Monday, November 27, 2017

889: Smuggles [Rice]?

#889: Smuggles [Rice]?
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Xia Na­tion Time, be­fore dawn close.
Shi Lei ex­tra­or­di­nary does not have the sleepi­ness, but how plans to give under Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps to wrap, lets Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps and Nanyue Na­tion bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house has the con­flict, then and mil­i­tary re­sis­tance of Nanyue Na­tion.
„Boss, what Plan do you have?” Ye Feng was in­quir­ing Shi Lei. If lets some Ye Feng im­ple­ment com­mand order, Ye Feng very com­plete ac­com­plish fight tar­get. But, mak­ing Ye Feng plan the schemes and tricks, then a lit­tle forced some­one to do some­thing against his will.
Shi Lei is con­trol­ling that side Ye Feng once more, the Note­book Com­puter mouse, has la­belled one on the map red, „here is the nat­ural cav­ern Safety foothold that you dis­cover, Rul­ing Se­cu­rity and Lonely Mas­sacre per­son­nel, com­plete arrange­ment here. Right, that nat­ural cav­ern Safety foothold, al­to­gether do how many exit / to speak?” Shi Lei dis­crete ask­ing.
If only then a Safety im­port and ex­port, Shi Lei's Plan must make the change. After all, in a nat­ural cav­ern, if only then a Safety im­port and ex­port, that rad­i­cally is an im­passe, be­longs to bring upon one­self the rhythm of blind alley.
„Boss, that nat­ural cave foothold, al­to­gether has five Safety im­ports and ex­ports, be­sides pos­i­tive im­port and ex­port, four im­ports and ex­ports. And an im­port and ex­port, through in­ter­nal be con­tin­u­ous cav­ern, ex­tended to covert wooded moun­tain a five kilo­me­ters away. even though Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps, has blocked the pos­i­tive im­port and ex­port, is un­able to close off our es­cape routes, we can def­i­nitely draw sup­port from the in­ter­nal in­trigu­ing route, es­capes them in the pos­i­tive block­ade.” Ye Feng ex­pres­sion from chan­nel.
„Is very good!” Shi Lei is very sat­is­fied this nat­ural cav­ern Safety foothold the sit­u­a­tion, „A'Feng, tempts Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps Task very Dan­ger, I planned that Rul­ing Se­cu­rity and Lonely Mas­sacre per­son­nel, shifts Meis­han Is­land through the nat­ural cav­ern Safety foothold tem­porar­ily, only leaves be­hind your Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad per­son­nel, goes to im­ple­ment fol­low­ing Task, do you have issue?”
„Does not have issue!” Ye Feng firm replied.
„Good, our Plan are this. Your care­ful writ­ing down.” Shi Lei will tempt Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps Plan, said com­pletely, then the in­junc­tion said: „A'Feng, you must re­mem­ber, do not have the least bit mis­take, knows?”
Ye Feng hear Shi Lei's Plan, fore­head sweat­ing can­not help but. Shi Lei's Plan is very bold , is quite ef­fec­tive. The suc­cess­ful prob­a­bil­ity is very high, Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps meets fooled ab­solutely.
„Boss, guar­an­tees ac­com­plish Task!” Ye Feng has wiped cold sweat of fore­head, was say­ing res­olutely. Ini­tially, Ye Feng pledged gives loy­alty to Shi Lei, then com­pleted has paid with the life the price.
Shi Lei has guar­an­teed to Ye Feng, if Ye Feng had any mis­for­tune, Shi Lei will bear Deng Xi­aol­ing all liv­ing ex­penses, is re­spon­si­ble for Deng Xi­aol­ing all life issue.
Deng Xi­aol­ing is Ye Feng only wor­ry­ing, if no Deng Xi­aol­ing. Ye Feng may the choice per­ish to­gether with some big­wig per­son­nel, but does not go into exile in the over­seas, be­comes mer­ce­nary.
„En, you defer to Plan to carry out the ini­tial work first, I must pre­pare some re­lated doc­u­ment in­for­ma­tion! Has any un­usual cir­cum­stance. Im­me­di­ately con­tact I.” After Shi Lei said that has hung up the tele­phone.
Has placed on cell phone the com­puter table, Shi Lei stood up, ar­rives at the liv­ing room to turn on the water heater, then looked for two bags of in­stant cof­fee, swelled one thick cof­fee to pre­pare to stay up late.
Shi Lei lit­tle stays up late, usu­ally about 12 : 00, will then fall into the dream­land, does not have serv­ing of thick cof­fee, Shi Lei also re­ally may stay up late to be de­feated. He is un­able early to rest tonight tem­porar­ily, the mat­ter that he needs to pre­pare also has.
Nanyue Na­tion.
Ye Feng has put down cell phone, takes up an­other Nanyue Na­tion local cell phone, has di­aled a num­ber, waited for the mo­ment, in the cell phone re­ceiver, has broad­cast a dis­con­tented sound: „Hey, Who? was so late, tele­phones to do!”
At pre­sent is Nanyue Na­tion 2 : 00 am, the nor­mal per­son was dis­turbed at this time, def­i­nitely will not have any good na­ture.
„Li Bing, I am Old Owl (traf­ficker)!” The Ye Feng ex­pres­sion cold re­sponse said. ‚Old Owl (traf­ficker)’ is Ye Feng in the Nanyue Na­tion code num­ber, is rep­re­sent­ing for­mi­da­ble Drug Lord.
Is called the Li Bing man, the dis­af­fec­tion in ex­pres­sion van­ishes im­me­di­ately, hav­ing one to flat­ter say­ing: „Orig­i­nally is Old Owl (traf­ficker), what mat­ter has?”
Ye Feng has not taken lightly Li Bing be­cause of the change of at­ti­tude of Li Bing, thought on the con­trary Li Bing is per­son of being adapt­able to the sit­u­a­tion, makes the cloth­ing ma­te­r­ial of im­por­tant mat­ter to­gether. „Li Bing, pre­pares 100 tons [Rice] to me, I want im­me­di­ately!”
„100 tons?” In the Li Bing sound, is hav­ing one sur­pris­edly with the ques­tion, „Old Owl (traf­ficker), you say 100 kilo­grams?”
„100 tons! I have not spo­ken in­cor­rectly, you have not mis­un­der­stood! I want now, you pre­pare im­me­di­ately to me. Let alone you do not have, your de­tails, I know clear. Cur­rently the weather early, your wait­ers did not es­ti­mate that also went to sleep, I am higher than the cur­rent price on mar­ket per­cent twenty prices to you, I must see 100 tons [Rice] im­me­di­ately, re­mem­bered?” Tone that Ye Feng with does not allow to re­ject was say­ing.
The small heart and liver of Li Bing trem­bles, 100 tons [Rice], and to be higher than the price pur­chases of cur­rent price on mar­ket per­cent twenty, this ab­solutely is a busi­ness of mak­ing money. Li Bing is the typ­i­cal Xia Na­tion per­son, he de­pends upon to smug­gle the [Rice] busi­ness to mix in Móng Cái City en­joys the sight and sound of the wind whip­ping up the water. Smug­gles [Rice] is not the grave of­fense, de­pends upon Xia Na­tion and Nanyue Na­tion [Rice] trans­ac­tion price dif­fer­ence, Li Bing also cal­cu­lates the Num­ber One char­ac­ter in Móng Cái City.
„Old Owl (traf­ficker), with what sack?” Li Bing knows that Ye Feng does busi­ness, there­fore many this one asked. [Rice] that Li Bing trades, pro­vides the all kinds pack­ing, in­cluded the Nanyue Na­tion Or­di­nary pro­tec­tive mark, mil­i­tary use has fed spe­cially the pack­ing, even also had the Xia Na­tion mil­i­tary use pack­ing. Shi Lei for­merly when Móng Cái City strolls, dis­cov­ered that Nanyue Na­tion also sells Xia Na­tion mil­i­tary use [Rice] un­ex­pect­edly, made him be star­tled ac­tu­ally.
„Nanyue Na­tion army pack­ing! Li Bing, this goods I pay the cash to give you, you want Xia Na­tion Yuan, US Dol­lar, is Gold?” Ye Feng pro­posed the pay­ment cash, then sup­ple­mented one: „Li Bing, this mat­ter, only then you know my know the weather , know the ter­rain knowl­edge, my [Hope] you do not pass on, has sold a num­ber of [Rice] to me, yes?”
„Gives me Xia Na­tion Yuan, pro­jects on my anony­mous ac­count di­rectly! As for se­cu­rity issue, Old Owl (traf­ficker), are you un­trust­wor­thy I? You could rest as­sured that I un­der­stand ab­solutely! Waiter who I will arrange most trusted sub­or­di­nate, gives you to pre­pare this large stock of goods! Right, do you want now? When comes the trans­porta­tion?” In the Li Bing mouth com­plies with Ye Feng, in the heart to guess se­cretly, ‚this Old Owl (traf­ficker), pre­pared to carry drug to go through cus­toms using [Rice]?’
„Waited a while Old Pan to send five car(riage)s in the past, a car(riage) in­stalled the twenty ton to me, do not give me to have any mis­take!” The Ye Feng in­junc­tion said that then both hands on Note­book Com­puter. Has input the On­line Bank­ing Ser­vice page, has col­lected Xia Na­tion Yuan to the Li Bing anony­mous ac­count. „Money passed, you ex­am­ined that the mat­ter man­ages agily, after the mat­ter be­comes, must have your ad­van­tage!”
Li Bing checked anony­mous ac­count on the com­puter, looks fund that Ye Feng col­lects. Grips the hand of mouse to shake, the ex­pres­sion is bring­ing sur­prised ask­ing: „Old Owl (traf­ficker). You gave Right?”
„Ac­cord­ing to the 1.5 times of com­pu­ta­tions of cur­rent price on mar­ket, I, so long as keeps se­cret Safety, don't let me down, if you have dis­ap­pointed me, the con­se­quence you guess!” After Ye Feng said that has hung up the tele­phone.
Stopped slightly, Ye Feng con­tin­ued the dial next tele­phone, he wanted con­tact to ship the [Rice] freight ve­hi­cle, in the tele­phone has broad­cast a calm sound, ob­vi­ously the op­po­site party has not slept. „Old Owl (traf­ficker), was so late, asks me to have the mat­ter?”
„Old Pan, I take five Large-scale freight trans­porta­tion au­to­mo­biles, each car(riage) can ship above a twenty ton cargo. Also must be able to climb to go up a ridge, you have Right?” the Ye Feng di­rect ex­am­i­na­tion.
Old Pan is also the Xia Na­tion per­son, he is the Móng Cái City biggest au­to­mo­bile smug­gling busi­ness and au­to­mo­bile trans­for­ma­tion busi­ness, the spe­cial man­age­ment smug­gles the Nanyue Na­tion au­to­mo­bile from Xia Na­tion, then changes ex­ter­nal ap­pear­ances only, sells in open­ing of Nanyue Na­tion Chia Tai Light.
„Has! When do you want?” Old Pan many idle talk, he has not known that sim­i­larly Ye Feng does do the busi­ness, every­body does the il­le­gal busi­ness in any case, the mu­tual help is the com­mon mat­ter.
„I want now! These freight trans­porta­tion au­to­mo­biles, my [Hope] is the sem­blance of Nanyue Na­tion mil­i­tary ve­hi­cles, but must have the li­cense plate of mil­i­tary, that li­cense plate of con­fus­ing false­hood with the truth. And out­side ve­hi­cle cov­er­ing ma­te­r­ial, can re­sist the in­ves­ti­ga­tion of In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor. Can achieve?” Ye Feng set the re­quest again.
„Does not have issue! Each li­cense plate Hun­dred-thou­sand block, each car(riage) 900,000 block, al­to­gether is the 5 Mil­lion block! Old Owl (traf­ficker), this price, do you ap­prove?” Old Pan said own re­quest very much di­rectly.
„En, I do not have the ob­jec­tion!” Ye Feng had not thought that Old Pan is sit­ting the start­ing price, the price that Old Pan of­fered is very solid, the freight trans­porta­tion au­to­mo­bile 900,000 Yuan was to sell out­right the price. Old Pan very in­tel­li­gent had not asked that but he needs the mil­i­tary use car(riage) sem­blance and mil­i­tary use car li­cense from Ye Feng, then de­ter­mine comes out, this batch of car(riage)s might un­able to take carry back very much, there­fore he said di­rectly sold out­right the price, but did not rent the price.
„My ac­count num­ber, you know that the Right? money re­ceipts, this is my cus­tom!” Old Pan was say­ing again very much di­rectly.
Ye Feng has not hes­i­tated, through for­eign anony­mous ac­count, has trans­ferred a bill of ex­change 5 Mil­lion Xia Na­tion Yuan to the Old Pan anony­mous ac­count. Old Pan this per­son is very di­rect, but works ab­solutely is Pro­fes­sional Grade other.
„Money ar­rived, the goods de­liver to the Li Bing that side to me, after wait­ing for Li Bing the cargo in­stalls, arranges your per­son, gives me to de­liver to the east­ern Mang Street the car(riage), then makes your per­son leave. car key keeps in the car(riage), does not need to lock the ve­hi­cle door.” Ye Feng was ex­plain­ing the trans­ac­tion way.
Old Pan has hes­i­tated the mo­ment, sighed: „Old Owl (traf­ficker), looks in every­body is in the share of com­pa­triot, do not tow to launch Li Bing, he has both one's par­ents to take care, is not suit­able your roads!”
Ye Feng stares slightly, „Old Pan, you have made a mis­take, I have bought a num­ber of Li Bing cargo. As for want­ing to be mak­ing any­thing, I did not fa­cil­i­tate say­ing that this mat­ter, Old Pan, my [Hope] do not pass on.”
„Relax!” Old Pan re­laxed, brief replied, with was the Xia Na­tion per­son out­side area, al­though does the il­le­gal busi­ness, but every­body each other looked after to lend a hand mu­tu­ally, so as to avoid being bul­lied by the Nanyue Na­tion na­tive place in­flu­ence, this was the Old Pan sur­vival creed, made Old Pan in the Móng Cái City per­sonal con­nec­tion very broad.
Ye Feng has hung up the tele­phone, then called all peo­ple, told that Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany four Elite Squadron, leads Lonely Mas­sacre over a hun­dred peo­ple, leaves from the longest exit / to speak of nat­ural cave Safety foothold, then goes to Meis­han Is­land di­rectly, waits for the Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad con­ver­gence.
Shi Lei did not feel re­lieved that Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany Elite Squadron and Lonely Mas­sacre per­son­nel, arranges in the nat­ural cave Safety foothold, if the Devil Mer­ce­nary Corps crazed ex­plod­ing cave, has cre­ated cave col­laps­ing, that com­edy?
per­son­nel of Ye Feng to Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany and Lonely Mas­sacre arranges, is hav­ing the Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad four peo­ple, en­tered in in­de­pen­dent small Room.
„broth­ers, Boss has arranged in­de­pen­dent Task for us, ten points Dan­ger Task, are you will­ing to go to im­ple­ment? Even if this Task, may lose one's life, you do want?” The Ye Feng ex­pres­sion was in­quir­ing Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad other four peo­ple se­ri­ously.
This is Dan­ger Task, is one tests Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad, joins the mem­ber loy­alty newly Task. Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad orig­i­nally only then three peo­ple, Ye Feng is Cap­tain, is the shock worker, is mainly re­spon­si­ble for pro­vid­ing the fire­power sup­port \; Ma Liang and Zheng San­pao are Ye Feng for­merly Com­rade-In-Arms, helped Ye Feng ac­com­plish the re­venge, and par­tic­i­pated in the Ya­sukuni Shrine ex­plo­sion in­ci­dent, their loy­alty were with­out a doubt.
How­ever, Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad cur­rently has six peo­ple, be­sides keep­ing Yel­low Tri­an­gle Re­gion Zeng Bin, Zhu Mingx­uan and Chen Xin­grui are the new mem­ber, the mo­tion of Ya­sukuni Shrine large ex­plo­sion, Shi Lei then do not have let them to par­tic­i­pate, is not their abil­ity is in­suf­fi­cient, but is they have not been able to win the com­plete trust.
The so-called trust, does not pro­duce base­less, but after must make is cer­tainly worth the trusted mat­ter, can win the trust.
Ma Liang and Zheng San­pao first re­sponded: „Wants!”
Chen Xin­grui not hes­i­tant, di­rect re­ac­tion: „Does not have issue!”
Zhu Mingx­uan has shown the hes­i­tant look, his youngest, looks the sorry for the in­con­ve­nience ex­pres­sion, in­quired: „Cap­tain, if we had sac­ri­ficed, Boss will make to com­pen­sate Right?”


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