Friday, November 24, 2017

22: [The Steel and Iron] is ready!

#822: [The Steel and Iron] is ready!
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The Nanyue Na­tion glow moun­tain bor­der being sta­tioned sta­tion, has en­coun­tered the at­tack of mys­te­ri­ous in­flu­ence, al­though the Al Qaeda Or­ga­ni­za­tion No. 3 char­ac­ter, has up­loaded a video on youtube web­site, ex­pressed Al Qaeda Or­ga­ni­za­tion in­di­cated to be re­spon­si­ble to the Nanyue Na­tion at­tacked event, but cer­tain in­flu­ences do not be­lieve.
In­clud­ing Nanyue Na­tion cer­tain high lev­els, the Nanyue Na­tion in­ter­nal in­flu­ence, re­gard­ing at­tack­ing the guess of Nanyue Na­tion in­flu­ence, di­vided to make many cliques. And two cliques oc­cu­pied main­stream sta­tus , a clique both, had rec­og­nized at­tacks the Nanyue Na­tion in­flu­ence, is Al Qaeda Or­ga­ni­za­tion. This clique, is an­a­lyz­ing the rea­son in­tense, and made strength­ened the de­fense stance, each bor­der being sta­tioned sta­tion, as well as the re­lated bor­der com­bat unit, com­plete im­ple­ment First Grade has ad­mon­ished de­fense.
An­other clique, firm thinks that at­tacks the Nanyue Na­tion in­flu­ence, is per­son­nel that Xia Na­tion dis­patches. Al­though this view­point has ex­pla­na­tion not to pass, may the place that be­cause these ex­pla­na­tions do not pass, in­stead lets this view­point, is more re­li­able. Sup­ports this view­point Spe­cial­ist to spec­u­late ac­cord­ing to Nanyue Na­tion that Xia Na­tion has cre­ated the so sus­pi­cious scene in­ten­tion­ally, mak­ing Xia Na­tion be re­moved the sus­pected list.
Sus­pects Al Qaeda Or­ga­ni­za­tion, or is Xia Na­tion, two cliques have the con­sis­tent view, that strength­ens bor­der de­fense, pre­vents then the pos­si­ble at­tack.
On May 16, 7 : 00 pm. The set­ting sun final af­ter­glow, re­mains in the sky.
dark.​hell / Dark Hell in Nanyue Na­tion Móng Cái City Cheng Dong Strong­hold, Shi Lei se­cure arranged the Chen Xin­grui cloth to set at one with the Brave's World Mo­tion Sens­ing Op­er­a­tion kinds of plat­forms.
This plat­form will serve as to con­trol [The Steel and Iron], with re­al­ize the demon­stra­tion work of 360° No-Dead-An­gle Cam­era Sys­tem. Al­though under nor­mal con­di­tions. [The Steel and Iron] Re­mote Op­er­ated, only needs to­gether win­dow merely, but to guar­an­tee the re­turn to orig­i­nal state real image max­i­mum limit, con­trols [The Steel and Iron] fac­ing any pos­si­ble sit­u­a­tion. Shi Lei has cho­sen dis­cretely in order.
In the [The Steel and Iron] panoram con­trol plat­form, places com­fort­able to con­trol the re­volv­ing chair, con­trols the two hand re­quests of re­volv­ing chair, is sup­port­ing a stain­less stee­li­ness panel to­gether, above is fix­ing the u ma­nip­u­late pole. Once op­er­ates [The Steel and Iron] per­son­nel, seated has con­trolled in the re­volv­ing chair, then can op­er­ate [The Steel and Iron] di­rectly, more­over con­nected [The Steel and Iron] through Soft­ware Sys­tem, con­trolled the re­volv­ing chair also to main­tain with the vi­sion that [The Steel and Iron] syn­chro­nized.
Shi Lei sits in in con­trols on re­volv­ing chair, both hands tried to grasp the u ma­nip­u­late pole. Then ad­justs is con­trol­ling the waist of re­volv­ing chair by with the head rest po­si­tion. Ad­justs the most com­fort­able con­di­tion as far as pos­si­ble. Once after the con­ve­nience dri­ves [The Steel and Iron], then can dur­ing the in­vest­ment com­bat of total in­volve­ment.
7 : 30 pm, Chen Xin­grui ar­rives at Shi Lei be­hind. Said in a low voice: „Boss, has de­liv­er­ied Móng Cái City, it is ex­pected that within ten min­utes, ar­rive in the foothold.”
Shi Lei has dis­patched Zheng San­pao and Ma Liang, goes to the Nanyun Province bor­der, aids the Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict prepa­ra­tion Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile. Now, Swift Arrow Guided Mis­sile Safety ar­rives in Móng Cái City, means that at­tacks the mo­tion of Sec­ond tar­get, soon will start!
„Um, I knew!” Shi Lei ro­tates is con­trol­ling re­volv­ing chair. Faces Chen Xin­grui to con­tinue say­ing: „Xin­grui, in­spects the [The Steel and Iron] con­di­tion and en­sure each [The Steel and Iron] is in top form, after my [Hope] , etc. I did not drive they are tak­ing off, dis­cov­ered that they do not have keep it up, or is other issue.”
Chen Xin­grui nods, „good, Boss, my this in­spects.”
In the Cheng Dong Strong­hold garage, al­to­gether has pre­pared ten [The Steel and Iron], al­though twenty Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile, can only Equip­ment five [The Steel and Iron], when spare five [The Steel and Iron], can pre­vent has the con­tin­gency, di­rectly re­places [The Steel and Iron].
Seven Forty many points, Ma Liang and Zheng San­pao under aid­ing of Ye Feng, re­turned to Cheng Dong Strong­hold, fol­lows them to come back to­gether, a twenty wooden crate, in the wooden crate, nat­u­rally is twenty Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile.
Shi Lei stands in front of a twenty wooden crate, looks in the wooden crate, has be­come by the spray coat­ing pure black Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile, the cor­ners of the mouth have pulled out pulling out, as if thought aloud is the same: „Damn, not spray coat­ing at­trac­tively!”
Ye Feng says with a smile: „Boss, the black is good, the night con­fi­den­tial­ity is very high.”
Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict in­deed also stem­ming from this con­sid­er­a­tion, has be­come the Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile spray coat­ing the en­tire black, safe­guards dur­ing the night, will not be dis­cov­ered eas­ily.
„for­get about it for­get about it, al­though ugly a point, but the might has not re­duced well. A'Feng, hur­ries to in­stall on [The Steel and Iron], chooses Num­ber One to the No. 5 or­gan­ism in­stall­ment, we need im­me­di­ately im­ple­ment Sec­ond Phase Plan!” Shi Lei was telling the [say / way].
Sec­ond Phase Plan, air raid bor­der mil­i­tary use Air­port!
Nanyue Na­tion bor­der mil­i­tary use Air­port, is away from Móng Cái City about 450 kilo­me­ters straight dis­tances, is counted the re­gion that some must de­tour, the range has al­most 500 kilo­me­ters.
This range, hap­pen to [The Steel and Iron] com­bat ra­dius!
[The Steel and Iron] gt-b, is the mil­i­tary use model, the per­for­mance has big pro­moted, the peak ve­loc­ity can achieve 240 km / h, the cruis­ing speed can achieve 220 km / h, the max­i­mum op­er­a­tional time can achieve 300 mins, is 5 hours.
In sit­u­a­tion of con­ser­v­a­tive es­ti­mate, [The Steel and Iron] com­bat ra­dius is 550 kilo­me­ters, has cov­ered bor­der mil­i­tary use Air­port ex­actly, can im­ple­ment Sec­ond Phase Plan.
Nanyue Na­tion time at ex­actly 8 : 00.
The Ye Feng jog­ging pace ar­rives at side Shi Lei, opens the mouth say­ing: „Boss, fin­ished one to the No. 5 or­gan­ism prepa­ra­tion, mo­men­tar­ily can set sail.”
Shi Lei nods, told: „A'Feng, the at­ten­tion pro­tects our foothold Safety, arranges Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany per­son­nel, spreads in the sur­round­ings of foothold, once there is any sit­u­a­tion, im­me­di­ately in­forms us.”
„Yes!” Ye Feng told ac­cord­ing to Shi Lei's that rapidly makes the ad­just­ment.
Shi Lei sits in in con­trols in re­volv­ing chair, the long deep breath, both hands grip the u ma­nip­u­late pole, on the face reap­pear the in­ex­plic­a­ble happy ex­pres­sion, ‚Nanyue Na­tion, sorry, please do not blame me!’
„Jake, I con­trol the Num­ber One ma­chine, you con­trol the No. 2 ma­chine, you only need to con­trol the No. 2 ma­chine, fol­lows in me be­hind, to guard to have the con­tin­gency. If the Num­ber One ma­chine has prob­lems, or the Num­ber One ma­chine was shot down, or Swift Arrow Guided Mis­sile of Num­ber One ma­chine con­sumes, im­me­di­ately gives me the Con­trol Au­thor­ity ex­change of No. 2 ma­chine, you con­trol Num­ber One ma­chine Free­dom at­tack. Un­der­stood?” Shi Lei was talk­ing through the Blue­tooth ear­phone and [Izual], be­cause Ye Feng and the oth­ers pre­sented that [Izual] was called as Jake.
How­ever, Jake prob­a­bly is a cap­tain, will drive air­plane?
„Yes , sir, the order re­ceives.” The [Izual] ice-cold sound, re­sounds in the Blue­tooth ear­phone.
„!” Shi Lei both hands draw the u ma­nip­u­late pole slightly, the [The Steel and Iron] Num­ber One ma­chine, lifts off from the Cheng Dong Strong­hold garage, flies di­rectly from the garage main en­trance, tak­ing ad­van­tage of con­ceal­ing of cur­tain of night, rose the night­time sky.
The No. 2 ma­chine under the [Izual]'s con­trol, is fol­low­ing the path of Num­ber One ma­chine, pur­sued with ease.
Two [The Steel and Iron], in the night­time sky, rushed to 50 me­ters High De­gree. This High De­gree not high is not low, just can shield the [The Steel and Iron] noise, lets per­son­nel of ground, not ob­vi­ous feel­ing sky [The Steel and Iron]. Mean­while, not be­cause High De­gree is too high, but causes the cau­tion of Nanyue Na­tion Air De­fense radar.
The Shi Lei two-hand con­trol the u ma­nip­u­late pole, in the mouth the clear pro­nun­ci­a­tion and mel­low voice was say­ing: „Voice Com­mand: Fixed-point cruise.” After say­ing, his right hand let go the u ma­nip­u­late pole, has let the left hand one-handed op­er­a­tion, the right hand in the nu­meric area of key­board, has input 12 digit fast, rep­re­sents the lat­i­tude and lon­gi­tude.
pro­jec­tor was demon­strat­ing the lat­i­tude and lon­gi­tude Co­or­di­nate that just input, Shi Lei opens the mouth to say once more: „Or­ders con­firmed!”
As or­ders con­firmed, [The Steel and Iron] en­tered the con­di­tion of au­to­matic cruise, two [The Steel and Iron] under the [Izual]'s con­trol, will con­sume more than for two hours time, fi­nally ar­rives in nearby the tar­get bor­der air force base.
Shi Lei let go u ma­nip­u­late pole, but has not idled, but re­volved to con­trol the re­volv­ing chair, then has shoved open the tray of fixed u ma­nip­u­late pole, be­fore op­er­at­ing the body, Note­book Com­puter on work table.
Two hours, Shi Lei uses to com­pile Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine Core Source Code. [Izual] can fill in the nu­mer­ous basic code au­to­mat­i­cally, is ac­tu­ally not able the ac­com­plish Core con­tent.
Core Source Code and Pro­gram Core Frame­work, have Shi Lei in­de­pen­dent ac­com­plish!
Can ac­com­plish Core Source Code and Pro­gram Core Frame­work Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, ab­solutely not be Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, but is True Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem. True Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, may achieve Cre­ate and re­search and de­vel­op­ment, and breaks the rule.
Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine Core Source Code, sim­i­lar ac­com­plish 10%, be­cause of the com­plex­ity of Graph­i­cal rec­og­nizer, even if Shi Lei for­merly ac­com­plish Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine com­plete rou­tine, im­pos­si­ble fast ‚du­pli­ca­tion’.
Two hours, Shi Lei ac­com­plish al­most about 3% Core Source Code. [Izual] in the Blue­tooth ear­phone, has sent out the prompt: „Sir, after two min­utes, [The Steel and Iron] will ar­rive in the pre­de­ter­mined place. on-board elec­tron in­ter­fer­ence Sys­tem, dis­cov­ers the radar scan, Sys­tem re­duced flight High De­gree au­to­mat­i­cally.”
Shi Lei has pre­served Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine source code, close the pro­ce­dure ed­i­tor, pulls back the stain­less stee­li­ness tray, has gripped the u ma­nip­u­late pole, looks at the 360° No-Dead-An­gle Cam­era Sys­tem image for­ma­tion pic­ture.
[The Steel and Iron] flight High De­gree, from take­off­ing 50 me­ters, low­ered an in­suf­fi­cient twenty meter de­gree, and also in slow re­duc­tion.
Nanyue Na­tion bor­der mil­i­tary use Air­port, has nat­u­rally set up the Air De­fense radar. In ad­di­tion, yes­ter­day had glow moun­tain bor­der being sta­tioned to stand the con­quered by killing event, en­tire bor­der mil­i­tary use Air­port de­fense, pro­moted to First Grade de­fense readi­ness con­di­tion.
The Nanyue Na­tion high-level order, ob­tained very good im­ple­ment, the Nanyue Na­tion bor­der unit, fully en­tered the First Grade de­fense readi­ness con­di­tion, pre­vents any pos­si­ble at­tack. Bor­der mil­i­tary use Air­port de­fense alerts Grade to be very high, has not left be­hind any Safety flaw.
How, [The Steel and Iron] has huge su­pe­ri­or­ity, it not Air De­fense radar dis­cov­ery by bor­der mil­i­tary use base...


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