Thursday, November 2, 2017

471: Mandarin and study in military unrest

Emer­ald Lake Build­ing six­teenth floor, Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany con­fer­ence room.
Dream En­ter­tain­ment Xie Hui was called help, cur­rently is de­bug­ging pro­jec­tor of con­fer­ence room, pre­pares to broad­cast «Sword against Arrow II» Promo Vid.
When Shi Lei and Mu Shuang, Wen Ruoyun, walks to­gether, Xie Hui just processes ac­com­plish.
„Did Old Xie, do well?” Shi Lei in Xie Hui be­hind, makes noise to ask.
Xie Hui heard the sound of foot­steps, had not been spo­ken to daunt by Shi Lei sud­denly, turns around to nod to re­spond: „Chief Shi, you come just right, I just de­bugged ac­com­plish. Mainly moves to act as the player our above Graph­i­cal Server, the «Sword against Arrow II» res­o­lu­tion and bit rate are very high, Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany Or­di­nary com­puter, broad­casts to have enough to do.”
„Oh! res­o­lu­tion and bit rate high?” Shi Lei in­quired.
„Res­o­lu­tion has achieved 3840 * 2160, was 1080 P. FullHD 4 times, the bit rate has been the 40 Mbps de­gree, al­ways when long had the en­tire three min­utes!” The Xie Hui praise said: „Im­mor­tal Pic­ture these young­ster are re­ally fierce, east and west|thing that man­u­fac­tures is very good!”
Shi Lei pulls open the chair, teased Mu Shuang say­ing: „Mu Shuang Sir Gen­eral Man­ager, please sit down.”
Mu Shuang light snort, not po­lite sat, „Sir Dis­patched Su­per­vi­sor Shi, you also please sit down!”
Wen Ruoyun in the one side, looked at Shi Lei, looked at Mu Shuang, on the face flood the strange look, the cor­ners of the mouth bent to wipe the curve.
‚Shi Lei and Mu Shuang these two de­lighted en­e­mies, but Mu Shuang likes Shi Lei ob­vi­ously, why doesn't ac­cept Shi Lei?’ The time that Wen Ruoyun and Mu Shuang are to­gether are quite much, she knows that the Mu Shuang re­gard, ac­tu­ally can­not guess cor­rectly the Mu Shuang thoughts.
„Old Xie, starts to broad­cast!” Shi Lei sits by Mu Shuang, told that Xie Hui said.
Xie Hui first close the light of con­fer­ence room, then has been con­trol­ling the mouse, dou­ble-clicks the «Sword against Arrow II» MKV doc­u­ment on the table­top.
Im­mor­tal Pic­ture Com­pany pro­jec­tor, has used spe­cial­ized com­mer­cial pro­jec­tor, but the ef­fect of panel can only be the 1920 * 1080 Full. HD de­gree fi­nally. There­fore is un­able to show the «Sword against Arrow II» high-de­f­i­n­i­tion ef­fect com­pletely.
«Sword against Arrow II» start to broad­cast, in the video pic­ture, in empty Room, is set­ting up­right four sides the pro­jec­tion cloth. The next quar­ter, the jet black pro­jec­tion cloth, had shone sud­denly, among the pro­jec­tion cloths, is demon­strat­ing one string of in­for­ma­tion.
‚Brave's World, reg­is­ters’
Four sides among the pro­jec­tion cloths, is stand­ing a wear cot­ton fab­ric T-shirt, has to soar to the heav­ens young­ster of short hair, in the hand of young­ster, is grasp­ing a sin­gle­stick.
As a re­sult of the Shi Lei's re­quest, when man­u­fac­tures «Sword against Arrow II», all con­tains the scene of char­ac­ter, has used the angle of the back man­u­fac­tur­ing, or is the local fea­ture scene, there­fore is un­able to de­ter­mine the young­ster ap­pear­ance.
Prob­a­bly waited for five sec­onds, four sides the pro­jec­tion cloth has si­mul­ta­ne­ously shone, in the pro­jec­tion cloth pic­ture of young­ster dead ahead, the game char­ac­ter back to him, that is being one wears young sword hero of clothes, stands, in de­vel­ops in the mar­tial stage.
Stands in four sides pro­jec­tion cloth mid­dle young­ster, first trans­ferred under one, ex­am­ined the left pro­jec­tion cloth. In the left pro­jec­tion cloth, the pic­ture of demon­stra­tion takes game char­ac­ter as the arc of vis­i­bil­ity left pic­ture, the right and fol­low­ing sit­u­a­tion, sim­i­larly is so!
Also in other words, four sides the pro­jec­tion cloth is demon­strat­ing in Brave's World, game char­ac­ter the sit­u­a­tions of East, South, West, and North four di­rec­tions, are sim­u­lat­ing all -around real panoramic view.
Along with the young­ster turn­ing the head move­ment, game char­ac­ter in pic­ture also in turn­ing the head of cor­re­spon­dence. At this time, in «Sword against Arrow I» has pre­sented sword hero Guru Dugu Xueluo, from de­vel­op­ing the mar­tial stage walked.
The Dugu Xueluo image, sev­eral near ac­tual per­son are or­di­nary, sees only Dugu Xueluo to ar­rive at named ‚Dugu Qiye’ game char­ac­ter side, the start to talk of clear pro­nun­ci­a­tion and mel­low voice said: „Qiye (seven nights), your did Ice Vigor Cold Light Sword Art, how many lev­els prac­tice to?”
While the Dugu Xueluo speech, the video pic­ture has given pro­jec­tion cloth below sound, came a close-up, in­di­cated that the Dugu Xueluo voice, can be broad­cast di­rectly by the sound. Also in the Gamer back ear place, came a close-up, in­di­cates on the ear of Gamer, Wire­less ear­phone and mi­cro­phone.
„Mas­ter, I have prac­ticed Ice Vigor Cold Light Sword Art Sev­enth Layer!” Young Gamer, di­rectly uses mi­cro­phone of Wire­less ear­phone, ex­changes by the way and Dugu Xueluo of voice.
In «Sword against Arrow II», ob­vi­ous showed an im­por­tant func­tion, NPC and Gamer may re­al­ize the voice ex­change. The aside writ­ing of pic­ture in­tro­duced that has used the ex­pla­na­tions of Xia Na­tion lan­guages and Eng­lish two lan­guages.
‚Brave's World's Sys­tem, has in­serted Speech Recog­ni­tion Sys­tem, the stan­dard Man­darin iden­ti­fi­ca­tion rate reaches as high as over 95, not dis­tin­guished lan­guage, can by Vocal Sys­tem in­tel­li­gence de­ter­mine. As for Man­darin non­stan­dard Gamer, but also please dili­gently study Man­darin!’
‚Non- Xia Na­tion area Gamer, please use stan­dard Eng­lish or stan­dard Xia Na­tion lan­guage Man­darin. Stan­dard Eng­lish refers to the Great Britain BBC broad­cast, as well as Li Jian Na­tion Wash­ing­ton area news broad­cast. Tem­porar­ily does not sup­port French, Ger­man, Japan­ese, Ko­rean, Russ­ian wait / etc..’
In the video pic­ture, Dugu Xueluo dis­played sur­pris­edly, „Qiye (seven nights), your did Ice Vigor Cold Light Sword Art, prac­tice to Sev­enth Layer se­ri­ously?”
„Mas­ter, the dis­ci­ple does not dare lied!” Named Dugu Qiye Gamer, was say­ing re­spect­fully.
„Gives for the mas­ter in a big hurry demon­strates, lets have a look for the mas­ter, you pro­gressed for serveral days!” Dugu Xueluo has pulled out the cold bright­ness sword of waist, stood in has been away from Dugu Qiye place 45 me­ters away.
The video pic­ture re­turned to four sides among pro­jec­tion cloths, the right hand is tak­ing young­ster of sin­gle­stick, is sim­i­lar to true sword hero is un­ex­pect­edly same, both hands hold the sword, is salut­ing to pro­jec­tion cloth pic­ture in Dugu Xueluo, in the mouth said re­spect­fully: „Mas­ter, the dis­ci­ple of­fended!”
After say­ing, the young­ster right hand holds the sword, bran­dishes in the pro­jec­tion cloths. Each move of each type is not that per­for­mance -type shelf for flow­ers, but truly looks like Sword Method.
In the pic­ture of pro­jec­tion cloth, game char­ac­ter also starts to move, three feet Qingfeng in hand, often pro­jects pale-blue Sword Qi.
Sta­tion Dugu Xueluo 45 me­ters away, not cares a whoop Sword Qi, oc­ca­sion­ally 12 Sword Qi shoot at Dugu Xueluo, was mad by Dugu Xueluo own pro­tect­ing one­self Gang shakes the pow­der.
Four sides among the pro­jec­tion cloths, young Gamer stopped the move­ment, salutes to Dugu Xueluo once more, „Mas­ter, the dis­ci­ple demon­strates!”
The video pic­ture pre­sents aside il­lus­tra­tion writ­ing again, si­mul­ta­ne­ously this is also in «Sword against Arrow II», ex­plicit per­for­mance Sec­ond es­sen­tial in­for­ma­tion.
Mo­tion Sens­ing Op­er­a­tion way!
game player in Re­al­ity, makes cor­re­spond­ing the move­ment, in the game also pre­sents the cor­re­spond­ing the move­ment.
‚Brave's World's Main Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem, will se­lect the Mo­tion Sens­ing Op­er­a­tion method, the Gamer forms of com­bat, will have the earth-shak­ing change. Plays the game at the same time, then can ob­tain the fit­ness ex­er­cise ef­fect. Mean­while, the ef­fec­tive con­trol on­line issue, the Gamer phys­i­cal strength is also lim­ited for a long time, is un­able to sur­pass for a long time main­tains the fight.’
In the Brave's World pic­ture, the Dugu Xueluo both feet moves slightly, the per­sonal ap­pear­ance rises straight from the ground, the light ap­pear­ance above the roof, was look­ing into the dis­tance.
The scene pre­sent the fea­ture ar­ti­cle again, first was the fea­ture ar­ti­cle the eye of young­ster, only then the eye, did not have the pic­ture of face, did not have the pic­ture above fore­head, the close-up in­di­cated that the young­ster look, has locked a roof po­si­tion, then the fea­ture ar­ti­cle pic­ture change, locked on the young­ster both feet.
Sees only the young­ster both feet lightly, player char­ac­ter Dugu Qiye in Brave's World, jumps to fly sim­i­larly, stood above the roof, stood side Dugu Xueluo.
Dugu Xueluo looks into the dis­tance, the ex­pres­sion was say­ing lightly: „Qiye (seven nights), three days, ex­actly as stated and Leng Cetian dis­ci­ple duel, do you have the con­fi­dence to win?”
The pic­ture stopped here, trans­forms an­other pic­ture.
On a smooth lawn, is set­ting up­right the var­i­ous sorts and va­ri­eties tar­get, wears the black vigor at­tire, ID char­ac­ter named ‚Leng Lingfeng’ game char­ac­ter, is grasp­ing the bow and arrow, sta­tion at least 100 me­ters away, is aim­ing at a tar­get.
Jet black Arrow, builds on the bow, along with Leng Lingfeng left hand let go, black Arrow changed to a shadow, al­most less than 0.5 sec­ond, then ar­rived in tar­get 100 me­ters away, shot through tar­get Cen­ter red!
In real world, four sides among the pro­jec­tion cloths, young Gamer, the right hand is tak­ing a wooden bow and arrow, but does not have the bow­string, does not have Arrow.
Sees only his left hand, re­sem­bles mold type from be­hind ex­tracts Arrow that did not have, builds on bow­string that in did not have sim­i­larly, ded­i­cated is star­ing at the tar­get on pro­jec­tion cloth.
The pic­ture pre­sents the aside writ­ing to ex­plain that ‚the key of aim­ing lock­ing, is the look focal point, the high-de­f­i­n­i­tion cam­era can the pupil of Seize Gamer, and car­ries on to cal­cu­late de­ter­mine, thus de­ter­mined that Gamer locks the exact lo­ca­tion in Brave's World. The weight­less method foothold, is the long-dis­tance at­tack fore or front sight, or close com­bat at­tack exact lo­ca­tion, by look focal point de­ter­mine.’
Leng Cetian sud­denly ap­pears by Leng Lingfeng, ex­pres­sion ice-cold in­quiry: „Lingfeng, three days of ex­actly as stated and have the Dugu Xueluo dis­ci­ples, the day of fight­ing it out, you had con­fi­dence?”
„Mas­ter please feel re­lieved that I have prac­ticed Fallen Skies Shoot­ing Sun Art Sev­enth Layer, cer­tainly can win!” Leng Lingfeng is also sim­i­lar to Leng Cetian seems to be same, has the ar­ro­gant tem­per.
„Is so best! If you achieved final suc­cess, en­joys for mas­ter sig­nif­i­cant!” Leng Cetian hā hā laughs. Leng Lingfeng also with hā hā laughs.
«Sword against Arrow II» Pro­mo­tion Video, to here, is two min­utes 50 sec­onds, pic­ture dark, pre­sented one line of writ­ing.
‚After three day, the Sum­mit show­down, the sword and arrow, who called the king?’
Under of writ­ing, ac­cord­ing to the emer­gence of con­ven­tion se­ries Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Com­pany Logo, and has left be­hind one ‚to be con­tin­ued’ sym­bol.
Mu Shuang more than once has looked at «Sword against Arrow II», al­though she is a fe­male stu­dent, more­over is one does not like play­ing the fe­male stu­dent of game, but after look­ing at the in­tro­duc­tion of «Sword against Arrow II», she also has the thought that plays.
„Old Xie, im­me­di­ately is­sues on «Sword against Arrow II» Of­fi­cial Web­site, only pro­vides to down­load ad­dress, adopts way down­load­ing of P2P, shares the bur­den of our Server. Right, only pro­vides prim­i­tive high-de­f­i­n­i­tion ver­sion down­load­ing.” The in­struc­tion that Shi Lei smiles said.
Why only pro­vides prim­i­tive high-de­f­i­n­i­tion ver­sion?
This is sends out a sig­nal to Gamer, the de­mand of Brave's World to hard­ware is very high is very high, sends out a sig­nal to other Game Com­pany, Dream En­ter­tain­ment has not dom­i­nated the Game Cir­cle thought that so as to avoid Dream En­ter­tain­ment causes the sup­pres­sions of all Game Com­pany.
As the say­ing goes, broad prod­uct grain, slow name king!
This ex­actly as stated Shi Lei's Plan!.


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