Sunday, November 5, 2017

515: Four way and Ling Yumo clues

Emer­ald Lake Build­ing, Dream En­ter­tain­ment Com­pany Tem­po­rary Head­quar­ters.
The Brave's World Mo­tion Sens­ing Op­er­a­tion room that Be­tween Water Clouds Stu­dios builds, has prob­a­bly the Forty square meter, con­tained two Mo­tion Sens­ing Op­er­a­tion Plat­form, chair that some rests use.
Mo­tion Sens­ing Op­er­a­tion Plat­form by Graph­ics Pro­cess­ing Work­sta­tion, four pro­jec­tor, four pro­jec­tion cloths, eight high-de­f­i­n­i­tion cam­eras and two high keen mi­cro­phone, al­to­gether same group be­comes.
This is also the lux­u­ri­ous dis­po­si­tion of Mo­tion Sens­ing Op­er­a­tion, four sides the pro­jec­tion cloths and four pro­jec­tor, com­pose a 360° real panoramic view pat­tern, most greatly pos­si­bly re­turned to orig­i­nal state the sit­u­a­tion in game.
Mu Feng, [Storm] and other Gamer, came to the Mo­tion Sens­ing Op­er­a­tion room with Shi Lei, im­me­di­ately look shin­ing looks at two Mo­tion Sens­ing Op­er­a­tion Plat­form.
These two Mo­tion Sens­ing Op­er­a­tion Plat­form ap­pear­ances, com­pletely with the ap­pear­ance that in «Sword against Arrow II» demon­strates, ex­actly the same!
„Chief Shi, is this Mo­tion Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem?” Mu Feng im­pa­tient ask­ing.
„Right, this sup­ports Mo­tion Op­er­at­ing Sys­tem Mo­tion Sens­ing Op­er­a­tion Plat­form.” Shi Lei is point­ing at pro­jec­tion cloth fol­low­ing Graph­ics Pro­cess­ing Work­sta­tion , to con­tinue to in­tro­duce: „This Graph­ics Pro­cess­ing Work­sta­tion, is re­spon­si­ble for run­ning Brave's World's main proces­sor, the sin­gle plane sell­ing price ba­si­cally over 50,000 Yuan, four high-de­f­i­n­i­tion pro­jec­tor total prices must ap­proach 50,000 Yuan, eight high-de­f­i­n­i­tion cam­eras, two high keen mi­cro­phone, in ad­di­tion also has more than 1000 2000 de­grees. Also in other words, arranges Mo­tion Sens­ing Op­er­a­tion Plat­form, prob­a­bly needs the Hun­dred-thou­sand Yuan.”
Lis­tens to one set of game to dis­pose, un­ex­pect­edly al­most Hun­dred-thou­sand Yuan de­gree, that five lucky ex­pe­ri­ence for one­self Gamer, frown­ing of can­not help but.
In 2007, the Hun­dred-thou­sand Yuan is not a small num­ber, even in many per­son eyes, this is as­tro­nom­i­cal fig­ures.
For­tu­nately Shi Lei opens the mouth once more, has brought [Hope] to them.
„These two sets of Mo­tion Sens­ing Op­er­a­tion Plat­form, are the lux­u­ri­ous mod­els dis­po­si­tion. But the soar­ing price, is not Or­di­nary Gamer can with­stand. There­fore, Mo­tion Sens­ing Op­er­a­tion Plat­form also has low-end ver­sion, Graph­ics Pro­cess­ing Work­sta­tion of dis­po­si­tion basic level, sin­gle sign clear pro­jec­tor, two to four high-de­f­i­n­i­tion cam­eras with high keen mi­cro­phone, prob­a­bly only needs the Fif­teen Thou­sand about thou­sand Yuan.” Shi Lei pointed at pro­jec­tion to say.
At pre­sent, can ob­tain Brave's World Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code Gamer, over­whelm­ing ma­jori­ties be­long to high-end eco­nomic strength Gamer, the Fif­teen Thou­sand about thou­sand Yuan hard­ware dis­po­si­tion, they can def­i­nitely with­stand.
But also some Gamer, ex­tremely lucky ob­tained Dream En­ter­tain­ment Closed Test­ing In­vi­ta­tion Code, but they do not have the un­nec­es­sary spare cash, the dis­po­si­tion sur­passes often breaks ten thou­sand Yuan hard­ware.
Part of Gamer, Dream En­ter­tain­ment has also pro­vided the so­lu­tion.
Shi Lei looks that five by ex­pe­ri­ence for one­self Gamer that ex­tracts luck­ily, in­tro­duced: „Ex­cept for the pro­jec­tor ver­sion body feel­ing plat­form, Brave's World also sup­ports Mon­i­tor ver­sion. Gamer only needs to in­crease the high-de­f­i­n­i­tion cam­era and high keen mi­cro­phone, then can ex­pe­ri­ence for one­self Brave's World's Mo­tion Sens­ing Op­er­a­tion. But as a re­sult of in­di­vid­ual com­puter per­for­mance issue, will re­duce sig­nif­i­cantly the Brave's World's pic­ture qual­ity . More­over the Mon­i­tor screen is too small, is not con­ve­nient re­gard­ing Mo­tion Sens­ing Op­er­a­tion, Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial does not rec­om­mend this way.”
ex­pe­ri­ence for one­self Gamer of that five lucky ex­trac­tion, after hear­ing the plan that last does not rec­om­mend, re­laxed. At least, they a lit­tle read think, isn't that right?
In fact, al­though Brave's World at pre­sent is the epochal prod­uct, can be called Hard­ware Killer. But the later sev­eral years, the com­puter hard­ware de­vel­op­ment speed pro­gresses by leaps and bounds, after 2010, in­di­vid­ual com­puter per­for­mance, can def­i­nitely sur­mount 2007 other Work­sta­tion Grade Server.
[Storm] has pinched the chin, sends to ask: „Chief Shi, Dream En­ter­tain­ment does Of­fi­cial sell Mo­tion Sens­ing Op­er­a­tion Plat­form?”
„Dream En­ter­tain­ment does not pro­vide. Mo­tion Sens­ing Op­er­a­tion Plat­form was an in­di­vid­ual com­puter an­other form, main proces­sor changes into other Work­sta­tion Grade Server ac­tu­ally, the screen changed into pro­jec­tor. Mo­tion Sens­ing Op­er­a­tion Plat­form all hard­ware, need Gamer to dis­pose vol­un­tar­ily. But our Dream En­ter­tain­ment, will pro­vide the pur­chase in­struc­tion to sug­gest.” Shi Lei has pat­ted clap­ping, „was good, the in­quiry ended, now please note, we will arrange two staff per­son­nel, how demon­strates for you to carry on Mo­tion Sens­ing Op­er­a­tion, the demon­stra­tion process has one time.”
After say­ing, Shi Lei has pat­ted clap­ping, Be­tween Water Clouds Stu­dios Zhu Jianyun, Tong Wen­chong, en­ters to re­spec­tively by four sides pro­jec­tion cloth, in Mo­tion Sens­ing Op­er­a­tion Plat­form that en­cir­cles.
Ten Gamer, stand among the slit sep­a­rately in pro­jec­tion cloths, care­ful watches Zhu Jianyun and Tong Wen­chong op­er­at­ing mode.
Four sides the pro­jec­tion cloth si­mul­ta­ne­ously shines, as demon­strat­ing per­son­nel Zhu Jianyun, first opens the mouth say­ing: „Brave's World's reg­is­ters the way to have four types, the First type reg­is­ters the way, the ex­actly as stated tra­di­tional key­board entry, specif­i­cally to use the com­puter screen car­ries on the Gamer prepa­ra­tion of en­ter­tain­ment, we tem­porar­ily do not demon­strate a First way.”
Mu Feng, [Thun­der­bolt (Awe­some)] and [Storm] and the oth­ers, have not spo­ken com­pletely, but quiet is lis­ten­ing.
Zhu Jianyun lifts both hands, the con­trol faces pro­jec­tor, ten fin­gers move slightly, on the pro­jec­tion cloth of his di­rectly op­po­site, pro­jects im­me­di­ately a Vir­tual key­board.
„The Sec­ond type reg­is­ters the way, ac­cord­ing to my just move­ment, gave the Sys­tem prompt, mak­ing Sys­tem pro­ject to demon­strate the Vir­tual key­board, then used the let­ter that the look gazed at to need to input, for ex­am­ple I input ac­count num­ber now ‚Test001’, only let­ter that needed the vi­sion gaze to cor­re­spond. This reg­is­ters the way, based on Brave's World's Vi­sion Focus Lock­ing Sys­tem, was still not at pre­sent ma­ture, the recog­ni­tion re­sponded that delay is high. Our cur­rently op­ti­mizes this tech­nol­ogy fully.”
Zhu Jianyun was ex­plain­ing the tech­nol­ogy, si­mul­ta­ne­ously used Vi­sion Focus Lock­ing Sys­tem, has input the ac­count num­ber, the en­tire process was some­what slow. After in­putting ac­com­plish, Zhu Jianyun does not have Signed In, but con­tin­ues to demon­strate the Third Signed In way.
„The Third type reg­is­ters the way, is a quite sim­ple reg­is­ter­ing way, adopts the voice or the lip lan­guage, in­puts ac­count num­ber in­for­ma­tion and pass­word. For ex­am­ple my fol­low­ing demon­stra­tion ex­am­ple, ac­count num­ber: Test001, pass­word: Test001.” As the Zhu Jianyun voice falls, ac­count num­ber in­for­ma­tion and pass­word in­for­ma­tion of Brave's World Signed In frame, have input.
„This tech­nol­ogy, is bad re­gard­ing the se­crecy, our Dream En­ter­tain­ment Of­fi­cial does not rec­om­mend uses in a pub­lic set­ting. We rec­om­mend to use the Fourth type to reg­is­ter way, is the sim­plest way.”
Zhu Jianyun has stopped, looks to Shi Lei, Shi Lei nod­ded to him, Zhu Jianyun con­tin­ues to open the mouth say­ing: „A Fourth way, ex­actly as stated adopts Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture Sign-In. So-called Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture Sign-In, ex­actly as stated lets the Sys­tem record your Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture, then es­tab­lishes the cor­re­spond­ing Dy­namic Be­hav­ior is Signed In in­for­ma­tion, thus makes the ac­count num­ber bind with you thor­oughly, any­body is un­able to use your ac­count num­ber. Then, I will then demon­strate for you, the Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture Sign-In for­mi­da­ble place, please see clearly my move­ment!”
Zhu Jianyun held their palms to­gether, has made a move­ment of bow­ing, the Brave's World's Signed In frame that on the pro­jec­tion cloth demon­strated that un­ex­pect­edly im­me­di­ately has fed back in­for­ma­tion.
‚The ac­count num­ber in­for­ma­tion con­fir­ma­tion passes, whether Signed In Brave's World?’
Mu Feng and the oth­ers the eye make sig­nif­i­cant, bows to the Signed In frame, passed?
Shi Lei smil­ingly looks at the peo­ple, in­ter­posed: „You think that this does reg­is­ter the process to be very sim­ple? Just joined the palms in greet­ing move­ment very sim­ple Right? Mu Feng that bowed, you tried!”
„Good!” Mu Feng not hes­i­tant, nod­ded to com­ply, then four sides en­ters pro­jec­tion Bu We­icheng Mo­tion Sens­ing Op­er­a­tion Plat­form Cen­ter, is study­ing the Zhu Jianyun ap­pear­ance, to the di­rectly op­po­site Brave's World Signed In frame, bow­ing of hold­ing their palms to­gether has been doing obei­sance doing obei­sance.
How­ever, on pro­jec­tion cloth, ac­tu­ally feeds back dif­fer­ent in­for­ma­tion.
‚Ac­count num­ber in­for­ma­tion has not passed, has not ex­am­ined ac­count num­ber Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture in­for­ma­tion.’
Mu Feng does not be­lieve in evil doc­trines has done obei­sance doing obei­sance again, the dis­cov­ery as be­fore is ac­tu­ally not able to pass.
„Weird!” Mu Feng light snort, has tried one time, but the re­sult is un­able to pass as be­fore.
Shi Lei smiles hā hā say­ing: „[Storm], [Thun­der­bolt (Awe­some)], [Thun­der­clash] and Hat­tori Iwami no Kami, you can try!”
An­other four Ex­ceed Grade Gamer, the at­tempt that also goes forth to bat­tle one after an­other, is ac­tu­ally not able through the con­fir­ma­tion. Then is five lucky Gamer, sim­i­larly has at­tempted in turn, but re­sult neg­a­tive.
Fi­nally, Zhu Jianyun is taken to the thresh­ing ground, has done obei­sance doing obei­sance at will, even this time move­ment with the first time move­ment also some­what ob­vi­ous is dif­fer­ent, but he adopted the con­fir­ma­tion as be­fore.
Zhu Jianyun is Gamer clears up sus­pi­cions say­ing: „Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture Sign-In Sys­tem, can dis­tin­guish each Gamer Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture. So-called Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture, al­though looks like sim­i­lar, ac­tu­ally it is sim­i­lar to the fin­ger­print is the same, every­one is dif­fer­ent. Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture Sign-In Sys­tem, records my Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture, as if records my fin­ger­print to be the same, only then my can open!”
„so it was orig­i­nally this! That, per­ma­nent ceased has robbed the num­ber the risk?” [Storm] trans­par­ent nod, and has sent out the in­quiry.
„Right, so long as has locked Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture, the even though use key­board en­ters the ac­count num­ber and pass­word, is un­able to enter the game to op­er­ate. Re­gard­ing High-end Player, or has im­por­tant Vir­tual Be­long­ings Gamer, our Dream En­ter­tain­ment rec­om­men­da­tion only re­tains Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Sig­na­ture Sign-In, the can­celled def­i­nite or­ders ac­count and pass­word.” Zhu Jianyun was ex­plain­ing.
„Then, I with an­other col­league, how will demon­strate use Mo­tion Sens­ing Op­er­a­tion Plat­form to the war, please look care­fully, be­cause after we demon­strate, by you to the war, will con­tend the only First Grade Fac­tion quota per­son­ally!” Zhu Jianyun opens the mouth to say.
The bat­tle of Zhu Jianyun and Tong Wen­chong is very sim­ple, Zhu Jianyun fight while ex­plained that „game char­ac­ter has adopted Ze­roth Grade pro­cess­ing, was equiv­a­lent to Or­di­nary healthy hu­man­ity, in Kǎndāo that I used, only needed Fan­tasy to begin to have Kǎndāo, bat­tled ac­cord­ing to the sit­u­a­tion of game pic­ture feed­back. Láng Yá Bàng that my col­league uses, only needs to fight nor­mally. Our Dream En­ter­tain­ment rec­om­mends the novice to use sim­ple weapon, do not use the sword, (spear|gun) and long han­dle Dadao and other hard-to-con­trol skill­ful weapon.”
Shi Lei stands on one side, very sat­is­fies the ex­pla­na­tion of Zhu Jianyun, but cell phone of trouser pocket, ac­tu­ally in­op­por­tune has made a sound. Puts out cell phone to look, the calls num­ber is ‚5’, is [Izual]!
Shi Lei has put through cell phone hastily, if no im­por­tant mat­ter, [Izual] can­not ab­solutely con­tact he.
„What mat­ter?” Be­cause there are other peo­ple, Shi Lei has not called the [Izual]'s name.
„[Sir], dis­cov­ers the Ling Yumo clue”.


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