Thursday, November 30, 2017

936: Agitates, Hacker World is chaotic first!

HK :: VOLUME #10
#936: Agitates, Hacker World is chaotic first!
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Nanyue Na­tion and Fei Lu Na­tion, for­merly is the Xia Na­tion lit­tle brother. Just, Xia Na­tion not, when Big Bro many years, on Jianghu did not have the Xia Na­tion leg­end, has the Li Jian Na­tion this new Boss au­thor­ity.
Under the new Big Shot Li Jian Na­tion sil­ver pres­tige and sugar-coated bul­let dual of­fen­sive, Nanyue Na­tion and Fei Lu Na­tion these two lit­tle broth­ers, changed the flag to change thought im­me­di­ately, in­vest in new Fac­tion, the choice be­trayed for­merly Big Bro, ob­tained the recog­ni­tion of new Big Bro.
To a cer­tain ex­tent, Nanyue Na­tion and Fei Lu Na­tion are 25 young, Xia Na­tion do not hate two Na­tion(s) com­pletely are im­pos­si­ble. This time, the Nanyue Na­tion North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, made some make trou­ble out of noth­ing, Xia Na­tion def­i­nitely also had own plan.
The Xia Na­tion high level, some­what has to Shi Lei un­der­stood, if they do not un­der­stand Shi Lei, that talked ir­re­spon­si­bly ab­solutely, huge State Ap­pa­ra­tus, if wanted in­ves­ti­gate some­body, how pos­si­bly what couldn't look up?
Mat­ter that Shi Lei han­dles, al­though the suit­able se­cret, Na­tion(s) as­pect can­not hold the ev­i­dence, but this does not hin­der the Na­tion(s) high level to know that Shi Lei has made any­thing.
Some mat­ters, do not need any ev­i­dence, only needs to know the re­sult, the Na­tion(s) high level do not sen­tence the Shi Lei's crime, does not need to know the de­tailed ev­i­dence!
Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict.
In He Zhen­bang Of­fice, as the Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict ac­tual words mat­ter per­son, He Zhen­bang cur­rently an­swered a tele­phone, more­over was the red route tele­phone.
The red route tele­phone, has guar­an­teed the tele­phone ab­solute unim­peded, even if were the out­break the nu­clear war, pos­si­bly through red tele­phone con­tact to re­lated per­son­nel, but did not fear Elec­tro­mag­netic Wave in­ter­fer­ence of nu­clear war.
„Un­der­stood, Old Lead­er­ship, this mat­ter, I will co­or­di­nate!” The He Zhen­bang ex­pres­sion was re­spond­ing re­spect­fully. By He Zhen­bang sta­tus, wants to make He Zhen­bang show the re­spect­ful man­ner, tele­phone an­other per­son, sta­tus can be imag­ined.
In tele­phone re­ceiver, to­gether hoarse crabbed old sound. Con­tin­ues say­ing: „Zhen­bang, must com­plete this mat­ter. If you had com­pleted this mat­ter, the Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Com­man­der po­si­tion, be­longs to you!”
On the He Zhen­bang face re­vealed has wiped the happy ex­pres­sion, „Old Lead­er­ship, I un­der­stood, I thought that Brat. Also very happy!”
„En, this!” Tele­phone an­other old man, has hung up the tele­phone.
„hū ~” He Zhen­bang long air vent, then picks up the Or­di­nary phone, has di­aled a num­ber, waited a mo­ment later. Lu Qiang ap­pears in the He Zhen­bang front.
„Old Lu, gives you a mat­ter, you must com­plete to me, more­over must man­age keeps se­cret a point!” He Zhen­bang was say­ing low voice.
Lu Qiang is Major Gen­eral Di­vi­sion Com­man­der, be­longs to ab­solute lofty po­si­tion, is the He Zhen­bang ab­solute trusted sub­or­di­nate, gen­er­ally se­cret mat­ter. He Zhen­bang then gives Lu Qiang to go to im­ple­ment.
„Com­man­der, what mat­ter?” Lu Qiang was in­quir­ing sim­i­larly low voice.
He Zhen­bang beck­ons to Lu Qiang, hints Lu Qiang to ap­proach, He Zhen­bang in a low voice said fast, after sev­eral min­utes, He Zhen­bang looks at Lu Qiang say­ing: „Old Lu, did you un­der­stand?”
Lu Qiang com­plex­ion al­ready very sur­prised, he has hes­i­tated the mo­ment. Fi­nally said: „Com­man­der, this mat­ter, does above know?”
Mat­ter that just He Zhen­bang said that ex­tremely in panic-stricken lit­tle, if above does not know, He Zhen­bang so im­ple­ment, if pre­sented any care­less mis­take. He Zhen­bang def­i­nitely is bad luck, even may dis­card the Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Vice-com­man­der duty.
Lu Qiang must in­quire dis­cretely, after all he is He Zhen­bang ab­solute di­rect de­scen­dant per­son­nel, if He Zhen­bang has en­coun­tered any mishap. He can­not es­cape the cleaned re­sult ab­solutely.
He Zhen­bang light snort, „Old Lu, does not have the above order, can I im­ple­ment this type ob­vi­ously be the wrong order?”
„Did above per­mit? That is good!” Lu Qiang re­laxed, if above has per­mit­ted this mat­ter, Lu Qiang then does not need to con­tinue to be wor­ried that he can want to ob­tain, above was called He Zhen­bang im­ple­ment this mat­ter, He Zhen­bang cer­tainly to ob­tain the above recog­ni­tion, this was the rhythm that must win a pro­mo­tion!
In­ter­net World.
In Nanyue Na­tion net­work, blew out the star­tled huge news, this mat­ter has spread over en­tire In­ter­net World. In­ter­net World, with­out any dis­tance, will then spread once the slight­est sign of trou­ble ap­pears over en­tire World in­stan­ta­neously.
Xia Na­tion, Nanyue Na­tion and Fei Lu Na­tion, these three Na­tion(s) In­ter­net Hacker World, have brimmed with the thick smell of gun­pow­der, as if Hacker World of these three coun­try ter­ri­to­ries, must in net world, launches an in­tense fight.
Es­pe­cially Xia Na­tion Hacker World, as one of the Hacker World pow­er­ful coun­try ter­ri­to­ries, Xia Na­tion Hacker World re­gard­ing Nanyue Na­tion ram­pant very angry, on the dif­fer­ence in net­work, open to the pub­lic had not in­di­cated that must teach Nanyue Na­tion.
But Nanyue Na­tion Hacker World, al­though does not have Xia Na­tion Hacker World to be so for­mi­da­ble, but Nanyue Na­tion Hacker World and Nanyue Na­tion Of­fi­cial Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment, is shame­less enough!
They to­gether are usu­ally stir­ring the base, has any­thing to move on to­gether. Nanyue Na­tion Hacker World, is Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment, can change op­po­site party mem­ber at any time.
This cheat­ing same plan, the let them strength also can­not be un­der­es­ti­mated!
The Fei Lu Na­tion sit­u­a­tion and Nanyue Na­tion are al­most same, in any case is a snake mouse nest, dis­tin­guishes the dif­fer­ence of un­clear both sides, or does not have the dif­fer­ence. If Xia Na­tion Hacker World must by one pair two, no, should by one pair four, chal­lenge two Na­tion(s) Hacker World, two Na­tion(s) Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment, this pres­sure is also big.
Xia Na­tion Hacker World sym­bolic Or­ga­ni­za­tion, Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion Hacker Or­ga­ni­za­tion Hacker Union, the Inner Mem­ber ex­change area, cur­rently dis­cussed this mat­ter. Hacker Union as Xia Na­tion most well-known Hacker Or­ga­ni­za­tion, al­though its strength is not most for­mi­da­ble, but ab­solutely is most well-known.
Hacker Union has to sur­pass the 300,000 reg­is­tra­tion mem­ber, Thirty Thou­sand mem­ber, as well as close 500 peo­ple of Inner Mem­ber, en­tire ten Core Mem­ber, this neat or­dered, high and low strength as­sign­ment ap­pro­pri­ate mem­ber se­quence, mak­ing the Hacker Union in­flu­ence very pow­er­ful.
Hacker Union Core Mem­ber, Ranked Tenth [Black Heart], in cur­rently Inner Mem­ber, was ask­ing the opin­ion of Inner Mem­ber.
‚About this time, the Nanyue Na­tion North­ern op­er­a­tional com­mand, dis­closed in­for­ma­tion that what view does every­body has? Do we want to give Nanyue Na­tion to come a les­son ma­li­ciously?’
[Black Heart] in the Inner Mem­ber ex­change area, was is­su­ing writ­ing in­for­ma­tion, as Core Mem­ber, the writ­ing of [Black Heart] trans­mis­sion, has the spe­cial demon­stra­tion re­gion in the Inner Mem­ber ex­change area.
The Hacker Union Inner Mem­ber ex­change area, is sim­i­lar to a Large-scale cha­t­room is the same, the in­te­rior also has many Small-scale cha­t­room, en­ters the Inner Mem­ber ex­change area, stays in the pub­lic cha­t­room au­to­mat­i­cally, if nec­es­sary, then can seek for the in­de­pen­dent Small-scale cha­t­room.
Writ­ing in­for­ma­tion that [Black Heart] sends out, above the chat re­gions of all cha­t­rooms, will carry on the demon­stra­tion of an­nounce­ment(s) na­ture and en­sure all Inner Mem­ber can see.
Along with the in­quiry of Core Mem­ber [Black Heart], Inner Mem­ber, start strongly in the pub­lic cha­t­room, ex­presses own opin­ion.
In Inner Mem­ber, com­pared with fa­mous ‚[Black Chicken]’, pub­lishes the reply: ‚[Black Heart] Boss, Nanyue Na­tion so ram­pant, we have no al­ter­na­tive but to teach to them!’
An­other very fa­mous Inner Mem­ber ‚[Black Screen] (dark se­crets)’, ex­presses own opin­ion, ‚Nanyue Na­tion wants to seize our Na­tion(s) ter­ri­tory, this mat­ter, how re­gard­less of Gov­ern­ment re­sponded that we are the Cyber War gen­tle­men, must counter-at­tack Nanyue Na­tion! [Black Heart] Boss, my [Hope] our Hacker Union, for our Na­tion(s), makes some con­tri­bu­tions!’
[Black Chicken] in the pub­lic cha­t­room, uses at func­tion, at­tempts con­tact Shi Lei's Sock­pup­pet ‚[Black Stone]’, al­though Shi Lei not in the Hacker Union in­ter­nal cha­t­room, but [Izual] mo­men­tar­ily is mon­i­tor­ing, more­over through nor­mal chan­nel mon­i­tor­ing.
When [Black Chicken] at func­tion con­tact Shi Lei's time, [Izual] has in­formed Shi Lei im­me­di­ately.
„Sir, Hacker Union Inner Mem­ber ex­change area, [Black Chicken] cur­rently con­tact do you, give the re­sponse?” [Izual] was in­quir­ing Shi Lei.
Shi Lei cur­rently Nanyue Na­tion net world ag­i­tates, his for fear that mat­ter noisy not big rhythm, the mat­ter makes in a big way, Shi Lei is happy, should bet­ter is Nanyue Na­tion and Fei Lu Na­tion di­rectly hits, avoid he be­gins per­son­ally.
„[Black Chicken]?” Shi Lei had pon­dered slightly a meet­ing, has then re­mem­bered [Black Chicken] in Hacker Union Inner Mem­ber, the [Black Chicken] tech­nol­ogy is good, has World First-rate stan­dard faintly, but [Black Chicken] in Hacker Union, dis­plays quite hides one's in­com­pe­tence by re­main­ing silent.
„[Izual], Signed In Hacker Union Inner Mem­ber ex­change area.” Shi Lei is re­ply­ing [Izual], he pre­pares to have a look in the Hacker Union Inner Mem­ber ex­change area per­son­ally.
When Shi Lei en­ters Hacker Union Inner Mem­ber ex­change area, the pub­lic cha­t­room dis­cussed very en­thu­si­as­ti­cally. Shi Lei has nat­u­rally also joined the dis­cus­sion.
‚I be­lieve that Nanyue Na­tion, is Fei Lu Na­tion, we should pun­ish them. The Gov­ern­ment as­pect non- achieve­ment, we are the Free­dom sol­diers, must be po­ten­tial achieve­ment! We must let Nanyue Na­tion and Fei Lu Na­tion know how could the great coun­try does en­dure play­ing tricks on clumsy mis­chief-doer?’ Shi Lei in the way of writ­ing, was say­ing in the Hacker Union in­ter­nal com­mu­ni­ca­tion area.
The Shi Lei's opin­ion, re­ceives the sup­port of some Inner Mem­ber im­me­di­ately, solemn Xia Na­tion, can be bul­lied by pe­riph­eral small Na­tion(s)?
[Black Heart] also ap­proves of the Shi Lei's view­point, ‚[Black Stone], you said well, we must pun­ish Nanyue Na­tion and Fei Lu Na­tion! We must make these two small Na­tion(s) know that our Xia Na­tion Hacker World, has the strength to ruin their Na­tion(s) net­work thor­oughly!’
If Na­tion(s) net­work by De­stroy, even if this De­stroy is only short, re­gard­ing this Na­tion(s), the cor­re­spond­ing loss is also in­es­timable.
Al­ways Cyber War strug­gle, has not cre­ated any In­ter­net by the De­stroy sit­u­a­tion, Hacker Union is un­able to ruin Nanyue Na­tion and Fei Lu Na­tion net­work thor­oughly, [Black Heart] says. But this had in­di­cated the de­ter­mi­na­tion of [Black Heart], must tidy up that two Na­tion(s) ma­li­ciously.
‚[Black Heart] Boss, you said right, we have De­stroy their Na­tion(s) In­ter­net strength! [Black Heart] Boss, you dis­cussed with other Boss, we pre­pared to Nanyue Na­tion and Fei Lu Na­tion, launched the at­tack!’ Shi Lei in the Inner Mem­ber ex­change area, is car­ry­ing on flat­ter­ing to [Black Heart].
Shi Lei ag­i­tates very one set, looks like or­di­nary, ac­tu­ally can ob­tain very good ef­fect...


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