Saturday, November 4, 2017

506: The Steel and Iron mighty current, Guided Missile snaps!

In the Shi Lei's Plan tar­get list, placed tar­get of First po­si­tion, ex­actly as stated mil­i­tary naval ves­sel!
Al­though [Yue­hai No.3] is only a gun­boat, but re­luc­tant can also be con­sid­ered as mil­i­tary naval ves­sel, [Izual] or­ders ac­cord­ing to Shi Lei's, will not have any nit­pick­ing.
When [Yue­hai No.3] ap­pears, 12 [The Steel and Iron] give up Nanyue Na­tion agent per­son­nel im­me­di­ately, the di­am­e­ter flew to the sea level, wel­comed [Yue­hai No.3] to fly.
Nanyue Na­tion agent per­son­nel, looks at 12 [The Steel and Iron], wel­comed [Yue­hai No.3] to fly, in the heart raised im­me­di­ately an ab­surd feel­ing.
Al­though [Yue­hai No.3] is only a gun­boat, in the sea level com­bat unit, is al­most ex­is­tence of most last stage, but also ab­solutely is not triv­ial sev­eral Un­manned Re­mote Con­trol He­li­copter, ex­is­tence that can be a wor­thy op­po­nent!
Al­though does not think that [The Steel and Iron] can threaten [Yue­hai No.3], but that has agent per­son­nel of Wire­less com­mu­ni­ca­tion, has put through Wire­less com­mu­ni­ca­tion, the re­port said: „Cap­tain Nguyen, at­tacks our 12 Un­manned He­li­copter, flew to­ward you, be please care­ful!”
Nguyen Jin­hua hā hā smiles, „does not need to be wor­ried that triv­ial sev­eral Re­mote Con­trol He­li­copter toys, are tight. Our [Yue­hai No.3], has four high-speed Ship-based ma­chine gun, these toy air­plane, com­ing many dead many! More­over, on our ship also four ship-to-air Guided Mis­sile, ex­ter­mi­nate these toy air­plane, has the dif­fi­culty?”
Hears the il­lus­tra­tion of Nguyen Jin­hua, agent per­son­nel felt re­lieved im­me­di­ately that „Cap­tain Nguyen, wish you to win vic­tory!”
„hā hā hā!” Nguyen Jin­hua loud smil­ing, in the sound has filled pleased.
In sky, 12 [The Steel and Iron] not neat for­ma­tions, even does not have the fixed fly­ing route, with the in­def­i­nite flight tra­jec­tory, flies re­spec­tively to [Yue­hai No.3].
And, flight High De­gree high­est [The Steel and Iron], the op­ti­cal high-de­f­i­n­i­tion cam­era of car­ry­ing, cur­rently uses lat­est syn­the­sis Dy­namic Recog­ni­tion En­gine, an­a­lyzes the [Yue­hai No.3] weapon sit­u­a­tion.
‚Dis­cov­ered that firearm(s) sim­i­lar weapon, the Un­able to Judge de­gree of threat, the de­fault is the high threat.’
‚Dis­cov­ered that doubt­ful Guided Mis­sile weapon, whether Un­able to Judge is Guided Mis­sile, tac­itly ap­proves de­ter­mine is Guided Mis­sile, the open­ing cor­re­spon­dence plan.’
‚cur­rently an­a­lyzes the tar­get over­all con­struc­tion, cur­rently cal­cu­lates the tar­get weak­ness re­gion, the non- cor­re­spond­ing plan, is un­able to cal­cu­late the weak­ness re­sult, opens the non- dif­fer­ence at­tack plan.’
The lat­est syn­the­sis Dy­namic Recog­ni­tion En­gine, but has con­formed with Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Recog­ni­tion En­gine and Word Recog­ni­tion En­gine, fur­ther op­ti­mized Gra­da­tion, has not achieved Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine, let alone Image Recog­ni­tion En­gine de­gree?
There­fore, syn­the­sizes Dy­namic Recog­ni­tion En­gine, is un­able to dis­tin­guish [Yue­hai No.3] weaponry, as well as the struc­ture of over­all hull. But this does not hin­der [Izual]'s au­to­matic de­ter­mine.
[Izual]'s High Grade Log­i­cal Think­ing Mod­ule, is un­able to ob­tain the ac­cu­rate com­puted re­sult, then has adopted fuzzy plan pro­cess­ing, de­fers to the worst case sce­nario to deal di­rectly.
In sur­passes over two nau­ti­cal miles po­si­tion from [Yue­hai No.3], four [The Steel and Iron] si­mul­ta­ne­ous fir­ing Swift Arrow b Air-To-Air Guided Mis­sile.
Rea­son that chooses Air-To-Air Guided Mis­sile, but is not Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile, this is be­cause of [Yue­hai No.3], is dur­ing the high-speed nav­i­ga­tion.
The Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile de­sign pro­posal, strength­ened the Guided Mis­sile at­tack in­ten­sity, but also at­ten­u­ated the Guided Mis­sile speed and flex­i­bil­ity, after all ground tar­get, is gen­er­ally fixed.
Air-To-Air Guided Mis­sile in view of high-speed mo­tion tar­get, even if the [Yue­hai No.3] cur­rent cruis­ing speed has ex­ceeded 80 km per hour, tar­get that but Air-To-Air Guided Mis­sile, the de­sign copes with, is the trav­el­ing speed sur­passes 200 kilo­me­ters Air­craft com­pletely, the triv­ial 80 kilo­me­ters speed, in front of Air-To-Air Guided Mis­sile, sim­ply does not have any func­tion!
When four Swift Arrow b Air-To-Air Guided Mis­sile, drag to en­train the daz­zling tail flame, flies goes to the time to [Yue­hai No.3], is tak­ing agent per­son­nel that the tele­scope is ob­serv­ing, is Nguyen Jin­hua in [Yue­hai No.3] com­mand post, was shocked com­pletely!
In their eyes, the length less than two me­ters [The Steel and Iron], sim­ply is toy same Re­mote Con­trol Air­craft, even if on the two sides sup­port, is hang­ing the in­stall­ment of sim­i­lar Guided Mis­sile, but they do not be­lieve that is Guided Mis­sile!
Until at this mo­ment, they deep aware­ness, one­self have thought mis­tak­enly, is hang­ing the in­stall­ment on sup­port, in­deed is true Guided Mis­sile, but is not the toy.
Four sounds fierce ex­plo­sive sound, ex­plodes on [Yue­hai No.3] Frigate, Swift Arrow b Air-To-Air Guided Mis­sile, cen­ter the [Yue­hai No.3] side, has blasted out a giant open­ing, in emerg­ing [Yue­hai No.3] that nu­mer­ous sea­wa­ter goes all out.
As a re­sult of emerg­ing of sea­wa­ter, orig­i­nal dis­place­ment on the small [Yue­hai No.3] gun­boat, had the hull in­clined sit­u­a­tion im­me­di­ately, the speed of high-speed nav­i­ga­tion fell im­me­di­ately, stops fluc­tu­ated along with wave in the sea.
[Izual] from [The Steel and Iron] op­ti­cal di­rec­tion find­ing Sys­tem, au­to­mated analy­sis de­ter­mine [Yue­hai No.3] sit­u­a­tion, be­cause syn­the­sizes the Dy­namic Recog­ni­tion En­gine Un­able to Judge ac­cu­rate sit­u­a­tion, in ad­di­tion the ex­ter­mi­na­tion rule of Shi Lei for­mu­la­tion, has launched four Air-To-Air Guided Mis­sile [The Steel and Iron], has launched four Swift Arrow a Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile once more.
Swift Arrow a Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile fly­ing speed, rel­a­tive Swift Arrow b Air-To-Air Guided Mis­sile slowly. Four Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile, ** the large flame, is plung­ing the seep [Yue­hai No.3].
Nguyen Jin­hua De­spair looks Guided Mis­sile that four shoot, closed the eye to wait for death.
A Small-scale gun­boat, after meet­ing 12 [The Steel and Iron] for­ma­tions, has not achieved in­clud­ing the re­volt un­ex­pect­edly, wrote off by Swift Arrow Guided Mis­sile di­rectly.
Al­though these, there is a Nguyen Jin­hua hav­ing a low opin­ion of the enemy in­gre­di­ent, but gen­er­ally speak­ing, Small-scale gun­boat, es­pe­cially tech­ni­cal back­ward Small-scale gun­boat, in front of car­ry­ing Guided Mis­sile [The Steel and Iron], but also slightly frail a point.
If Frigate and De­stroyer, that sit­u­a­tion must, [The Steel and Iron] un­able to es­cape the radar sound­ing and Air De­fense of de­fense Large-scale ships in turn.
Four Swift Arrow a Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile, al­most si­mul­ta­ne­ously hit [Yue­hai No.3], the fierce ex­plo­sion lets [Yue­hai No.3], changed to the Steel and Iron frag­ment all over the sky to dis­perse.
Nanyue Na­tion, Small-scale gun­boat, sub­mer­sion!
The ashore, Nanyue Na­tion agent per­son­nel, all fell into silent, then re­treats rapidly.
[The Steel and Iron] has ex­ceeded 15 kilo­me­ters from the sea­coast at pre­sent, they have the op­por­tu­nity to run away, when if [The Steel and Iron] re­turns, the op­por­tu­nity that they run away will not exist.
How­ever, [Izual] as if has not pur­sued the plans of these agent per­son­nel, in­stead is con­trol­ling 12 [The Steel and Iron], fur­ther ap­proaches the sub­mer­sion [Yue­hai No.3], uses the in­frared sound­ing set, sur­veys whether has sur­vival per­son­nel.
12 [The Steel and Iron] cir­cle sky over the sunken wreck, sud­denly re­ally has dis­cov­ered lucky sur­vival per­son­nel. That is one puts on the Nanyue Na­tion sol­dier of life jacket, when he dis­cov­ered that [The Steel and Iron] cir­cles in the sky, he shouts abuse im­me­di­ately.
After the [Izual]'s High Grade Learn­ing Mod­ule trans­la­tion, that Nanyue Na­tion sol­dier, com­pletely is the curs­ing at peo­ple words, ob­vi­ously he guessed that ma­nip­u­late [The Steel and Iron] per­son­nel, will not let off him.
In fact, [Izual] strict told ac­cord­ing to Shi Lei's that im­ple­ment is ex­ter­mi­nat­ing Plan, [The Steel and Iron] re­duced High De­gree, mp7 Mini Sub-ma­chine Gun, has aimed at that sur­vival sol­dier, after sev­eral light sounds, World quiet!
Shuangqing City, Beiyu Dis­trict.
Shi Lei and Bai Qiang they, in a con­fi­den­tial restau­rant, heartily is cor­rupt. Shi Lei in line with the prin­ci­ple of ex­tort­ing goods from prof­itable en­ter­prises, a dish, only se­lects com­pletely ex­pen­sively, more­over to­ward many points.
Looks at a table good dish, has al­most only eaten one-fifth, the Bai Qiang forced smile said: „Buddy Shi, our did not waste!”
Shi Lei light snort, „Elder Brother Bai, I and oth­ers will pre­pare also to pack, hav­ing the evening then to eat!”
In fact, these words do not crack a joke ab­solutely!
Some can Shi Lei re­ally this plans, as for not being able to fin­ish eat­ing the pack, lose face this mat­ter, Shi Lei have not thought.
In cer­tain as­pect, Shi Lei does not care about the face, for ex­am­ple the pre­sent at this time, the dish fla­vor of this pri­vate kitchen was good, Shi Lei will then not care about the face, in line with the fru­gal prin­ci­ple, the re­main­ing veg­eta­bles packed to carry off.
Nat­u­rally, if the dish is un­palat­able very much, Shi Lei did not mind that car­ries on the back the rep­u­ta­tion of waste, chooses the all kinds waste firmly.
The Shi Lei's con­duct man­ner, re­stricts with­out that many, one­self think right, hap­pily good!
The life, must live, cares about the out­side the vi­sion, will only take the shack­les for one­self, fi­nally makes it­self un­happy.
Bai Qiang sur­prise looks at Shi Lei, „Buddy Shi, you have not cracked a joke Right?”
The Shi Lei earnest nod, „Elder Brother Bai, how I will crack a joke!”
Bai Qiang sud­denly some do not know how should re­spond, in the Bai Qiang cog­ni­tion, Shi Lei is a ram­pant dom­i­neer­ing young tyrant, a word will not gather then pos­si­bly makes oth­ers un­able to see to­mor­row's Sun, but he has not thought that Shi Lei will have un­ex­pect­edly also to carry off the left­over dish pack, dis­plays fru­gal side.
Shi Lei as if guessed that idea of Bai Qiang, he re­veals in­ten­tion­ally wipes the forced smile, „Elder Brother Bai, I eat the bread daily at home, must make me im­prove meals Right?”
Nanyue Na­tion, Meis­han Is­land nearby sea area.
12 [The Steel and Iron], cir­cle in the [Yue­hai No.3] sub­mer­sion sky, searches the sur­vivor who is pos­si­bly hav­ing.
Top right-hand cor­ner the Num­ber One Server screen, is demon­strat­ing a fig­ure.
This digit is rep­re­sent­ing the trapped pro­pel­lant per­cent­age of [The Steel and Iron] fuel cell, the [The Steel and Iron] de­sign loi­ter time is 300 min­utes, but this time is not fixed un­changed, if [The Steel and Iron] is in car­ries a heavy load high, then the loi­ter time will re­duce.
If [The Steel and Iron] is in the idling, or has the air-foil ef­fect the time, sig­nif­i­cant the con­sump­tion of sav­ing fuel, length­ens stays in the air the time of flight.
‚Loi­ter time is abun­dant, im­ple­ment [Black Lamb] Plan!’
[Black Lamb] Plan starts im­ple­ment, [Izual] is con­trol­ling 12 [The Steel and Iron] im­me­di­ately, has formed a cir­cu­lar for­ma­tion, re­duced flight High De­gree, has com­posed the air-foil ef­fect with the sea level, slows down the con­sump­tion of fuel.
After the air-foil ef­fect forms, [Izual] through [The Steel and Iron] Radio Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Mod­ule, starts to sim­u­late the per­ils of the sea to call for help in­for­ma­tion, to en­tire chan­nel en­tire di­rec­tion dis­sem­i­na­tion dis­pers­ing.
‚Here is [The Num­ber Zero], our ships break­downs, will soon sub­merge, in­vite the seek for help help. Our po­si­tions are......’
In 12 [The Steel and Iron], are trans­mit­ting Wire­less seek for help in­for­ma­tion, so long as the nearby has the ships of process, then can cer­tainly re­ceive seek for help in­for­ma­tion.
Ac­cord­ing to the nav­i­ga­tion rule, re­ceives the seek for help in­for­ma­tion ships, should go to the seek for help Co­or­di­nate to ex­am­ine, then, falls into Shi Lei's Plan ex­actly
( Main text sur­passes 3100 char­ac­ters, fol­low­ing num­ber of words non- cost)
The ad­ju­ra­tion legal copy sub­scrip­tion sup­ports «Hacker», this is is very re­ally im­por­tant to the cur­tain moun­tain.
The legal copy sub­scrip­tion, does not need a lot of money, a chap­ter 6-9 cents of money, one day two chap­ters, 12-18 cents of money, one month is also 3.6-5.4 Yuan.
Per­haps two bot­tles of drink money, many broth­ers sis­ters, can sup­port af­ter­piece moun­tain Right?.


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