#869: Frames Washington Post!
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FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation, as the Li Jian Nation high-end information privilege organization, its authority is very widespread. Slightly to Ordinary domestic murder case, to tracing transnational crime Group, FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation, has authority processing and has jurisdiction.
When Shi Lei invades Li Jian Nation Network Entertainment Audit Department, does not have the mention race desirably. issue of discrimination, then FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation Big Shot, will not focus on the trivial Ordinary network Hacker intrusion event.
Race. The discrimination is Shi Lei mentions intentionally, Shi Lei such does intentionally, exactly as stated to bring to the attention of FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation, then holds the negligence of FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation, then implement next Plan.
Shi Lei records FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation confirmed has invaded Network Entertainment Audit Department ‚prime culprit’, and invades itself neowiz and two Company Main Server evidence, has recorded together. Naturally, is not Shi Lei's real identity, but was Virtual Li Jian Nation network Hacker identity, coursed the Li Jian Nation native place issue.
Two evidence chains of Shi Lei preservation processing, can fully indicate that FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation has made the big mistake, if announced that will then make FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation lose face. Shi Lei retains two fatal evidence chains, naturally is the plan to the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation little lesson, but does not preserve to play.
So long as announced looking murderer who two evidence chains, FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation, can become angry out of shame surely, but the murderer naturally is Shi Lei. But Shi Lei possibly by the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation discovery?
If Shi Lei and FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation meets the tough head-on with toughness, even if has been in the weak situation, dies to fight does not draw back, Shi Lei's firmly by the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation discovery.
This did not say that FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation can kill [Interweave Net Miwang] and [Endless Defense] System, but is FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation can assemble the reenforcement strength at any time.
Li Jian Nation Intelligence Organization organization, not only then FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation, so long as FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation has bitten the Shi Lei's data link, and thinks that Shi Lei is a big fish, then FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation, can in a short time. Contact ‚brothers Organization’ CIA Central Intelligence Agency.
CIA Central Intelligence Agency and FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation style is not quite same. If described cherishes the people FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation, manner meanly \; Then the CIA Central Intelligence Agency manner is extremely bad, internally foreign, the CIA Central Intelligence Agency attitude is stronger.
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation and CIA Central Intelligence Agency, union is moving together, threatens greatly already very regarding Shi Lei's. So long as Shi Lei does not pay attention slightly, will then plant on two Li Jian Nation Intelligence Organization.
More awful situation, so long as Shi Lei in FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation and CIA Central Intelligence Agency, collaborates under attack, has resisted the little time slightly. Then FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation and CIA Central Intelligence Agency, will then seek help from their Boss. Also is nsa Li Jian Nation National Security Agency.
the nsa Li Jian Nation National Security Agency strength, said gratefully that at least is FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation and CIA Central Intelligence Agency, above five times of putting together.
In Li Jian Nation numerous movies and soap operas, FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation and CIA Central Intelligence Agency, frequently appears in the scene, even some villain character are these two Intelligence Organization is also taking on.
But. nsa National Security Agency, in the movie and soap opera, the number of times of presenting is few!
As the Li Jian Nation most Top Level Intelligence Organization organization, the nsa authority is very giant, the movie and soap opera do not dare to discredit them, in order to avoid not careful ‚has hindered Nation(s) Safety’ unique skill!
Since FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation so Danger, why Shi Lei can also provoke FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation? Shi Lei provokes the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation reason to be very simple, that is he wants to draw support from FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation , helping some oneself reached(an agreement) target. If described with the old saying of Xia Nation. exactly as stated murders with a borrowed knife!
Shi Lei must kill ‚person’ is Washington Post!
This Newspaper belongs to Newspaper of Li Jian Nation half Official nature, relations between Washington Post and Dream Entertainment are very unfriendly, even can be said as the water and fire is intolerable.
Washington Post promoted ‚Dream Entertainment deterrence theory’ over and over, they think, when Dream Entertainment Company, controlled AMD Company completely time, when exactly as stated Li Jian Nation national defense Safety was threatened!
This opinion makes Shi Lei quite angry, but Shi Lei does not want to invade Washington Post Server directly or is Official Website, in order to avoid attached great importance to by High Degree.
Considering this situation, Shi Lei has thought a great idea, exactly as stated to enrage FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation, making FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation go to investigate ‚secretly [Black Hand]’, then pushes out to work as ‚whipping boy’ Washington Post.
Washington Post as the mouthpiece of Li Jian Nation Government department, they often helps the Li Jian Nation Government department, publishes some them not to facilitate the explanation the matter. Also in other words, once Washington Post ‚exposes the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation error on own initiative’, FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation will not suspect that some people frame Washington Post, only thinks that in Li Jian Nation Government, there is any senior official to produce discontentedly to them, taking the opportunity struck them.
Shi Lei reorganized the mentality in the heart, then started to take action.
Li Jian Nation, Network Entertainment Audit Department Official Website, was restored by FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation. Meanwhile, FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation, on their Official Website, in view of this intrusion event, has given the announcement(s) explanation.
The FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation foreign liaison department, to the Nanchao Nation ministry of foreign affairs and neowiz, has issued the notice together, FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation [Hope] neowiz and gives an explicit view.
Otherwise, FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation, did not mind that through the International court, sues two Nanchao Nation Company, the let them payment sky-high price compensation, as well as apologized to entire World open to the public.
Shi Lei on the Number One Server screen, after examining the announcement(s) explanation of FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation, the happy expression on face is thicker, in his mouth muttered: „Does not do, will not die really!”
The voice falls, Shi Lei has connected Li Jian Nation temporary high performance Zombie Server. Is based on this Platform Zombie Server, has not transferred including the [Interweave Net Miwang] resources, Shi Lei then easily entered Washington Post Official Website backstage System.
Network Defense of news media, so is always vulnerable, because Shi Lei is World Summit Grade Hacker, Ordinary Network Defense, regarding Shi Lei, is decorates completely!
Shi Lei entered the Washington Post Official Website backstage black, has not carried on the act of sabotage, but simple evidence that he just preserved, with the way of news broadcast, narrated.
«FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation big mistake!»
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation this crowd of rice buckets, have consumed taxpayer innumerable US Dollar of every year, but actually have they made what?
Our Network Entertainment Audit Department, Official Website has encountered the race. Discrimination. The Hacker invasion of principle, FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation Idiot, traced the Nanchao Nation two online game makers unexpectedly.
Oh, day! Has saying that the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation idiot, they don't have the long brain? Although invades Network Entertainment Audit Department Hacker, information that keeps, indeed has the expression of point image Nanchao Nation person, but such obvious frames by planting stolen goods on to shift blame, FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation haven't Elite, discovered unexpectedly?
Our Washington Post receives the evidence that anonymous has provided, this evidence has clearly indicated that invades Network Entertainment Audit Department Hacker, absolutely is not Nanchao Nation personnel, but is Hacker of our Li Jian Nation native place.
Asked the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation idiot, [Hope] your this time, can according to the evidence that we provided, well held these damn races. Discrimination. Hacker of principle!
Shi Lei on Washington Post Official Website, caused such a report, immediately was reprinted with other media organizations by related Forum. Washington Post and relations of Li Jian Nation Government, in personnel that Li Jian Nation news media mixes, who doesn't know?
Shi Lei after was ending Washington Post black, then no longer pays attention to the Li Jian Nation situation. Shi Lei does not like staying up late, Li Jian Nation Plan already implement accomplish, then exactly as stated waiting fermentation.
Shi Lei has rested shortly, in short time, FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation has violated a huge wrong matter, then spreads in Li Jian Nation, from the Li Jian Nation Government senior official, to the Li Jian Nation Ordinary people, knew completely mistake that FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation makes.
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation is similar to Shi Lei forecasts same shaming very angry!
As the Li Jian Nation privilege intelligence related activity, FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation privilege is very big, even if Washington Post and Li Jian Nation Government has complicated contact, but FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation as before discontented Washington Post, in does not inform in their situations, exits news broadcast directly.
Past time, Washington Post obtained anything about FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation and CIA Central Intelligence Agency scandal, certainly ahead of time will inform these two Intelligence Organization organizations. Absolutely is not similar to this general, reports directly the scandal.
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation Bureau Chief Simon Baker, knew after this matter, has not issued any explicit instruction, but Cybercrime Unit Assistant Director Adler Kurt, obtained enough suggestion, making him eliminate the influence of this matter.
The FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation dignity is inviolable, if their Boss nsa, has handled this matter, acceptance that FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation can also swallow an insult.
But trivial Washington Post, what qualifications do they have to accuse great FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation?
Cybercrime Unit Assistant Director Adler Kurt, to eliminate the influence of this matter, he does not plan directly to solve with Washington Post communication(s).
Since Washington Post chose looked for the trouble of FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation directly, communication(s) was useful?
Adler Kurt has thought a very good idea, fully conforms to the Shi Lei regard the stupid idea...
Hanya sebuah blog kecil yang bertujuan saling membantu sesama. Semoga dapat berjalan dengan lancar.
Monday, November 27, 2017
869: Frames Washington Post!

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