Thursday, November 30, 2017

926: Medical Security System!

HK :: VOLUME #10
#926: Medical Security System!
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Shuanghu Dis­trict, First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal.
Yue Dex­uan has di­aled a mys­te­ri­ous tele­phone num­ber, in the cell phone re­ceiver, has trans­mit­ted ‚dū dū dū’ were wait­ing to hear from, waited for the twenty many sec­onds, soon must prompt ‚no one an­swered’ time, had been con­nected the call.
The sound that in the re­ceiver, is not feel­ing well to­gether re­sounds, „whom looks for?”
In the Yue Dex­uan eye shows sur­prised look, from the sound of op­po­site party, can de­ter­mine come out, the op­po­site party should be an old man, he can hear not being feel­ing well in op­po­site party ex­pres­sion, but why isn't feel­ing well? Yue Dex­uan was guess­ing se­cretly, he should not of­fend op­po­site party Right?
„Hello, I am CCTV Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion Yue Dex­uan, Old Brother Zhou Friend. Old Brother Zhou said that if I have any­thing to trou­ble in Shuangqing City, can con­tact this tele­phone.” Yue Dex­uan sub­mit­ted own throw­ing to de­scribe, in­di­cated per­son who one also had Or­ga­ni­za­tion.
Tele­phone an­other head, silent. Waited for a mo­ment later, has opened the mouth say­ing: „Old Zhou? Spe­cial Ad­vi­sor that Old Zhou Right?”
„En, right, is our CCTV Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion Spe­cial Ad­vi­sor Old Brother Zhou.” The Yue Dex­uan fast re­sponse said that for fear that the op­po­site party does not un­der­stand to be the same.
„Knew! What do you have to trou­ble in Shuangqing City?” Tele­phone an­other old man, was in­quir­ing Yue Dex­uan, re­gard­less of as if Yue Dex­uan had any­thing to trou­ble in Shuangqing City, he can a strength be fol­low­ing.
Yue Dex­uan com­plex­ion one happy, „my [Hope] you can help me teach a per­son!”
„Teaches a per­son? What iden­tity is the op­po­site party? Names?” The owner of mys­te­ri­ous num­ber, was in­quir­ing dis­cretely, not di­rect com­plied.
Shuangqing City as Di­rectly Sub­or­di­nate to the Ad­min­is­tra­tion City, al­though in the po­lit­i­cal as­pect in­side story, but also does not have Cap­i­tal City to be so abun­dant. But Shuangqing City po­lit­i­cal sta­tus, has been in very high de­gree.
An­a­lyzes from Nine Great El­ders Group of Xia Na­tion most top layer, en­ters the Nine Great El­ders Group can­di­date, usu­ally has Shuangqing City Mayor, from this then can de­ter­mine come out, Shuangqing City in Xia Na­tion po­lit­i­cal sta­tus.
Be­cause of this. In Shuangqing City also has la­tent tal­ent char­ac­ter, if char­ac­ter that what reach­ing higher au­thor­i­ties day lis­tens, how could to teach ca­su­ally care­lessly? After all, dares to of­fend the CCTV Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion solid au­thor­ity Deputy Sta­tion Di­rec­tor char­ac­ter, how could also to have what to rely on?
That type does not have the strength, must in­stall 13 Idiot, has not imag­ined that many, es­pe­cially when faces has the real re­li­able iden­tity match, that type silly x al­most will not exist.
Nat­u­rally, the head by the shut­ter has clamped the fel­low. Needs to be ex­cluded spe­cially!
Be­fore Yue Dex­uan comes Shuangqing City. Then in­ves­ti­gate Shi Lei's iden­tity. Shi Lei re­lated back Of­fi­cial in­flu­ence, his de­tailed to tele­phone an­other old man, il­lus­trated.
„Op­po­site party any Of­fi­cial back­ground, has not been only rich rich and pow­er­ful peo­ple. He is Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany ceo, he and Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment...”
The il­lus­tra­tion of Yue Dex­uan did not have ac­com­plish, then in the old man in­ter­rup­tion by tele­phone, „is Shi Lei?”
„Um?” In Yue Dex­uan heart one star­tled, but thinks in a flash, then guessed that Shi Lei in Shuangqing City, ac­tu­ally has the how bad rep­u­ta­tion, how to make Mancheng to know him?
After all, Yue Dex­uan ‚ca­sual’ found a per­son. Helps him teach Shi Lei, un­ex­pect­edly the op­po­site party also knows the Shi Lei's rep­u­ta­tion, this is in­ex­plic­a­ble, is Shi Lei very bad in the Shuangqing City rep­u­ta­tion?
„Right, is Shi Lei! My [Hope] you can teach Shi Lei! Com­pany that al­though Shi Lei is quite rich. But is rich!” Sneer­ing that Yue Dex­uan dis­dains said.
Xia Na­tion is a mys­te­ri­ous state, in Xia Na­tion this state, to ob­tain suc­cess­fully, only if re­birth world like Shi Lei. Oth­er­wise, even if mas­ter­ing the ex­tremely ad­vanced tech­nol­ogy, must de­pend upon the Of­fi­cial strength, may grow.
Yue Dex­uan thinks that Shi Lei is only a rich man, how also to con­tend with the au­thor­ity? But Yue Dex­uan does not know, Shi Lei or Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Major!
Be­sides Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Major iden­tity, Shi Lei is also grasp­ing some ad­vanced war ma­chines, Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem that in ad­di­tion Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group, has, lets know per­son­nel that these have, at­taches great im­por­tance to Shi Lei, Shi Lei has not the small right to speak in Shuangqing City, be­cause of any­body, is not only be­cause of Shi Lei own in­flu­ence, has that for­mi­da­ble strength!
„Re­ally is Shi Lei?” Tele­phone an­other old man, the con­firmed in­quiry said.
„En, is Shi Lei! How?” The Yue Dex­uan fool, he can hear ac­tu­ally, the ex­pres­sion of op­po­site party has dif­fer­ent, in heart se­cret pas­sage is it pos­si­ble that this mat­ter, what ac­ci­dent but also there is in­ad­e­quate?
Tele­phone an­other old man, has sneered sud­denly sev­eral, „, if Shi Lei, I can only tell you, you want to teach him, the dif­fi­culty is very high. This morn­ing, I in Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment, am bring­ing Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency Bu­reau Chief, has not ti­died up him.”
The owner of mys­te­ri­ous tele­phone num­ber, im­pres­sively is 'Dragon Rise' Plan Di­rect Au­thor­ity, the Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) per­sonal enemy, Jia Zhengchun!
„What?” In Yue Dex­uan heart panic-stricken in­com­pa­ra­ble, Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency Bu­reau Chief, hasn't sup­pressed Shi Lei? That does Shi Lei in Shuangqing City, ac­tu­ally have what sta­tus?
Yue Dex­uan looks at the snow white hos­pi­tal ceil­ing, sud­denly has a gloomy cold feel­ing, in heart Fan­tasy can­not help but, if Shi Lei must be dis­ad­van­ta­geous to him, what can dis­patch Killer?
Cam­ou­flages Doc­tor Killer, in the in­fu­sion bot­tle, pours into cyanide any­thing. The lethal­ity of cyanide is 100%, does not have the prob­a­bil­ity of ex­emp­tion. If adds the cyanide, what trace but can also look up, does that join the air bub­ble?
Also is Air Nee­dle in leg­end!
Air Nee­dle is an un­usual Dan­ger in­ci­dent of mal­prac­tice, but can also be a very ef­fec­tive mur­der way.
So-called Air Nee­dle, ex­actly as stated uses the spa­tial in­jec­tor, to per­son­nel within the body that needs to mur­der, in­jects the cer­tain amount air, thus makes the air enter in the human body. Be­cause the heart beat in human body, the blood in air and heart, stir­ring forms the nu­mer­ous bub­ble, when heart con­trac­tion, these blood bub­bles are un­able to dis­charge the heart, or the block­ing pul­monary artery, then very may cause the heart fail­ure to sud­den die.
This mor­tal­ity rate very high plan, in the all kinds Film and Tele­vi­sion work, often had to take to say the mat­ter, dis­guised as Doc­tor Killer, lik­ing of ten points han­dles this mat­ter!
Yue Dex­uan more wants more to be afraid, ask­ing that he wor­ries about: „Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency can't Bu­reau Chief sup­press Shi Lei? Bad, I of­fended Shi Lei, can he re­tal­i­ate my Ah?”
A Jia Zhengchun eye­ball rev­o­lu­tion, in his orig­i­nal con­science has one to cope with the Shi Lei's treach­er­ous plan, but that treach­er­ous plan im­ple­ments very com­plex, now can't the Yue Dex­uan mat­ter, hap­pen to be used to cope with Shi Lei?
„Yue Dex­uan? CCTV Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion Deputy Sta­tion Di­rec­tor. Is Right?” Jia Zhengchun, al­though is in­quiry, but ex­pres­sion af­fir­ma­tion, „you said that you did of­fend Shi Lei? The en­tire process said! Right, you can call me El­derly Jia.”
Yue Dex­uan was say­ing fast, said the process of en­tire item mat­ter, fi­nally sum­ma­rized: „El­derly Jia, the en­tire item mat­ter, com­pletely is Shi Lei in se­cretly ma­nip­u­late, he has arranged all mat­ters. Makes the per­son get drunk me in­ten­tion­ally. At­tempts to mur­der me through al­co­hol!”
In Jia Zhengchun heart one happy. From the de­scrip­tion of Yue Dex­uan, Jia Zhengchun very clear de­ter­mine comes out, the se­cret chief in­sti­ga­tor of this mat­ter is Shi Lei.
‚Held your small tail, Shi Lei. I thought how your this time to run away!’ Rea­son that in the Jia Zhengchun heart the great hap­pi­ness, this morn­ing, he what Shi Lei, is not his power and in­flu­ence is in­suf­fi­cient, is not the Shi Lei's power and in­flu­ence is too big, but is he does not have a jus­ti­fi­able rea­son.
Now, this jus­ti­fi­able rea­son ap­peared, Jia Zhengchun can Bright and Hon­est tack­led Shi Lei, more­over stood in the com­mand­ing point of law and morals. Shi Lei is un­able to re­volt.
„Is very good, Yue Dex­uan, I have the per­son to go to Shuanghu Dis­trict im­me­di­ately, you also in Shuanghu Dis­trict Right?, if I had found, per­son who these fill your liquor. Can you also rec­og­nize?” Jia Zhengchun in­quired.
Can Yue Dex­uan rec­og­nize the per­son who fills his liquor, this very im­por­tant, if can rec­og­nize, then can threaten to force these peo­ple to in­di­cate and con­firm Shi Lei, thus de­ter­mines guilt to Shi Lei.
If un­able to rec­og­nize these peo­ple, in­di­cates and con­firms Shi Lei?
Jia Zhengchun il­lus­trated stake(s), and has in­di­cated Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency Leader, why how Shi Lei in the morn­ing, has can­celled worry of Yue Dex­uan.
Yue Dex­uan clenches jaws say­ing: „cer­tainly can! I for­ever am un­able to for­get!”
As CCTV Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion solid au­thor­ity Deputy Sta­tion Di­rec­tor, how could has Yue Dex­uan re­ceived that shame? Does he pos­si­bly for­get Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) these peo­ple?
„Is good! Our Shuanghu Dis­trict Po­lice Force Sub­sta­tion meets, I help you re­venge today! I must have a look at Shi Lei but ac­tu­ally, ac­tu­ally to have the skill that any­thing over­turns the heav­ens!” Jia Zhengchun is re­ply­ing Yue Dex­uan hap­pily.
After hav­ing hung up the tele­phone, a Yue Dex­uan face smil­ing face, sits in his Xu Yany­ing cu­ri­ously has the ex­pres­sion of act­ing like a spoiled brat to ask: „Sta­tion Di­rec­tor Yue, do some peo­ple help us re­venge?”
Yue Dex­uan hēi hēi nods with a smile, „a En! un­usual pow­er­ful char­ac­ter, must act to help us re­venge!”
In fact, Yue Dex­uan does not know Jia Zhengchun iden­tity, but the op­po­site party can trans­fer Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency Bu­reau Chief, then can infer, Jia Zhengchun iden­tity has is not sim­ple.
„Sta­tion Di­rec­tor Yue, can the op­po­site party let us and Shi Lei burn both jade and com­mon stone?” Xu Yany­ing brings ask­ing that is wor­ry­ing about. She was just lis­ten­ing to the reply of Yue Dex­uan, some sus­pi­cion tele­phone that Jia Zhengchun, think that let them works as the can­non fod­der, meets the tough head-on with tough­ness with Shi Lei.
Yue Dex­uan com­plex­ion slightly changes, then makes an ef­fort to shake the head say­ing: „Im­pos­si­ble Right?”
Xu Yany­ing has smiled, „En, I con­sid­ered thor­oughly!” Ac­tu­ally, in the Xu Yany­ing heart is wor­ry­ing as be­fore, more­over this wor­ries is get­ting more and more in­tense, as if has any not good mat­ter, soon will occur was the same.
In the af­ter­noon 5.5 ten.
Yue Dex­uan and Yue Shangyun spirit was bet­ter, under the arrange­ment of Doc­tor, Xu Yany­ing has gone through being out of hos­pi­tal for­mal­i­ties for them, they pre­pare Shuanghu Dis­trict Po­lice Force Sub­sta­tion, with Jia Zhengchun to­gether, de­ter­mines the Shi Lei's in­dict­ment.
When being out of hos­pi­tal, in the Xu Yany­ing heart the un­clear pre­mo­ni­tion has achieved the acme, Xu Yany­ing sud­den com­plex­ion white tum­bling on the ground.
„Lit­tle Xu, you how?” Yue Dex­uan is bring­ing ask­ing of care, the Xu Yany­ing good and evil is his sec­re­tary, al­though is only one ‚day that’ hus­band and wife re­lates, does not have what sen­ti­ment, may also be the sec­re­tary!
Xu Yany­ing shipped out a painful look, both hands has cov­ered the lower ab­domen, said stren­u­ously: „Sta­tion Di­rec­tor Yue, my lower ab­domen is very painful, may be, might be that come!”
„Um? Strange, so to be how early this month?” Yue Dex­uan doubt looks at Xu Yany­ing.
Xu Yany­ing be­wil­dered shak­ing the head, „I do not know, lower ab­domen good pain!”
Yue Dex­uan frowned, fi­nally and Yue Shangyun re­turned to Shuanghu Dis­trict First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal Xu Yany­ing to­gether, opens the mouth say­ing: „Lit­tle Xu, you rest in the hos­pi­tal well, I and Shangyun go to Shuanghu Dis­trict Po­lice Force Sub­sta­tion.”
Xu Yany­ing opened mouth, fi­nally has not spo­ken, in her heart wants to call Yue Dex­uan very much do not go, her spe­cial pre­mo­ni­tions to Dan­ger, this time she felt the death threat since child­hood. Just, she does not know how to ex­plain to Yue Dex­uan, there­fore has cho­sen silent.
Some­times, can choose ‚Dead Fel­low Daoist Isn't A Dead Poor Daoist’ in sit­u­a­tion, Fel­low Daoist can only ‚please please do not bother to see me off’!
Shuanghu Dis­trict, Jingya Gar­den.
Shi Lei in the liv­ing room, has in­stalled re­frac­tion pro­jec­tor newly, fa­cil­i­tates him to lie down on the sofa, can ex­am­ine var­i­ous sorts and va­ri­eties data in­for­ma­tion.
On the pro­jec­tion cloth of liv­ing room, was demon­strat­ing Shuanghu Dis­trict First Gen­eral Hos­pi­tal hos­pi­tal ward pic­ture, in the image im­pres­sively is Yue Dex­uan and Yue Shangyun, Xu Yany­ing.
Shuangqing City all pub­lic hos­pi­tals, have in­stalled Med­ical Se­cu­rity Sys­tem com­pletely...


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