Saturday, November 25, 2017

844: Surmounts the gravity of Mu Shuang estimate!

#844: Surmounts the gravity of Mu Shuang estimate!
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On May 19, 9 : 00 am.
Shi Lei sleep rests to the na­ture awakes, when he sits from the bed, the [Izual]'s prompt re­sounds im­me­di­ately.
„Sir, we in the Nanyue Na­tion in­flu­ence, have en­coun­tered the at­tack of Wo Sang Na­tion Sank­ouzu. Sank­ouzu tar­get de­ter­mines the Lonely Mas­sacre heroin chan­nel, but after log­i­cal Sys­tem an­a­lyzes, de­nied this an­swer.”
Also some­what blurry Shi Lei, hear­ing Nanyue Na­tion to en­counter the at­tack in­for­ma­tion, im­me­di­ately sobered, „what sit­u­a­tion? Has Nanyue Na­tion en­coun­tered the at­tack? What has to lose? Did the [N235 Metal] news dis­close?”
Nanyue Na­tion was at­tacked, Shi Lei's First felt that the ex­actly as stated [N235 Metal] news, has en­coun­tered the rev­e­la­tion. The messy and dirty place of Nanyue Na­tion that re­mote place, be­sides [N235 Metal], what but also there is worth Wo Sang Na­tion peep­ing at?
But the func­tion of [N235 Metal], knows ex­cept for Shi Lei and [Izual] that does not know Ye Feng. Ye Feng only knows that [N235 Metal] is very im­por­tant, ac­tu­ally does not know that [N235 Metal] is new Power Source, one type can the di­rect con­ver­sion elec­tri­cal en­ergy new Power Source.
‚Is it pos­si­ble that is Lit­tle Plum?’ In Shi Lei heart thump, Li Cai, al­though knows that Shi Lei had dis­cov­ered new Power Source, ac­tu­ally does not know ex­is­tence of [N235 Metal]. Only if Li Cai and Ye Feng car­ried on have ex­changed in pri­vate, one side ob­tained the in­for­ma­tion com­ple­ment from an­other one side.
‚Pos­si­bly is not Lit­tle Plum!’ Shi Lei de­nied this an­swer, even if Lit­tle Plum knew [N235 Metal] ex­actly as stated new Power Source, he im­pos­si­ble this in­for­ma­tion, told knows to Wo Sang Na­tion.
„[Izual], what sit­u­a­tion is Sank­ouzu?” Shi Lei in­quired.
This morn­ing, Ye Feng in Móng Cái City Cheng Dong Strong­hold, in­ter­ro­gated two liv­ing wit­ness who held at the same night, de­ter­mined that their iden­tity were Wo Sang Na­tion Sank­ouzu mem­ber, the in­ves­ti­gate Lao Chao Strong­hold rea­son, was mainly wants to ob­tain the high-pu­rity white bread flour heroin chan­nel, and grasped this chan­nel in the hand.
This an­swer was Ye Feng has iso­lated two liv­ing wit­ness. The re­sult of sep­a­rately re­peat­edly in­ter­ro­gat­ing, had cer­tain con­fi­dence level. There­fore, the an­swer that Ye Feng will in­ter­ro­gate, through the se­cret com­mu­ni­ca­tion chan­nel, trans­mit­ted to Shi Lei.
[Izual] re­ceives the an­swer that Ye Feng has trans­mit­ted, trans­ferred the Deep Nat­ural Logic Think­ing Mod­ule analy­sis au­to­mat­i­cally. De­nied this an­swer.
„Sir, does not have Sank­ouzu re­lated in­tel­li­gence in­for­ma­tion tem­porar­ily.” The [Izual] re­sponse said.
Ac­tu­ally Shi Lei knows Sank­ouzu, as one of the Wo Sang Na­tion most for­mi­da­ble two black in­flu­ences, was known as that can con­trol the Wo Sang Na­tion Gov­ern­ment black in­flu­ence, Shi Lei does not know?
Wo Sang Na­tion Sank­ouzu and In­sect Party, are also il­lus­tri­ous in en­tire World!
‚Does Sank­ouzu want the high-pu­rity heroin chan­nel? This an­swer looks like ac­tu­ally the some­what true fla­vor. After all Sank­ouzu takes Wo Sang Na­tion one of the two big Ex­ceed Grade black in­flu­ences, grasps the high-pu­rity heroin chan­nel to rep­re­sent the huge in­ter­ests. Just, they come Nanyue Na­tion in­ves­ti­gate at this es­sen­tial mat­ter, more­over di­rectly goes to Lao Chao Strong­hold in­ves­ti­gate, what trick can have?’ In the Shi Lei heart was guess­ing se­cretly.
Sat has thought on the bed about a half hour, Shi Lei could not find out a clue, gave up killing the be­hav­ior of brain cell di­rectly. The in­struc­tion order said: „[Izual], closely mon­i­tors Sank­ouzu in­for­ma­tion, mo­men­tar­ily pays at­ten­tion to the Nanyue Na­tion in­for­ma­tion. Or­ders Yel­low Tri­an­gle Re­gion, trans­fers 30 [The Steel and Iron] to go to Nanyue Na­tion, pre­pares for that pre­pares for!” On the Shi Lei face re­veals wipes cold.
Re­gard­less of Sank­ouzu goes to Nanyue Na­tion in­ves­ti­gate any­thing, is ready to cope with any­thing to re­sist by what­ever means avail­able, so long as Sank­ouzu dares to come Nanyue Na­tion in­ves­ti­gate their Dark Hell, that de­liv­ers under them Hell!
Shi Lei in Nanyue Na­tion, may not have in the Xia Na­tion scru­ples. Since he dares to order. And the par­tic­i­pa­tion de­stroys the Nanyue Na­tion bor­der de­fense per­son­ally. Then can look, in Nanyue Na­tion, Shi Lei was al­ready bold, how will he fear Sank­ouzu?
Sank­ouzu is highly re­garded in the Wo Sang Na­tion in­flu­ence, but here is not Wo Sang Na­tion. Here is Nanyue Na­tion! Even if Sank­ouzu in Wo Sang Na­tion, can mo­bi­lize the Wo Sang Na­tion Gov­ern­ment re­sources, in Nanyue Na­tion is not their home games. Nat­u­rally, Nanyue Na­tion is not the Dark Hell home game, but Dark Hell is longer in the Nanyue Na­tion de­vel­op­ment time, has de­vel­oped sub­or­di­nate in­flu­ence Lonely Mas­sacre, but also be­came the Móng Cái City na­tive place in­flu­ence.
This is the Dark Hell su­pe­ri­or­ity!
„Yes , sir, or­ders in cur­rently im­ple­ment.” [Izual] the order of Shi Lei in­struc­tion, changed to the ac­tual im­ple­ment strength, each or­ders Par­al­lel Pro­cess­ing.
Yel­low Tri­an­gle Re­gion Zeng Bin, re­ceived the order of First Grade au­tho­riza­tion im­me­di­ately, told that he as­sem­bles 30 [The Steel and Iron] to go to Móng Cái City. The shifts of these [The Steel and Iron], will di­vide to make 15 raids, each two. Adopts au­to­matic po­si­tion­ing dri­ving, some re­gions use the man­ual con­trol. Rea­son that does not as­sem­ble one time , be­cause 30 [The Steel and Iron] fly at the same time, tar­get will in­crease, was dis­cov­ered eas­ily.
Shi Lei told that the order, from the bed, the prepa­ra­tion has washed, goes to Emer­ald Build­ing Dream En­ter­tain­ment Tem­po­rary Head­quar­ters to go to work. Then, he has not en­tered bath­room, places the com­puter table the tele­phone, then has made a sound, Caller ID is Mu Shuang.
Shi Lei sig­nif­i­cant pinches has taken up cell phone, has pressed down an­swer­ing. Shi Lei the study was now in­tel­li­gent, does not make clear the sit­u­a­tion time, an­swered Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo tele­phone, waited for that the op­po­site party spoke first, ac­tu­ally thus de­ter­mine was which younger sis­ter.
Each time he opens the mouth first, op­po­site al­ways an­other younger sis­ter an­swer­ing tele­phone, made that he was too awk­ward!
In the tele­phone re­ceiver, the Mu Shuang sound passes on, „Shi Lei, you today Com­pany!”
Shi Lei also planned to go to Com­pany to have a look today, to­mor­row ex­actly as stated Brave's World First Pe­riod Mar­tial World Strug­gle for Power Com­pe­ti­tion reg­is­tra­tion date, al­though many Gamer have car­ried on the of­fline reg­is­tra­tion, but this pro­por­tion oc­cu­pied per­cent twenty of Gamer total quan­tity. Also in other words, nu­mer­ous Gamer, after is wait­ing of­fi­cial on­line reg­is­tra­tion open­ing, will reg­is­ter.
How­ever, fore­cast ac­cord­ing to Shi Lei's, there is nu­mer­ous Gamer not to reg­is­ter. After all the reg­is­tra­tion fee needs 100 ar­ti­cle cop­per coin(s), some clear(ly) know that do not have [Hope] Gamer, may not give up 100 ar­ti­cle cop­per coin(s).
Shi Lei goes to Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany today, is pre­pares to solve this issue. His [Hope] all Gamer par­tic­i­pate, re­gard­less of Gamer whether to ob­tain the re­ward of First Pe­riod Mar­tial World Strug­gle for Power Com­pe­ti­tion, they par­tic­i­pate will­ingly.
„Mu Shuang, Com­pany what hap­pened?” Shi Lei cu­ri­ous ask­ing.
Gen­er­ally, Mu Shuang will not call Shi Lei to go to Com­pany, only if there is any mat­ter, she is un­able to make the de­ci­sion, or sim­i­lar pre­vi­ous [Storm] is the same. Must make Shi Lei sit­u­a­tion at the scene, Mu Shuang tele­phone to Shi Lei, mak­ing Shi Lei go to Com­pany.
In­tel­li­gent Mu Shuang, had al­ready guessed cor­rectly, en­tire Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Com­pany, ex­actly as stated Shi Lei all. Shi Lei has cer­tainly nu­mer­ous mat­ters to need to process. It is not able to par­tic­i­pate in the man­age­ment of Com­pany whole­heart­edly.
„Shi Lei, you a bit faster come Com­pany, the spe­cial de­tails, you came to know!” Mu Shuang rare has not told the Shi Lei rea­son, but makes Shi Lei go to Com­pany.
The Mu Shuang man­ner, mak­ing Shi Lei sud­denly some­what not make clear the con­di­tion. „. Madam Queen, do not play, a bit faster told me, was ac­tu­ally what mat­ter?”
The Mu Shuang chuckle, „you should bet­ter come to see! I want to help you solve ac­tu­ally, what a pity, the grav­ity of sit­u­a­tion. Has sur­passed my es­ti­mate. Now, only then you processed!”
„What sit­u­a­tion?” Shi Lei had a scare, „what is called ‚the grav­ity of sit­u­a­tion, has sur­passed your es­ti­mate’?”
„In tele­phone does not talk clearly, I in Of­fice , etc. you.” Mu Shuang many ex­pla­na­tions, have not hung up the tele­phone di­rectly.
Shi Lei has put down the tele­phone, im­me­di­ately asks: „[Izual], Com­pany what hap­pened?”
Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Group Child Com­pany, uses the mail Man­age­ment Sys­tem work. Com­pany event. [Izual] has com­plete con­sult au­thor­ity. Group Child Com­pany what hap­pened, asked [Izual] right.
„Sir, re­trieve mail Man­age­ment Sys­tem, had not dis­cov­ered mat­ter that any need you han­dle per­son­ally.” [Izual] does not have re­trieve to any clue.
Shi Lei help­less has put down cell phone, mut­tered: „Mother's Egg. Al­ways how to have these be­wil­dered mat­ters. Sank­ouzu bits off comes to the in­ves­ti­gate Nanyue Na­tion foothold \; In Com­pany, sud­denly has the mat­ter that need I han­dle per­son­ally, but [Izual] ac­tu­ally does not know that is up to mis­chief!”
Com­plained Shi Lei that en­tered the bath­room, has combed the hair and wash the face with the cold water well, mak­ing one­self sober. Combs the hair and wash the face, has eaten some bread in a hurry, has drunk a milk, Shi Lei dri­ves to rush to Emer­ald Build­ing.
He must have a look but ac­tu­ally, in Com­pany, ac­tu­ally what hap­pened, sur­passes se­ri­ous out­side Mu Shuang es­ti­mate.
White Porsche Cayenne, sailed to Emer­ald Build­ing fast, the ex­clu­sive Dream En­ter­tain­ment Un­der­ground park­ing lot, then rode the el­e­va­tor to ar­rive at the Emer­ald Build­ing 38 build­ings.
The el­e­va­tor stopped in 38 build­ings, the Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany front desk re­cep­tion wel­come younger sis­ter, looks that Shi Lei walked from the el­e­va­tor, on the face has the strange smil­ing face, Shi Lei by her to look at some non- na­tures.
Has a lot of doubts, Shi Lei to walk to­ward Mu Shuang Of­fice. All the way, does not know that is the Shi Lei's mis­con­cep­tion, he al­ways thought that the Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany staff mem­ber, looked his vi­sion is very strange.
The vi­sion of some male staff mem­bers, have filled the wor­ship and Es­teemed \; The vi­sion of fe­male staff mem­ber is more com­plex, the vi­sion of some fe­male staff mem­bers, are hav­ing an ag­gres­sive­ness, is ex­ert­ing teas­ing skill to Shi Lei \; The vi­sion of an­other part of fe­male staff mem­ber, is hav­ing light de­spis­ing and con­tempt \; The vi­sion of some fe­male staff mem­bers, then low­ers the head does not dare to look at Shi Lei, oc­ca­sion­ally looks at Shi Lei, re­vealed has been sim­i­lar to the yean­ling sees the tim­ber wolf gen­eral ter­ri­fied rest­less.
‚Has felt strange, ac­tu­ally this is how a mat­ter!’ In the Shi Lei heart is very puz­zled.
Just in time at this time, Xie Hui that re­turned to from Li Jian Na­tion, walked. Shi Lei calls im­me­di­ately: „Old Xie, you come!”
Xie Hui looked up Shi Lei, ac­tu­ally dis­guised not to hear Shi Lei's to call , to con­tinue any­thing with side Hong Xiang, at­tempted to run away.
Shi Lei light snort, „Old Xie, Old Hong, you come to­gether!”
Hong Xiang and Xie Hui have looked at each other one, from the op­po­site party eye, saw the help­less ex­pres­sion, they can only walk to Shi Lei, the prepa­ra­tion replied dif­fi­cult issue...


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