HK :: VOLUME #10
#925: Fills to me! Mystical number?
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Shuanghu District, Emerald Lake Business District, Emerald Lake Fish Village.
Black Tiger Gang Ge Dahu (Big Tiger), on the face is having the simple and honest happy expression, if not he wears the sleeveless gown, on the shoulder has revealed tattoo, nobody suspected absolutely he is hoodlum of black influence.
After Yue Shangyun has drunk one bottle of 52 degrees Five Grain Liquor (Wuliangye), has been at the half drunk condition, Yue Dexuan heard Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) saying that gives Yue Shangyun one bottle of liquor again time, his complexion changes, clenches jaws saying: „Were you, too excessive a point?”
Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) looks the surprised expression, „Sir Deputy Station Director, we admires the straightforwardness of this brothers, you said any Ah?”
Sits in Mu Shuang nearby Xu Yanying, has attempted continuously more than ten times, is unable to dial the warning telephone as before, she looks at Shi Lei that has stayed out, in the heart indistinct understood anything.
The Shi Lei's lip approached the Mu Shuang fair auricle, said in a low voice: „Shuang Shuang, do you also satisfy? This Old Ghost dares to visit you with the look that the color narrows the eyes, I think to think disgusting! Recently put in great inconvenience you, I have not thought that with the cooperation of CCTV Television Station, will have such situation unexpectedly.”
The Mu Shuang root of the ear becomes red, and spreads to all around, becomes including the neck somewhat is ruddy, has been full of the attraction.
„Shuang Shuang, this disgusting Old Ghost, I the color will certainly take a look to him. As for the cooperation of CCTV Television Station, our Dream Entertainment Company, does not need them! Has been short of CCTV Television Station, we have other choices!” Shi Lei as before small sound track.
The Mu Shuang fine and fair ear, under the steam function that in the Shi Lei mouth spouts, became red, if the drop blood is common, Shi Lei could not bear with the lip contained the earlobe of Mu Shuang.
Such action, making the Mu Shuang whole body tremble, afterward sat straight the body hastily, white Shi Lei. Shi Lei hēi hēi smiles, sat straight the body, smiling looks at the Yue Dexuan joke.
Little Leopard also from Black Tiger Gang own table, took one bottle of Ordinary white wine. Inside installs absolutely is plain boiled water. But Little Leopard 52 degrees Five Grain Liquor (Wuliangye) that takes from Shi Lei this table, is the genuine goods at reasonable prices, 52 degrees High Degree white wine!
„Deputy Station Director, I just had drunk with your subordinate(s), the present is both of us drinks one? Deputy Station Director, I just forgot saying that I drink very fiercely, 12 bottles of white wine cannot baffle me, this whether previous spring late?” Little Leopard continues to tease Yue Dexuan.
Yue Shangyun is only the half drunk, as the Yue Dexuan assistant. Yue Shangyun capacity for liquor unusual. If were not just that bottle of 52 degrees Five Grain Liquor (Wuliangye). Drank anxiously little, Yue Shangyun will not have too big issue.
„brothers, we... Continue... Drinks!” Yue Shangyun the tongue, has been snatching 52 degrees Five Grain Liquor (Wuliangye) from the Little Leopard hand greatly. Then raises head fast and drinks up one bottle of 52 degrees Five Grain Liquor (Wuliangye).
In the Little Leopard eye reveals one to admire, true admiring, if the opposite party is not personnel that Shi Lei ordered to cope with, Little Leopard wants to hand over Friend with the opposite party actually. But the present situation, is beyond control radically the Little Leopard choice. Little Leopard has drunk one bottle of plain boiled water, he felt that some are not quite comfortable, the belly was filled by two bottles of plain boiled water, strange feeling that one type wants to spit.
Two bottles of cooled boiled water still some such feelings, two bottles of 52 degrees Five Grain Liquor (Wuliangye). After drinking, what has to feel?
Yue Shangyun only thinks dizzy, abdomen felt that has one group of flame to burn, according to the normal condition, Yue Shangyun has four bottles of 52 degrees Five Grain Liquor (Wuliangye) capacity for liquor, this completely is the capacity for alcohol. After may be forced short time to fill two bottles, by Little Leopard. Yue Shangyun honorable could not bear faint on the ground.
In the Yue Dexuan eye reveals wipes heart pain, the Yue Shangyun good and evil is also his biological nephew, as the whole family, can not be grieved?
Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) shot a look at Yue Dexuan, he works on one bottle of Five Grain Liquor (Wuliangye), hā hā says with a smile: „Sir Deputy Station Director, your helper had keeled over drunk, this time ought you to drink Right?”
Yue Dexuan knows one could not hide, he turned the head to look once more to Shi Lei, the expression said very indifferently: „Shi Lei, do you want to see somebody in danger and do nothing? Did you consider the clear consequence? I am CCTV Television Station Deputy Station Director, perhaps you do not know this on behalf of anything, but I told you, this on behalf of entire Xia Nation news media, as well as your connection influence to you, achieved the complete information blockade! The news and Newspaper, are magazines, as well as the network media, completely to you and Dream Entertainment Company, carry on the thorough exposure to force out!”
Shi Lei has made a not too elegant movement, the pinky of his right hand, has put in the ear, after having pulled out, with the thumb and pinky, the precipitation material that will pull out shoots.
„I said that this mister, you are Who? we know?” The Shi Lei's expression is very earnest, look that has not faked, completely is the performance of Oscar Winning Actor Level.
Yue Dexuan deeply inspired, sneers saying: „Such being the case, Shi Lei, we wait and see!” After saying, Yue Dexuan received 52 degrees Five Grain Liquor (Wuliangye) in Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) hand, studies Yue Shangyun to be the same, wants to display straightforward drinking up.
But Yue Dexuan capacity for liquor is inferior to Yue Shangyun, drank several then fiercely to cough, after having drunk 50%, then soft fainting on the ground.
Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) looks subconsciously to Shi Lei, what to do wants to inquire Shi Lei then should.
Shi Lei simply has not paid attention to Ge Dahu (Big Tiger), but looks at Mu Shuang saying: „Shuang Shuang, you said that some people are strange, cannot drink obviously, but must drink. Liquor east and west|thing, really such? My this is best, although cannot drink, but I will not drink!”
Mu Shuang once more white Shi Lei, collected near the Shi Lei's ear, small sound track: „Shi Lei, do not play has gone too far, they after all are CCTV Television Station Deputy Station Director, if had any accident, we are not good to confess.”
The nod that Shi Lei smiles, „I agreed!”
Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) actually received the Shi Lei's instruction, ‚cannot drink must drink’, exactly as stated Shi Lei's order, in other words, lets the person who Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) fills these ‚unable’ to drink forcefully, Yue Dexuan that for example fainted!
„Has Sir Deputy Station Director, you only drunk half? Looks down upon me?” Performance that Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) goes all out, is similar to Yue Dexuan has not gotten drunk to faint to be the same.
„Little Leopard, gives Sir Deputy Station Director to come one bottle again, cannot drink also to fill!” Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) says with a smile coldly.
youngster of Little Leopard to two Black Tiger Gang has caused a look, hints two youngster to hold Yue Dexuan, the Little Leopard right hand took the beverage bottle, the left hand was seizing the cheeks of Yue Dexuan, opened the double mouth of Yue Dexuan forcefully, then has filled one bottle of liquor.
Also after is one bottle of 52 degrees Five Grain Liquor (Wuliangye) fill, Yue Dexuan complexion from ruddy, turned into the dark green white, prelude that somewhat alcohol is poisoned.
Xu Yanying sits in Mu Shuang side, small sound track: „Ms. Mu, Mr. Shi, Station Director Yue received Punishment, might as well such stop Right?”
Mu Shuang has not spoken, this words cannot speak irresponsibly, regardless of makes any reply, that exactly as stated acknowledged this farce is they directs, this is not a relaxed matter.
„Ms. Xu, what were you saying? I cannot understand!” Shi Lei has not pretended not to know Xu Yanying intentionally, but feigns, expressed that does not relate with the present matter.
Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) looks at the Little Leopard three people to fill the Yue Dexuan liquor, while is observing Shi Lei, so long as Shi Lei has not stopped, pouring liquor down the throat that they must continue.
„Drinks one bottle again!” Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) did not have the least bit not to endure to say.
Xu Yanying look that looks to worry about, „Mr. Shi, Station Director Yue cannot drink the too much liquor, his heart is not good, if Station Director Yue died here, you were not good to confess Right?”
A Shi Lei eyeball revolution, he does not want to kill Yue Dexuan, if has killed Yue Dexuan, will be quite indeed troublesome. Shi Lei stands up, said to Mu Shuang: „Shuang Shuang, here eats meal the Danger appearance, we change a place, how?”
Mu Shuang nods the agreement, „walks, I do not like eating too spicily, recently was not healthy.”
Shi Lei brings Mu Shuang to leave, Li Zifeng waits for outside, after they leave, Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) also fast leads the person to leave, in entire Emerald Lake Fish Village, immediately only remaining Yue Dexuan and Yue Shangyun, Xu Yanying.
Until this time, Xu Yanying was clear, looked like the repair is why good . Moreover the flavor can Emerald Lake Fish Village, had two tables of people at noon today. Originally all these are the traps that Shi Lei arranges!
Xu Yanying looks that two keeled over drunk in the man of ground, she is hugs also hugs motionless, drags also to tow motionless, can only arrive at the Emerald Lake Fish Village bar, has chosen the warning with the plane telephone. As for Emerald Lake Fish Village bar personnel, they already mystically disappeared, where also did not know, did not fear that Shi Lei and Ge Dahu (Big Tiger) ate the waiter, mystically vanished in any case!
Yue Dexuan and Yue Shangyun in Shuanghu District First General Hospital, after a afternoon treatment, finally resumed the basic consciousness. A First matter that Yue Dexuan sobers, exactly as stated shouted abuse: „Shi Lei, my Yue Dexuan does not tidy up you, I did not call Yue Dexuan!”
Xu Yanying takes care of them in the hospital, her small sound track: „Station Director, low voice, hearsay Shi Lei is big in the Shuanghu District influence, if he must be disadvantageous to us, we were very passive!”
Yue Dexuan has sneered, „Little Xu, gives me your telephone, I must make a phone call!”
Before coming Shuangqing City, Yue Dexuan altogether obtained two useful news. The First Item news, is Shi Lei is the Shuangqing City Little Overlord news, making him try not to provoke Shi Lei. Now has provoked Shi Lei, can kowtow the apology?
The Second Item news, the actually true good news, a CCTV Television Station special figure, gave a telephone number to give Yue Dexuan, lets he had any difficult time, dials this telephone number.
Yue Dexuan currently dials this telephone number, [Hope] to be helped, with the aim of tidying up Shi Lei well!
Hanya sebuah blog kecil yang bertujuan saling membantu sesama. Semoga dapat berjalan dengan lancar.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
925: Fills to me! Mystical number?

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