Wednesday, November 29, 2017

917: Has no way out, dies not verifies!

HK :: VOLUME #10
#917: Has no way out, dies not verifies!
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11 : 00 o'clock at night night­time skies, be­sides bright moon­light, some stars of twin­kle, as well as an un­ex­pected vis­i­tor!
This un­ex­pected vis­i­tor, ec135 He­li­copter of ex­actly as stated Eu­rope He­li­copter Com­pany pro­duc­tion, this He­li­copter is light mul­ti­pur­pose to go straight up air­plane, the stan­dard po­si­tion is seven, be­sides pilot, but can also ride six mem­ber.
ec135 He­li­copter served as the po­lice to use He­li­copter by Shuangqing City, has car­ried on mod­ify of cer­tain ex­tent, not only has elec­tronic night vi­sion Sys­tem, but also had col­ored elec­tronic map Sys­tem, as well as In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor Sys­tem. Luck­ily, the re­la­tions lim­ited to He­li­copter over­all plat­form, it has not re-equipped ex­ter­nal on-board Weapons Sys­tem.
Ec135 He­li­copter of Eu­rope He­li­copter Com­pany man­u­fac­ture, var­i­ous as­pect pa­ra­me­ter com­par­i­son pit fa­thers, the sit­u­a­tion is prob­a­bly as fol­lows:
Length: 12.16 m
High De­gree: 3.51 m
Rotor di­am­e­ter: 10.20 m
Max­i­mum Take­off Weight: 2632 kg
Out of ground ef­fect ceil­ing: 3000 m
Peak ve­loc­ity: 278 km / h
Cruis­ing flight speed: 253 km / h
Max­i­mum loi­ter time: 210 mins
the ec135 He­li­copter so shabby pa­ra­me­ter, ex­cept for the build com­pared with [The Steel and Iron] First Year some, other as­pect su­pe­ri­or­ity is not re­ally ob­vi­ous!
For ex­am­ple [The Steel and Iron] peak ve­loc­ity 240 km / h, the cruis­ing flight speed was 220 km / h, the loi­ter time has achieved 300 mins . More­over the [The Steel and Iron] vol­ume was ex­quis­ite, con­trolled the per­for­mance more flex­i­ble.
A most es­sen­tial fac­tor. [The Steel and Iron] has in­stalled weapon, but ec135 He­li­copter. ex­actly as stated po­lice of pleas­ant to hear said use He­li­copter, said coarse ex­actly as stated light mul­ti­pur­pose He­li­copter, char­ac­ter that at pre­sent is a guest per­former is the po­lice uses the trans­port air­craft!
[Izual] the ec135 po­lice with He­li­copter data, the fast re­port gives Shi Lei, in the Shi Lei heart re­laxed. He also thinks that the Shuangqing City po­lice use He­li­copter, com­pletely is Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict that mil­i­tary use Armed He­li­copter, not only has on-board avi­a­tion ma­chine gun. Rocket Nest, as well as is hang­ing Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile.
If uses He­li­copter fac­ing that po­lice, Shi Lei and Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) do not need to strug­gle, per­haps the sim­ple sur­ren­der, can live.
But now, is only triv­ial ec135 light mul­ti­pur­pose He­li­copter, Shi Lei's thoughts de­tach­able. Re­gard­less of ec135 light mul­ti­pur­pose He­li­copter. What enemy car­ried, only if its min­i­mum al­ti­tude hov­er­ing, the crew mem­ber who lets car­ry­ing lands, may launches the at­tack to Shi Lei and Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled).
Oth­er­wise, merely from air beat Shi Lei and Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), com­pletely is a big joke!
The po­lice use He­li­copter are not Armed He­li­copter. With­out on-board Weapons Sys­tem, tar­get of their at­tack ground?
„Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), here!” Shi Lei guided in front, ar­rived at be­hind sev­eral big trees. These big ficus virens, have the giant crown. As if has sup­ported the sur­round­ing sky, can pre­vent the ec135 He­li­copter min­i­mum al­ti­tude to ap­proach ef­fec­tively.
More­over. ficus virens hard bough, can re­sist from air­borne at­tack ef­fec­tively. Al­though ec135 light mul­ti­pur­pose He­li­copter, does not have on-board Weapons Sys­tem, but ac­ci­den­tally does the above crew mem­ber, the throw­ing anti-tank grenade of act­ing out of des­per­a­tion, or open fire care­lessly?
These huge ficus virens, hap­pen to were Shi Lei and Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) has pro­vided the pro­tec­tive um­brella!
Hid be­hind biggest ficus virens, Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) looks in the jet black night­time sky, that frame was glit­ter­ing ec135 Armed He­li­copter of red can­dle. His low voice start to talk said: „Shi Lei, if I have Bar­rett Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle, this bro­ken air­plane, my (spear|gun) rum­bles!”
„Isn't your this idle talk?” Shi Lei light snort.
If there is Bar­rett Anti-equip­ment Sniper Rifle, but also needs to hide? Def­i­nitely can shoul­der a rifle dozen of air­plane!
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) help­less shook small pis­tol in hand, hits air­plane this mat­ter with pis­tol, Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) can­not do, Shi Lei is not good. Re­gard­less of they are flam­boy­ant, is im­pos­si­ble to achieve that mat­ter.
Only if can achieve is sim­i­lar to the bridge sec­tion in novel plot, a Sec­ond bul­let hits the lat­ter vest of First bul­let per­fectly, is a First bul­let ac­cel­er­ates. This un­sci­en­tific mat­ter, Shi Lei had been sus­pect­ing ac­tu­ally that a Sec­ond bul­let does over­take a First bul­let?
Does a Sec­ond bul­let have what to hide the at­tribute? Did a Sec­ond bul­let erupt the mys­te­ri­ous strength?
Shi Lei does not have that mys­te­ri­ous strength tem­porar­ily, nat­u­rally can only sub­mit to under the ec135 light mul­ti­pur­pose He­li­copter sil­ver pres­tige, is en­dur­ing pa­tiently by the ec135 light mul­ti­pur­pose He­li­copter dev­as­ta­tion.
„How long does [The Steel and Iron] also ar­rive in the bat­tle­field?” Shi Lei was in­quir­ing [Izual] again.
[Izual] al­to­gether trans­ferred four [The Steel and Iron], they stop com­pletely in the Shu'an Vil­lage Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany train­ing base, is Shi Lei places in Shuangqing City com­plete [The Steel and Iron].
After all here is the Xia Na­tion Core city, Shi Lei is im­pos­si­ble to arrange the too much strength, im­pos­si­ble to take to bring in Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile. If Shi Lei has done, not only the Xia Na­tion high level will not let off him, the Shuangqing City high level will not by­pass him, even is Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict will also look for his trou­ble.
These four [The Steel and Iron] only car­ried mp7 Mini Sub-ma­chine Gun merely, but, these firearm(s) com­pletely are weapon that sneaks across, with­out any tra­jec­tory data record, can­not trace the iden­tity record.
„Sir, but also takes one point of Forty sec­ond, please pa­tiently wait.” [Izual] was re­spond­ing to Shi Lei.
„Pa­tiently wait­ing for ghosts!” Shi Lei shouted to clear the way in a low voice coldly, the pre­sent sit­u­a­tion is not the cri­sis, ec135 light mul­ti­pur­pose He­li­copter is not luck­ily big to their threats.
How­ever, ec135 light mul­ti­pur­pose He­li­copter that in the sky cir­cles per­haps, thought that the ground does not have no Dan­ger, uses In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor, had de­ter­mined Shi Lei and Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) po­si­tion, ec135 He­li­copter starts re­treat, and re­duces High De­gree.
Shi Lei knows that this is ec135 He­li­copter, the prepa­ra­tion makes the crew mem­ber who it car­ries carry on the air­borne rhythm force­fully. Once makes the crew mem­ber who it car­ries land, Shi Lei and Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) def­i­nitely will have Dan­ger.
Shi Lei and Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) strength is fiercer than Or­di­nary Spe­cial Forces King, this half minute is not in­deed false. But that type fierce es­tab­lishes. With­out premise that Hot Weapon en­ters the war. Once there is Hot Weapon to enter the war, more­over is high-end ad­vanced Hot Weapon. Shi Lei and Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) su­pe­ri­or­ity, will en­counter the sup­pres­sion of enor­mous de­gree.
For ex­am­ple now, Shi Lei and pis­tol of Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) use, takes Beretta 92 f as the ex­am­ple, its ef­fec­tive range has 50 me­ters merely, more­over mag­a­zine ca­pac­ity, only then 15 rounds. If the enemy uses to at­tack rifle, Sub-ma­chine Gun, even is snipe rifle. Shi Lei and do Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) fight with the enemy?
At­tacks rifle often is 100-200, even is over 300 ef­fec­tive at­tack dis­tances, the enemy can def­i­nitely be­yond the ef­fec­tive range, then end Shi Lei and Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled).
„Shi Lei, the op­po­site party must at­tack force­fully, we com­plete stand­ing by!” Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) also looked that the enemy pre­pares force­fully the sit­u­a­tion of forced land­ing.
Shi Lei is star­ing at ec135 light mul­ti­pur­pose He­li­copter under [Moon­light] stub­bornly, from its en­gine room. Hung to hang two speed skat­ing ropes, ex­actly as stated two per­son­nel one on the left and other on the right slid from the speed skat­ing rope.
„Damn!” Shi Lei light snort.
Two per­son­nel have passed through the crown canopy, fell in the woods, the fast alert, was then draw­ing the speed skat­ing rope, has sent out the Safety sig­nal. Also is two per­son­nel from ec135 light mul­ti­pur­pose He­li­copter. Their speeds are faster. Then is Third falls to the ground to the per­son­nel use speed skat­ing rope, six fighter that ec135 light mul­ti­pur­pose He­li­copter, car­ries, com­plete Safety lands on the ground.
In Blue­tooth ear­phone that Shi Lei wears, the [Izual] ice-cold sound passes on. Al­though tim­bre as be­fore ice-cold heart­less, but falls in the Shi Lei ear. Just likes the sounds of na­ture is or­di­nary.
„Sir, after [The Steel and Iron] 15 sec­onds, ar­rives in the bat­tle­field!”
Shi Lei com­plex­ion one happy, „[Izual], opens four [The Steel and Iron] elec­tronic in­ter­fer­ence Sys­tem, I must let here Elec­tronic Sig­nal, can­not send en­tirely!”
[The Steel and Iron] in­ter­nal Equip­ment has the elec­tronic in­ter­fer­ence equip­ment, specif­i­cally is used to shut off the trans­mis­sion of Elec­tronic Sig­nal, with net­work that satel­lite con­nects, or through net­work of Wire­less con­nec­tion, [The Steel and Iron] can shield with ease.
Only short­com­ing ex­actly as stated, this dis­tance can­not be too far, has prob­a­bly about 300 me­ters in­ter­fer­ence dis­tance.
In the woods, six fully-armed per­son­nel, are hav­ing the night vi­sion de­vice and portable In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor, has killed to Shi Lei and Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), on their necks is hang­ing weapon, com­pletely is pow­er­ful Li Jian Na­tion stan­dard equip­ment, at is not Xia Na­tion do­mes­tic-made weapon.
These six elite fighter, have not at­tacked im­me­di­ately, they were dis­cussing op­er­a­tional Plan. Jia Zhengchun or­dered to need to cap­ture alive Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), they need to con­sider how should cap­ture alive Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), but was not pit-a-pat the Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) reached(an agree­ment) screen.
Be­cause their hes­i­ta­tions, let them has missed the only op­por­tu­nity, they are also doomed to meet the tragedy!
Shi Lei was guess­ing se­cretly, why these peo­ple do not have im­me­di­ately at­tack, has not waited for Shi Lei to guess cor­rectly a rea­son why, in the sky pre­sented the sound of pro­peller once again, this time pro­peller sound has been fa­mil­iar much. Dur­ing the dark night, under [Moon­light], four hazy shadow ap­peared above the crown canopy, less than 1-2 me­ters place. These four [The Steel and Iron], stick to the crown canopy to fly, is ap­proach­ing ec135 He­li­copter, then has blocked Elec­tronic Sig­nal of pe­riph­eral re­gion fast.
After four [The Steel and Iron] have shut off the sig­nal, fi­nally no longer con­ceals the form, lifts off from the crown canopy, the un­scrupu­lous ap­pear­ance, goes to ec135 He­li­copter sur­round­ing. From the vol­ume, com­pared with ec135 He­li­copter and [The Steel and Iron], com­pletely are Giant.
So long as the ec135 He­li­copter pro­peller, has hit [The Steel and Iron], [The Steel and Iron] can not have the dis­in­te­gra­tion of sus­pense, but does [The Steel and Iron] under the [Izual]'s con­trol, pos­si­bly pre­sent that stu­pid mis­take?
Four [The Steel and Iron] have re­vealed fierce mp7 Mini Sub-ma­chine Gun, when they sur­round ec135 He­li­copter, has cho­sen open­ing fire with­out hes­i­ta­tion!
dá dá dá ~
the ec135 He­li­copter build is very in­deed big, but does not rep­re­sent it to have the bul­let­proof func­tion!
Es­pe­cially be­fore , wind­shield, by mp7 Mini Sub-ma­chine Gun crowded after con­cen­trat­ing re­peat­edly, changed to the frag­ment di­rectly, then dri­ves per­son­nel to send out the panic-stricken piti­ful yell, then had made into the de­ceased per­son by mp7 Mini Sub-ma­chine Gun.
As for ec135 He­li­copter?
Nat­u­rally from air­borne fell down!
In ground woods, that six fully-armed per­son­nel, vig­i­lant looks in the sky four [The Steel and Iron], in their hearts not too big flurry, be­cause they are in the woods, in their cog­ni­tion, He­li­copter is im­pos­si­ble to enter the woods!
How­ever, four [The Steel and Iron] under the [Izual]'s ac­cu­rate con­trol, en­tered the woods ef­fort­lessly, [Izual] by In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor, sur­veyed that six fully-armed per­son­nel.
[The Steel and Iron] has cho­sen open­ing fire once more, six do not have per­son­nel of arm­ing, al­though has given the counter-at­tack, but their counter-at­tack re­gard­ing [The Steel and Iron], have been in­ca­pable, or the [The Steel and Iron] aim­ing Sys­tem sul­pha­di­azine en­tered, mp7 Mini Sub-ma­chine Gun, can play the sniper rifle ac­cu­racy.
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) looks [The Steel and Iron] does not take the trou­ble has slaugh­tered all peo­ple, in his heart shocks in­com­pa­ra­bly, ask­ing that then knits the brows: „Shi Lei, I re­mem­ber that [The Steel and Iron] is the tech­nol­ogy that you are in sole pos­ses­sion, you used [The Steel and Iron] to strike to kill them, per­haps was poor con­fesses Right?”
Shi Lei sneers say­ing: „Con­fes­sion wool! Dies the mat­ter of non- ver­i­fy­ing, con­fessed?”
Shi Lei has a fa­mous say­ing: Was held by Po­lice Force, and has ev­i­dence, can be called the crime. If not, ex­actly as stated crim­i­nal sus­pect!
If only cal­cu­lates the crim­i­nal sus­pect, Shi Lei crim­i­nal sus­pect was also short?
Now per­son­nel on the scene, has died com­pletely, died has not ver­i­fied, showed that was Shi Lei does, showed that was [The Steel and Iron] does? Bal­lis­tic ex­per­i­ment what, log­i­cal in­fer­ence what, is not the iron­clad proof, can Shi Lei be what kind of?


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