Wednesday, November 1, 2017

468: Betrayed [Mr. M]!

For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency, Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment se­cret work point.
Kurai Ni­paku op­er­ates com­puter, the use is prepar­ing the Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist group and [Mr. M] con­tact net­work chan­nel, the prepa­ra­tion and [Mr. M] con­tin­ues to ex­change. Oda Shizuna sits by Kurai Ni­paku, uses com­puter is trac­ing ‚[Mr. M]’ real IP ad­dress.
‚[Mr. M], hello, I am For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment Kurai Ni­paku.’
Shuangqing City, Bei­jiang Dis­trict, com­mer­cial Large Build­ing hotel type stu­dio apart­ment.
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) in the note­book, re­sponded to in­for­ma­tion fast.
‚Kurai Ni­paku, or­ders damn Oda Shizuna, im­me­di­ately stops trac­ing my real IP ad­dress. Oth­er­wise, I will make you at­trac­tive, more­over you will miss an op­por­tu­nity!’
For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency, Kurai Ni­paku nods to nearby Oda Shizuna di­rectly, „Oda, stops, do not trace [Mr. M] real IP ad­dress, other peo­ple also stop trac­ing.”
Oda Shizuna hes­i­tant.
Kurai Ni­paku snort, „has made you stop stops! The [Mr. M] strength, aren't you clear? Can­not hold him in any case, might as well have a look at him to say any­thing, we have any op­por­tu­nity.”
„But, Sec­tion Head” Oda Shizuna wants to ex­plain two, but was ac­tu­ally scolded by Kurai Ni­paku.
„Suf­ficed! I am Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment Sec­tion Head! Oda, you are only First Se­cu­rity Team Group Leader!” Kurai Ni­paku angry is star­ing Oda Shizuna.
Oda Shizuna raises both hands, with chest par­al­lel, in­di­cated that shut-down op­er­a­tion key­board, ac­cepts the order of Kurai Ni­paku.
‚Strange, the [Mr. M] de­fense in­ten­sity re­duced many, is it pos­si­ble that what hap­pened?’ Al­though Oda Shizuna stopped op­er­at­ing the com­puter, but just the con­tact probe of flash, he keenly dis­cov­ered that [Mr. M] de­fense, com­pared with be­fore was weaker.
Oda Shizuna is pon­der­ing in the heart, why the [Mr. M] de­fense in­ten­sity is weaken, ‚per­haps hasn't [Mr. M] treated se­ri­ously? Per­haps also [Mr. M] Core did Zom­bie lose? Even this [Mr. M], is only quack goods!’
Had Oda Shizuna of these ideas, has sub­verted just spec­u­la­tion di­rectly, per­haps this ‚[Mr. M]’ is to ridicule their, even plays jokes upon them!
After Kurai Ni­paku has scolded Oda Shizuna, is re­ply­ing in­for­ma­tion on the key­board.
‚[Mr. M], what op­por­tu­nity? What goal do you have?’
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) looks at in­for­ma­tion, types on the key­board, has given the re­sponse.
‚Cou­ple days ago, your For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency, was in­vaded Build­ing Au­toma­tion Sys­tem Right? also to have Futenma Base by Hacker, to Naha Base, Kadena Base and Gi­nowan Sea Oil re­fin­ery, has launched the Guided Mis­sile mat­ter sep­a­rately, mak­ing your badly bat­tered Right? right, be­fore , Earth­quake Hacker [EQ], de­liv­ered you Great Gift, did you feel crisply? Com­pared with them, I felt that I am a per­fect good per­son!’
Kurai Ni­paku looks in­for­ma­tion that ‚[Mr. M]’ trans­mits, has pinched tightly the fist, on desk nu­mer­ous has ham­mered.
Oda Shizuna is ag­i­tat­ing to say at the same time: „Sec­tion Head, this [Mr. M], but to ridicule us? Wants all our per­son­nel, traces [Mr. M] real IP ad­dress to­gether?” Oda Shizuna to con­firm the idea in heart, said by the view­point that be­fore ar­gued in refu­ta­tion com­pletely.
Kurai Ni­paku deeply has at­tracted two tones, lifts the hand to pre­vent say­ing: „Does not use! If [Mr. M] shames us purely, he not with our first hand ex­change, but will fall NHK Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion black, or our Of­fi­cial Web­site.”
De­pressed the anger in heart, Kurai Ni­paku has been re­ply­ing in­for­ma­tion.
‚[Mr. M], if you want to shame our, we said you have served the pur­pose. If you have other any ideas, now should say, our Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment is very busy!’
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) is nip­ping the fin­ger­nail of left hand, is pon­der­ing in the heart se­cretly, should use any­thing to ex­press, ap­propi­rate­ness that com­pares.
‚Kurai Ni­paku, you can, when I am sham­ing you. How­ever I plan to tell you se­cret, Earth­quake Hacker [EQ], is ac­tu­ally [Uriel], is FBI Fed­eral Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tion Cy­ber­crime Unit As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor. How is it? Is very sur­prised?’
Kurai Ni­paku looks in­for­ma­tion that ‚[Mr. M]’ trans­mits, the com­plex­ion be­comes some­what ugly, „[EQ] un­ex­pect­edly is re­ally FBI Fed­eral Bu­reau of In­ves­ti­ga­tion As­sis­tant Di­rec­tor!”
But Kurai Ni­paku also some sus­pected that he trans­mits one to in­quire in­for­ma­tion im­me­di­ately, ‚[Mr. M], why do you want to tell us this mat­ter?’
‚I need you to help me han­dle a mat­ter!’ Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) has trans­mit­ted in­for­ma­tion ac­cord­ing to Plan.
Kurai Ni­paku is more puz­zled, ‚how you de­ter­mined that we will cer­tainly help you?’
‚You have to help! Robot Plan in my hands, do you want with? If wants with, must ac­cord­ing to doing that I said. Or you must ac­cord­ing to me say that one­self strive for Robot Plan on own ini­tia­tive. I have agent in Xia Na­tion, you know that Right?’ Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) has di­rected Shi Lei's iden­tity.
‚Xia Na­tion? Shi Lei?’ Kurai Ni­paku still re­mem­bers clearly, they dis­patched four in­ves­ti­gate per­son­nel in the past, to be ac­tu­ally an­ni­hi­lated.
‚Right! Is Shi Lei! He re­volted! Shi Lei be­trayed me! He has given Xia Na­tion Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict Robot Plan, now he has be­come the Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict per­son. There­fore I need you to help me cope with him, if you also want to re­cap­ture Robot Plan, that looks for Shi Lei to go!’
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) seems like the prepa­ra­tion falls into the abyss of suf­fer­ing Shi Lei, but in fact, this is help­ing Shi Lei solve. After this, Shi Lei and iden­tity of [Mr. M] bind­ing, will be re­lieved. If again in­ves­ti­gate [Mr. M], not in­ves­ti­gate to Shi Lei's on. After all Shi Lei be­trayed [Mr. M], not?
Kurai Ni­paku sur­prised looks at [Mr. M] to trans­mit in­for­ma­tion that Oda Shizuna also very sur­pris­edly, he could not bear say the guess in heart, „Sec­tion Head, mat­ter some did not suit. Per­haps this [Mr. M] has issue!”
„What?” Kurai Ni­paku not too clear Oda Shizuna opin­ion.
„Sec­tion Head, this [Mr. M] was too un­usual! More­over I just traced [Mr. M] real IP ad­dress, dis­cov­ered that [Mr. M] De­fen­sive Power, was well below be­fore­hand is so for­mi­da­ble, per­haps our time can re­ally hold [Mr. M] real IP ad­dress.” Oda Shizuna asked for in­struc­tions: „Sec­tion Head, we move!”
Kurai Ni­paku deeply in­spired, fi­nally nod­ded, „mo­tion! Holds [Mr. M] real IP ad­dress, pre­pares to in­form the World­wide spe­cial de­part­ment, let them to bring at any time to me [Mr. M]!”
„Please feel re­lieved, Sec­tion Head!” Oda Shizuna loudly ex­claims im­me­di­ately: „All peo­ple, trace [Mr. M] real IP ad­dress to me!”
That side Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), when he dis­cov­ered that re­verse IP traces in­for­ma­tion, more and more times, his help­less forced smile, both hands agile is beat­ing on the key­board.
„Sorry, Shi Lei, I also want to keep Great Gift to you, but at pre­sent looks like, should un­able to de­tain!” Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) thought aloud at the same time, used Note­book Com­puter, con­nected Su­per­com­puter [Tera-10].
[Tera-10] in No­vem­ber, 2006 in World Su­per­com­puter Ranked, rank Sev­enth!
Its es­ti­mated per­for­mance sur­passes Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] that Shi Lei grasped!
[Tera-10] sub­or­di­nated in France Atomic En­ergy Agency, es­ti­mated per­for­mance has achieved 52.8 TFLop /s, com­pared with the Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] es­ti­mated per­for­mance, but also wanted 11 high.
Has Ranked Sev­enth Su­per­com­puter, but Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) is not World Sum­mit Grade Hacker, be­cause of Su­per­com­puter [Tera-10], was not caught by Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), but is the fa­ther cap­ture of Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), then gave Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) to gov­ern. In­clud­ing in­for­ma­tion that ma­jor­ity of Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) knows, is the Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) fa­ther, leaves Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) data.
The Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) strength, sit­u­ated in World Ex­ceed Class and World Grade, is fiercer than World Ex­ceed Class, but has not been the World Grade de­gree, has not achieved World Sum­mit Grade.
But has [Tera-10], his fa­ther told his some in­for­ma­tion, Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) knows quite many.
Is op­er­at­ing [Tera-10], uses soft­ware that his fa­ther is leav­ing be­hind, Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) im­me­di­ately Wo Sang Na­tion For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency Cyber Se­cu­rity De­part­ment, made that is off their feet to be ut­terly routed.
‚Kurai Ni­paku, your For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency, in my eyes is only one group of co­me­dian clowns. I have the good in­ten­tion to tell you good news, you ac­tu­ally want to hold me, is re­ally one group of cheap peo­ple! Good, I do not hag­gle over with you, re­mem­bers that helps me teach Shi Lei well!’
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) leaves a mes­sage, starts to clean up the all kinds trace, but just trans­ferred [Tera-10], by For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency bit­ing stub­bornly, did not have the means to ob­tain to pre­serve.
„Oh!” In hotel type stu­dio apart­ment, Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) sighed, the choice got rid of [Tera-10] Con­trol­ling Right, he could not use in any case, as for has not left Shi Lei [Tera-10], was not big issue, after all Shi Lei does not know, right?
Kurai Ni­paku looks on Mon­i­tor, final con­tent, look or com­plex­ion, very gloomy.
The Oda Shizuna com­plex­ion is un­at­trac­tive, his some aper­tures of being anx­ious said: „Sec­tion Head, [Mr. M] es­caped!”
„Idiot! You just did not say, cer­tainly can hold [Mr. M]?” Kurai Ni­paku cursed an­grily.
„Sec­tion Head, al­though we have not held [Mr. M], but we held his Su­per­com­puter Zom­bie, France Atomic En­ergy Agency Su­per­com­puter!” Oda Shizuna with­stands the anger, open­ing the mouth an­swers.
„Has the fart to use! That is Su­per­com­puter of France per­son, is not our!” Kurai Ni­paku was say­ing in­fu­ri­ated.
„Sec­tion Head, we go to Xia Na­tion, looks for Shi Lei to de­mand Robot Plan, told Shi Lei while con­ve­nient, [Mr. M] cur­rently coped with him, let him and [Mr. M] dog bites the dog, even did he con­fess [Mr. M] iden­tity di­rectly?” Oda Shizuna of­fered a stu­pid idea once more.
„Idiot! If Shi Lei knows that [Mr. M] iden­tity, you think [Mr. M] also did tell us these? Shi Lei be­trayed [Mr. M], why doesn't [Mr. M] begin Pun­ish­ment per­son­ally he? You think to be good, Shi Lei has hired one­self Xia Na­tion Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict, Rongcheng Mil­i­tary Dis­trict, can't you un­der­stand? Does not un­der­stand goes back to look up bu­reau in­side data!” Kurai Ni­paku ex­tends the right hand, ig­nites the Oda Shizuna fore­head with the index fin­ger.
Xia Na­tion, Shuangqing City, Jingya Gar­den.
On Num­ber One Server, the Shi Lei record in the Hacker Union mail­box, prompted to re­ceive a mail.
The pre­view con­tent of mail, lets Shi Lei being in­ter­ested very


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