Saturday, November 4, 2017

505: Gunboat of homing!

Shuangqing City.
White Porsche Cayenne, matches is cel­e­brat­ing the A77777 car li­cense, ap­pears some­what likes a crane among chick­ens.
The Shi Lei right hand grasped the steer­ing wheel, left hand has been tak­ing down the Blue­tooth ear­phone, the ex­pres­sion said fainily, „launched the at­tack!”
After say­ing, Shi Lei has then shut off with the [Izual]'s voice con­nec­tion. [Izual]'s Human Emo­tion Im­i­ta­tion Mod­ule and High Grade Log­i­cal Think­ing Mod­ule, can def­i­nitely guar­an­tee that it told ac­cord­ing to Shi Lei's, ac­com­plish or­ders vol­un­tar­ily fi­nally.
After all, on rush­ing to the Shuangqing City Bu­reau road, [Izual] or­ders ac­cord­ing to Shi Lei's, the com­pu­ta­tion has de­duced one set of Plan vol­un­tar­ily, and ob­tained the Shi Lei's ap­proval.
Nanyue Na­tion, North­ern, seashore.
12 [The Steel and Iron], the low al­ti­tude cir­cled, stayed the mo­ment, then the di­am­e­ter non-stop flew to the sea­coast jun­gle.
Meis­han Is­land, mon­i­tors mil­i­tary use Note­book Com­puter Zeng Bin any­time and any­where, dis­cov­ers in­for­ma­tion on note­book, the com­plex­ion great hap­pi­ness: „Cap­tain, Boss con­tact we!”
Zeng Bin con­strains ex­cited low to shout Ye Feng, while se­lected the link ap­pli­ca­tion on note­book, has put through Voice Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Chan­nel.
To­gether slightly cloudy and cold, an un­kind sound, passes from the note­book speaker.
„Pun­ish­ment Warsquad, hello, I am [Saber].” [Izual]'s High Grade Log­i­cal Think­ing Mod­ule, fic­tion­al­ized iden­tity for one­self, Human Emo­tion Im­i­ta­tion Mod­ule syn­the­sized the spe­cial tim­bre for own Vir­tual.
Ye Feng does not know [Izual]'s to exist, so far, [Izual]'s ex­ists, merely only then a Shi Lei per­son knows.
„Hello, [Saber], I am Pun­ish­ment Warsquad Ye Feng.” Ye Feng po­lite [say / way].
„Ye Feng, pre­pares to break through from the north side, I for you, will clean up the north all en­e­mies. You make to enter the Xia Na­tion false ap­pear­ance, then am­bushes cir­cuitously in Nanyue Na­tion, I will help you di­vert the at­ten­tion once more, the re­main­ing mat­ters, then need you to be solved. Does not have issue Right?” [Izual] as if true hu­man­ity same in­quiry.
At least is in voice an­other end Ye Feng, tem­porar­ily does not have de­ter­mine to come out, [Izual] is not the fact of hu­man­ity.
About Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence Pro­gram, the fa­mous tests, are called ‚Tur­ing Test’. The method of test, some­what is then sim­i­lar to the pre­sent sit­u­a­tion.
[Izual] and Ye Feng each other sep­a­rate, through voice con­tact, if [Izual] sur­passes 30 replies, ac­tu­ally Ye Feng Un­able to Judge is the reply of hu­man­ity, is the reply of pro­ce­dure, then can rec­og­nize that the pro­ce­dure is In­tel­li­gence Pro­gram, has some Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence.
The Un­able to Judge reply pro­por­tion is higher, then the in­tel­lec­tu­al­ized de­gree of pro­ce­dure is higher.
On, cuts off the Shi Lei re­birth out­wardly, tem­porar­ily did not have any com­puter pro­ce­dure, passes Tur­ing Test. But in fact, Shi Lei then knows, at least [Ab­diel] can re­laxed through test.
„Does not have issue!” The Ye Feng prompt re­sponse said.
The Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad bat­tle ef­fi­ciency is greatly strength­ened, they were stranded in Meis­han Is­land, and has strength of the war, but does not want to wage a war, ini­ti­ates big­ger issue, mak­ing Nanyue Na­tion set out the army to cope with them.
„Main­tains con­tact, I will give you lat­est in­for­ma­tion no­tice!” [Izual] uses cloudy and cold sound reply as be­fore.
Meis­han Is­land is very near from the coast­line, only then the triv­ial twenty many kilo­me­ters, Ye Feng is lead­ing the mem­ber, im­me­di­ately to pre­pares for an evac­u­a­tion ad­vance ahead of time.
Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad in Meis­han Is­land, has pre­pared two speed boats, fa­cil­i­tates their all kinds mo­tions.
[Izual] is con­trol­ling 12 [The Steel and Iron], as­sumes the fan-shaped for­ma­tion, the coast­line north Meis­han Is­land has started the search. The Meis­han Is­land coast­line, did not have com­mon peo­ple to live, de­pends upon [The Steel and Iron] In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor, [Izual] has dis­cov­ered Nanyue Na­tion agent the hid­ing place of ease.
Had dis­cov­ered after these agents the hid­ing places , the fol­low­ing mat­ter is very sim­ple, di­rectly uses MP7, flight at­ti­tude strafe.
For sev­eral min­utes the time, then killed has sur­passed twenty agent per­son­nel.
Hides the agent in grotto, had evaded by luck search of In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor, he puts out the satel­lite tele­phone anx­iously, ap­proaches the grotto en­trance, mak­ing the satel­lite tele­phone put through the satel­lite sig­nal, re­ports to the higher au­thor­ity.
„Bu­reau Chief, en­cir­clement ring North­ern has the con­tin­gency, Small-scale Re­mote Con­trol He­li­copter Air­craft, wiped out Fourth Squadron. Fifth Squadron at pre­sent only re­main­ing I, re­quest as­sis­tance, re­quest as­sis­tance!” The agent of sur­vival, sends out seek for help through the satel­lite tele­phone.
What a pity, how this agent has not thought that the satel­lite con­nec­tion sig­nal that the satel­lite tele­phone pro­duces, was sur­veyed un­ex­pect­edly by [The Steel and Iron] Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Mod­ule, [Izual] is con­trol­ling two [The Steel and Iron], throws to the agent of that sur­vival.
[The Steel and Iron] Out­stand­ing mul­ti­ple aims at Sys­tem, mak­ing that agent not re­spond that then for­ever shut­ting up.
„Ye Feng, re­treats to North­ern im­me­di­ately!” [Izual] in the voice com­mu­ni­ca­tion con­nec­tion, has sent out the prompt.
Ye Feng not any hes­i­tant, is bring­ing Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad, takes two speed boats, breaks through to go to North­ern.
12 [The Steel and Iron], have swept Meis­han Is­land North­ern all Nanyue Na­tion agents, then under the [Izual]'s con­trol, the trans­for­ma­tion di­rec­tion in the way of in­ter­sec­tion search, sweep­ing from north to south, is Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad, sweeps clear all po­ten­tial en­e­mies.
The Nanyue Na­tion agent de­part­ment, this time dis­patched over a hun­dred peo­ple to en­cir­cle Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad, al­though the Nanyue Na­tion agent de­part­ment, held the Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad trail, but did not have con­firmed their iden­tity.
About this point in­for­ma­tion, Shi Lei has in­vaded the Nanyue Na­tion agent de­part­ment per­son­ally, con­firmed the au­then­tic­ity of in­for­ma­tion. There­fore, Shi Lei dares to arrange [The Steel and Iron] to res­cue Ye Feng, but is not afraid Xia Na­tion to know that what [The Steel and Iron] res­cue is Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad.
12 [The Steel and Iron], under the [Izual]'s con­trol, sim­ply just like the ex­pert marks­men who shoots with great pre­ci­sion, how re­gard­less of the Nanyue Na­tion agent hides, under [The Steel and Iron] In­frared Ther­mal Sens­ing De­tec­tor, is the fu­tile ef­forts!
South Ocean, a Nanyue Na­tion Small-scale gun­boat, im­ple­ment pur­sues Xia Na­tion and Task of Trea­sure Is­land Province fish­ing boat, cur­rently homes.
The gun­boat is the Frigate fol­low­ing First Grade water sur­face com­bat unit, the dis­place­ment be­tween dozens tons to sev­eral hun­dred tons, the bat­tle ef­fi­ciency is quite lim­ited, main weapon has Guided Mis­sile and small-cal­iber naval guns gen­er­ally, many in ad­di­tion Ship-based ma­chine gun.
In the com­mand post of gun­boat, Ship-based Wire­less, re­ceived in­for­ma­tion sud­denly.
„[Yue­hai No.3], [Yue­hai No.3], here is the head­quar­ters, here is the head­quar­ters, hears to reply!”
The name of [Yue­hai No.3] ex­actly as stated gun­boat, dis­place­ment is only more than 100 tons, cap­tain named Nguyen Jin­hua, a Forty -year-old dark and thin man.
Nguyen Jin­hua takes up Wire­less com­mu­ni­ca­tion, re­sponded: „Head­quar­ters, the head­quar­ters, here is [Yue­hai No.3], the head­quar­ters please say, the head­quar­ters please say, Over.”
„[Yue­hai No.3], [Yue­hai No.3], the head­quar­ters order, your ship goes to Meis­han Is­land im­me­di­ately, Nanyue Safety bu­reau that sup­ports the im­ple­ment order. Order re­dun­dant...... Over!”
„Head­quar­ters, the head­quar­ters, [Yue­hai No.3] re­ceives the order, [Yue­hai No.3] re­ceives the order! Over!” Nguyen Jin­hua puts down Wire­less com­mu­ni­ca­tion, loudly ex­claimed: „Ad­just­ment di­rec­tion, re­vises tar­get, to Meis­han Is­land!”
In the Nguyen Jin­hua eye is hav­ing an ex­cited look, he has a strange hobby, ex­actly as stated di­rec­tor [Yue­hai No.3] hu­mil­i­ates small and weakly. Es­pe­cially bul­lies the Xia Na­tion fish­ing trawler, this is Nguyen Jin­hua the mat­ter that likes han­dling!
Al­though the Xia Na­tion strength, has been far in ex­cess of Nanyue Na­tion, how­ever the worry of Xia Na­tion are many, Nanyue Na­tion in­stead bluffs and blus­ters bul­lies Xia Na­tion in re­verse.
This head­quar­ters order, al­though does not know that who the enemy is, but Nguyen Jin­hua guessed se­cretly that should be Xia Na­tion per­son­nel. After all Nanyue Na­tion pe­riph­eral re­gion, only then Xia Na­tion and Nanyue Na­tion have the un­ceas­ing fric­tion con­flict.
Today's weather is very good, South Ocean sea level nav­i­ga­tion is good, the [Yue­hai No.3] cruis­ing speed has achieved 45, ac­cord­ing to 1 equal to 1 into the sea, 1 into the sea equal to 1.85 kilo­me­ters con­ver­sion way, the [Yue­hai No.3] cruis­ing speed, has ex­ceeded 80 kilo­me­ters!
In the nav­i­ga­tion, 45 speeds are very fast, the Large-scale Bat­tle Cruiser speed, usu­ally is only about 30.
Nanyue Na­tion North­ern, coast Meis­han Is­land.
12 [The Steel and Iron], the fire­power erupts, Nanyue Na­tion agent per­son­nel, the ca­su­alty is se­ri­ous, had been ex­ter­mi­nated more than 70 peo­ple. More­over rise that this digit also keep­ing, so long as were dis­cov­ered by [The Steel and Iron], pos­si­bil­ity that then has not es­caped.
Meis­han Is­land from land, be only the twenty many kilo­me­ters, con­vert into the sea 33 nau­ti­cal miles, speed boat that Pun­ish­ment Merc Warsquad takes, is good in speed as­pect, only spent for more than ten min­utes then to ar­rive in the shore.
When they see the shore, Nanyue Na­tion agent per­son­nel, pour­ing of all kinds tragic death under tree shade, in the thick patch of grass, the bonus was Ye Feng can­not bear hold breath cold air.
Zeng Bin takes the com­puter ar­ti­fi­cer, al­though the op­er­a­tional ca­pac­ity is not quite for­mi­da­ble, but the power of ob­ser­va­tion is very splen­did, he has sized up one fast all around en­vi­ron­ment, im­me­di­ately an­a­lyzes say­ing: „Cap­tain, the sur­round­ings do not have the sign that per­son­nel moves!”
Ye Feng nods, was in­quir­ing to the Wire­less ear­phone, „[Saber], was this [The Steel and Iron] par­tic­i­pated in the res­cue?”
cold snort of [Izual] user-friendly, „do not ask much that re­treats rapidly!”
„Yes!” Ye Feng does not care about the [Izual]'s ex­pres­sion not to be good, he had not felt at this mo­ment as be­fore [Izual] is not hu­man­ity. Has say­ing that [Izual]'s Human Emo­tion Im­i­ta­tion Mod­ule and High Grade Log­i­cal Think­ing Mod­ule, is very in­deed for­mi­da­ble.
In the re­mote sea level, a sunspot in­creases grad­u­ally, [Yue­hai No.3] rushed to Meis­han Is­land fi­nally. cur­rently en­cir­cled Nanyue Na­tion agent, on suc­cess­ful con­tact [Yue­hai No.3].
„Cap­tain Nguyen, sup­ports us rapidly, the enemy has sent out 12 Un­manned Re­mote Con­trol He­li­copter, our de­fense lines were about to col­lapse!” A Nanyue Na­tion agent, emo­tional ten­sion to acme.
Al­though they suf­fer­ing train­ing agent per­son­nel, but looks at com­pan­ions, does not have the strength of re­volt was killed, the con­fi­dence in their heart, in grad­u­ally were also vac­il­lated.
Shuangqing City, Num­ber One Server, on the screen demon­strates in­for­ma­tion sud­denly.
‚Radar sound­ing Sys­tem dis­cov­ered that Large-scale high-speed tar­get, dur­ing cur­rently is close \; In­frared sound­ing set In­duc­tion to high-en­ergy quan­tity of heat cur­rently high-speed close.’
[Izual] through [The Steel and Iron] radar sound­ing Sys­tem and in­frared sound­ing set, has dis­cov­ered [Yue­hai No.3] in sea level rapidly.
Ac­cord­ing to Shi Lei's Plan, [Izual] had routed Nanyue Na­tion agent per­son­nel, needs to seek for strik­ing tar­get, and wrecks, as at­tract­ing Nanyue Na­tion at­ten­tion tar­get.
Now, the ap­pear­ance of [Yue­hai No.3], is the fire­brand meets the rag­ing fire se­ri­ously!.


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