Thursday, November 30, 2017

929: The short separation wins newly-married, goes to Police Department finally!

HK :: VOLUME #10
#929: The short separation wins newly-married, goes to Police Department finally!
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On June 1, 7 : 18 pm.
Shuanghu Dis­trict, Jingya Gar­den.
Shi Lei well-man­nered sit­ting, both hands have placed on the table, the per­for­mance must be sim­i­lar to El­e­men­tary School that is obe­di­ent lives gen­eral, Ouyang Xiang came out the last tea tree mush­room free-range chicken soup end, looked at well-man­nered Shi Lei, in her eyes re­vealed has wiped the happy ex­pres­sion.
Re­cently, Ouyang Xiang has cracked a sig­nif­i­cant drug smug­gling case, she has the time to re­turn to Shuanghu Dis­trict fi­nally, with Shi Lei in the same place. Ouyang Xiang loves Shi Lei, this point is with­out a doubt, she does not hate to leave Shi Lei, is only as Po­lice Force, feels the sense of jus­tice as one Po­lice Force, Ouyang Xiang deeply loves this Pro­fes­sion , some mat­ters, she must do!
„Shi Lei, a bit faster eats!” In the Ouyang Xiang heart has the count­less words, has formed fi­nally these words.
Shi Lei has taken up the chop­sticks on table, started to fight with the all kinds del­i­cacy, es­pe­cially red-roasted pork, this was Shi Lei's most loves, was Ouyang Xiang one of the makes best dishes.
Shi Lei in the time of sup­per, only has late rice gen­er­ally. But Ouyang Xiang comes back to go to the kitchen per­son­ally, Shi Lei has had three bowls of rice, com­pletely is the big stom­ach king's per­for­mance.
In the evening close eight o'clock, Shi Lei lying on back on the sofa, a food Bao Jiuzu ap­pear­ance, ke ke, Eh! that Shi Lei does not drink
Ouyang Xiang cleans up the af­ter­math, Shi Lei was want­ing to help Ouyang Xiang wash dishes, but he re­ally ate full a point, only then lay down is being com­fort­able. In ad­di­tion Ouyang Xiang shuts out Shi Lei to be awk­ward. This was be­cause of the pre­vi­ous time, Shi Lei washes dishes to de­stroy two bowls, a tray, but the im­pres­sion,
Less than ten min­utes passes in a hurry, Ouyang Xiang ti­died up all house­work, she also sat on the sofa, Shi Lei the head rest on the Ouyang Xiang flex­i­ble thigh, Ouyang Xiang was stroking the Shi Lei's cheek with the hand.
They are en­joy­ing rare quiet time, is main­tain­ing this quiet con­di­tion. Has al­most con­tin­ued for one hour.
„Ouyang, were ac­tu­ally you busy at what re­cently?” Shi Lei lying on back, is look­ing from bot­tom to top to Ouyang Xiang. Was ask­ing about the Ouyang Xiang re­cent sit­u­a­tion.
Ouyang Xiang looks down Shi Lei, shows the bright smil­ing face. „Shi Lei, we had wiped out a Great Drug Lord chief­tain re­cently! Ac­cord­ing to our in­ves­ti­gate, this Great Drug Lord chief­tain, every month to Shuangqing City, at least in­puts 500 kilo­grams var­i­ous drug. After we have smashed this Great Drug Lord, will save our Shuangqing City many fam­i­lies!”
Shi Lei smiles looks at Ouyang Xiang, praised: „Ouyang. You are re­ally fierce!”
When praised Ouyang Xiang, the Shi Lei's right hand was dis­hon­est, along the Ouyang Xiang lower hem, wormed one's way into to­ward in­side. Ouyang Xiang com­plex­ion. Flash then red.
The Ouyang Xiang firm and res­olute look, be­comes blurred, as if has cov­ered mist, her both hands ac­cord­ing to the Shi Lei's right hand, try to stop the Shi Lei's at­tack. But the ef­fort also so is gen­tle, is un­able to stop the Shi Lei's An Lushan's claw.
June Shuangqing City, the tem­per­a­ture was quite high, Ouyang Xiang has worn a long sleeve un­padded gar­ment, in­side puts on corset. The Shi Lei's right claw, ar­rived at out­side flower bud silk corset, is away from flower bud silk corset to feel in­side soft.
In the Ouyang Xiang mouth, ex­udes one to re­cite ten­derly, pair of au­tumn wa­ters bright eyes have shut, as if ac­cepted fate was the same, ac­cepts Shi Lei's to be dis­cour­te­ous.
Shi Lei now is lying on back on the thigh of Ouyang Xiang, the pos­ture is not very con­ve­nient, he from the Ouyang Xiang flex­i­ble thigh, sat by Ouyang Xiang, was side­ways to lower the head to ap­proach Ouyang Xiang slightly.
The steam that in the Shi Lei nasal cav­ity spouts, took over the seal of of­fice on the face of Ouyang Xiang, Ouyang Xiang was shut­ting the eye, the eye­lash was shiv­er­ing slightly, ob­vi­ously she felt that Shi Lei was near at hand.
Shi Lei leaned the body, the right hand is em­brac­ing the shoul­der of Ouyang Xiang, the left hand was hold­ing the cheek of Ouyang Xiang slightly, then has kissed the lip of Ouyang Xiang gen­tly.
Ouyang Xiang has strug­gled slightly, then ac­cepted the Shi Lei's kiss, both hands has passed through from the Shi Lei's armpit, grasped the Shi Lei's back, was re­spond­ing to Shi Lei.
Their lips open, the Shi Lei rough lisper, is cap­tur­ing the small fra­grant tongue of Ouyang Xiang, is feel­ing that fra­grantly and slides ten­derly, mak­ing Shi Lei for­get to re­turn.
In Shi Lei's deeply kisses, the breath of Ouyang Xiang was rapid grad­u­ally, Shi Lei was em­brac­ing the right hand of Ouyang Xiang, again dis­played the true col­ors, its being away from long sleeve clothes cau­tiously ac­cord­ing to the chest of Ouyang Xiang, rub­bing slowly was pinch­ing.
In the Ouyang Xiang nasal cav­ity, sent out as if happy chant­ing in a low voice, Shi Lei saw the op­por­tu­nity to be ma­ture, made an ef­fort then to over­throw Ouyang Xiang slightly on the sofa, he bent down di­rectly on Ouyang Xiang, was kiss­ing Ouyang Xiang ded­i­cated.
Has sur­passed five min­utes of wet kiss, mak­ing the neck of Ouyang Xiang slightly flood red, Shi Lei has let off Ouyang Xiang tem­porar­ily, but has cho­sen the Ouyang Xiang that flood red neck, on her slen­der neck, has left be­hind a se­ries of kiss seal.
The fem­i­nine neck, is a very sen­si­tive place, was kissed, will have the enor­mous com­fort. Nat­u­rally, the ef­fort has not needed too in a big way, oth­er­wise then aching feel­ing.
Both hands of Ouyang Xiang are hold­ing the Shi Lei's head, ten fin­gers open slightly, in the mouth sends out chants in a low voice in­ter­mit­tently.
Shi Lei and Ouyang Xiang on sofa, after tan­gled up close a half hour, Ouyang Xiang said in a low voice: „Shi Lei, I want ~”
„Um?” Shi Lei has un­tied the Ouyang Xiang long sleeve but­ton, has re­vealed in­side wheat color flesh, flower bud silk corset, he looks up Ouyang Xiang, hēi hēi says with a smile: „Ouyang, what did you say?”
Ouyang Xiang has nipped sev­eral lip lightly, the sound such as the mos­quito the start to talk said: „Shi Lei, hugs me to go in ~”
Goes, what nat­u­rally refers to en­ters the bed­room!
Shi Lei where also has not the clear truth? He holds Ouyang Xiang, then en­tered own bed­room, after Ouyang Xiang places on the bed gen­tly, Shi Lei's both hands in air­borne, has made a se­ries of move­ments fast.
This is ges­ture or­ders, to trans­late the writ­ing order, ex­actly as stated: ‚[Izual], close Safety Mon­i­tor­ing Sys­tem, the close sound col­lects Sys­tem.’
Shi Lei in own Room, has not only in­stalled the high-de­f­i­n­i­tion mon­i­tor­ing cam­era, unites mi­cro­phone array Sys­tem, per­haps if not close these Sys­tem, Shi Lei and Ouyang Xiang must per­form the Love Ac­tion Art Film rhythm.
Al­though was col­lected the record by [Izual], but [Izual] also merely is only High Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, does not have True Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence, but Shi Lei does not think com­fort­ably.
[Izual] close Sys­tem of cor­re­spon­dence, to the Shi Lei's bed­room, lost the in­for­ma­tion mon­i­tor­ing tem­porar­ily, only then ex­te­rior had any Emer­gency Sit­u­a­tion, [Izual] will tell Shi Lei. Oth­er­wise, [Izual] will not dis­turb Shi Lei tem­porar­ily.
In the bed­room, after Shi Lei Ouyang Xiang places on the bed, his neatly and quickly clothes, ex­cept that then hēi hēi strangely smiles, Ouyang Xiang clothes, took off, only re­main­ing corset and cot­ton ma­te­r­ial small un­der­wear.
The light grad­u­ally faded out, a mo­ment later, in Room has trans­mit­ted one twit­ter­ing the sound, is one has the rhythm in­ter­mit­tently the sound, this type strange the sound, is sim­i­lar to the sound that claps to make is the same, time that but the ratio claps to con­tinue long too much too much...
On June 3.
Around 9 : 00 am, [Izual] sim­u­lates to­gether the voice of mid­dle-aged per­son, the po­lite em­a­na­tion prompt said: „Good morn­ing, Sir, the pre­sent is nine Twenty-seven min­utes, re­ceives from Shuanghu Dis­trict Po­lice Force Sub­sta­tion in­for­ma­tion, op­po­site party [Hope] you can be­fore 10 : 00, rushes to Shuanghu Dis­trict Po­lice Force Sub­sta­tion.”
In the Shi Lei's bed­room, the Ouyang Xiang pil­low on the Shi Lei's arm, re­veals from her out­side fra­grant shoul­der, can look that she has not worn the clothes, Shi Lei has not worn the clothes.
yes­ter­day in the evening what hap­pened, be­sides they know, [Izual] does not know.
Under the [Izual]'s prompt, Shi Lei has opened the eye, if there are in other per­son of sit­u­a­tions on the scene, [Izual] will then sim­u­late to have the sen­ti­men­tal sound, this is the plan of Shi Lei es­tab­lish­ment.
„[Izual], what sit­u­a­tion is the Shuanghu Dis­trict Po­lice Force Sub­sta­tion that side?” Shi Lei low voice ask­ing, avoids awak­en­ing by noise Ouyang Xiang as far as pos­si­ble, but Ouyang Xiang woke.
A Ouyang Xiang brow wrin­kle, said slightly in a soft voice: „Shi Lei, what il­le­gal did you make to vi­o­late the dis­ci­pline the mat­ter?”
Shi Lei forced smile looks at Ouyang Xiang, this crim­i­nal, has rested beau­ti­ful Po­lice Force, pos­si­bly ac­knowl­edged are one crim­i­nal? „Ouyang, my where dares to make what il­le­gal to vi­o­late the dis­ci­pline the mat­ter? Some this peo­ple must put in order me in­ten­tion­ally, if not Bu­reau Chief Bai so­cial­izes, per­haps the op­po­site party wants under [Black Hand] to me!”
Ouyang Xiang has smiled two sud­denly, white Shi Lei said: „Shi Lei, you under [Black Hand] to oth­ers, that are not Thank the Heav­ens, Thank the Earth, how do oth­ers dare [Black Hand] to you?”
Shi Lei speech­less looks at Ouyang Xiang, the mat­ter that he han­dled be­fore, Ouyang Xiang usu­ally can guess cor­rectly that he ex­plained too much does not have what sig­nif­i­cance.
„Shi Lei, my only [Hope], do not in­jure and not guilty, Ok?” The Ouyang Xiang dis­po­si­tion has been full of the jus­tice, fac­ing the Shi Lei's time, she will have only the thoughts of out­side law spar­ing.
„Ouyang, you could rest as­sured that these peo­ple are the pun­ish­ment is de­serveds!” Say­ing that Shi Lei re­laxed.
If Ouyang Xiang must hag­gle over these mat­ters, what to do Shi Lei can? As for Yue Dex­uan was the pun­ish­ment is de­served, Shi Lei can def­i­nitely say that Yue Dex­uan must be the pun­ish­ment is de­served!
Has a look at the be­hav­ior of Yue Dex­uan that old sex­ual ha­rasser, then knows be­fore him, ac­tu­ally to force the mat­ter that many women have made do not want to han­dle.
„Shi Lei, you go to Shuanghu Dis­trict Po­lice Force Sub­sta­tion, does not want let them to be awk­ward.” Ouyang Xiang was urg­ing Shi Lei, „you should have in­no­cent ev­i­dence Right? to go to a flow to be also good, so as to avoid my be­fore­hand col­league not good han­dle work.”
„Good, lis­tens your!” Shi Lei hēi hēi smiles, lifts quilt sud­denly, mak­ing the Ouyang Xiang per­fect body ex­pose in the air, he changed to the greedy per­son same to plunge Ouyang Xiang.
After close a half hour, Shi Lei and Ouyang Xiang ac­com­plish a Love Ac­tion Art Film plot, Shi Lei has washed fi­nally at will, with car key, has taken pis­tol dis­cretely, hur­ries to to­ward Shuanghu Dis­trict Po­lice Force Sub­sta­tion.
Rea­son that takes pis­tol, Shi Lei was wor­ried that Jia Zhengchun that Old Ghost acts out of des­per­a­tion!


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