Wednesday, November 1, 2017

466: Jian Wushuang (Sword Unparalleled) starts to take action!

Shuangqing City, Beiyu Dis­trict, Po­lice Force City Bu­reau.
It looks like the 17 or 18 years old youth, hav­ing the print to have ‚Proc­ter and Gam­ble Clean­ing’ duck­bill cap of in­scrip­tion, wears the blue work clothes, on at the back of a home­spun cloth sin­gle shoul­der satchel, presses duck­bill cap with the hand, then en­tered the Po­lice De­part­ment of­fice build­ing.
Al­though in Jan­u­ary twenty one day is on Sun­day, Shuangqing City Bu­reau most Po­lice Force are in the re­lax­ation time, but after all here is Shuangqing City Bu­reau, has nu­mer­ous Po­lice Force to go to work as be­fore.
The youth are car­ry­ing on the arm the home­spun cloth sin­gle Jian work back­pack, en­tered a hall in build­ing. Mid­dle-aged Po­lice Force, wel­comed im­me­di­ately, kept off in the front of youth.
„Hello, trou­bles you to take down the hat!” Mid­dle-aged Po­lice Force holds pub­lic of­fice in the Crim­i­nal Case brigade, has worked close twenty year in the Crim­i­nal Case brigade, he looks to pull down the duck­bill cap youth, im­me­di­ately in the heart raised a sus­pi­cion.
The young peo­ple of low­er­ing the head, have gawked slightly, then slowly took down duck­bill cap. The en­tire process, mid­dle-aged Po­lice Force High De­gree is vig­i­lant, pre­vents any ac­ci­den­tal oc­cur­rence.
But youth very co­or­di­na­tion has taken down duck­bill cap, not hav­ing the least bit to be un­usual. After tak­ing down the hat, has re­vealed mediocre, but sim­ple face, some shy, the young peo­ple said timidly: „Hello, Mr. Po­lice Force, what mat­ter do your you have?”
„What do you come Po­lice De­part­ment to make?” The mid­dle-aged Po­lice Force in­quiry said.
„My my I dredge re­stroom, and checks to the re­stroom.” The ex­pres­sion of young peo­ple are lower, both hands rest­less grasp­ing in one, the root of the ear passed com­pletely red, what is strange on the face does not have the least bit flood red.
The timid­ity in young peo­ple ex­pres­sion, has not es­caped the ear of mid­dle-aged Po­lice Force, in ad­di­tion the young peo­ple red passed root of the ear, as well as both hands rest­less petty ac­tion, en­tire tribe in the eyes of mid­dle-aged per­son.
‚Is only a Or­di­nary san­i­ta­tion en­gi­neer, should say that is re­stroom san­i­ta­tion en­gi­neer who young feels in­fe­rior.’ Mid­dle-aged Po­lice Force has got­ten the label in the heart for youth, then said: „Re­stroom in that side!”
The young peo­ple nod hur­riedly, in the ex­pres­sion has one to feel grate­ful: „Thank you, Mr. Po­lice Force.”
Mid­dle-aged Po­lice Force made way road, then ar­rives at front desk of hall, to fe­male Po­lice Force said: „Lit­tle Huan, looks up a Zha al­to­gether busi­ness mem­o­ran­dum, had a look to have the per­son to call the mat­ter of re­stroom ser­vice and ex­am­i­na­tion.”
Named Lit­tle Huan fe­male Po­lice Force, is op­er­at­ing the com­puter, se­lected Shuangqing City Bu­reau pub­lic af­fairs mem­o­ran­dum Sys­tem, has ro­tated the com­puter screen, said to mid­dle-aged Po­lice Force: „Po­lice Of­fi­cer Huang, looked up, this morn­ing time, the Dai Guanghua Bu­reau Chief sec­re­tary, has arranged the work of re­stroom in­spec­tion and open­ing, and con­tact Proc­ter and Gam­ble Clean­ing Com­pany. How, to have what sit­u­a­tion?”
Po­lice Of­fi­cer Huang re­calls on the blue jean that just young peo­ple had worn, in­deed the print has ‚Proc­ter and Gam­ble Clean­ing’ in­scrip­tion, thor­ough feels re­lieved.
„Does not have what sit­u­a­tion, this Com­pany had sent.” Po­lice Of­fi­cer Huang re­sponded to one.
Passed through the young peo­ple of ques­tion­ing, ar­rived at the re­stroom in First Level build­ing, rapid from the home­spun cloth sin­gle shoul­der back­pack, took out a yel­low warn­ing sign, has placed the men's room en­trance, above is la­belling ‚in ser­vice’ in­scrip­tion.
The warn­ing sign will have placed out­side the men's room, the youth opens the re­stroom door, dis­cov­ers in the re­stroom no­body, from the sin­gle shoul­der back­pack, took out trigono­met­ric form wood wedge, slit of be­tween its card in the re­stroom gate and floor, pre­vent­ing the re­stroom gate to be opened.
The young peo­ple had de­ter­mined the re­stroom gate, after not the ac­ci­dent opens, once more from the sin­gle shoul­der back­pack, took out a blue­print. The care­ful res­o­lu­tion, this blue­print im­pres­sively is the ar­chi­tec­tural de­sign chart of Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment Head­quar­ters build­ing.
„My pre­sent po­si­tion is here, a men's room in build­ing, has ten Qi­cen­glou from the tar­get po­si­tion. At least has a Forty-six cam­era all the way, in the luck not good sit­u­a­tion, per­haps also will meet no less than ten Po­lice Force. This Task has the chal­lenge re­ally very much!”
The youth re­ceived the blue­print, then in the re­stroom gate and floor takes the wood wedge of be­tween card, places in the clothes pocket, went out of the re­stroom gate, took warn­ing sign.
From sec­ond floor, the youth is in­spect­ing all men's rooms pre­ten­tiously, but is goes through the mo­tions. About after a half hour, the young peo­ple ar­rived at the Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment of­fice build­ing Head­quar­ters top­most level, is the Eigh­teenth level.
Walks, for­tu­nately, the young peo­ple have not met ques­tion­ing of any Po­lice Force un­ex­pect­edly, ar­rived at the men's rooms in 18 build­ings smoothly, young peo­ple one's old tricks heavy, has sealed up the men's room.
In the men's rooms in 18 build­ings, the young peo­ple from the home­spun cloth sin­gle shoul­der back­pack, took out the fold­ing-stool, the screw­driver, Small-scale Hand­held Com­puter.
The youth launched the fold­ing-stool, stepped on, used the screw­driver to take down the sep­a­ra­tion net of ven­ti­lat­ing duct. After tak­ing sep­a­rates the net, the en­trance of ven­ti­lat­ing duct, the black de­tec­tors, that is the in­frared sound­ing set, can sur­vey to enter the ob­ject of ven­ti­lat­ing duct, is the de­fense sys­tem of Po­lice De­part­ment.
„hēi hēi, child's play same in­frared de­tec­tory!” The young peo­ple use two spe­cial metal cal­i­bres, clamped in com­pany on­line of in­frared sound­ing set, then op­er­ated Hand­held Com­puter, mod­ify the pa­ra­me­ter of in­frared sound­ing set.
About one minute, the young peo­ple thought aloud with a smile: „Han­dles!” Has taken down the metal cal­i­bre, has placed in Hand­held Com­puter the clothes pocket, the young peo­ple from the home­spun cloth sin­gle shoul­der back­pack, took out a Wire­less cam­era, a Lithium Bat­tery sup­ply group, as well as one pack­age of sim­i­lar Bomb same east and west|thing, or should say that is Bomb!
Hung three east and west|thing on the clothes sep­a­rately, the young peo­ple looked at the con­struc­tion blue­print once more, has recorded all routes, then sneaked in the ven­ti­lat­ing duct.
In ven­ti­lat­ing duct, young peo­ple crawls, while is cal­cu­lat­ing the dis­tance silently.
‚Here is the Small-scale con­fer­ence room, here is sec­re­tary Of­fice, should say that is dur­ing the rests of Sir Bu­reau Chief?’ In the heart of youth, teased Po­lice De­part­ment Bu­reau Chief.
‚To!’ The exit / to speak of young peo­ple close ven­ti­lat­ing duct cau­tiously, there has the in­frared sound­ing set as be­fore, if did not move care­fully, will waste all pre­vi­ous ef­forts, will be sur­rounded by Po­lice Force.
Uses Hand­held Com­puter once more, in­frared sound­ing set mod­ify es­tab­lish­ment, young peo­ple nu­mer­ous re­lax­ing of, and fast in­stall­ment cam­era, Lithium Bat­tery power sup­ply group, weight heavy T.N.T highly ex­plo­sive Bomb.
After the cam­era in­stalls ac­com­plish, the young peo­ple used Hand­held Com­puter to con­nect data of cam­era, was ex­am­in­ing out­side the ven­ti­lat­ing duct from Hand­held Com­puter, Of­fice sit­u­a­tion.
This Of­fice is Shuangqing City First Vice-chief Dai Guanghua Of­fice!
Had de­ter­mined the us­abil­ity of cam­era, young peo­ple start to re­treat im­me­di­ately, cau­tiously re­treat in ven­ti­lat­ing duct. He spent some time, to draw back from the ven­ti­lat­ing duct of men's room fi­nally.
With­drew from the ven­ti­lat­ing duct, the youth fast sep­a­rates the net the ven­ti­lat­ing duct, has re­in­stalled, in­spected one to sep­a­rate the net re­peat­edly whether had any flaw, after has not dis­cov­ered any issue, re­ceived to fold the stool, and elim­i­nated in the re­stroom the ob­vi­ous trace.
Has com­pleted these, the young peo­ple have pulled out cig­a­rette lighter in the trouser pocket, lights the rub­ber glove of both hands, was wait­ing for after the glove burns through, lost in the re­stroom, mixed the water to break under aque­duct to­gether.
„Imag­i­na­tion is eas­ier, their de­fense to own Head­quar­ters, the con­fi­dence was too rather big!” The young peo­ple talked to one­self in a soft voice, then car­ries the home­spun cloth sin­gle shoul­der back­pack, re­ceives the wood wedge child and yel­low warn­ing sign, rides the el­e­va­tor to go di­rectly to a build­ing.
In a hall in build­ing, that mid­dle-aged Po­lice Force sur­named Huang, has dis­cov­ered the young peo­ple once more, al­though just searched pub­lic af­fairs mem­o­ran­dum Sys­tem, had made him clear up sus­pi­cions. But saw that young peo­ple, Po­lice Of­fi­cer Huang to raise once more once again the thoughts of sus­pi­cion.
„Hey, young­ster, waited for Wait!” Po­lice Of­fi­cer Huang to shout one.
The young peo­ple can only stop, then has trans­ferred the body, but is bring­ing the head of duck­bill cap, slightly is low­er­ing. „Mr. Po­lice Force, please ask that what mat­ter you do have?”
„Did young­ster, such quickly in­spect all re­strooms?” Po­lice Of­fi­cer Huang op­tional was ask­ing, but the look care­fully was ac­tu­ally ob­serv­ing the youth.
„Mr. Po­lice Force, did not have check­off. I have only in­spected the men's room, sit­u­a­tion is very good, ex­cept for hav­ing two slight jam­ming be­side, does not have big issue.” The young peo­ple open the mouth to reply.
„Ladies'room?” Po­lice Of­fi­cer Huang is re­ally as if same in care re­stroom issue.
„Mr. Po­lice Force, two days I will have come. I will also lead a fe­male col­league to come, so as to avoid in­spects time, has any not happy mat­ter.” The ex­pres­sion of young peo­ple as be­fore is the timid ap­pear­ance.
Al­though Po­lice Of­fi­cer Huang some sus­pi­cions, but the young peo­ple said very right, he sup­pressed the sus­pi­cion, beck­oned with the hand to the young peo­ple, „was good, has been all right, walks!”
In the Po­lice De­part­ment park­ing lot, the young peo­ple rode the Elec­tric-pow­ered bi­cy­cle, not anx­iously not slow left Shuangqing City Bu­reau, Po­lice Of­fi­cer Huang gazed at the young peo­ple to leave, dis­cov­ered that the young peo­ple did not have the least bit to be flus­tered, or the per­for­mance of other ab­nor­mal, he no longer sus­pected fi­nally.
In a Beiyu Dis­trict ob­so­lete com­mu­nity, the youth is push­ing the Elec­tric-pow­ered car(riage), en­tered in an one-story house, then rapid clos­ing.
In Room, the youth threw the home­spun cloth sin­gle shoul­der back­pack on the ground, first has crashed in the bath­room, opened the hot water, took is wash­ing the veil to start to wash the face.
What is quite strange, along with wash­ing the face car­ries on, the ap­pear­ance of youth had the change, be­comes is younger, looks like, only then 15-16 Year Old ap­pear­ance, looks from the ap­pear­ance, who isn't Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) is?
The shiqiba-year-old ap­pear­ance, clearly is the tech­nol­ogy of putting on make-up, this also ex­plained the root of the ear is why red, but rea­son that the com­plex­ion has not ac­tu­ally changed.
After Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) washes the face, has cleaned up the wash­ing trough care­fully, then blue jean, the can­vas over­all took off, his un­der­wear com­pletely is the tight-fit­ting de­sign, had guar­an­teed not soft body hair with **, leaves be­hind on the coat.
In the Room re­stroom, Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) has ig­nited a bra­zier, threw the jean and over­all, si­mul­ta­ne­ously home­spun cloth sin­gle shoul­der back­pack, lost.
In process of wait­ing com­bus­tion, Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) has cleaned up the Elec­tric-pow­ered car(riage), elim­i­nated all fin­ger­prints, in­serts car key on the Elec­tric-pow­ered ve­hi­cle di­rectly, then pushed out the Elec­tric-pow­ered car(riage), rapid clos­ing.
The Elec­tric-pow­ered car(riage) fol­low­ing de­struc­tion work, other peo­ple will help his ac­com­plish!
The jean and work clothes burn, Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) washes away from the re­stroom the resid­ual, then from the home­spun cloth sin­gle shoul­der back­pack, takes up the cloth­ing that one set of sim­i­lar Lab­o­ra­tory pro­tec­tion in­stalls, and from the Room cor­ner, has taken up one bar­rel of gaso­line, starts to splash gaso­line in Room, each inch space splashed gaso­line.
gaso­line pro­lif­er­ates Room, Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) takes off the pro­tec­tion at­tire, has put out pep­per­mint spray so­lu­tion, has been spurt­ing spurt­ing, guar­an­teed own gaso­line taste van­ishes.
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) from the leo­tard pocket, took out an ex­quis­ite in­stall­ment, in­serts in the cell phone ear­phone con­nec­tion, placed cell phone has sprin­kled on the gaso­line bed.
„Is of great suc­cess! Shi Lei Shi Lei, did you pre­pare?” On the Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) face has shown the smil­ing face, moves side­ways from Room, has locked on the other side the en­trance, left the ob­so­lete res­i­den­tial dis­trict fast.


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