Saturday, November 4, 2017

507: [Black Lamb], was tracked!

[Black Lamb] Plan is Shi Lei arrange­ment trap Plan, the [Black Lamb] im­pli­ca­tion is to cam­ou­flage the harm­less lamb, through [The Steel and Iron], trans­mits empty Fake per­ils of the sea in­for­ma­tion, de­ceives the sur­round­ing pass­ing ships.
im­ple­ment [Black Lamb] Plan goal, then to con­fuse sit­u­a­tion, and ex­is­tence of [The Steel and Iron], shifts blame to other in­flu­ences, to guard the Xia Na­tion as­pect diplo­macy to be em­bar­rassed.
The glo­ri­ous weather weather, the sea is rare, the con­di­tion of ships nav­i­ga­tion is very good.
Nanyue Na­tion, North­ern sea area.
A Nan­chao Na­tion freight trans­porta­tion sea boat, re­ceived [The Steel and Iron] Wire­less seek for help in­for­ma­tion.
Ac­cord­ing to the nav­i­ga­tion rule, re­ceives seek for help in­for­ma­tion of other ships, should give the aid. The Nan­chao Na­tion freight trans­porta­tion sea boat, dri­ves im­me­di­ately to the per­ils of the sea lo­ca­tion, and in Wire­less, has given the reply.
‚[The Num­ber Zero], here is Nan­chao Na­tion [The Golden Boat], please in­di­cate that your ships na­tion­al­ity, on the way of our cur­rently res­cue, please in­sist!’
The [Izual] au­to­mated analy­sis [The Golden Boat] in­for­ma­tion, is con­trol­ling is trans­mit­ting seek for help in­for­ma­tion [The Steel and Iron], to [The Golden Boat] send mes­sage.
‚[The Golden Boat], here is [The Num­ber Zero]. We sub­or­di­nate Nan­chao Na­tion Busan Har­bor Com­pany, re­quested earnestly your full speed ad­vance res­cue, dur­ing our cur­rently sank!’
In the [The Golden Boat] cab, re­ceived [The Num­ber Zero] ships na­tion­al­ity in­for­ma­tion, after know­ing is Nan­chao Na­tion, the [The Golden Boat] cap­tain or­ders the full speed ad­vance, must res­cue the com­pa­triot!
The Ship-based radar of cargo ves­sel, usu­ally does not have the mil­i­tary use radar to be in­tre­pid, even though [The Steel and Iron] car­ry­ing is not the Large-scale mil­i­tary use radar, but has sur­mounted the com­mer­cial Ship-based radar as be­fore.
In the tran­quil sea level, the [The Steel and Iron] radar, dis­cov­ers [The Golden Boat], through the sur­vey scan­ning of radar, had not dis­cov­ered that [The Golden Boat] has the in­stall­ment of doubt­ful weapon. Then, [Izual] is con­trol­ling four [The Steel and Iron], flies to [The Golden Boat].
These four [The Steel and Iron], be­fore are not, has launched two Guided Mis­sile four [The Steel and Iron], but car­ries Guided Mis­sile four [The Steel and Iron]. Four [The Steel and Iron] draw close to sea level ultra Low-al­ti­tude Flight, in ad­di­tion the ex­quis­ite fuse­lage, un­ex­pect­edly had not been dis­cov­ered by the [The Golden Boat] Ship-based crew, or not by the Ship-based radar dis­cov­ery of [The Golden Boat].
After all, [The Steel and Iron] has ex­ceeded three nau­ti­cal miles from [The Golden Boat] at pre­sent, if no op­ti­cal tele­scope, only de­pend­ing on naked eye from three nau­ti­cal miles, is be­yond over five kilo­me­ters, the ob­ser­va­tion draws close to the sea level to fly, the total length is only one meter five Air­craft, this need how good vi­sion?
To see clearly [The Steel and Iron] from this dis­tance, just likes looks at the ant of ground in ten build­ing High De­gree, sees clearly is strange!
[Izual] is con­trol­ling four [The Steel and Iron], has been cal­cu­lat­ing dis­tance be­tween [The Steel and Iron] and [The Golden Boat], when the dis­tance be­tween both has been smaller than two nau­ti­cal miles, High Grade Log­i­cal Think­ing Mod­ule car­ries on de­ter­mine au­to­mat­i­cally, the at­tack con­di­tions are ripe.
Four [The Steel and Iron] min­utes make two groups, one group has launched two Swift Arrow B Air-To-Air Guided Mis­sile and Swift Arrow A Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile, an­other group is only the prepa­ra­tion, if [The Golden Boat] has not sub­merged, will con­tinue at­tack.
The Swift Arrow B Air-To-Air Guided Mis­sile fly­ing speed is fast, first in Swift Arrow A Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile, has hit the [The Golden Boat] bow, in the let­ting hull steel plate de­his­cence that suc­ceeds, sea­wa­ter floods into the cabin.
As a re­sult of Swift Arrow B Air-To-Air Guided Mis­sile, is stick­ing to sea level ultra Low-al­ti­tude Flight, the [The Golden Boat] cap­tains and crew, how have not rav­elled a mat­ter, then the panic-stricken dis­cov­ery has en­coun­tered at­tack.
More­over, two Swift Arrow A Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile fol­low, but this [The Golden Boat] crew, had dis­cov­ered fi­nally Swift Arrow A Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile tail flame, with Ko­rean loud shouts.
How these to shout rad­i­cally is fu­tile ef­fort, two Swift Arrow A Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile, lead from Swift Arrow B Air-To-Air, in crack that the bow blasts out, pen­e­trated the [The Golden Boat] in­te­rior. And ex­plodes in in­ter­nal En­gine room, will put in order [The Golden Boat] to ex­plode every­where frag­ment di­rectly.
[Izual] this time has not been ruth­less, but is con­trol­ling [The Steel and Iron], cir­cles in nearby sea level, pre­vent­ing [The Golden Boat] to send out seek for help Wire­less in­for­ma­tion.
But the di­vine in­ter­ven­tion makes the per­son, [Izual] under Shi Lei's Plan, rare has shown ‚kind­ness of heart’, not hav­ing im­ple­ment to ex­ter­mi­nate the be­hav­ior, but Swift Arrow A Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile, ac­tu­ally killed [The Golden Boat] all peo­ple.
Nan­chao Na­tion, [The Golden Boat], all ex­tin­guishes!
Be­com­ing a [Black Lamb] Plan First sac­ri­fi­cial vic­tim!
After hav­ing ex­ter­mi­nated a Nan­chao Na­tion freighter, [Izual] has not stopped [The Steel and Iron] seek for help Wire­less in­for­ma­tion, as in the en­tire range open to the pub­lic trans­mis­sion.
Shuangqing City, Beiyu Dis­trict.
A unique con­fi­den­tial restau­rant, Shi Lei is sa­ti­ated with food and wine, told se­ri­ously staff per­son­nel of con­fi­den­tial restau­rant, the sur­plus dish packs will carry off.
staff per­son­nel of con­fi­den­tial restau­rant some­what does not know whether to laugh or cry, the lo­cal­iza­tion of this con­fi­den­tial restau­rant is very high, a Or­di­nary food spends 1,000-2,000 with ease, in 2007 age, this may equiv­a­lent to masses one month of wages.
Shi Lei and a Bai Qiang noon today food, in Shi Lei eats in the Nou­veau Riche men­tal­ity, kills close 4000 di­rectly. Ac­cord­ing to the truth, spends 4000 eat­ing meal Coun­try Money-bags, should straight­for­wardly be very right, will not con­sider the left­over dish pack issue.
But, Shi Lei also re­ally packed!
Car­ried 78 to re­main the larger part good dish, to place on the copi­lot them that Shi Lei sig­nif­i­cant pinched, mak­ing Bai Qiang quite speech­less.
Shi Lei smiles say­ing: „Elder Brother Bai, thank noon sump­tu­ous en­ter­tain­ment. Has waited for two days, I greedy looked for you!”
Bai Qiang is smil­ing bit­terly the re­sponse, „Buddy Shi, you let off me! I am fair the hon­or­able good of­fi­cial, does not have these Grey In­come, could not in­vite your this Foodie again!”
„Good, cracks a joke, next time I will treat!” Shi Lei said that is not crack­ing a joke. „Was right, Elder Brother Bai, in your bu­reau, now how many [The Steel and Iron]? My opin­ion is, car­ried MP7 Mini Sub-ma­chine Gun [The Steel and Iron].”
In the Bai Qiang heart is vig­i­lant se­cretly that for fear that Shi Lei has any bad idea. „Not many!”
Shi Lei looks at the Bai Qiang com­plex­ion, then knows that Bai Qiang is think­ing any­thing, his chuckle, „Elder Brother Bai, left a against clever ap­pear­ance! I ask looked that achieves to know fairly well. After all Ouyang works in Drug En­force­ment Group, she now in the First line?”
Bai Qiang is slightly awk­ward, „Buddy Shi, this mat­ter, Lit­tle Ouyang makes me not tell you. You also know that I and Lit­tle Ouyang fa­ther re­late sig­nif­i­cantly, at this mat­ter, my stand­point also non- ad­van­tage.”
„Re­sulted in has re­sulted, Elder Brother Bai, I knew your stand­point non- ad­van­tage. How­ever, Elder Brother Bai, my also [Hope] Ouyang Safety can be safe­guarded. I have lent a hand to res­cue Ouyang two times, that two times mat­ter, I think now also fear­ful and ap­pre­hen­sive. After all I im­pos­si­ble every time ex­actly to save her, there­fore, my [Hope] [The Steel and Iron] can use on knife edge, the work of Drug En­force­ment such Dan­ger, any­time and any­where arranges the [The Steel and Iron] col­league, I thought that is not the ex­ag­ger­a­tion!” Shi Lei has clar­i­fied own stand­point.
Bai Qiang had con­sid­ered, opens the mouth say­ing: „Buddy Shi, you could rest as­sured that be­fore was be­cause Dai Guanghua Vice-chief was grasp­ing Drug En­force­ment Di­vi­sion, per­son who now, has ex­changed my grasped Drug En­force­ment Di­vi­sion, that side Lit­tle Ouyang, will not pre­sent any issue again.”
Shi Lei claps say­ing: „Dai Guang­tou (Dai Baldy) this fel­low, re­ally dies an­swers mul­ti­ple pur­pose!”
„Buddy Shi, you ac­cu­mu­late a pro­pri­ety of speech, if noth­ing, I went back first, that side City Bu­reau, has the mat­ter to process in the af­ter­noon!” Al­though Bai Qiang in the heart happy ex­tremely Dai Guanghua was also dying, but can­not dis­play on out­wardly!
Shi Lei and Bai Qiang they, sep­a­rate out­side the con­fi­den­tial restau­rant, Bai Qiang re­turns to Shuangqing City Bu­reau, Shi Lei pre­pares to re­turn to Jingya Gar­den, pays close at­ten­tion to the Nanyue Na­tion sit­u­a­tion.
White Porsche Cayenne, con­verges in stream of ve­hi­cles, the Shi Lei right hand con­trol steer­ing wheel, the left hand had the Blue­tooth ear­phone on the ear, and has put through and [Izual]'s voice con­nec­tion.
„Is sit­u­a­tion how is it?” Shi Lei in­quired.
[Izual] re­sponds im­me­di­ately: „[Sir], Emer­gency Sit­u­a­tion. Be­hind us about 15 me­ters place, a black Small-scale au­to­mo­bile, to track our per­son­nel doubt­ful.”
Shi Lei watched through the rear view mir­ror im­me­di­ately, re­ally had dis­cov­ered a black Small-scale au­to­mo­bile, very Or­di­nary Volk­swa­gen Pas­sat, is slightly com­mon.
„de­ter­mine ac­cord­ing to?” Shi Lei in­quired one dis­cretely.
„Comes out after the City Bu­reau park­ing lot, that black au­to­mo­bile has fol­lowed in us be­hind, the en­tire lunchtime, that black au­to­mo­bile stopped in the di­ag­o­nally op­po­site of con­fi­den­tial restau­rant. Until be­fore, we left con­fi­den­tial restau­rant, that black au­to­mo­bile fol­lowed once more.” [Izual] is con­trol­ling Shuangqing City Gov­ern­ment all mon­i­tor­ing equip­ment, any mon­i­tor­ing fa­cil­ity that be­longs to Shuangqing City Gov­ern­ment, [Izual] can through Dy­namic Be­hav­ior Catch­ing Pro­gram Sys­tem Back Door, ob­tain High­est Au­thor­ity di­rectly.
In the Shi Lei eye has flashed through cold bright­ness, ‚some peo­ple mon­i­tor un­ex­pect­edly, is ac­tu­ally which one side per­son­nel? The over­seas in­flu­ence, is the Na­tional Se­cu­rity Agency strength, or not the well-known hos­tile forces?’
„[Izual], dis­tin­guishes the car li­cense of op­po­site party, en­ters the data store­house in ve­hi­cles ad­min­is­tra­tion cen­ter, data of in­quiry cor­re­spon­dence.” Shi Lei told.
„[Sir], please wait a mo­ment, cur­rently im­ple­ment. [Sir], in [Black Lamb] Plan First Phase cur­rently im­ple­ment, has ex­ter­mi­nated Nan­chao Na­tion freighter [The Golden Boat].” After hav­ing re­ported Emer­gency Sit­u­a­tion, sit­u­a­tion that [Izual] re­ports the be­fore­hand Shi Lei in­quiry.
„Nan­chao Na­tion? hēng hēng! Con­tin­ues im­ple­ment orig­i­nal Plan!” Is buried in per­son­nel of fish ab­domen re­gard­ing these, Shi Lei does not have the half minute pity, if that many some pities, but also makes any Hacker, but also de­vel­ops any World Grade Com­pany, was a Or­di­nary per­son to be good hon­estly!
„[Sir], has ver­i­fied rear track ve­hi­cle head of house­hold in­for­ma­tion. This ve­hi­cles be­long to Empty Shell Com­pany, has not ob­tained any use­ful in­for­ma­tion.”
A Shi Lei eye­ball rev­o­lu­tion, has thought a great idea, who tracks him, Shi Lei can­not let­ting off eas­ily. After all, Shi Lei to own Safety en­vi­ron­ment, looks in­com­pa­ra­bly im­por­tantly.
Ex­ists any pos­si­bly threat­ens own sit­u­a­tion, Shi Lei will think means in­ves­ti­gate to be clear, then gives to clean up or wipe to ex­tin­guish.
‚Since wants to track me, I do not make you track, to be un­fair to you? Just, dares to track me, that must pay the price!’
Shi Lei through the rear view mir­ror, shot a look at rear track ve­hi­cle, as if has not dis­cov­ered issue to be the same, re­turns to Shuanghu Dis­trict as usual


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