Monday, November 27, 2017

884: The Intel release conference, reclaims the authorization!

#884: The Intel release conference, reclaims the authorization!
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In May Twenty-three day, 6 : 00 pm Forty-two dif­fer­ences.
Shuangqing City, Shuanghu Dis­trict back street, Parando Ital­ian restau­rant.
Shi Lei is bring­ing Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo, sits in a lone­some and quiet cor­ner po­si­tion, Parando Ital­ian restau­rant Boss Ce­sare, is car­ry­ing the Shi Lei ad­mir­ing cake per­son­ally, greeted with Ital­ian di­alect: „Stone, does not see for a long time, your two girl­friend.”
Shi Lei com­plex­ion some­what shan how­ever, his for­merly and Ce­sare crack a joke, said that Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo are his girl­friend. At that time, Shi Lei thinks that Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo did not un­der­stand Ital­ian di­alect. There­fore, he with Ce­sare un­scrupu­lous blow­ing Mouth Ar­tillery. Which knows that Mu Shuang also met Ital­ian di­alect un­ex­pect­edly, Shi Lei im­me­di­ately on sad re­minder!
„ke ke, Ce­sare, you a bit faster go busily, we have the mat­ter to dis­cuss.” Shi Lei re­sponded with Ital­ian di­alect.
Ce­sare does not have the reply that the least bit minds: „Will de­liver you spaghetti, I went to be busy at other mat­ters first, stone, well keep it up!”
On the Mu Shuang face is hav­ing the in­ex­plic­a­ble happy ex­pres­sion, small sound track: „Shi Lei, I do not like eat­ing spaghetti, wait a minute, my, you helped me eat!”
The ap­pear­ance that Shi Lei ac­cept­ing fate, the nod com­plies say­ing: „Good, does not have issue!”
Ling Yumo looks at Shi Lei to com­ply, im­me­di­ately joins in the fun say­ing: „Stone Mon­ster, I do not like eat­ing spaghetti, you must help me eat to­gether!”
The Shi Lei fore­head re­veals the heavy line, looks on the Ling Yumo small face is the an­tic­i­pa­tion ex­pres­sion, what can he also say? Only has the nod!
‚Damn spaghetti, I also very much re­pug­nantly eat!’ In the Shi Lei heart has tears stream­ing down the face, Ce­sare com­pletely is a big hole, de­liv­ers any­thing not to be good, must de­liver spaghetti!
Shi Lei with two younger sis­ter, eats while is chat­ting the all kinds in­ter­est­ing rumor, to around 8 : 00 pm, Shi Lei wants to de­liver two younger sis­ter to go home, but, Mu Shuang and Ling Yumo car(riage) stops in Emer­ald Build­ing, Shi Lei can only send them to Emer­ald Build­ing, then alone goes home.
Wants to fur­ther de­velop with two younger sis­ter, the road that Shi Lei must take, has heavy re­spon­si­bil­i­ties!
Jingya Gar­den.
Shi Lei re­turned to own alve­o­lus, sits is in a daze on the sofa of liv­ing room, in the head any­thing has not thought that is only being in a daze of quiet. Re­cently, the mat­ter that has are many, Shi Lei is very dif­fi­cult the quiet rest the time.
Close nine o'clock, the [Izual] ice-cold sound re­sounds, „sir, in­for­ma­tion re­trieve, dis­cov­ered that Intel Com­pany in the Li Jian Na­tion time the Twenty-three day in the morn­ing nine o'clock, of­fi­cially will con­vene Press Con­fer­ence in May. Main Sys­tem Log­i­cal Analy­sis, Intel Com­pany Press Con­fer­ence, will per­haps aim at Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany. does sir, pay at­ten­tion to Intel Com­pany Press Con­fer­ence?”
Shi Lei has stood from the sofa, the com­plex­ion changes slightly, Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany and AMD Com­pany just jointly held Press Con­fer­ence, Intel Com­pany have also held Press Con­fer­ence, this clearly has issue!
„[Izual], Intel Com­pany does Press Con­fer­ence, have the live broad­cast net­work re­port?” Shi Lei in­quired.
Gen­er­ally Press Con­fer­ence of Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy en­ter­prise, will typ­i­cally have the live broad­cast net­work re­port. Es­pe­cially apple Com­pany Press Con­fer­ence, most likes the net­work live trans­mis­sion the ar­gu­ment, their Press Con­fer­ence, pushes the en­tire World range, ex­pands the apple Com­pany in­flu­ence.
„Sir, in­quired Intel Com­pany Press Con­fer­ence, in youtube web­site on­line live re­port. Main Sys­tem cur­rently con­nec­tion over­seas Server, gains youtube live trans­mis­sion video Link Ad­dress.” [Izual] was re­spond­ing to Shi Lei.
In the evening nine o'clock, Li Jian Na­tion time, in the morn­ing nine o'clock.
Intel Com­pany con­venes Press Con­fer­ence of­fi­cially, man­ages the Press Con­fer­ence Intel Com­pany high level is High Grade Vice-Di­rec­tor Gen­eral Craig Beret, the num­ber of times that he and Dream En­ter­tain­ment has to do are most.
Li Jian Na­tion, State of Cal­i­for­nia, Santa Clara City.
Santa Clara City is one of the Sil­i­con Val­ley com­po­si­tion cities, not only Intel Com­pany Head­quar­ters is lo­cated here, nvidia Com­pany and sun Com­pany, Head­quar­ters is also lo­cated in Santa Clara City.
Intel Com­pany and nvidia Com­pany with are the Dream En­ter­tain­ment First Gen­er­a­tion Per­sonal Game Server sup­pli­ers, with their Head­quar­ters in the same place, some­what has the re­la­tions.
The Intel Com­pany Press Con­fer­ence scene, is gath­er­ing Li Jian Na­tion nu­mer­ous media, well-known media across en­tire World. Intel Com­pany High Grade Vice-Di­rec­tor Gen­eral, Craig Beret stands in the chair­man's podium, takes the mi­cro­phone to use Eng­lish to open the mouth say­ing: „Gen­tle­men, ladies, good morn­ing, Intel!”
„Today, our Intel Com­pany con­venes Press Con­fer­ence, mainly an­nounced that per­haps two mat­ters, some well-in­formed Friends, know ac­tu­ally our Intel Com­pany will an­nounce any mat­ter. Here, my [Hope] these Friend, keep se­cret tem­porar­ily, so as to avoid our Intel Com­pany Press Con­fer­ence, lost the proper sig­nif­i­cance.” Craig Beret is bring­ing hu­mor­ous say­ing.
Re­porter some on the scene, have sent out laugh­ing of good in­ten­tions.
„Be­fore an­nounc­ing our Intel Com­pany res­o­lu­tion, ask­ing every­body to watch a video to re­port!” Craig Beret makes way from chair­man's podium, fa­cil­i­tates pro­jec­tor to pro­ject the image, demon­strated on the chair­man's podium the­ater cur­tain.
Craig Beret stood in the chair­man's podium edge, was broad­cast by pro­jec­tor along with the video, he took mi­cro­phone to il­lus­trate.
„In 2006, our Intel Com­pany in the World­wide CPU mar­ket, grabbed 93% shares, our com­peti­tors, have 7% shares merely \; Our Intel Com­pany re­al­ized profit for the year has reached as high as 17% rates of in­cre­ment, our com­peti­tors, con­tin­ued six years of net loss, and debt close One Bil­lion US Dol­lar.”
In video con­tact sur­face, de­tailed enu­mer­ated Intel Com­pany, in the sales fig­ures in var­i­ous en­tire World areas, in­cluded the Xia Na­tion area, the sales vol­ume has led AMD Com­pany large scale.
„Our Intel Com­pany tech­nol­ogy, leads in the com­peti­tor at pre­sent, we have the com­plete in­tel­lec­tual prop­erty rights, the tech­ni­cal re­search and de­vel­op­ment ex­pense of our each year of in­vest­ment, was much higher than the com­peti­tor sim­i­larly. Our Intel Com­pany has enough con­fi­dence, will lead the match in the fu­ture!” Craig Beret was say­ing im­pas­sioned.
Intel Com­pany last year, was in 2006, was the in­vest­ment mar­ket new tech­nol­ogy, was the core / cool wis­dom tech­nol­ogy, the mar­ket re­ac­tion was good, mak­ing AMD Com­pany be tired out by meet­ing to incur.
Shi Lei is ex­am­in­ing live broad­cast through [Izual], lis­ten­ing to the Craig Beret ex­cuse, light hum that Shi Lei snorts at con­temp­tu­ously to think aloud: „Said for quite a while, noth­ing but is sat­i­riz­ing AMD Com­pany!”
The Intel Com­pany Press Con­fer­ence scene, pro­pa­gan­dized the video player of Intel Com­pany to end, Craig Beret stood the chair­man's podium mid­dle po­si­tion, on his face was bring­ing the thick self-con­fi­dence, opened the mouth say­ing: A First mat­ter that „our Intel Com­pany, an­nounced was, in view of the fact that Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany list as­pect tore up the agree­ment about Per­sonal Game Server, we pro­posed the vi­o­la­tion claim to Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany. Stip­u­lated ac­cord­ing to the agree­ment of both sides that Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany needs to pay dam­ages Intel Com­pany five hun­dred mil­lion US Dol­lar. Our Intel Com­pany [Hope] Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, in 15 work­ing days, the vi­o­la­tion in­dem­nity will pay our Intel Com­pany ac­count at the lat­est.”
First Item in­for­ma­tion that Craig Beret is­sues, a lit­tle stems from un­ex­pected of Re­porter. Is sim­i­lar this press­ing for pay­ment in­for­ma­tion, gen­er­ally, the Large-scale en­ter­prise on out­wardly will not ex­press, only if both sides have made to break­ing off.
At pre­sent Intel Com­pany and Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany, have not only bro­ken off, but also turned into the di­rect com­pe­ti­tion match!
After Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany pur­chased AMD Com­pany, def­i­nitely will not give up in­di­vid­ual com­puter user mar­ket, by the Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany for­mi­da­ble fi­nan­cial re­source, AMD Com­pany had to threaten the Intel Com­pany strength com­pared with be­fore ob­vi­ously.
„Mat­ter that Sec­ond must an­nounce, ask­ing Friend to be ready, in order to avoid being daunted!” Craig Beret re­laxes crack­ing a joke of at­mos­phere, „a Sec­ond mat­ter that our Intel Com­pany must an­nounce is, we will take back to AMD Com­pany the au­tho­riza­tion of x86 CPU Frame­work Tech­nol­ogy, and no longer gives the AMD Com­pany re­lated tech­nol­ogy li­cens­ing.”
Craig Beret an­nounced after this mat­ter, the Press Con­fer­ence scene seethes with ex­cite­ment im­me­di­ately, the Re­porter all kinds in­quiry sound, dis­cussed the sound, made one group.
Mid­dle-aged Re­porter of New York daily paper, first won the in­quiry power, this mid­dle-aged mas­cu­line Re­porter, asks: „Mr. Craig, your Intel Com­pany takes back to the x86 frame au­tho­riza­tion of AMD Com­pany, then AMD Com­pany has pro­duced, x86 frame -based the CPU, how should process?”
Craig Beret has pre­pared to this issue ob­vi­ously, „we con­tact AMD Com­pany re­lated per­son­nel, AMD Com­pany has cur­rently pro­duced the ac­com­plish CPU, can the Free­dom sale, our Intel Com­pany not aim at part of CPU, makes any re­stric­tion(s). How­ever, AMD Com­pany can­not con­tinue to pro­duce x86 Frame­work Tech­nol­ogy -based the CPU. If our Intel Com­pany dis­cov­ers AMD Com­pany , to con­tinue to pro­duce x86 frame -based the CPU, will sue AMD Com­pany, re­quest­ing AMD Com­pany to make the com­pen­sa­tion!”
Fem­i­nine Re­porter of an­other bbc news, won the Sec­ond Round in­quiry power, this some­what beauty Fe­male Re­porter, opens the mouth to in­quire: „Mr. Craig, ac­cord­ing to Li Jian Na­tion law, you re­claims the x86 frame au­tho­riza­tion of AMD Com­pany, should be­long to il­le­gal the mo­nop­oly law. Don't you fear the sanc­tion of Li Jian Na­tion Gov­ern­ment? Or AMD Com­pany cur­rently be­longs to the Xia Na­tion en­ter­prise to con­trol stock, has the Li Jian Na­tion Gov­ern­ment mo­nop­oly method, cho­sen leav­ing alone?”
Shi Lei through the youtube on­line live trans­mis­sion, looks that Craig Beret an­nounced re­claims the au­tho­riza­tion of AMD Com­pany x86 CPU Frame­work Tech­nol­ogy, on his face re­veals wipes to sneer and ridicule.
Intel Com­pany must take back the AMD Com­pany x86 CPU Frame­work Tech­nol­ogy mat­ter, ac­tu­ally Shi Lei ex­pected very early in the morn­ing, Intel Com­pany must re­claim the tech­nol­ogy li­cens­ing, Shi Lei sim­ply does not have the means to pre­vent.
How­ever, strat­egy that Shi Lei has deal­ing!.


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