Saturday, November 25, 2017

855: Welcome arrives at the big trap!

#855: Welcome arrives at the big trap!
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In the Anti-Dream En­ter­tain­ment Great Coali­tion voice chan­nel, the major on­line game op­er­a­tor and Hacker Or­ga­ni­za­tion Leader of on­line game maker sub­or­di­nate, cheers in abun­dance.
At this mo­ment, they should cheer!
[Bro­ken Knife] in the voice chan­nel, uses Eng­lish to say loudly: „broth­ers quiet! We should thank dian and gemmi, they for we have striven for 12 min­utes, has gone far be­yond the sched­uled Plan three min­utes. Oth­er­wise, we are im­pos­si­ble to break through Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany Brave's World's Of­fi­cial Web­site Data Server. Let us thank dan and gemwni to­gether thanks their help!”
Puts on lan Sock­pup­pet [Sun­light Angel], has to come to re­spond: „broth­ers, all these are every­body's ef­forts, we have com­mon tar­get, that over­throws Dream En­ter­tain­ment!”
„Over­throws Dream En­ter­tain­ment!”
„Over­throws Dream En­ter­tain­ment!”
„Over­throws Dream En­ter­tain­ment!”
If this slo­gan were heard by Shi Lei, Shi Lei def­i­nitely meets an old blood to spurt, this does toy sound the looks like to pro­ject on the Wo Sang Em­pire prin­ci­ple? When did Dream En­ter­tain­ment have Evil that?
Also shouted in­clud­ing Ma Hu­atang two, Ma Hu­atang was very happy, but now is also not the happy time, „[Bro­ken Knife], has bro­ken through Brave's World Of­fi­cial Web­site Data Server, had you found Brave's World First Pe­riod Mar­tial World Strug­gle for Power Com­pe­ti­tion Gamer reg­is­tra­tion data? Do not cheer, a bit faster looks for data!”
[Bro­ken Knife] re­sponded rapidly: „Boss felt re­lieved that I al­ready arranged, what cheers is only sev­eral heads, to en­cour­age every­body's morale, other back­bone per­son­nel, are work­ing com­pletely, their cur­rently scans Brave's World Of­fi­cial Web­site Data Server com­pre­hen­sively. Once had dis­cov­ered any use­ful Data, then im­me­di­ately in­forms us.”
Ma Hu­atang has felt re­lieved slightly, „[Bro­ken Knife], if un­able to ob­tain Brave's World Of­fi­cial Web­site Data Server data that is di­rect De­stroy it! So long as can cre­ate trou­ble­some to Dream En­ter­tain­ment, is the best re­sult!”
„Yes, Boss!” [Bro­ken Knife] any has not hes­i­tated, such sim­i­lar work [Bro­ken Knife] has helped Ma Hu­atang do were more.
Angel Par­lia­ment, se­cret Voice Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Chan­nel.
[Sun­light Angel] in­quired: „ Did Sir [Raphael], Anti-Dream En­ter­tain­ment Great Coali­tion Voice Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Chan­nel, you hear? The Anti-Dream En­ter­tain­ment Great Coali­tion trash, has bro­ken through Brave's World's Of­fi­cial Web­site Server un­ex­pect­edly, and Data Server.
Is Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany de­fense too to be ac­tu­ally weak, is other rea­sons? Sir [Raphael] can we from Brave's World Of­fi­cial Web­site, enter Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany? ”
„No!” [Raphael] de­nied de­cid­edly, „Anti-Dream En­ter­tain­ment Great Coali­tion that crowd of waste can they break through Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany de­fense? I dare say­ing that this 100% are the traps!”
[Raphael] and [Mr. M] fight re­peat­edly, be­tween Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany and [Mr. M] have the il­leg­i­bile con­nec­tion, [Raphael] for­merly have also in­vaded Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, his also not clear Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany de­fense in­ten­sity?
De­pend­ing on Anti-Dream En­ter­tain­ment Great Coali­tion these mixed fish rot­ten veg­eta­bles, what qual­i­fi­ca­tions they have, what is ca­pa­ble of break­ing through Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany Net­work De­fense?
The Anti-Dream En­ter­tain­ment Great Coali­tion Hacker al­lied armies, break [End­less De­fense] Sys­tem that [Izual] has turned on the water, en­tered Brave's World Of­fi­cial Web­site Data Server, and in Data Server, is car­ry­ing on the scan­ning of en­tire disk array.
Over 150 Hacker Ex­pert, scan­ning of re­spec­tive minute of Plan Task ac­cord­ing to the es­ti­mate of [Bro­ken Knife], most only takes 20 min­utes, then can the ac­com­plish en­tire disk array scan­ning.
[Bro­ken Knife] in Brave's World Of­fi­cial Web­site Data Server has im­planted a spe­cial Virus pro­ce­dure, in the final mo­ment, de­stroys Data Server data con­ve­niently.
for­merly, [Moon Virus] erupts time, [Bro­ken Knife] spe­cially ini­tia­tive in­fected [Moon Virus], then stud­ies the [Moon Virus] in­fec­tion pat­tern, burst mode as well as rup­ture model. For max­i­mum de­gree Data Server of de­struc­tion Dream En­ter­tain­ment Brave's World Of­fi­cial Web­site, [Bro­ken Knife] spe­cially study [Moon Virus] has placed in the Data Server disk array, mak­ing [Moon Virus] in­fect each in­de­pen­dent disk.
[Bro­ken Knife] man­u­fac­ture knock­off [Moon Virus], al­though does not have the first edi­tion [Moon Virus] such for­mi­da­ble high in­fec­tious­ness, may in de­struc­tive as­pect, dis­par­ity ten points of small. At least makes knock­off [Moon Virus] erupt in Data Server, the en­tire Data Server disk array group, all disk were fin­ished com­pletely.
When [Bro­ken Knife] puts in knock­off ver­sion [Moon Virus] Brave's World Of­fi­cial Web­site Data Server, [Izual] has sounded the warn­ing to Shi Lei im­me­di­ately.
„Sr Brave's World Of­fi­cial Web­site Data Server, dis­cov­ers va­ri­ety [Moon Virus]. Sys­tem es­tab­lishes the Sand­box iso­la­tion test au­to­mat­i­cally, after Log­i­cal Analy­sis, the va­ri­ety [Moon Virus] in­fec­tious­ness re­duces 80% \; Erupts the way only then pre­in­stall time one type, does not have other changes \; The de­struc­tion order of sever­ity, achieves par­ent sub­stance [Moon Virus] 90%!” [Izual] is re­port­ing the [say / way].
On the Shi Lei face shows stunned ex­pres­sion, not know­ing whether to laugh or cry thought aloud: „Va­ri­ety [Moon Virus]? Un­ex­pect­edly copes with orig­i­nal au­thor with [Moon Virus]!” After hav­ing smiled the mo­ment, Shi Lei opens the mouth say­ing: „Did [Izual], how many Hacker ipn sites trace?”
[Izual] through [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang] com­put­ing re­sources, traced was en­ter­ing Brave's World Of­fi­cial Web­site
` Data Server, Hacker.
In fact said with [Raphael], Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany de­fense in­ten­sity, if dis­played re­ally can­not with­stand, but also needed Anti-Dream En­ter­tain­ment Great Coali­tion to get rid? [Raphael] had al­ready tram­pled flat Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany all Net­work De­fense, found re­la­tions be­tween Shi Lei and [Mr. M].
Be­fore Shi Lei told [Izual] de­fense Su­per­com­puter [Ori­gin] time, source code of Shi Lei com­pi­la­tion with­draws a Data Server mir­ror image, then took the mir­ror image as the main source, has man­u­fac­tured com­pletely real Trap Sys­tem.
This Trap Sys­tem is based on the Data Server mir­ror image, has Data Server all data con­tents and de­fense mea­sures com­pletely, but its real main body, is ac­tu­ally huge in­com­pa­ra­ble Sand­box Sys­tem. Sand­box Sys­tem is used to test Virus gen­er­ally, mak­ing Virus do in Sand­box Sys­tem re­leases com­pletely, but will not cause the de­struc­tion to the Sys­tem main body.
The Anti-Dream En­ter­tain­ment Great Coali­tion Hacker al­lied armies, break through so-called Dream En­ter­tain­ment Brave's World Of­fi­cial Web­site Data Server, is ac­tu­ally a big trap!
A fatal big trap!
When they enter Sand­box Sys­tem, [Izual] then au­to­mat­i­cally Hacker that starts re­trieve each to con­nect, re­verse track­ing their real ip ad­dress. Hacker con­nect Trap Sys­tem, ini­tia­tive ex­po­si­tion con­nects the ip ad­dress be­hav­ior, may fa­cil­i­tate too much com­pared with the [Izual] ac­tive hom­ing, the ef­fi­ciency of in­quiry real ipn site also en­hanced.
Piti­ful Anti-Dream En­ter­tain­ment Great Coali­tion think­ing that is also pleased with one­self, they broke Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany Net­work De­fense. Does not have Shi Lei's to tell that not hav­ing [Izual]'s to turn on the water, do they pos­si­bly pass [End­less De­fense] Sys­tem?
What a pity [Raphael] has seen through this trap, not hav­ing fooled to be de­ceived. After all, [Raphael] long-term fooled is de­ceived, even if a pig, will study the in­tel­li­gent point Right?
Dream En­ter­tain­ment de­fense was bro­ken by Anti-Dream En­ter­tain­ment Great Coali­tion these clay chick­ens and pot­tery dogs, [Raphael] said that any­thing does not be­lieve. There­fore, [Raphael] lets Anti-Dream En­ter­tain­ment Great Coali­tion, when can­non fod­der this is also the plan that [Raphael] most starts. Al­though the script de­vi­ated the es­ti­mate of [Raphael], [Raphael] es­ti­mated the Anti-Dream En­ter­tain­ment Great Coali­tion at­tack, then he con­trols Angel Par­lia­ment Su­per­com­puter [Holy] pow­er­ful joins the at­tack for­ma­tion, breaks Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany de­fense. How the life al­ways the sit­u­a­tion that likes hav­ing the ac­ci­dent!
„Sr al­to­gether traces 104 Hacker real ip ad­dress at pre­sent.” [Izual] is feed­ing back in­for­ma­tion.
„104? If needs to trace all Hacker real ip ad­dress, [Izual], how much time but also needs to spend?” Shi Lei in Su­per­com­puter [Ori­gin], is con­struct­ing a spe­cial de­fense method, this is to pro­tect Su­per­com­puter [Ori­gin], or pro­tects [Izual].
Su­per­com­puter [Ori­gin] is [Izual]'s Par­ent Server, if Su­per­com­puter [Ori­gin] were bro­ken through if had been for­mat­ted the disk array group thor­oughly, [Izual] may van­ish.
The de­fense method of Shi Lei con­struc­tion, ex­actly as stated for­bids order of ma­chine im­ple­ment for­mat­ting this order, Shi Lei to scratch to write the cmos chip bot­tom level data op­er­at­ing mode di­rectly, will for­bid for­mat­ted order read in hard­ware-level level re­stric­tion(s).
Any at­tempts to carry on the for­mat­ted order, or the order of dele­tion pro­tec­torate data, can by hard­ware-level de­fense. Only if the in­truder, can mod­ify hard­ware-level data in­for­ma­tion, oth­er­wise is im­pos­si­ble to delete or the for­mat­ted disk array group.
Car­ries on the bot­tom level op­er­a­tion of hard­ware-level, be­longs to com­pare the High Grade tech­nol­ogy. Gen­er­ally, user does not need to care that cmos chip stor­age in­for­ma­tion these in­for­ma­tion con­tents, are usu­ally es­tab­lished by the hard­ware man­u­fac­turer. user wants through to change cmos in­for­ma­tion softly must be skilled in hard­ware re­lated in­for­ma­tion, re­lated coded pro­gram.
„S prob­a­bly also takes four points of Forty sec­ond.” [Izual] was re­spond­ing.
Shi Lei con­structed ac­com­plish to pro­tect Sys­tem to [Izual]'s, sighed: „Our Main Server should re­place, the Main Server es­ti­mated per­for­mance, has 10 thlmas merely. Al­though draws sup­port from [In­ter­weave Net Mi­wang], can guar­an­tee the Brave's World's smooth op­er­a­tion, can de­fense most sit­u­a­tions. But fac­ing Ex­pert time, ba­si­cally can only de­fense of hands tied feet tied, but must be wor­ried that was bro­ken through by the op­po­site party. [Izual], if needs to dis­play the Main Sys­tem per­for­mance, prob­a­bly what Level Server needs?”
If the Main Server per­for­mance is pow­er­ful enough, the hard­ware de­fense pro­tec­tion does not need, any per­son is un­able to break Main Server de­fense!
[Izual] sim­ple idea for­get about it, re­sponded: „Sir, Main Sys­tem ac­cord­ing to the cur­rent com­puter fab­ri­ca­tion tech­nol­ogy and com­pu­ta­tion speed, in ad­di­tion op­er­a­tion cost and other cal­cu­la­tions, sug­gested that the Par­ent Server es­ti­mated per­for­mance achieves 300 mps”
300 tflaps!
Per­haps after this speed places 2012, is not any sur­prised data, but the pre­sent is the year. The Su­per­com­puter rank­ing of lat­est issue has not an­nounced that con­tin­ued to use No­vem­ber , the rank­ing of 2006, 30 ot­flmpt cal­cu­lates the per­for­mance Su­per­com­puter, can arrange to First Place!
„Damn [Izual], do you know that man­u­fac­ture so Level Su­per­com­puter, how much money does need to spend?” Shi Lei was roar­ing ask­ing.


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