Saturday, November 4, 2017

500: Retrieval crisis

Jingya Gar­den, Build­ing Ten, 200 three Room.
Shi Lei looks at Num­ber One Server Mon­i­tor, is wait­ing for the [Izual]'s reply.
„Sir, cur­rently com­pu­ta­tion so­lu­tion, please wait a mo­ment” [Izual] has Human Emo­tion Im­i­ta­tion Mod­ule, and has High Grade Log­i­cal Think­ing Mod­ule, in other words, it can sim­u­late the human the think­ing pat­tern.
Was sim­i­lar to just Shi Lei in­quired ‚you’ the con­cept, [Izual] through Human Emo­tion Im­i­ta­tion Mod­ule and High Grade Log­i­cal Think­ing Mod­ule, the com­pu­ta­tion guessed the Shi Lei's idea, thus demon­strated the Sys­tem learn­ing ap­proach.
[Izual] from the Shi Lei's in­quiry, has cal­cu­lated to spec­u­late that Shi Lei needs one to guar­an­tee the Super Au­thor­ity ab­solutely safe plan.
There­fore, [Izual] started the au­to­matic com­pu­ta­tion so­lu­tion. Mean­while, data of Sys­tem com­pu­ta­tion spec­u­la­tion, is demon­strat­ing on Mon­i­tor, mak­ing Shi Lei un­der­stand.
Shi Lei looks at Mon­i­tor, the vi­sion twin­kle, ‚[Izual], ac­tu­ally you now are Mid Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pro­gram, is High Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pro­gram. From your cur­rent per­for­mance, should not merely be only the Mid Grade pro­ce­dure ab­solutely, but why bases on dnn Deep Neural Net­work Model and Man-Ma­chine Nat­ural Lan­guage struc­ture?’
High Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, ac­tu­ally does Shi Lei does not know exist, but as met true Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem re­cently, High Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem no small mat­ter!
High Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, the way of con­struc­tion, is not gmm model, is not dnn model, but is a more ad­vanced way.
For de­ter­mine [Izual]'s con­crete Grade, Shi Lei de­cides to wait a while, tests [Izual] per­son­ally. As for the test item, Shi Lei had some ideas.
„Sir, pro­tects the Super Au­thor­ity plan to cal­cu­late ac­com­plish. Cur­rently has two plans, a First plan. In­creases dna Se­quenc­ing An­a­lyzer for the Sys­tem pur­chase, lets the Sys­tem record your dna in­for­ma­tion, thus so­lid­i­fies Super Au­thor­ity. This plan has cer­tain risk, if there are other hu­man­ity, has your dna, and can im­i­tate Voice­print Sig­na­ture and Lip-Speech Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture, then can change Super Au­thor­ity as be­fore.” [Izual] was il­lus­trat­ing a First plan.
Shi Lei is silent, but silent looks at com­puter Mon­i­tor.
[Izual] through the high-de­f­i­n­i­tion cam­era, uni­fies Human Emo­tion Im­i­ta­tion Mod­ule and High Grade Log­i­cal Think­ing Mod­ule, de­ter­mine leaves Shi Lei not mǎnyi this plan. There­fore con­tin­ues to il­lus­trate.
„Sir, a Sec­ond plan, can solve Super Au­thor­ity Se­cu­rity Is­sues per­fectly.” [Izual] has learned keep­ing guess­ing of hu­man­ity un­ex­pect­edly, was wait­ing for Shi Lei's asked.
Shi Lei in­quired: „[Izual], what is a Sec­ond plan? How to re­nounce Super Au­thor­ity Se­cu­rity Is­sues per­fectly?”
„Sir. A Sec­ond plan is, mak­ing Sys­tem re­mem­ber you. Let Sys­tem know you. True un­der­stand­ing, but not through Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture, does not pass voice Voice­print Sig­na­ture. But is sim­i­lar to mem­ory yiyàng of hu­man­ity, mak­ing Sys­tem re­mem­ber you, does not need any pass­word, only needs Sys­tem to re­mem­ber you.” [Izual] ice-cold sound. Was re­count­ing as if fan­tasy story yiyàng mat­ter.
„Re­mem­ber?” Shi Lei is some­what puz­zled, „how to re­mem­ber?”
„Sir , fre Sys­tem!” The [Izual] prompt said.
Shi Lei has shown look sud­denly, the fre full title. Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine. Image Recog­ni­tion En­gine sim­pli­fied ver­sion, can dis­tin­guish hu­man­ity Fa­cial Fea­ture.
fre is not sim­ple recog­ni­tion Human Fa­cial Fea­ture, if merely is sim­ple recog­ni­tion Human Fa­cial Fea­ture, may pre­sent many mis­takes.
fre will scan the mor­pho­log­i­cal char­ac­ter­is­tics of en­tire hu­man­ity, ac­cord­ing to the Recog­ni­tion En­gine plan, es­tab­lishes the Vir­tual Char­ac­ter vivid plan, then scans the human the face, re­turns to orig­i­nal state in the Vir­tual Char­ac­ter image.
This de­ter­mine process is quite com­plex, not only in­volves the com­puter study, but also in­volves the crea­ture study and Er­gonom­ics, is huge recog­ni­tion Sys­tem.
In brief, some even though peo­ple through tidy­ing up, ob­tain with Shi Lei mold yiyàng fa­cial fea­tures, is un­able to hood­wink fre Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion.
Be­cause fre can, de­ter­mine leave the human through human over­all skele­ton and mus­cle fi­nally prim­i­tive Fa­cial Fea­ture, but was not ti­died up and put on make-up to de­ceive.
„[Izual], at pre­sent wre Word Recog­ni­tion En­gine just ac­com­plish, and also has nu­mer­ous in­suf­fi­cien­cies, wanted to re­al­ize fre too to be rather dif­fi­cult a point, at least within the short time, I am un­able ac­com­plish fre over­all struc­ture.” Shi Lei knit the brows was say­ing.
„Sir, I can ac­com­plish fre Sys­tem!” The [Izual] di­rect re­sponse said.
Shi Lei in great sur­prise, [Izual] can un­ex­pect­edly ac­com­plish fre Sys­tem!
„Re­ally? Can you re­ally ac­com­plish fre Sys­tem?” Shi Lei asked.
„Sir, I can in­deed ac­com­plish fre Sys­tem, but how I need you to teach me ac­com­plish, I need the fre Sys­tem pro­gram­ming idea, the re­al­iza­tion mode, the crea­ture study and Er­gonom­ics data of cor­re­spon­dence.” [Izual] replied.
After Shi Lei lis­tened, re­laxed fi­nally.
If [Izual] can re­ally in­de­pen­dent ac­com­plish fre, then [Izual] then no longer is Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence, but is True Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence.
Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence will study, will im­i­tate hu­man­ity ac­cord­ing to the pro­ce­dure set­ting, but re­gard­less of Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, does how splen­didly, is not the True Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence pro­ce­dure.
The True Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence pro­ce­dure, has an im­por­tant sym­bol, that is Cre­ate!
Sim­i­lar to human yiyàng, not only has the learn­ing ca­pa­bil­ity, but also has cre­ativ­ity, can the in­de­pen­dent Cre­ate brand-new thing, that be the True Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence pro­ce­dure!
[Izual] can­not ob­vi­ously Cre­ate, will also only study, then ac­cord­ing to the study con­tent, es­tab­lishes the cor­re­spond­ing Ex­pert Sys­tem, Sys­tem Pro­ject of ac­com­plish cor­re­spon­dence.
„[Izual], how I teach you to com­pile fre Recog­ni­tion En­gine. fre Recog­ni­tion En­gine, first needs to es­tab­lish a recog­ni­tion re­gion, specif­i­cally aims at the human face re­gion”
Shi Lei ed­u­ca­tion [Izual], while is Num­ber One Server, in the con­nec­tion In­ter­net Phys­i­cal Con­nec­tion, seeks for the crea­ture study and Er­gonom­ics data that needs.
A per­son of ma­chine, has con­tin­ued around 12 : 00 o'clock at night, Shi Lei fi­nally the tech­ni­cal pro­gram that fre needs, has given [Izual] com­pletely.
After hav­ing had a yawn, Shi Lei opens the mouth say­ing: „[Izual], I have slept first, you process fre!”
Shi Lei lies on the bed. In the mind was still pon­der­ing that ac­tu­ally [Izual] at pre­sent is any Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, Mid Grade or High Grade.
But the final an­swer is, both like, have not sur­mounted Mid Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, but does not con­form to the de­f­i­n­i­tion of High Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence.
Was pon­der­ing this issue, Shi Lei fell into the dream­land slowly.
In Jan­u­ary Twenty-seven day, on Sat­ur­day, in the morn­ing nine o'clock.
Shi Lei from the bed, [Izual] im­i­tates the human be­hav­ior im­me­di­ately. Greeted on own ini­tia­tive: „Sir, good morn­ing.”
„Good morn­ing, [Izual].” Shi Lei en­ters the bath­room, is han­dling the per­sonal hy­giene, passes the mir­ror of bath­room. Is going against the eye of dark pouche ac­cord­ing to him, silent forced smile.
In liv­ing room. Has eaten some toasted bread bread. Also drank one cup of milk, Shi Lei en­tered the bed­room.
Not when Shi Lei in­quired, the [Izual] ini­tia­tive re­port said: „Sir , fre es­tab­lishes the fail­ure, Sys­tem Log­i­cal Analy­sis is wrong.”
Why does not know, Shi Lei not dis­ap­pointed. In­stead feel­ing of re­lax­ing.
„Was de­feated?”
„Sir , fre es­tab­lishes the fail­ure, but ac­cord­ing to fre Sys­tem The­ory, pro­moted Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine and Word Recog­ni­tion En­gine pre­ci­sion. And melts both are yiti, forms brand-new syn­the­sis Dy­namic Recog­ni­tion En­gine. Ac­cord­ing to Dy­namic Recog­ni­tion En­gine, Sys­tem has been able to form to your mem­ory.” [Izual] was re­spond­ing to Shi Lei, then started the high-de­f­i­n­i­tion cam­era, prompted to say once more: „Sir, please ad­just the cam­era po­si­tion, is placed the four di­rec­tions four cam­eras, you stand in the cam­era Cen­ter po­si­tion, lets the Sys­tem record your com­plete char­ac­ter­is­tics.”
Shi Lei prompted ac­cord­ing to [Izual]'s, has op­er­ated, a mo­ment later, ac­com­plish Sys­tem ‚mem­ory’, all about his data, the record en­tered [Izual] Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem fi­nally.
„Sir, records, Super Au­thor­ity so­lid­i­fies, you as the only Super Au­thor­ity owner.” The [Izual] ice-cold sound is prompt­ing.
Until this mo­ment, Shi Lei re­laxed.
„[Izual], close Voice­print Sig­na­ture Con­traster, stops Lip-Speech Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture Con­traster.” Shi Lei first told [Izual], stopped two being able con­firmed the au­then­ti­ca­tion of his iden­tity, then opened the mouth say­ing: „Who am I?”
„Sir, you are Super Admin!” [Izual] was say­ing with­out hes­i­ta­tion, on Mon­i­tor, was demon­strat­ing through syn­the­siz­ing Dy­namic Recog­ni­tion En­gine, de­ter­mine leaves the Shi Lei iden­tity code.
In Shi Lei heart joy­ful, from the com­puter table, has taken up cell phone and car key, the prepa­ra­tion goes out tests [Izual]. Not only tests the [Izual]'s func­tion, but must test [Izual]'s High Grade Learn­ing Mod­ule and High Grade Log­i­cal Think­ing Mod­ule.
Took the Blue­tooth ear­phone, Shi Lei has stood in the el­e­va­tor, opened the mouth say­ing: „Can see me?”
„Yes , sir.” [Izual] replied si­mul­ta­ne­ously, a pic­ture trans­mis­sion to Shi Lei's cell phone, Shi Lei has stood the sit­u­a­tion in el­e­va­tor, the el­e­va­tor crown has the cam­era, more­over con­nected the Shuangqing City po­lice to use net­work, there­fore was mon­i­tored by [Izual].
The el­e­va­tor goes di­rectly to the Un­der­ground garage, in the Un­der­ground garage, is ar­rang­ing Mon­i­tor­ing Sys­tem, [Izual] nat­u­rally can dis­cover Shi Lei.
Shi Lei knows that the cam­era of Un­der­ground garage, he is dis­in­clined to in­quire whether [Izual] can see him, walks to­ward white Porsche Cayenne di­rectly.
But he just trod one step, the [Izual]'s sound re­sounds in the Blue­tooth ear­phone.
„Sir, please stop foot­steps.”
Shi Lei some ask­ing of being per­plexed: „Why?”
„Sir, stops walk­ing!” The [Izual]'s ex­pres­sion, is hav­ing an anx­ious fla­vor.
Shi Lei stopped, is prepar­ing to in­quire [Izual] why time, a black pas­sen­ger ve­hi­cle, brushes from Shi Lei, has nearly run upon Shi Lei!
That black pas­sen­ger ve­hi­cle, clearly is the back­ing up tech­nol­ogy does not go through a strate­gic pass, in ad­di­tion the dri­ver does things reck­lessly, if Shi Lei just had not stopped, guar­an­tees does not per­mit to by the black pas­sen­ger ve­hi­cle run upon.
Shi Lei is pat­ting the heart of juliè high-speed beat, re­turned to nor­mal the mood, in­quired: „[Izual], is this rea­son that you make me stop?”
„Yes , sir, the sit­u­a­tion was just crit­i­cal, is un­able to ex­plain to you are more, be­cause of delay time. Ac­cord­ing to cam­era in­for­ma­tion de­ter­mine, if you just did not stop, reaches as high as 99% by the prob­a­bil­ity that the black pas­sen­ger ve­hi­cle hits!”
Shi Lei shot a look at a cam­era of Un­der­ground garage, looked at cur­rently to drive away the black pas­sen­ger ve­hi­cle of Un­der­ground garage, in the eye has shown a look of pon­der.
‚Is this [Izual]'s abil­ity?’.


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