Wednesday, November 29, 2017

921: Shi Lei ends the victory!

HK :: VOLUME #10
#921: Shi Lei ends the victory!
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The chil­dren's days, Shi Lei orig­i­nal plan par­tic­i­pate in some pub­lic wel­fare ac­tiv­i­ties. For ex­am­ple is the or­phan­age con­tri­bu­tion gift, or is Or­ga­ni­za­tion Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany per­son­nel, goes to the or­phan­age to be the vol­un­tary worker.
How­ever, he by Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment, please is drink­ing tea now!
Shuangqing City, Po­lice De­part­ment, Bu­reau Chief Of­fice.
Jia Zhengchun El­derly Zhang face air/Qi flood red, his right hand ex­tends the index fin­ger, shiv­ers is aim­ing at Shi Lei, angry [say / way]: „Shi Lei, you were too sim­ply dis­solute a point!”
„Where my was dis­solute?” Shi Lei Yang Kao on the der­mis sofa, looked for a com­fort­able po­si­tion.
Zhong Wei­jian looks at farce be­tween Shi Lei and Jia Zhengchun, he pulls out cell phone, in the SMS page, has edited a few words, then has given Bai Qiang cell phone.
‚Old Bai, you al­ready knew, this isn't Shi Lei very good to cope?’ Zhong Wei­jian is Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency Bu­reau Chief, al­though Shi Lei in Shuangqing City some ‚ac­tive’, may un­able to enter the Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency dis­cern­ment.
Bai Qiang nods, in the SMS page input of cell phone: ‚Old Zhong, I told you, this Shi Lei ab­solutely was not the lamp of province oil. In our Shuangqing City Po­lice Force, is spread­ing this kind of un­spo­ken rule, any with the case that Shi Lei is re­lated, gives up in­ves­ti­gate di­rectly.’
‚Oh? Why gives up in­ves­ti­gate?’ Zhong Wei­jian puz­zled asked back with the writ­ing.
Bai Qiang re­veals wipes the happy ex­pres­sion, ‚, be­cause the Shi Lei this Brat method is wise, will not leave be­hind any fatal ev­i­dence ab­solutely. In ad­di­tion, this Brat sub­or­di­nate(s) has a num­ber of loyal and de­voted, can for the sub­or­di­nate who he dies, do you make us look for his crime ev­i­dence? Even if had found the solid ev­i­dence, if some Shi Lei's lit­tle brother jumps take the blame, what means we do have?’
Zhong Wei­jian nods, in­di­cated to un­der­stand, he and Bai Qiang re­ceived cell phone, watched the sus­tained de­vel­op­ment of event.
Jia Zhengchun re­sulted in the whole body to trem­ble by the Shi Lei air/Qi, he deeply has at­tracted sev­eral tones. Fi­nally slowly tran­quil get­ting down. Jia Zhengchun is the high-rank­ing for a long time, was used to it ‚say­ing that the peo­ple fol­lowed or­ders’ feel­ing. Now. Shi Lei's sophistry, mak­ing Jia Zhengchun very un­com­fort­able.
„Shi Lei. I ac­knowl­edged that your sophistry, in ad­di­tion your empty Fake alibi, lets the ev­i­dence that we enu­mer­ate, be­comes is not so re­li­able. How­ever, Shi Lei, we have the ev­i­dence, ev­i­dence that you have not been able to deny!” Jia Zhengchun was say­ing se­ri­ously.
Shi Lei has turned up­wards one leg on the other. In the above that foot, swings in a flash, he has not paid at­ten­tion to Jia Zhengchun, in­stead said to Xie Nan­feng: „Mayor Xie. Can you past 1 : 00, how many days were you have not taken a bath? How such First Year stock per­spi­ra­tion stink?”
Xie Nan­feng is Shuangqing City Re­spon­si­ble for Econ­omy solid au­thor­ity Vice-mayor, if be­fore place, Shi Lei does not dare to be so ram­pant ab­solutely. But now the Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group strength is strong, es­pe­cially after AMD Com­pany al­lies. Let Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Com­pany have not low sta­tus in en­tire World.
Once Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Com­pany, makes some neg­a­tive as­sess­ments to Shuangqing City, to the cap­i­tal-at­tract­ing work of Shuangqing City, will have very se­ri­ous im­pact. There­fore, Shi Lei's sta­tus also when pro­duc­tion costs rise , prices rise too. Fac­ing the Gov­ern­ment Gov. Of­fi­cial man­ner, is get­ting more and more op­tional. Also, Xie Nan­feng in any case is an enemy, treat­ing the enemy needs to be po­lite?
The Xie Nan­feng com­plex­ion is very ugly, he wishes one could to give Shi Lei sev­eral palms of the hand, but he does not dare re­ally!
Front this is young the some­what ex­ces­sive youth, is grasp­ing the tremen­dous eco­nomic force and Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy strength, the force of pub­lic opin­ion, Xie Nan­feng has not dared to make any out of the or­di­nary be­hav­ior to Shi Lei. Oth­er­wise, per­haps his Vice-mayor can iden­tity, pre­serve is big issue.
Shi Lei's re­ally has the abil­ity to make Xie Nan­feng lose Vice-mayor iden­tity, this not any in­gre­di­ent of ex­ag­ger­a­tion. How many palms of the hand if Xie Nan­feng has given Shi Lei, but Shi Lei dis­closed this news to the en­tire World well-known media, and said with highly col­ored de­tails, Xie Nan­feng also non- tragedy?
„Shi Lei, do not shift the topic, we had a very key ev­i­dence!” Jia Zhengchun said again one time, his as­sis­tant has placed in one pack of data ev­i­dence the hand of Jia Zhengchun.
Jia Zhengchun lost the data ev­i­dence to Shi Lei, sneered say­ing: „Did Shi Lei, what your this time have to say?”
„After first lets I looked, then has a look to have any­thing to say!” Shi Lei has taken up data, care­fully read.
data that Jia Zhengchun pro­vides, first in­tro­duced [The Steel and Iron], is the bal­lis­tic analy­sis con­clu­sion of crime scene, firearm(s) de­ter­mine con­clu­sion, as well as com­mit­ting a crime Tool de­ter­mine con­clu­sion.
„Shi Lei, ac­cord­ing to what we know, en­tire Shuangqing City, be­sides Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment, only then you have [The Steel and Iron]. We con­tact Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict, the op­po­site party has also proven our view­point. Can you tell me now, why [The Steel and Iron] ap­peared at the crime scene, and par­tic­i­pated to shoot down the Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment po­lice to use He­li­copter, as well as killed seven Spe­cial-type fighter?” Jia Zhengchun said with ex­pres­sion that one type has vic­tory in the hand.
Shi Lei shrugs, „is speech­less!”
Jia Zhengchun com­plex­ion one happy, „Shi Lei, did you ac­knowl­edge [The Steel and Iron] at the crime scene?”
„En, I ac­knowl­edged!” Shi Lei nod ac­knowl­edg­ment.
„Good! Comes the per­son! Grasps Shi Lei, he is yes­ter­day in the evening, slaugh­ters 11 of­fi­cial busi­ness per­son­nel killer(s)!” Jia Zhengchun loudly ex­claimed.
Shi Lei sneers say­ing: „Mr. El­derly Jia, are you com­edy?”
„Hēng! Shi Lei, you just ac­knowl­edged that do you also want to quib­ble? All peo­ple on the scene can show that you just did ac­knowl­edge?” Jia Zhengchun ex­cited ask­ing.
Shi Lei nods, „Yes, I ac­knowl­edged that what I ac­knowl­edged that [The Steel and Iron] at crime scene. But does [The Steel and Iron] at the crime scene, what mat­ter close my?”
„You!” Jia Zhengchun has not thought Shi Lei such is not con­cerned about face, can shirk un­ex­pect­edly like this? „In Shuangqing City, has [The Steel and Iron] be­sides Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment, but also who has [The Steel and Iron]? Per­son who that has [The Steel and Iron], should be you!”
„I have [The Steel and Iron]! But these [The Steel and Iron] are not my! I did not lose sev­eral [The Steel and Iron] care­fully, I do not know that they were stolen away by whom!” A Shi Lei not guilty ap­pear­ance.
„Your lied! We have un­der­stood from Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict, [The Steel and Iron] has the Ex­tremely Ad­vanced se­cu­rity tech­nol­ogy. Not only has the net­work con­trol lock, pass­word au­thor­ity au­then­ti­ca­tion, isn't that right? Oth­ers have stolen away [The Steel and Iron], is un­able to use [The Steel and Iron]! Ex­cept for you, what per­son but also there is able to op­er­ate [The Steel and Iron]?” Jia Zhengchun has done very care­ful in­ves­ti­gate work ob­vi­ously, un­der­stands very clearly the [The Steel and Iron] se­cu­rity per­for­mance.
Shi Lei shrugs once more, „Mr. El­derly Jia. You only know its one not to know its two ob­vi­ously! Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict these bas­tard, did they tell you? You Just Wait And See, I asked them!”
After say­ing. Shi Lei pulls out the tele­phone im­me­di­ately, the Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict call. And opened has ex­empted pro­poses the pat­tern.
Waited for after meet­ing, tele­phone was put through, those who an­swered the tele­phone was He Zhen­bang sub­or­di­nate(s) di­rect de­scen­dant, Major Gen­eral Di­vi­sion Com­man­der Lu Qiang.
„Di­vi­sion Head Lu, I am Shi Lei, I have a mat­ter to ask you.” Shi Lei ex­pres­sion op­tional ask­ing.
Lu Qiang does not know that Shi Lei is any sit­u­a­tion, he re­sponded: „Lit­tle Shi. What mat­ter do you have to ask?”
„Di­vi­sion Head Lu, your Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict, pre­vi­ous time lost some [The Steel and Iron], twenty Swift Arrow Guided Mis­sile. Right?” Shi Lei asked in­ten­tion­ally.
Lu Qiang knows cer­tainly that these Swift Arrow Guided Mis­sile where­abouts, as for [The Steel and Iron], Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict have not lost Right? prob­a­bly, Lu Qiang so will not reply that he am­bigu­ously replied: „En. This mat­ter, our Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict news spokesper­son, an­nounced to the pub­lic, if you must un­der­stand the de­tails, wants me to switch over the Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict for­eign con­tact de­part­ment?”
„Does not use. This!” Shi Lei has hung up the tele­phone di­rectly, then looks to Jia Zhengchun, light snort said: „Did Mr. El­derly Jia, you hear? Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict that helps bas­tard, lost some [The Steel and Iron], more­over lost in­clud­ing Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile, you will not know this mat­ter Right?”
Jia Zhengchun is silent.
Shi Lei con­tin­ues say­ing: „I told you, [The Steel and Iron] that Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict lost, Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile, ap­peared in Nanyue Na­tion a while ago, a Nanyue Na­tion bor­der se­cret mil­i­tary use ware­house, thor­ough De­stroy. Mean­while, but also has cre­ated the Nanyue Na­tion four Armed He­li­copter bat­tle losses. Mr. El­derly Jia, you can say these [The Steel and Iron], was not Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict lost, but was Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict dis­patches in­ten­tion­ally?”
Stopped slightly, Shi Lei con­tin­ued say­ing: „If you dare say­ing that is [The Steel and Iron] that Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict dis­patches in­ten­tion­ally, I also can only the help­less ex­pres­sion, you be able to think that my [The Steel and Iron] was not stolen away!”
Shi Lei was Jia Zhengchun had a dif­fi­cult prob­lem, if Jia Zhengchun must rec­og­nize that these [The Steel and Iron] were Shi Lei's, then must ac­knowl­edge that the Nanyue Na­tion bor­der at­tacked mat­ter was a Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict plan \; If de­nied that the mat­ter of Nanyue Na­tion bor­der, ex­actly as stated ac­knowl­edged [The Steel and Iron] can be stolen, Shi Lei's [The Steel and Iron] was stolen, is the nor­mal con­di­tion.
Jia Zhengchun con­fi­dent thinks has at­tained such as the iron­clad proof of moun­tain, after may pass through Shi Lei one is di­alec­ti­cal, he dis­cov­ered the own so-called iron­clad proof, ac­tu­ally has col­laps­ing at the first blow how.
In the Bai Qiang heart has smiled to blos­som, Jia Zhengchun and Shi Lei's show­down, brings upon one­self the dev­as­ta­tion com­pletely!
Elite of Shuangqing City Po­lice Force, gave up to Shi Lei's in­ves­ti­gate, Shi Lei will not make the dis­hon­or­able mat­ter in any case, per­son who any Shi Lei deals with, is not the good per­son, bites on let them and Shi Lei mu­tu­ally!
The Shi Lei cor­ners of the mouth flood wipe happy ex­pres­sion, „Mr. El­derly Jia, about [The Steel and Iron] that the crime scene pre­sents, what view do you have?”
A Xie Nan­feng face de­pressed ex­pres­sion, his orig­i­nal man­u­script thinks own se­cret Boss acts, can sup­press Shi Lei, may look like from the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion, his se­cret Boss, was sup­pressed by Shi Lei com­pletely, sim­ply does not have that sup­pres­sion of least bit counter- re­sist­ing force.
In Jia Zhengchun heart also angry in­com­pa­ra­ble, he not only re­sents Shi Lei, was hat­ing Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict, he thinks that was Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict plays tricks on him, mak­ing him be so shamed by Shi Lei.
But Jia Zhengchun does not dare open to the pub­lic to ex­plain that the Nanyue Na­tion mat­ter, is Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict in­ten­tion­ally!
Jia Zhengchun is the high-rank­ing, if his opin­ion were passed to Nanyue Na­tion, as Xia Na­tion High Grade Gov. Of­fi­cial, open to the pub­lic ex­plained that Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict ti­dies up Nanyue Na­tion in­ten­tion­ally, this is must shoul­der the rhythm of two coun­tries war, Jia Zhengchun may not shoul­der such big re­spon­si­bil­ity.
Jia Zhengchun sud­denly fell into being in a dilemma re­gion, he is not will­ing to make Shi Lei get down very ram­pantly, but he also does not have what good means to tidy up Shi Lei, can only re­main silent.
„Mr. El­derly Jia, if you do not have the mat­ter that any­thing must ask, sorry for the in­con­ve­nience, my also a lit­tle mat­ter, first walks one step. Right, Bu­reau Chief Bai, Bu­reau Chief Zhong, I asked you to eat meal, ex­change our Shuangqing City Se­cu­rity Is­sues.” Shi Lei hēi hēi stands up with a smile.
Jia Zhengchun as if has not heard Shi Lei's to ridicule, silent looks at the tea table, in the heart de­cided se­cretly that must to a Shi Lei pro­found les­son, mak­ing him know, 'Dragon Rise' Plan Di­rect Au­thor­ity fierce...


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