Friday, November 3, 2017

489: [Earth Simulator]!

Wo Sang Na­tion and Nan­chao Na­tion, over 30 Hacker Or­ga­ni­za­tion, under the lead­er­ship of both sides Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion Hacker Or­ga­ni­za­tion, have se­lected an es­sen­tial day, starts to Dream En­ter­tain­ment to­gether.
The be­hav­ior of this tak­ing ad­van­tage, lets Shi Lei very being fu­ri­ous very!
Shi Lei has for­mu­lated Plan of cor­re­spon­dence luck­ily, but Shi Lei also and has to pay the price.
Meng Xun sits side Shi Lei, looks at in­for­ma­tion on Note­book Com­puter screen, from ini­tial sur­prised, to one after an­other shock, then be­comes silent.
‚Mir­ror Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Tech­ni­cal De­part­ment, one crowd of Dan­ger fel­low!’ Meng Xun main­tains com­po­sure is mus­ing.
„The at­tack in­ten­sity that [Sir], Dream En­ter­tain­ment Data Server re­ceives is big­ger.” [Izual] real-time is re­port­ing the Dream En­ter­tain­ment sit­u­a­tion.
Shi Lei does not have the least bit to be anx­ious, so long as [Izual] has not re­ported Emer­gency Sit­u­a­tion, that proves [End­less De­fense] Sys­tem, can def­i­nitely re­sist op­po­site party at­tack.
In­door Wo Sang Na­tion and voice of Nan­chao Na­tion Hacker al­lied armies chat­ted, Nan­chao Na­tion Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion Hacker Or­ga­ni­za­tion SG Boss [Bless­ing of Heaven], cold snort: „[Pink Sakura], why your Sakura Group an­other seven peo­ple, in at­tack­ing se­quence?”
Sakura Group has eight Core Mem­ber, be­sides [Pink Sakura], other seven mem­ber, re­spec­tively takes the rain­bow seven col­ors of the spec­trum as the code num­ber.
Should at­tack Dream En­ter­tain­ment other seven Sakura Group Core Mem­ber with the two coun­tries Hacker al­lied armies to­gether, the dis­ap­pear­ing trace, they have not ac­tu­ally par­tic­i­pated dur­ing the at­tack!
„[True Kelp], your Hokkaido Kelp an­other four mem­ber? Kun Kelp, Profit Kelp, Silk Kelp and three kelp, has not pre­sented Right? from be­gin­ning to end, Sakura Group and Hokkaido Kelp, only then you ap­pear, other peo­ple? Ac­tu­ally are you pre­med­i­tat­ing what Plan? What se­cre­tive plot has?” In the [Bless­ing of Heaven] sound, has been full of the in­ter­ro­ga­tion!
[True Kelp] re­mained silent, [Pink Sakura] opened the mouth to say on own ini­tia­tive: „[Bless­ing of Heaven], should not be anx­ious! Our Sakura Group and Hokkaido Kelp, with­out any plot! Our Core Mem­ber, strongly in the same place, a se­cret Plan mat­ter. If ob­tains suc­cess­ful, triv­ial Dream En­ter­tain­ment, de­scribed with the Xia Na­tion old say­ing: as easy as blow­ing off dust!”
„What mat­ter?” [Bless­ing of Heaven] does not be­lieve ob­vi­ously [Pink Sakura] and [True Kelp], in fact, they are the en­e­mies. These time be­cause of Dream En­ter­tain­ment, but forms an al­liance tem­porar­ily, but, sim­ply does not have the true trust.
[Pink Sakura] has con­sid­ered care­fully, if did not tell SG [Bless­ing of Heaven], per­haps the Nan­chao Na­tion Hacker al­lied armies will go wrong. Fi­nally after mea­sur­ing the suc­cess and fail­ure, has es­tab­lished en­cryp­tion Voice Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Chan­nel, has joined [Bless­ing of Heaven] and [True Kelp].
„[Bless­ing of Heaven], al­though for long, we are the en­e­mies. But in this mo­ment, we have the com­mon enemy. Then, can I be­lieve you?” [Pink Sakura] asked with one sin­cere man­ner.
[Bless­ing of Heaven] af­fir­ma­tive reply: „[Pink Sakura], al­though we are en­e­mies, but my moral be­hav­ior, aren't you clear?”
„[Bless­ing of Heaven], do you know en­tire World Ranked Four­teenth Su­per­com­puter?” [Pink Sakura] in­quired.
„You” [Bless­ing of Heaven] have held breath cold air, al­though Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion Hacker Or­ga­ni­za­tion, in the eyes of Or­di­nary pop­u­lace, is Hacker World Great God, is that type to be fierce not side ex­is­tence.
But the true sit­u­a­tion is ac­tu­ally not this, Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion Hacker Or­ga­ni­za­tion Leader, in­clud­ing [Pink Sakura], [True Kelp], [Bless­ing of Heaven], [Black Blade], [Dark Night], by the tech­no­log­i­cal strength, can only achieve World Ex­ceed Class, or is the Quasi Ex­ceed Class de­gree.
They by far are not var­i­ous coun­tries' Cyber Se­cu­rity Agency matches, merely equiv­a­lent to For­eign Min­istry In­ter­na­tional In­tel­li­gence Agency, of­fi­cial Se­cu­rity Spe­cial­ist Lit­tle Group Group Leader Gra­da­tion, even some Or­di­nary group mem­ber(s), there is a such strength.
True fierce First Gen­er­a­tion Hacker Or­ga­ni­za­tion!
By the Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion Hacker Or­ga­ni­za­tion strength, at­tempts to bribe World­wide Ranked Four­teenth Su­per­com­puter, it may be said that is fan­tasy story.
[Bless­ing of Heaven] is sur­prised, „[Pink Sakura], are you crack­ing a joke? If I have not re­mem­bered in­cor­rectly, World­wide Ranked Four­teenth Su­per­com­puter, named [Earth Sim­u­la­tor] Right? be­longs to your Wo Sang Na­tion Oceans and Earth Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Bu­reau. [Pink Sakura], is not I looks down upon you, but is you in­deed does not have the abil­ity to grasp [Earth Sim­u­la­tor]!”
World­wide Ranked Four­teenth Su­per­com­puter, named [Earth Sim­u­la­tor], for­merly in 2002 was World­wide First Su­per­com­puter, and took two -and-a-half years of time. Its es­ti­mated per­for­mance has achieved 35.9 TFLop /s, is about the Su­per­com­puter [Swal­low] 75% per­for­mance.
Ac­cord­ing to the [Earth Sim­u­la­tor] per­for­mance, Sakura Group and Hokkaido Kelp, in­deed do not have qual­i­fi­ca­tions to con­trol it!
„[Bless­ing of Heaven], our Sakura Group has not at­tempted to grasp it. We bor­row it , help­ing us de­feat Dream En­ter­tain­ment with it merely.” [Pink Sakura] was say­ing in­dif­fer­ently.
„Your is opin­ion?” [Bless­ing of Heaven] some do not un­der­stand, Hacker so-called ‚bor­row­ing’, ac­tu­ally in sit­u­a­tion that in the mas­ter does not know, gains com­puter Con­trol Au­thor­ity.
„My opin­ion is, we have in­ter­nal per­son­nel in Oceans and Earth Sci­ence and Tech­nol­ogy Bu­reau, we can at­tain [Earth Sim­u­la­tor] two hours of Con­trol­ling Right, merely is only Sec­ond Grade au­thor­ity. Can­not mod­ify data, un­able to visit se­cret data, can­not du­pli­cate any data, can only use [Earth Sim­u­la­tor], help­ing us at­tack Dream En­ter­tain­ment!” [Pink Sakura] as far as pos­si­ble main­tains ex­pres­sion light ex­pla­na­tion.
So long as thinks that can use World­wide Ranked Four­teenth Su­per­com­puter, he is ex­cited is sim­i­lar to the cramp is the same!
‚Bor­row­ing’ [Earth Sim­u­la­tor], does not in­vade [Earth Sim­u­la­tor]. If in­vades [Earth Sim­u­la­tor], even if grasped Super Au­thor­ity , can only trans­fer the lim­ited re­sources, be­cause is afraid is dis­cov­ered.
But this time ‚bor­row­ing’ [Earth Sim­u­la­tor] two hours, then can use the [Earth Sim­u­la­tor] per­for­mance com­pletely, can use [Earth Sim­u­la­tor] to han­dle any­thing will­fully, equiv­a­lent to own Server same use.
„[Pink Sakura], does this mat­ter have the big as­sur­ance?” [Bless­ing of Heaven] swal­lows the saliva, if has at­tained [Earth Sim­u­la­tor] Con­trol­ling Right, even if he is un­able to grasp, but can fight with World­wide Ranked Four­teenth Su­per­com­puter to­gether, is that the mat­ter that is hon­ored?
„99!” [Pink Sakura] dis­solute laughs.
This time, Sakura Group and Hokkaido Kelp, are not the in­de­pen­dent com­bats, be­hind them also has other in­flu­ences to sup­port, for their Cre­ate more con­ve­nient con­di­tion.
In­clud­ing this [Earth Sim­u­la­tor] two hours of Con­trol­ling Right, is be­hind them the re­sult of in­flu­ence sup­port. Oth­er­wise, only two Sec­ond Gen­er­a­tion Hacker do Or­ga­ni­za­tion, why ob­tain [Earth Sim­u­la­tor] Con­trol­ling Right?
„Ninety per­cent sure mat­ter? I con­grat­u­lated first!” [Bless­ing of Heaven] is hav­ing a fla­vor of faint trace envy.
Shuangqing City, Beiyu Dis­trict, Po­lice De­part­ment Head­quar­ters build­ing.
More than ten ex­plo­sive dis­posal Spe­cial­ist, the stair halls in 17 build­ings, have worn the sin­cere ex­po­sure suit, then has started the search in 18 build­ings, in­ves­ti­gates whether has Bomb that has not ex­ploded, or is other Dan­ger thing.
Plas­tic Bomb of Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) use, con­trols very pre­cisely, only ex­plodes 18 build­ings merely hor­ri­ble to look , the ef­fect on 17 build­ings is not quite big.
After ex­plo­sive dis­posal Spe­cial­ist en­ters 18 build­ings, first de­fers to the in­struc­tion, ar­rived at First Vice-chief Of­fice. What a pity, under the chain-like ex­plo­sion of Bomb, First Vice-chief Of­fice changed to the ruins, an ap­pear­ance of rem­nant of de­stroyed build­ing, some com­bustible sub­stance, but also is burn­ing tena­ciously.
„Starts the in­ter­sec­tion search, must dis­cover Dai Guanghua Vice-chief, any sit­u­a­tion!” Ex­plo­sive dis­posal Spe­cial­ist Group Leader is­sues the order, the la­tent mean­ing is: Lives to see the per­son, dies to see the corpse.
„Yes!” Ex­plo­sive dis­posal Spe­cial­ist Qi Qi re­sponded to one, then im­me­di­ately starts to search in the rem­nant of de­stroyed build­ing.
A mo­ment later, ex­plo­sive dis­posal Spe­cial­ist then loudly said: „Group Leader, has dis­cov­ered a corpse.”
Ex­plo­sive dis­posal Spe­cial­ist Group Leader went to the dis­cov­ery corpse place, the corpse sit­u­ated in cor­ner, had been ex­ploded changes be­yond all recog­ni­tion . More­over the corpse is not per­fect, from the ap­pear­ance is un­able to dis­tin­guish merely whether is Dai Guanghua.
Dis­cov­ered that the corpse ex­plo­sive dis­posal Spe­cial­ist, had tried to find out on the corpse, from the clothes of air burn, has torn off a metal thing, that is the Po­lice Force se­r­ial num­ber on po­lice uni­form!
Al­though the alarm sig­nal of metal sys­tem al­ready some dis­tor­tions, but ex­plo­sive dis­posal Spe­cial­ist Group Leader, the First time dis­tin­guished, this alarm sig­nal was First Vice-chief Dai Guanghua!
In­ves­ti­gated the an­swer, ex­plo­sive dis­posal Spe­cial­ist Group Leader im­me­di­ately con­tact Ding Ke Vice-chief, has re­ported the spe­cial de­tails. „Bu­reau Chief Ding, we have dis­cov­ered Bu­reau Chief Dai.”
„Is the Bu­reau Chief Dai sit­u­a­tion how is it?” Ding Ke in­tense in­quiry.
„Bu­reau Chief Dai trag­i­cally died, died in line of duty!” Ex­plo­sive dis­posal Spe­cial­ist Group Leader fast re­sponse.
After hear­ing the news, Ding Ke only thought that at pre­sent one black, whole body one soft, nearly must col­lapse on the ground, if not his nearby trusted sub­or­di­nate, held his, per­haps he wants make a fool of.
Not far away, Spe­cial Se­cu­rity Team Cui Jianx­i­ang, shot a look at Ding Ke, sneers say­ing: „Use­less east and west|thing, the mas­ter died col­lapsed like the day!”
About after more than ten min­utes, ex­plo­sive dis­posal Spe­cial­ist has trans­mit­ted in­for­ma­tion once more.
„Bu­reau Chief Ding, 18 build­ing Safety, have not dis­cov­ered the sus­pi­cious ex­plo­sive ma­te­r­ial, has not dis­cov­ered kid­nap­per Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled).” The ex­plo­sive dis­posal Spe­cial­ist Group Leader re­port said.
Ding Ke has sta­bi­lized the mood, „hasn't dis­cov­ered Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled)? Hadn't found in­clud­ing the corpse?”
„Bu­reau Chief Ding, we had not found tem­porar­ily. But does not re­move, Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) was buried in the ruins. In par­tial Room, the ceil­ing fell, per­haps Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) was buried in in­side!” The ex­plo­sive dis­posal Spe­cial­ist Group Leader spec­u­la­tion was say­ing.
„I send for the ex­ca­va­tion im­me­di­ately. Even if were buried in in­side, I must see his corpse!” Ding Ke cold sound track. Jian Wushuang (Sword Un­par­al­leled) as the crim­i­nal of this kid­nap­ping case, how re­gard­less of must grasp, even if holds a corpse.
In net world, Wo Sang Na­tion and Nan­chao Na­tion, tem­porar­ily the voice cha­t­room of al­liance.
The two coun­tries Hacker al­lied armies, defer to Plan to at­tack Dream En­ter­tain­ment Data Server as be­fore, does not leave Dream En­ter­tain­ment any respite the op­por­tu­nity.
Sud­denly, in­door the voice chat­ted, Signed In some strange user.
From log­ging in user ID dis­cov­ered that these user Sakura Group seven Core Mem­ber, as well as Hokkaido Kelp four Core Mem­ber.
„[Pur­ple Sakura], sit­u­a­tion how?” [Pink Sakura] in the voice chan­nel, the di­rect ex­am­i­na­tion said.
[Pur­ple Sakura] fast reply: „Boss, we have ob­tained [Earth Sim­u­la­tor] au­thor­ity, from now on, we have [Earth Sim­u­la­tor], two hours of com­plete rights of use!”.


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