Wednesday, November 29, 2017

919: A big ticket person can give me to show!

HK :: VOLUME #10
#919: A big ticket person can give me to show!
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On May 32, June first In­ter­na­tional Chil­dren's Day.
The Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment tele­phone, has pro­jected in Shi Lei's cell phone, the op­po­site party said a Da­tong, Shi Lei had not replied with enough time, the liv­ing room has then heard the knock.
The [Izual] ice-cold sound, re­minded: „Sir, Sys­tem au­to­matic de­ter­mine, out of the door has four Po­lice Force, cur­rently waits for you.”
Jingya Gar­den Build­ing Ten, most goes against three build­ings, com­pletely by Shi Lei by the all kinds dif­fer­ent iden­tity pur­chases, thus has guar­an­teed the biggest Safety na­ture. Even if had cer­tain con­tin­gen­cies, Shi Lei can also through es­cape pas­sage, enter fol­low­ing two, un­flus­tered run­ning away.
Four Po­lice Force, [Izual] through Word Recog­ni­tion En­gine, de­ter­mine leaves their iden­tity, there­fore let them through block­ade, on twenty build­ing. Oth­er­wise, the av­er­age per­son sim­ply has not en­tered au­thor­ity of twenty build­ing.
Shi Lei hung up the tele­phone, the cor­ners of the mouth has re­vealed wipes the mean­ing of in­dif­fer­ent dis­dain­ing, un­ex­pect­edly ‚came was so quick? Per­haps is pinch­ing, calls me! Is it pos­si­ble that Shuangqing City Po­lice, no, should be Jia Zhengchun that Old Ghost, thinks that I can es­cape? hēi hēi, he rather was look­ing down upon me a point!’
Is Shuangqing City Shi Lei's [Old Nest], Shi Lei pos­si­bly es­capes?
The knock re­sounds once more, Shi Lei has not opened the door im­me­di­ately, four Po­lice Force that but through loud­speaker, the reply waits for said: „You wait a bit, I get out of bed, first washes changes the clothes again!”
Shi Lei's is re­ally gets up, his leisurely washes ac­com­plish in the bath­room, then the Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Major mil­i­tary of­fi­cer card, qsz92 type pis­tol that as well as al­lo­cates, has placed the body com­pletely. Mean­while, but also the prepa­ra­tion of se­cret but­ton sound record­ing, hid in the slit of waist­band.
Was fully pre­pared, Shi Lei opened the bur­glar-proof door, four Po­lice Force, two glare like a tiger watch­ing his prey looks at Shi Lei, an­other two were hav­ing the happy ex­pres­sion. Ob­vi­ously. These four Po­lice Force passers-by, should be by no means Bai Qiang arrange two peo­ple, Jia Zhengchun also to arrange two peo­ple.
Rea­son that Bai Qiang must arrange two peo­ple, should be pre­vents Shi Lei by the Jia Zhengchun per­son, on road under [Black Hand] to Shi Lei!
Po­lice Force of Shi Lei to that two smile sig­nals by nod­ding, af­ter­ward opens the mouth to ask: „Po­lice Of­fi­cer, does not know that asked me to go to Po­lice De­part­ment. What mat­ter has?”
Shi Lei knows cer­tainly that asked him to go to Po­lice De­part­ment is any mat­ter, but Shi Lei must pre­tend not to know! Oth­er­wise. How could it not be to turn into the no 300 taels of sil­ver buried?
„No com­ment! The higher au­thor­i­ties order, must lead you to go back!” It looks like twenty 56 young Po­lice Force, puts on a se­ri­ous face to say. Ob­vi­ously, he is per­son­nel of Jia Zhengchun de­part­ment, def­i­nitely will not give the Shi Lei good com­plex­ion.
Shi Lei says with a smile pale: „If I don't go back with you?”
Two be­long to Po­lice Force of Jia Zhengchun de­part­ment, im­me­di­ately is anx­ious, their cold -ly snorted and said: „Do you want vi­o­lently re­sist against the law?”
„vi­o­lently re­sist against the law? Big hat! Does not know that ac­tu­ally I have vi­o­lated which law? Why did you also say my vi­o­lently re­sist against the law? What you defer to is which law en­forces the law?” Shi Lei asked.
Sub­or­di­nates Bai Qiang two Po­lice Force, smooths over dif­fer­ences to urge: „Mr. Shi, we asked you to go to rou­tine in­ves­ti­gate, please feel re­lieved. We will be re­spon­si­ble for your Safety.”
These words vague map­ping, Bai Qiang will cer­tainly have pro­tected Shi Lei's opin­ion, so long as Shi Lei went to Shuangqing City Bu­reau, Bai Qiang will cer­tainly not make him have an ac­ci­dent.
„Such being the case, that walks!” Shi Lei en­ters el­e­va­tor with four Po­lice Force. Rode the el­e­va­tor to ar­rive at Main Level to­gether.
Sub­or­di­nates in Jia Zhengchun two Po­lice Force, at­tempts to make Shi Lei ride po­lice car, but does Shi Lei want? The po­lice car Safety na­ture can­not ob­tain to safe­guard, what traf­fic ac­ci­dent if had, whose re­spon­si­bil­ity Shi Lei does look to go?
Traf­fic ac­ci­dent any­thing, that is one in­jur­ing some­one plan that Shi Lei quite likes!
Under Shi Lei's in­sists, two Jia Zhengchun sub­or­di­nate(s) Po­lice Force has cho­sen giv­ing up, their ex­pres­sions as if re­laxed, some­what the re­gret seems to be same.
Shi Lei dri­ves white Porsche Cayenne, on the back seat is hav­ing two Po­lice Force, a Bai Qiang de­part­ment, Jia Zhengchun sub­or­di­nate(s), they are re­spon­si­ble for ‚com­pan­ion’ Shi Lei, to pre­vent Shi Lei un­able to find the Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment route.
From Shuanghu Dis­trict to Beiyu Dis­trict Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment Head­quar­ters, al­to­gether has spent close 30 min­utes of dri­ving dis­tances, Shi Lei under guid­ing of four Po­lice Force, en­tered Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment Bu­reau Chief Of­fice.
In Bu­reau Chief Of­fice, al­to­gether six peo­ple, Shi Lei know four. Sep­a­rately is Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment Bu­reau Chief Bai Qiang, Shuangqing City Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency Bu­reau Chief Zhong Wei­jian. Shi Lei this is first time met with Zhong Wei­jian of­fi­cially, be­fore from data, had un­der­stood Zhong Wei­jian, had not known with Zhong Wei­jian.
Bai Qiang and Zhong Wei­jian, sit on the left der­mis sofa, what in their op­po­site is Xie Nan­feng, Shuangqing City Re­spon­si­ble for Econ­omy solid au­thor­ity Vice-mayor, the Xie Nan­feng sec­re­tary, stands in Xie Nan­feng be­hind.
Be­sides these four peo­ple, the der­mis sofa of first place in the mid­dle, sits one to be in high spir­its the old man, if Shi Lei has not guessed wrong, that per­son ex­actly as stated 'Dragon Rise' Plan Di­rect Au­thor­ity, is Jia Zhengchun.
Jia Zhengchun be­hind is also stand­ing a mid­dle-aged per­son, this is the Jia Zhengchun as­sis­tant and body­guard, be­longs to human body po­ten­tial re­search in­sti­tute armed per­son­nel, he is human body po­ten­tial Plan, the sub­or­di­nate di­vides one of the Plan upper dogs, a lit­tle sim­i­lar Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), but is not 'Dragon Rise' Plan.
Bai Qiang looks at Shi Lei to enter the Of­fice gate, on the face is hav­ing the apol­ogy, then said on own ini­tia­tive: „Shi Lei, you came, a bit faster finds the place to sit, our a lit­tle mat­ter, wants to dis­cuss with you.”
A Shi Lei eye­ball rev­o­lu­tion, re­sponded to Bai Qiang first, then clashes Xie Nan­feng to smile in­ten­tion­ally, is hold­ing the idea of dis­gust­ing Xie Nan­feng, sat by Xie Nan­feng, but also greeted on own ini­tia­tive to Xie Nan­feng: „Mayor Xie, good morn­ing!”
The Xie Nan­feng cor­ners of the mouth pull out, re­sponse of un­emo­tion­ally: „En, good morn­ing!”
„Well, Mayor Xie, your yes­ter­day not in gold and jade in glo­ri­ous splen­dor? Today has the spirit to come Po­lice De­part­ment? Is it pos­si­ble that is the ser­vice of gold and jade in glo­ri­ous splen­dor is not proper, can Mayor Xie look for Bu­reau Chief Bai to sup­port the gath­er­ing place? If so, told me one, I helped cer­tainly Mayor Xie re­cover the gath­er­ing place, that crowd of small east and west|thing, too do not make sense, wanted the pit in­clud­ing Mayor Xie!” The ap­pear­ance that Shi Lei makes being filled with right­eous in­dig­na­tion in­ten­tion­ally, prob­a­bly he and Xie Nan­feng re­la­tions have much quite gen­eral.
The Xie Nan­feng com­plex­ion leaps one changes red, as if under the but­tocks had a spring same, has stood fiercely, the anger was star­ing Shi Lei, roared: „Shi Lei, what did you speak ir­re­spon­si­bly? When did I go to gold and jade in glo­ri­ous splen­dor? Do you be­lieve that do I con­sider you to slan­der?”
Fac­ing vi­o­lent anger Xie Nan­feng. The Shi Lei ex­pres­sion said in­dif­fer­ently: „Mayor Xie, should not be anx­ious, but plays a joke, is ac­tive every­body's sad at­mos­phere, you do not need to care.”
Xie Nan­feng cold snort, sits down, he knows that now and Shi Lei has a falling out. With­out any sig­nif­i­cance, Shi Lei will not have any ac­tual loss.
„ke ke. Good, does not crack a joke, now we started to say the proper busi­ness!” Sits is get­ting up Jia Zhengchun of first place, has sent out two coughs, cap­tures the at­ten­tion of all peo­ple.
He looks at Shi Lei, on the face is hav­ing the gen­tle smil­ing face, as if no least bit harm to be the same. Just, the fa­mil­iar Jia Zhengchun per­son, knows that he is one eats the per­son not to spit de­ceit­ful Old Ghost of bone!
„First in­tro­duced one­self, I was Jia Zhengchun. From Cap­i­tal City, is mainly re­spon­si­ble for the work of Na­tional Se­cu­rity Pro­ject as­pect at pre­sent.” Jia Zhengchun looks at Shi Lei, slurred in­tro­duc­tion his sit­u­a­tion.
When in­tro­duced it­self, Jia Zhengchun vague was siz­ing up Shi Lei, wanted from the Shi Lei's ex­pres­sion. An­a­lyzes Shi Lei whether knows his real iden­tity.
How­ever, the life like the play, de­pends en­tirely on the per­form­ing skill. The Shi Lei's per­form­ing skill, may be called King of the Screen Level. When Jia Zhengchun in­tro­duced it­self, a Shi Lei care­less ap­pear­ance, after Jia Zhengchun said that he smiled say­ing: „Old man, said for quite a while, you have not talked clearly. for­get about it, I do not need to know that ac­tu­ally you are any iden­tity, you have any mat­ter in any case, said!”
„Was right, I also shine my iden­tity, I am Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany ceo, Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict am ar­rang­ing Major, AMD Com­pany High Grade En­gi­neer!” Shi Lei own iden­tity, was brighter came out.
AMD High Grade En­gi­neer any­thing, is Shi Lei pro­claims com­pletely, in any case AMD Com­pany at pre­sent is ab­solute hold­ing Child Com­pany in Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy sys­tem, and was an­a­lyzed four parts.
Shi Lei as Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Stock­holder, on grasps the Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy 15% stocks out­wardly, AMD Com­pany will also be feel­ing em­bar­rassed own boss, doesn't give him High Grade En­gi­neer iden­tity?
Ac­tu­ally, three iden­tity that Shi Lei re­veals, most pow­er­ful iden­tity, Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict is ar­rang­ing Major, this on be­half of iden­tity of mil­i­tary, Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict is the Shi Lei's back­ing.
Jia Zhengchun false smile looks at Shi Lei, in heart is ar­rang­ing Major iden­tity to Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict, some­what dreaded. This Jia Zhengchun is afraid Major iden­tity ac­tu­ally, but at the Shi Lei's age, in ad­di­tion he is the Free­dom ac­tiv­ity out­side, had not re­ported in Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict. These rea­sons add, is the rea­son that Jia Zhengchun wor­ries about.
„Orig­i­nally is Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Major!” Jia Zhengchun is say­ing with the ex­pres­sion that one type dis­dained, „Major Shi, I had issue, wants to ask you. yes­ter­day in the evening, you where?”
The Shi Lei squint looks at Jia Zhengchun, in­ten­tion­ally with the ex­pres­sion that sig­nif­i­cant pinches, asked to Bai Qiang: „Bu­reau Chief Bai, what iden­tity is this old man? How I felt that he does hang to be the same very much?”
This say­ing asked that Bai Qiang, was Zhong Wei­jian, or was Xie Nan­feng, the im­pul­sion of show­ing the whites of the eyes, this was not Jia Zhengchun hangs com­pletely very much, but was Shi Lei hangs very much, was good to cut down?
Bai Qiang dis­guises the fierce cough, fast and covert shot a look at Jia Zhengchun, dis­cov­ered that Jia Zhengchun ac­tu­ally does not have pissed, opens the mouth say­ing: „Shi Lei, should not be dis­solute, this Mr. Jia iden­tity is very hon­ored, he asked your any­thing, you replied any­thing.”
As if to strengthen own ex­pres­sion, Bai Qiang con­tin­ues say­ing: „Shi Lei, has re­mem­bered, the hon­est reply, sits by me this, but Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency Bu­reau Chief, Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency is any tem­per, I think that you know Right?”
In Xia Na­tion, if any mat­ter and Na­tion(s) Safety had the re­la­tions, that ab­solutely was not a sim­ple mat­ter!
Shi Lei dis­guised to be daunted ap­pear­ance, „Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency Bu­reau Chief?”
Zhong Wei­jian se­ri­ous ex­pres­sion, se­ri­ous nod.
Only then Bai Qiang is smil­ing bit­terly, he can look, Shi Lei was dis­guis­ing to be daunted, if Shi Lei were so easy to be daunted, he was Shi Lei?
Jia Zhengchun ac­tu­ally does not know that he thinks Shi Lei was daunted, there­fore asked again, „Major Shi, your yes­ter­day in the evening where?”
Shi Lei dis­plays a po­lite ap­pear­ance, the ex­pres­sion very friendly re­turns to ask: „Mr. El­derly Jia, my yes­ter­day in the evening in Shuangqing City, Shuanghu Dis­trict, Emer­ald Lake Busi­ness Dis­trict, Thrill Bar.”
„Your lied!” Jia Zhengchun sud­denly com­plex­ion changes, the gen­tle smil­ing face hid­den goes, shows a gloomy ex­pres­sion.
Fast of Jia Zhengchun turns hos­tile skill, fright­ened many peo­ple, let them had ex­posed weak­nesses, but Shi Lei had not been daunted, in­stead a brow wrin­kle, re­vealed one to want the cer­tifi­cate ea­gerly the look, ar­gued dili­gently: „I do not have lied!”
„Don't you have lied?” The Jia Zhengchun com­plex­ion is as be­fore gloomy, „what do you have to prove?”
Jia Zhengchun is the high-rank­ing for a long time, when his ex­pres­sion is gloomy, there is a dig­nity of not being able to say. If the av­er­age per­son, had al­ready been daunted by the Jia Zhengchun ex­pres­sion, then Jia Zhengchun asked any­thing, def­i­nitely was sim­i­lar to spills the beans to be the same, huā lā huā lā shook com­pletely.
How­ever is Shi Lei that eas­ily daunted av­er­age per­son?
The Shi Lei af­fir­ma­tive nod, „I am the Thrill Bar pa­tron, to the gate child, from Boss, knows me com­pletely. From yes­ter­day around 6 : 00 pm, to 0 : 00 am, I con­tin­u­ously in Thrill Bar!”
„Right?” On the face of Jia Zhengchun has shown the teas­ing ex­pres­sion.
„You , if not be­lieve that a big ticket per­son can show my ex­cuse, proves my yes­ter­day in Thrill Bar!” Shi Lei as be­fore is a gruff con­di­tion, to per­son an up­right hon­est image...


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