Friday, November 3, 2017

486: Fails to keep one's word, large-scale changing dust!

Beiyu Dis­trict, Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment Head­quar­ters build­ing most top layer.
After Dai Guanghua feels re­lieved, as if the whole body strength was found time to be the same, weak sit­ting on the ground.
„Fi­nally, was saved fi­nally!” Dai Guanghua mut­tered.
To be hon­est, Dai Guanghua in fact re­ally very much feared that Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) fails to keep one's word. After all, ha­tred be­tween he and Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled), is not then can talk clearly in a few words.
Dai Guanghua had been pon­der­ing, per­haps if him and Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) iden­tity ex­change, he also wishes one could Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) dead, more­over cer­tainly will kill with one's own hand the per­sonal enemy.
But judg­ing from the pre­sent sit­u­a­tion, Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) as if re­ally planned to let off him!
Is it pos­si­ble that looks like Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) to say, one­self ac­knowl­edged the in­dict­ment, lived the ratio dead has made him joy­ful?
Dai Guanghua only then so com­forts it­self, sits down ex­hausted on the ground, he from the trouser pocket, has pulled out cell phone, wants to in­form the sub­or­di­nate(s) per­son, goes up­stairs to greet him.
How­ever, when he pulls out cell phone, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that cell phone sim­ply does not have the sig­nal
Out­side the Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment Head­quar­ters build­ing, sub­or­di­nates Or­di­nary Vice-chief Ding Ke of Dai Guanghua clique, is bring­ing a large num­ber of Po­lice Force, has sur­rounded en­tire Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment Head­quar­ters.
Then, such sit­u­a­tion re­ally very much com­edy!
Po­lice Force sur­round their Head­quar­ters, solemn Po­lice De­part­ment [Old Nest], was oc­cu­pied by the kid­nap­per un­ex­pect­edly.
Ding Ke Vice-chief stands out­side the Head­quar­ters build­ing, the com­plex­ion is very anx­ious. If Dai Guanghua fell from power, his day will per­haps not feel bet­ter.
Takes tre­ble loud­speaker, Ding Ke is pulling the throat big tastes: „In­side per­son is lis­ten­ing, you had been sur­rounded now, im­me­di­ately puts down the weapon sur­ren­der!”
The Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment sur­round­ings, had many crowds. And looks like the quite bril­liant mid­dle-aged per­son, taunted: „Who this Po­lice Force is, the brain has issue Right?”
Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) through the con­tent that the Shuangqing Tele­vi­sion Sta­tion en­tire chan­nel re­trans­mits, mak­ing many Shuangqing City peo­ple know the spe­cific sit­u­a­tion, since Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) has arranged nu­mer­ous Bomb in the attic, he pos­si­bly did put down the weapon sur­ren­der?
In Po­lice Force of out­side front­line pro­pa­ganda, ab­solutely is Shit­head!
„Idiot!” Stands by Ding Ke not far away, looks like the 30-year-old mid­dle-aged per­son, light snort.
„Cap­tain, oth­ers are Vice-chief, you give oth­ers a face!” An­other is slightly young a point the man, al­though is per­suad­ing, but in his ex­pres­sion, the fla­vor of half minute per­sua­sion does not have, in­stead all teased!
„Zhuang Chi, your Brat gives me se­ri­ously!” Mid­dle-aged man named Cui Jianx­i­ang, is Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment, Spe­cial Se­cu­rity Team Cap­tain, priv­i­lege en­dures com­pared with gen­eral Vice-chief, more­over be­longs to the Bu­reau Chief man­age­ment.
„Re­port! Head Cui, has not dis­cov­ered any ad­van­ta­geous snipe point. Around our City Bu­reau, only then our City Bu­reau Head­quar­ters build­ing is high­est, not hav­ing other com­mand­ing points, sniper un­able to play the role!” Young Spe­cial Se­cu­rity Team mem­ber, re­ports to say to Cui Jianx­i­ang.
„En, I knew!” Cui Jianx­i­ang sub­or­di­nates a Bai Qiang de­part­ment, he looks for­ward to Dai Guanghua dead!
Since does not have the com­mand­ing point . More­over the en­tire attic has cov­ered en­tirely Bomb, that did not have their Spe­cial Se­cu­rity Team mat­ter, did not have their re­spon­si­bil­ity!
Jade Dis­trict, Meng Xun cur­rently wait­ing news. Shuangqing City Bu­reau Head­quar­ters Dai Guanghua was kid­napped, kid­nap­per in some mar­ket, has still in­stalled over 300 kilo­grams am­mo­nium ni­trate Bomb, these two news, mak­ing Meng Xun un­easy whether sit­ting or stand­ing.
Dai Guanghua was kid­napped, is am­mo­nium ni­trate Bomb of mar­ket, will make Meng Xun fall into po­lit­i­cal Abyss.
Shi Lei sits in the edge cor­ner, in heart is also very anx­ious, often puts out the cell phone ex­am­i­na­tion.
‚[Sir], cur­rently mi­grates Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] in­te­rior data, it is ex­pected that also takes 15 min­utes, can mi­grate the map to sim­u­late Task all data com­pletely.’
Al­though [Izual] mo­men­tar­ily is re­port­ing in­for­ma­tion to Shi Lei, but writ­ing in­for­ma­tion, lets ex­change be­tween Shi Lei and [Izual] is not very con­ve­nient.
If there is Lens-type In­for­ma­tion Proces­sor, re­gard­ing the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion, will be the best so­lu­tion!
‚Dream En­ter­tain­ment Server sit­u­a­tion how?’ Shi Lei has to con­sider close Dream En­ter­tain­ment Server, but, Hacker of these at­tack sides, per­haps wan­tonly will then fab­ri­cate a rumor, has stolen the Dream En­ter­tain­ment all kinds con­tent, or tam­pered with Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial data.
At the ap­pointed time, even if Or­di­nary Gamer trusts Dream En­ter­tain­ment as be­fore, per­haps but the Dream En­ter­tain­ment co­op­er­a­tion side, will sus­pect Dream En­ter­tain­ment.
For this rea­son, Shi Lei does not think close Dream En­ter­tain­ment Server, he needs to show to all peo­ple, Dream En­ter­tain­ment has the ad­vanced tech­nol­ogy, the game de­vel­op­ment, is Safety de­fense!
‚[Sir], Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] in­volves de­fense, [End­less De­fense] Sys­tem op­er­ates sta­bly, tem­porar­ily does not have dan­ger [Sir], has Emer­gency Sit­u­a­tion, the in­truder quan­tity in­creases sharply, the in­va­sion in­ten­sity in­creases sharply!’ The mid­way of [Izual] cur­rently re­port, has given the ur­gent alarm im­me­di­ately.
Shi Lei com­plex­ion dras­tic change, ac­cord­ing to [Izual]'s sit­u­a­tion re­port, if Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] in­volved [End­less De­fense] Sys­tem, but also had Emer­gency Sit­u­a­tion, that has a pos­si­bil­ity!
Wo Sang Na­tion and Nan­chao Na­tion Hacker al­lied armies, the true start catch up, hit to at­tack Dream En­ter­tain­ment, but does not send out a Or­ga­ni­za­tion probe at­tack.
Dream En­ter­tain­ment Server for a long time can­not cap­ture, the two coun­tries Hacker al­lied armies, can­not re­press fi­nally, de­cide to at­tack fully!
Shi Lei has pressed down digit on the cell phone key­board ‚5’, choice and [Izual] voice com­mu­ni­ca­tion, if ex­changes with the writ­ing and [Izual], per­haps will issue the order with­out enough time.
„At pre­sent can also block?” Ask­ing that Shi Lei cares about.
Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] is still mi­grat­ing data, data that the Brave's World map sim­u­lates is very big, at least also takes 15 min­utes, can for mi­grat­ing ac­com­plish.
Only then ac­com­plish the data mi­gra­tion, Shi Lei will have cho­sen to turn on the Task sim­u­la­tor, the ex­trac­tion Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] es­ti­mated per­for­mance heartily, with re­sist Nan­chao Na­tion and Wo Sang Na­tion Hacker.
„[Sir], ac­cord­ing to Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] cur­rent idle com­put­ing re­sources, can only re­sist ap­prox­i­mately for about 15 min­utes.” The [Izual] re­sponse said.
Mi­grates data to take 15 min­utes, cur­rent com­put­ing re­sources re­sists Hacker , can only re­sist ap­prox­i­mately for 15 min­utes, more­over is in the best sit­u­a­tion.
Also in other words, cur­rent sit­u­a­tion cri­sis very!
Shi Lei sud­denly, fell into the de­ci­sion of being in a dilemma, is ac­tu­ally to in­ter­rupt Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial Web­site and ser­vice of Of­fi­cial Forum, close Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial Server, gives up the map sim­u­lat­ing Task, di­rectly ex­trac­tion Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] per­for­mance heartily.
Shuangqing City, Po­lice De­part­ment Head­quar­ters.
Dai Guanghua puts out cell phone, ac­tu­ally dis­cov­ered that cell phone does not have the sig­nal, in his heart im­me­di­ately thump. Be­fore he ran up to the work com­puter im­me­di­ately, at­tempts to exit through In­ter­net send mes­sage.
But, In­ter­net of work com­puter has in­ter­rupted, is un­able to con­nect Ex­ter­nal In­ter­net to wind!
The Dai Guanghua keen de­tec­tion has not suited, im­me­di­ately pre­pares to go out of Of­fice, looks for the Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) in­quiry is any opin­ion.
How­ever, has not waited for him to have an ac­tion to per­form, places the two sil­ver-white suit­cases on tea table, has sent out ‚drop drop’ alarm sound.
Dai Guanghua creepy feel­ing looks to two sil­ver-white suit­cases, the count­down on C-4 plas­tic Bomb, stopped, but moved at this mo­ment.
More­over, count­down only re­main­ing five sec­onds!
Bang! Bang! huā lā! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang......
Two ex­plo­sive sounds first re­sound, this is C-4 plas­tic Bomb in two sil­ver-white suit­cases.
As the say­ing goes, the venge­ful­ness for fa­ther's mur­der is ab­solutely ir­rec­on­cil­able!
Dai Guanghua not only has killed the Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) fa­ther, even|con­nected mother has not let off, but also is ex­tremely bad hu­mil­i­ated to death, does Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) pos­si­bly let off Dai Guanghua?
So-called let­ting off Dai Guanghua, but de­ceives Dai Guanghua!
Fails to keep one's word, is never any­thing cher­ishes mat­ter!
The C-4 plas­tic Bomb ex­plo­sion power is very pow­er­ful, ex­ploded Dai Guanghua died at the scene. The glass of en­tire 18 build­ing blasts open en­tirely, when glass blast­ing open, has caused the chain-like ex­plo­sions of other plas­tic Bomb.
The Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment Head­quar­ters build­ing, in a se­ries of ex­plo­sive sounds, en­tire Eigh­teenth Floor al­most all de­stroys!
For­tu­nately, Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) the con­trol of plas­tic Bomb is very pre­cise, al­though has ru­ined 18 build­ings, but has not made the roof col­lapse, has not made down­stairs re­ceive too big af­fect.
Nat­u­rally, has been an ex­cep­tion by the glass that the shock-wave broke!
Out­side Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment, is sur­round­ing Head­quar­ters Po­lice Force, res­i­dent who watches the fun, com­pletely star­tled lying on the ground.
The Vice-chief Ding Ke First time the City Bu­reau Head­quar­ters sit­u­a­tion, the re­port has given First Vice-mayor Meng Xun.
After Meng Xun heard the re­sult, whole body one soft, nearly must col­lapse. Has in­stalled AIP Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pros­thetic El­derly Liu ac­tu­ally, light snort, „Lit­tle Meng, buoys up, you now this ap­pear­ance, highly im­proper? More is the mo­ment of cri­sis, ex­ceed must buoy up!”
After the re­minder of El­derly Liu, Meng Xun deeply in­spired, „thanked El­derly Liu!”
After say­ing, Meng Xun tells to Ding Ke that has not hung up: „Ding Ke, arranges the man­power to enter the Head­quar­ters build­ing im­me­di­ately, searches for Bu­reau Chief Dai, has a look at Bu­reau Chief Dai is liv­ing whether also! After all, that kid­nap­per has said that must let off Bu­reau Chief Dai. More­over, found that kid­nap­per, must see the per­son ex­actly, dies to see the corpse! Yes?”
„Mayor Meng, please feel re­lieved, my cer­tain ac­com­plish Task!” Ding Ke vowed solemnly that was say­ing.
Shuangqing City Po­lice De­part­ment Head­quar­ters is at­tacked, so se­ri­ous mat­ter, more­over oc­curred in so sen­si­tive time, if can­not hold in­clud­ing the trou­ble­mak­ers, per­haps Ding Ke this Vice-chief, did the head.
Ding Ke arranges Ex­plo­sives Ex­pert to enter the scene im­me­di­ately, the main pro­tec­tion also has Bomb that has not det­o­nated.
Shuangqing City Gov­ern­ment Press Con­fer­ence Room, Meng Xun low voice said to Zhou Qin: „Arranges per­son­nel, who in­ves­ti­gate Shi Lei cur­rently and talks over the tele­phone, I must know the tele­phone con­ver­sa­tion the con­tent!” Meng Xun looks at cur­rently ‚tele­phon­ing’ Shi Lei, was telling the start to talk.
The Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) mat­ter was avoid­less, that must guar­an­tee with every ef­fort Shi Lei does not leave issue!.


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