Friday, November 24, 2017

824: no one survives, Fighter!

#824: no one survives, Fighter!
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Nanyue Na­tion, bor­der mil­i­tary use Air­port, place keeps se­cret.
Two [The Steel and Iron] have launched three Swift Arrow a Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile and Swift Arrow b Air-To-Air Guided Mis­sile, has sup­pressed Nanyue Na­tion bor­der mil­i­tary use Air­port thor­oughly.
Feeds back ac­cord­ing to the in­frared sound­ing set sur­veys of two [The Steel and Iron], the base con­struc­tion of bor­der mil­i­tary use Air­port, 16 sur­vivors, these 16 sur­vivors resided in four re­gions.
Two [The Steel and Iron] have car­ried four Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile re­spec­tively, be­sides launched be­side, now also re­main­ing three Air-To-Sur­face a, as well as Air-To-Air b. But the sur­vivor re­sides in four re­gions, [Izual] counts the in­ten­sity and sur­vivor po­si­tion of for­get about it con­crete au­to­mat­i­cally, is un­able to use Guided Mis­sile to solve the com­plete sur­vivor.
Shi Lei is ob­serv­ing [The Steel and Iron] 360° No-Dead-An­gle Cam­era Sys­tem, the night vi­sion image that feeds back, in the pale-green con­tact sur­face, the heat ra­di­a­tion image of four groups of red yel­low in­ter­ac­tions is very con­spic­u­ous.
‚Snort, is very com­pletely in­tel­li­gent, hid in the mid­dle po­si­tion un­ex­pect­edly, avoided by the Swift Arrow Guided Mis­sile at­tack pos­si­ble re­gion.’ In Shi Lei heart cold hum, but has to re­con­sider, how can kill these Nanyue Na­tion sol­diers.
If uses Swift Arrow Guided Mis­sile to at­tack force­fully, per­haps the ef­fect will not be good. The base con­struc­tion of bor­der mil­i­tary use Air­port, adopted the firm con­crete struc­ture, Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile be­longed to Small-scale Guided Mis­sile, the might of ex­plo­sion, is un­able to ex­plode thor­oughly the base con­struc­tion.
„Voice Com­mand: Starts Sonar De­tec­tion Sys­tem!” Shi Lei said through Voice Com­mand that Sonar De­tec­tion Sys­tem is not the stan­dard lay­out of [The Steel and Iron], but is Yel­low Tri­an­gle Re­gion pro­duc­tion [The Steel and Iron]. Func­tion that in­creases spe­cially.
Sonar De­tec­tion Sys­tem starts, does not have the na­ture in­vis­i­ble sound wave, from the [The Steel and Iron] in­ter­nal Sonar De­tec­tion part launch, pen­e­trated the bor­der mil­i­tary use Air­port in­ter­nal base con­struc­tion rapidly. The sit­u­a­tion that Sonar De­tec­tion re­ceives the Sys­tem basis sonar snap­ping back, has con­structed the por­tal frame con­struc­tion schematic draw­ing of base con­struc­tion.
Por­tal frame con­struc­tion schematic draw­ing of Sonar De­tec­tion Sys­tem con­struc­tion, uni­fies the in­frared sound­ing set feed­back the in­frared ther­mal im­agery schematic draw­ing, ac­cu­rate la­belling the po­si­tions of 16 sur­vivors. And sonar Sys­tem had also found the weak­ness of con­crete struc­ture base con­struc­tion, has the crack wall.
The Num­ber One ma­chine of Shi Lei con­trol, final two Swift Arrow a Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile, he chooses has the flaw wall that had just dis­cov­ered. Swift Arrow a Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile at­tack tar­get, by Shi Lei man­ual lock­ing in flaw wall po­si­tion.
„sōu ~”
After hav­ing locked the flaw wall, Shi Lei has not launched Swift Arrow a Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile hes­i­tant. Swift Arrow a Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile, cen­ter flaw wall. Had the crack wall. Di­rectly by Swift Arrow a Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile. Ex­ploded a crack.
Shi Lei con­trols the Num­ber One ma­chine to ap­proach the con­crete base con­struc­tion slowly the crack, Main Tar­get­ting Sys­tem sur­veys the crack space size, fch Sys­tem is con­trast­ing the crack au­to­mat­i­cally whether al­lowed [The Steel and Iron] passes.
[Izual] is con­trol­ling the No. 2 ma­chine. Flew, Lev­i­tate in the right of Num­ber One ma­chine, turned on the search­light to as­sist the sur­vey­ing work of Num­ber One ma­chine.
About after two min­utes, fch Sys­tem fed back con­crete in­for­ma­tion, the crack that Swift Arrow a Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile blasted out, [The Steel and Iron] was un­able to pass. Shi Lei con­trolled the Num­ber One ma­chine, [Izual] is con­trol­ling the No. 2 ma­chine, re­treat over 300 me­ters dis­tance.
Num­ber One ma­chine Swift Arrow a Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile, Shi Lei has also ad­justed the hom­ing po­si­tion, launches last Swift Arrow a Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile. Shock-wave that the fierce ex­plo­sion leads. Let [The Steel and Iron] in air­borne slight shake.
Shi Lei and [Izual] con­trol two [The Steel and Iron] to ap­proach the base con­struc­tion once more crack, after bomb­ing of two Swift Arrow a Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile, on the con­crete wall sur­face, crack just right enough [The Steel and Iron] that blasted out passed, but must use self-pi­lot­ing Sys­tem . More­over the speed of adopt­ing was not fast.
After ob­tain­ing the re­sult, Shi Lei makes [The Steel and Iron] change over to the self-pi­lot­ing im­me­di­ately, [Izual] and fch Sys­tem, is dri­ving in the [The Steel and Iron] entry crack slowly to­gether.
Shi Lei looks that night vi­sion image hēi hēi on screen sneers, „you like hid­ing in [Old Nest], that breaks your [Old Nest]!”
The Num­ber One ma­chine is very slow through the crack speed, if at this time, the bor­der mil­i­tary use Air­port sol­dier, opened fire to dis­turb sud­denly, de­stroys [The Steel and Iron] flight at­ti­tude bal­ance, then the [The Steel and Iron] main pro­peller, is very likely the hit on the steel bar stag­gered con­crete cliff, thus causes crash.
Luck­ily bor­der mil­i­tary use Air­port sol­dier, al­ready thor­ough gave up the re­sis­tance, they only want to hide.
Enough after one minute, the Num­ber One ma­chine en­ters the bor­der mil­i­tary use Air­port base con­struc­tion suc­cess­fully. Shi Lei through Voice Com­mand, has cut the op­er­a­tion or­gan­ism, his se­lec­tiv­ity con­trol No. 2 or­gan­ism, but [Izual] con­trols the Num­ber One or­gan­ism.
The bor­der mil­i­tary use Air­port base con­structs, but the ac­tiv­ity space is very small, spa­tial high, only then three me­ters, al­though the [The Steel and Iron] High De­gree only half me­ters, may not be slightly care­ful then may hit other ob­jects, or is hits the ceil­ing.
In this in­trigu­ing en­vi­ron­ment, [Izual] dri­ves is more rea­son­able, 360° No-Dead-An­gle Cam­era Sys­tem can lock many tar­get, [Izual] con­trols 16 sur­vivors of [The Steel and Iron] to four places to throw.
Shi Lei is con­trol­ling the No. 2 ma­chine, hov­er­ing in the bor­der mil­i­tary use Air­port sky, placed 100 me­ters High De­gree. No. 2 ma­chine also re­main­ing Swift Arrow a Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile and Swift Arrow b Air-To-Air Guided Mis­sile ho­mo­ge­neous, Swift Arrow Guided Mis­sile of Num­ber One ma­chine uses. There­fore, en­ters the mil­i­tary use Air­port base to con­struct in­ter­nal work, has given the Num­ber One ma­chine, but non- No. 2 ma­chine, this is to avoid the No. 2 ma­chine, was hit Swift Arrow Se­ries Guided Mis­sile by the enemy, but the ac­ci­dent ini­ti­ates the Swift Arrow Guided Mis­sile sym­pa­thatic det­o­na­tion.
The Swift Arrow Guided Mis­sile sym­pa­thatic det­o­na­tion, the only re­sult can only be the [The Steel and Iron] tragedy!
Shi Lei the No. 2 ma­chine hov­er­ing after the bor­der mil­i­tary use Air­port above 100 me­ters, im­me­di­ately cuts the panoramic in­di­ca­tion Sys­tem image to con­nect ori­gin, switched over 360° No-Dead-An­gle Cam­era Sys­tem of Num­ber One ma­chine.
In the pic­ture of pro­jec­tion cloth, the [The Steel and Iron] Num­ber One ma­chine, in merely three me­ters spa­tial high base con­struc­tion, is going for­ward flex­i­ble. Every­thing pre­vents in the Num­ber One ma­chine front ob­sta­cle, was de­stroyed by mp7 Mini Sub-ma­chine Gun.
Ex­te­rior through the sur­vey of Sonar De­tec­tion Sys­tem, the base con­struc­tion, does not exist is sim­i­lar to the same con­crete struc­ture wall, most ob­sta­cles are the glass cur­tain walls, this has fa­cil­i­tated pass­ing of [The Steel and Iron] ac­tu­ally.
[Izual] is con­trol­ling the Num­ber One ma­chine, first plunged the First place sur­vivor hid­ing point. At this hid­ing point, al­to­gether three sur­vivors, have the weapon sit­u­a­tion un­clear, but through the in­frared heat ra­di­a­tion image feed­back of in­frared sound­ing set, a sur­vivor should be the in­jured con­di­tion. Be­cause, the in­frared heat ra­di­a­tion image of this sur­vivor, the body tem­per­a­ture showed that is lower than an­other two sur­vivors ob­vi­ously.
The body tem­per­a­ture of in­frared heat ra­di­a­tion image was some­what low, showed op­po­site party should be at the bleed­ing con­di­tion, the body tem­per­a­ture was some­what low along with the out­flow of blood.
The sound of [The Steel and Iron] pro­peller, re­ver­ber­ates in the base con­struc­tion. Al­though the en­tire base con­struc­tion has six High De­gree, the sound that but the [The Steel and Iron] pro­peller has, al­most en­ables the en­tire build­ing to hear. Ac­tu­ally, in such nar­row en­vi­ron­ment, [Shadow Dragon] is more suit­able.
The [Shadow Dragon] or­gan­ism is smaller, when the flight noise is lower, is more suit­able to as­sas­si­nate the work. Was only a pity that [Shadow Dragon] range issue, mak­ing [Shadow Dragon] be elim­i­nated. How­ever, once after [N235 Metal] de­vel­ops ac­com­plish, [Shadow Dragon] only short­com­ings, by [N235 Metal] is made up. In­clud­ing [Dawn] and [The Steel and Iron], can be made up for short­com­ings by [N235 Metal].
„dá dá dá ~”
the mp7 Mini Sub-ma­chine Gun sound of gun­fire, re­ver­ber­ates in the mil­i­tary use Air­port in­te­rior con­struc­tion, on the Shi Lei face showed the light happy ex­pres­sion, [Izual] has been con­trol­ling the Num­ber One ma­chine, has killed three sur­vivors with ease. Re­gard­ing other sur­vivors, the mp7 sound of gun­fire, as if to the Death God death knell, every sec­ond in­di­cates that Death God is ap­proach­ing them.
[Izual] as High Grade Pseudo Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Sys­tem, con­trols the tech­nol­ogy of [The Steel and Iron] Num­ber One ma­chine, is al­most not nit­pick­ing. After sev­eral min­utes, the bor­der mil­i­tary use Air­port base con­struc­tion, 16 sur­vivors, were killed by [Izual] com­pletely.
de­fense strict Nanyue Na­tion bor­der mil­i­tary use Air­port, over over a hun­dred sol­diers, no one sur­vives!
„Jake, fast re­turn!” Shi Lei will show that the pic­ture trans­formed 360° No-Dead-An­gle Cam­era Sys­tem of No. 2 ma­chine, first re­duced [The Steel and Iron] flight High De­gree. Be­fore hov­er­ing at the al­ti­tude of 100 meter s, mainly through on-board radar Sys­tem, the sit­u­a­tion of scan­ning the sur­round­ing sky, pre­vent­ing the Nanyue Na­tion res­cue strength to ar­rive.
Two [The Steel and Iron] at­tack bor­der mil­i­tary use Air­port, al­ways last twenty for four min­utes, Shi Lei was sup­pos­ing the Nanyue Na­tion res­cue strength, will soon ar­rive.
When the Num­ber One ma­chine just flew from the bor­der mil­i­tary use Air­port in­te­rior con­struc­tion, the on-board radar of [The Steel and Iron] No. 2 ma­chine has sent out the prompt, in the W by N twenty two de­grees, 39 kilo­me­ters, has dis­cov­ered the high-speed mo­tion un­clear fly­ing ob­ject.
The fly­ing speed of un­clear fly­ing ob­ject, ex­ceeded 1000 km per hour, flight High De­gree has also ex­ceeded the kilo­me­ter!
Móng Cái City, Cheng Dong Strong­hold.
Sits con­trols Shi Lei in re­volv­ing chair in in, the com­plex­ion slightly changes, has held breath cold air, has so quick fly­ing speed, and also placed over one kilo­me­ter al­ti­tude fly­ing ob­ject, has a pos­si­bil­ity!
„Damn! Nanyue Na­tion these Mad­man, ac­tu­ally they want to do!” The com­plaints of some Shi Lei headaches.
Ac­tu­ally, truly what should com­plain is Nanyue Na­tion!
The Nanyue Na­tion move who an­noys who? Sud­denly has en­coun­tered the at­tack, an omen does not have. Some of some of they quite un­de­served griev­ance, why can the les­son per­son at least en­counter the les­son to rea­son Right? them in­ex­plic­a­bly?
Al­though Nanyue Na­tion im­pli­cates falsely Xia Na­tion, more­over Al Qaeda Or­ga­ni­za­tion open to the pub­lic ac­knowl­edged that but Nanyue Na­tion thinks that hold sneak at­tack. Only then re­ally held sneak at­tack, Nanyue Na­tion can stand in the dri­ving po­si­tion.
In order to dis­cover to sneak at­tack their in­flu­ences, Nanyue Na­tion started the ur­gent de­fense plan. When bor­der mil­i­tary use Air­port en­coun­ters at­tack, from the bor­der mil­i­tary use Air­port re­cent air force base, SU-27 Fighter takes off, rushes to res­cue bor­der mil­i­tary use Air­port ur­gently.


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