#853: Worldwide Fourth Supercomputer!
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In May twenty day.
Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition Voice Communication Channel, [Sunlight Angel] has given the affirmative reply, „we can stop Dream Entertainment Company Pseudo Artificial Intelligence System. However, we cannot stop the too long time. You must in a short time, break through Dream Entertainment Company internal defense, destroys Dream Entertainment Company internal data! Can you achieve?”
Voice Communication Channel quiet, as if has been pondering [Sunlight Angel] issue suddenly. [Broken Knife] silent a meeting, uses English to ask: „, Are your so-called short time, actually how much time? Ten seconds? One minute? Is ten minutes?”
If the time are too less, then does not have what value significance. After all, Dream Entertainment Company Internal System defense, requires certain time to explain.
[Broken Knife] as having Hacker of World Exceed Class Level technology, in the entire World range, but also slightly has Bo Ming. [Sunlight Angel] has also heard [Broken Knife], he uses English to reply: „[Broken Knife]? Originally you are the Xia Nation person!”
„Hēng!” [Broken Knife] cold snort, continued with the English access road: „Lion, did not discuss now this issue time, actually you and can gemini stop Dream Entertainment Company Pseudo Artificial Intelligence System how much time?”
[Sunlight Angel] cannot guarantee that this issue, Great Giant [Raphael] supports in the Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition voice channel luckily, [Raphael] in Angel Parliament secret Voice Communication Channel, said: „At least three minutes!”
„We at least can strive for you to three minutes! You ended the fight within three minutes as far as possible! Otherwise, we cannot affirm, how long but can also prevent Dream Entertainment Company Pseudo Artificial Intelligence System. After all Dream Entertainment Company Pseudo Artificial Intelligence System. Very formidable!” [Sunlight Angel] said the true idea of innermost feelings.
Dream Entertainment Company [Izual], was too indeed formidable!
„Three minutes?” [Broken Knife] had pondered, Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition Hacker member, has been over 150 at present. This more than 150 Hacker, completely are above World Third-rate standard, but will not be that type will only use the Tool new military recruits. „Three minutes, were enough!”
Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition Hacker. Launched series to discuss, finally when 11.5 15, Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition Hacker, directed offline after threading a needle of [Sunlight Angel], discussed unified plan 12 attacks!
Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition scheduled 12 points. Attacks Dream Entertainment Brave's World Official Website on time, these time attacks target, does not choose web Server, but chooses Data Server!
Data Server is storing up numerous Brave's World Official Website data, has through Official Website registration data. And, Brave's World Official Website Data Server. Certainly also has to connect other Data Server channels, with the aid of this channel, if can invade other Dream Entertainment Data Server. Was that developed?
Drew up Plan fast, Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition started to take action. First step, [Sunlight Angel] and [Moonlight Angel], is puts on Sockpuppet named lion and gemini two Angel Parliament Little Giant. Unites Great Giant [Raphael] in secret, attacks Dream Entertainment Company Main Server together directly, Supercomputer [Origin]!
Supercomputer [Origin] as Dream Entertainment Company Main Server, this is not secret, moreover including concrete performance, was pushed forget about it to come out by Angel Parliament.
After [Raphael] careful computation, he attempts the operational performance crush the way. Suppresses Dream Entertainment Company Main Server forcefully. In the [Raphael] hand currently is grasping four Supercomputer, separately is Ranked Nineteenth Supercomputer [Thunder], Angel Parliament internal Supercomputer ‚[Holy]’, as well as ‚inheritance’ from the [Uriel] hand two Supercomputer [Ember] and [Lava].
In Supercomputer Ranked that in November, 2006 issued, Supercomputer [Thunder] Ranked Nineteenth, the estimated performance has achieved 19.9 tflops. The Supercomputer [Lava] estimated performance has achieved 15.0 tflops, if includes Supercomputer Ranked, probably placed 32 \; The Supercomputer [Lava] estimated performance, has surpassed Supercomputer [Thunder], has 20 tflops!
computing resources that these three Supercomputer add, makes equal to 55 tflops. But this is not [Raphael] is at facing the Dream Entertainment Pseudo Artificial Intelligence System energy.
Truly those who are the [Raphael] card in a hand is, Angel Parliament internal Supercomputer [Holy]!
The Supercomputer [Holy] estimated performance has been the 80 tflops degree, if Supercomputer [Holy], arranges in the World Supercomputer ranking, its performance can be listed at the Fourth position!
Worldwide Fourth!
Worldwide Fourth Supercomputer, and in the true sense can 100% reassignment performance, if even has the demand, but can also surpass the frequency promoted performance, lets the Supercomputer estimated performance, within certain amount of time, on promoted 90 tflops!
This is the [Raphael] sporty reason!
Is counted Supercomputer [Holy], removes the estimated performance not to be unstable, by Supercomputer [Thunder] that the Hacker way obtains, [Raphael] can computing resources of 100% controls in hand, at least also has 115 tflops. Contrasts the Supercomputer [Origin] that pitiful 10 tflops performance, can definitely realize the performance crush.
Although said that [Interweave Net Miwang] provided anytime and anywhere has surpassed 1000 tflops computing resources, may be distributional the arenaceous texture computing resources, facing High Degree centralized computing resources, after is not the match.
Otherwise why develops Supercomputer? Developed the distributed computing platform not to be good directly?
Indoor the Angel Parliament secret voice chatted, [Raphael] transferred Supercomputer [Lava] and [Ember], has not made any probe, launched the attack by the strongest stance to Supercomputer [Origin] directly. the 35 tflops estimated performance, attacked the 10 tflops defense performance, Supercomputer [Origin] was bogged down in difficulties in immediately!
[Sunlight Angel] and [Moonlight Angel], although merely is only World Grade Hacker, but this to lover files Hacker, is grasping numerous high quality Server Zombie. [Sunlight Angel] all high quality Server Zombie, strongly in the same place, has composed performance close 10 tflops Clustered Server, rapid interpolates to attack the Supercomputer [Origin] team.
The Supercomputer [Origin] estimated performance has 10 tflops, but it also needs to be responsible for coordinating [Interweave Net Miwang], as well as City Supported Server Cluster, and is [Izual] provides the operational support. Synthesizes all sorts of situations, Supercomputer [Origin] can provide to the [Endless Defense] System estimated performance, will has 6 tflops high and low.
The performance disparity of attack side and defense side is disparate, the [Izual] First time has made the adjustment, it transferred the [Interweave Net Miwang] idle resources, assists to defend Supercomputer [Origin]. In [Interweave Net Miwang] transferred has surpassed under the computing resources assistance of 300 tflops, Supercomputer [Origin] has resisted the attack of Angel Parliament with ease.
[Raphael] at this time, did not have the investment final card in a hand, he did not have crazed direct exposure Supercomputer [Holy], but tells [Sunlight Angel], in Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition, order of issue attack.
Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition, received [Sunlight Angel] information, immediately starts to take action. These fellows had recognized [Sunlight Angel] can constrain Dream Entertainment Pseudo Artificial Intelligence System, they felt relieved that has launched the attack boldly.
In fact, at present the [Izual]'s attention, indeed is attracted by Angel Parliament. Attack of Angel Parliament choice is very subtle, they attack Supercomputer [Origin] directly. Let alone was broken through Supercomputer [Origin] defense by the Angel Parliament fellow, even if the Angel Parliament fellow, forcing Supercomputer [Origin] to restart, the loss of Dream Entertainment will also be very huge.
The Anti-Dream Entertainment Great Coalition Hacker army, according to scheduled target, killed directly to Brave's World Official Website data has processed Server. Because [Izual] has assembled majority of system resources, is assisting Supercomputer [Origin] defense. Therefore, Brave's World's Official Website Data Server, the defense effort reduced much.
The [Broken Knife] First time had discovered this situation, he bellows in Voice Communication Channel, „brothers keep it up! Dream Entertainment Company Pseudo Artificial Intelligence System, really child constrains by [Lion] and pair, the defense of Server reduced, we strive for the quick solution it!”
Jingya Garden.
Shi Lei is taking the telephone and Mu Shuang discussed that has about Brave's World, the First Period Martial World Struggle for Power Competition online registration matter. online registration is less optimistic, Shi Lei not [Hope] such matter occurrence. Therefore, Shi Lei has thought means that reverses such situation.
Just, he and Mu Shuang had not discussed that a concrete result, [Izual] then through projector, demonstrates a striking warning signal, and has provided the explanation, indicated that Dream Entertainment Main Server Supercomputer [Origin] has encountered attack.
contact between [Izual] and Shi Lei, there is a preinstall plan. For example, the red pirate-like skull that [Izual] prompts now symbolized that belongs to the prompt of Higher Grade, indicated that Supercomputer [Origin] currently by Hacker personnel attack, the situation of possibly creating the forced down.
The Shi Lei complexion slightly changes, yesterday invades Brave's World Official Website web Server personnel not to launch investigate with enough time, today do some people invade?
„Mu Shuang, me a little urgent matter must process, matter that I just said that you study to me an answer.” Shi Lei was saying fast.
Mu Shuang responded: „En, good, you are busy first!” After saying, Mu Shuang has hung up the telephone directly, Mu Shuang throughout that sensibly, not many inquiry Shi Lei's matter, choice support Shi Lei silently.
„[Izual], demonstrates the further information!” Shi Lei has put down the telephone, sat in front of Number One Server, the loud instruction said.
[Izual] received the attack further information to demonstrate Supercomputer [Origin], Shi Lei observed is attacking the data characteristics, the complexion suddenly changed!
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Saturday, November 25, 2017
853: Worldwide Fourth Supercomputer!

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