered?” Tone that Ye Feng with does not allow to reject was saying.
The small heart and liver of Li Bing trembles, 100 tons [Rice], and to be higher than the price purchases of current price on market percent twenty, this absolutely is a business of making money. Li Bing is the typical Xia Nation person, he depends upon to smuggle the [Rice] business to mix in Móng Cái City enjoys the sight and sound of the wind whipping up the water. Smuggles [Rice] is not the grave offense, depends upon Xia Nation and Nanyue Nation [Rice] transaction price difference, Li Bing also calculates the Number One character in Móng Cái City.
„Old Owl (trafficker), with what sack?” Li Bing knows that Ye Feng does business, therefore many this one asked. [Rice] that Li Bing trades, provides the all kinds packing, included the Nanyue Nation Ordinary protective mark, military use has fed specially the packing, even also had the Xia Nation military use packing. Shi Lei formerly when Móng Cái City strolls, discovered that Nanyue Nation also sells Xia Nation military use [Rice] unexpectedly, made him be startled actually.
„Nanyue Nation army packing! Li Bing, this goods I pay the cash to give you, you want Xia Nation Yuan, US Dollar, is Gold?” Ye Feng proposed the payment cash, then supplemented one: „Li Bing, this matter, only then you know my know the weather , know the terrain knowledge, my [Hope] you do not pass on, has sold a number of [Rice] to me, yes?”
„Gives me Xia Nation Yuan, projects on my anonymous account directly! As for security issue, Old Owl (trafficker), are you untrustworthy I? You could rest assured that I understand absolutely! Waiter who I will arrange most trusted subordinate, gives you to prepare this large stock of goods! Right, do you want now? When comes the transportation?” In the Li Bing mouth complies with Ye Feng, in the heart to guess secretly, ‚this Old Owl (trafficker), prepared to carry drug to go through customs using [Rice]?’
„Waited a while Old Pan to send five car(riage)s in the past, a car(riage) installed the twenty ton to me, do not give me to have any mistake!” The Ye Feng injunction said that then both hands on Notebook Computer. Has input the Online Banking Service page, has collected Xia Nation Yuan to the Li Bing anonymous account. „Money passed, you examined that the matter manages agily, after the matter becomes, must have your advantage!”
Li Bing checked anonymous account on the computer, looks fund that Ye Feng collects. Grips the hand of mouse to shake, the expression is bringing surprised asking: „Old Owl (trafficker). You gave Right?”
„According to the 1.5 times of computations of current price on market, I, so long as keeps secret Safety, don't let me down, if you have disappointed me, the consequence you guess!” After Ye Feng said that has hung up the telephone.
Stopped slightly, Ye Feng continued the dial next telephone, he wanted contact to ship the [Rice] freight vehicle, in the telephone has broadcast a calm sound, obviously the opposite party has not slept. „Old Owl (trafficker), was so late, asks me to have the matter?”
„Old Pan, I take five Large-scale freight transportation automobiles, each car(riage) can ship above a twenty ton cargo. Also must be able to climb to go up a ridge, you have Right?” the Ye Feng direct examination.
Old Pan is also the Xia Nation person, he is the Móng Cái City biggest automobile smuggling business and automobile transformation business, the special management smuggles the Nanyue Nation automobile from Xia Nation, then changes external appearances only, sells in opening of Nanyue Nation Chia Tai Light.
„Has! When do you want?” Old Pan many idle talk, he has not known that similarly Ye Feng does do the business, everybody does the illegal business in any case, the mutual help is the common matter.
„I want now! These freight transportation automobiles, my [Hope] is the semblance of Nanyue Nation military vehicles, but must have the license plate of military, that license plate of confusing falsehood with the truth. And outside vehicle covering material, can resist the investigation of Infrared Thermal Sensing Detector. Can achieve?” Ye Feng set the request again.
„Does not have issue! Each license plate Hundred-thousand block, each car(riage) 900,000 block, altogether is the 5 Million block! Old Owl (trafficker), this price, do you approve?” Old Pan said own request very much directly.
„En, I do not have the objection!” Ye Feng had not thought that Old Pan is sitting the starting price, the price that Old Pan offered is very solid, the freight transportation automobile 900,000 Yuan was to sell outright the price. Old Pan very intelligent had not asked that but he needs the military use car(riage) semblance and military use car license from Ye Feng, then determine comes out, this batch of car(riage)s might unable to take carry back very much, therefore he said directly sold outright the price, but did not rent the price.
„My account number, you know that the Right? money receipts, this is my custom!” Old Pan was saying again very much directly.
Ye Feng has not hesitated, through foreign anonymous account, has transferred a bill of exchange 5 Million Xia Nation Yuan to the Old Pan anonymous account. Old Pan this person is very direct, but works absolutely is Professional Grade other.
„Money arrived, the goods deliver to the Li Bing that side to me, after waiting for Li Bing the cargo installs, arranges your person, gives me to deliver to the eastern Mang Street the car(riage), then makes your person leave. car key keeps in the car(riage), does not need to lock the vehicle door.” Ye Feng was explaining the transaction way.
Old Pan has hesitated the moment, sighed: „Old Owl (trafficker), looks in everybody is in the share of compatriot, do not tow to launch Li Bing, he has both one's parents to take care, is not suitable your roads!”
Ye Feng stares slightly, „Old Pan, you have made a mistake, I have bought a number of Li Bing cargo. As for wanting to be making anything, I did not facilitate saying that this matter, Old Pan, my [Hope] do not pass on.”
„Relax!” Old Pan relaxed, brief replied, with was the Xia Nation person outside area, although does the illegal business, but everybody each other looked after to lend a hand mutually, so as to avoid being bullied by the Nanyue Nation native place influence, this was the Old Pan survival creed, made Old Pan in the Móng Cái City personal connection very broad.
Ye Feng has hung up the telephone, then called all people, told that Ruling Security Company four Elite Squadron, leads Lonely Massacre over a hundred people, leaves from the longest exit / to speak of natural cave Safety foothold, then goes to Meishan Island directly, waits for the Punishment Merc Warsquad convergence.
Shi Lei did not feel relieved that Ruling Security Company Elite Squadron and Lonely Massacre personnel, arranges in the natural cave Safety foothold, if the Devil Mercenary Corps crazed exploding cave, has created cave collapsing, that comedy?
personnel of Ye Feng to Ruling Security Company and Lonely Massacre arranges, is having the Punishment Merc Warsquad four people, entered in independent small Room.
„brothers, Boss has arranged independent Task for us, ten points Danger Task, are you willing to go to implement? Even if this Task, may lose one's life, you do want?” The Ye Feng expression was inquiring Punishment Merc Warsquad other four people seriously.
This is Danger Task, is one tests Punishment Merc Warsquad, joins the member loyalty newly Task. Punishment Merc Warsquad originally only then three people, Ye Feng is Captain, is the shock worker, is mainly responsible for providing the firepower support \; Ma Liang and Zheng Sanpao are Ye Feng formerly Comrade-In-Arms, helped Ye Feng accomplish the revenge, and participated in the Yasukuni Shrine explosion incident, their loyalty were without a doubt.
However, Punishment Merc Warsquad currently has six people, besides keeping Yellow Triangle Region Zeng Bin, Zhu Mingxuan and Chen Xingrui are the new member, the motion of Yasukuni Shrine large explosion, Shi Lei then do not have let them to participate, is not their ability is insufficient, but is they have not been able to win the complete trust.
The so-called trust, does not produce baseless, but after must make is certainly worth the trusted matter, can win the trust.
Ma Liang and Zheng Sanpao first responded: „Wants!”
Chen Xingrui not hesitant, direct reaction: „Does not have issue!”
Zhu Mingxuan has shown the hesitant look, his youngest, looks the sorry for the inconvenience expression, inquired: „Captain, if we had sacrificed, Boss will make to compensate Right?”
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Monday, November 27, 2017
889: Smuggles [Rice]?

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