Saturday, November 4, 2017

508: yellow mud fell on pants, how could it not be feces?

Nanyue Na­tion, North­ern sea area.
Wire­less per­ils of the sea seek for help in­for­ma­tion that [The Steel and Iron] fic­tion­al­izes, has brought in ships once more.
‚[The Num­ber Zero], we re­ceived seek for help in­for­ma­tion, in­di­cates your ships na­tion­al­ity!’ This Wire­less in­for­ma­tion, in fact is Yinni Na­tion [The Mud is Deep], but ob­vi­ously [The Mud is Deep] is not that friendly, not only has not in­di­cated the ships na­tion­al­ity of one's own side, has not in­di­cated the ships name, and does not have the First time to come to res­cue, but in­quires the ships na­tion­al­ity.
The [The Mud is Deep] la­tent mean­ing is very ob­vi­ous, first in­ves­ti­gates the clear [The Num­ber Zero] ships na­tion­al­ity, then makes the plan, saves the [The Num­ber Zero] crew.
The re­la­tions of Yinni Na­tion and Xia Na­tion are very bad, if [The Num­ber Zero] in­di­cated that is the Xia Na­tion ships, that is ab­solutely im­pos­si­ble to ob­tain the help of [The Mud is Deep], even pos­si­bly en­coun­ters the fur­ther in­fringe­ment of [The Mud is Deep]!
[Izual]'s High Grade Log­i­cal Think­ing Mod­ule, can­not de­ter­mine, be sim­i­lar such user-friendly deep Gra­da­tion mean­ing, but does not hin­der [Izual] to make the cor­rect reply.
En­tire [Black Lamb] Plan, ex­actly as stated pre­tends ships to be dam­aged the wait­ing res­cue, the ships that then the se­lec­tive elim­i­na­tion, comes to res­cue, have cre­ated a false ap­pear­ance de­sir­ably, shifts blame the [The Steel and Iron] own­er­ship power.
To at­tract other ships res­cues, then treats the res­cue the ships, must be wel­come by the op­po­site party, may be res­cued.
The ships na­tion­al­ity of [Izual] Un­able to Judge op­po­site party, other Un­able to Judge sit­u­a­tions, then opened the Shi Lei pre­in­stall plan.
‚Hello, we are the Sin­ga­pore Ji ships, our ships pre­sented issue, the cur­rently seep. Re­quested earnestly you to come to res­cue us, ex­tremely thanked!’
In [Black Lamb] Plan of Shi Lei pre­in­stall, meets Un­able to Judge ships na­tion­al­ity re­sponse in­for­ma­tion, then the re­sponse is the Sin­ga­pore Ji ships.
In the South­east Asia area, Sin­ga­pore sta­tus is spe­cial, is ex­is­tence that all in­flu­ence must be on good terms. Pre­tends to be the Sin­ga­pore Ji's ships, will re­ceive the res­cues of all South­east Asia Ji ships.
Sure enough, after [Izual]'s replies in­for­ma­tion sends out, [The Mud is Deep] Wire­less in­for­ma­tion has trans­mit­ted.
‚[The Num­ber Zero], we are Yinni Na­tion [The Mud is Deep], our cur­rently rushes to your place, in­vited Hold On.’
A Sec­ond game swal­lows the bait!
On the way of that in [The Mud is Deep] catches up with, three Wire­less in­for­ma­tion trans­mit, sep­a­rately is Xia Na­tion, Wo Sang Na­tion and Li Jian Na­tion ships.
In [Izual]'s in­duces under in­for­ma­tion, the ships of three coun­tries' also to fic­tion­al­iz­ing the per­ils of the sea place catch up.
Ap­prox­i­mately after twenty many min­utes. Four Na­tion(s) ships, the sim­i­lar same time enter the ap­par­ent dis­tance range. So-called ap­par­ent dis­tance range, in sea level under nor­mal con­di­tions is 40 kilo­me­ters.
Four ships pre­sent time, [Izual] dis­patches six [The Steel and Iron] to go to bat­tle. These six [The Steel and Iron] as be­fore are full Guided Mis­sile, an­other six [The Steel and Iron]. Has launched Air-To-Air and Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile sep­a­rately, sur­plus two Guided Mis­sile.
Six full Guided Mis­sile [The Steel and Iron]. Took two to make three groups as the unit minute. Plunged three tar­get of cor­re­spon­dence re­spec­tively.
That four sea boat of res­cue, passed Wire­less con­tact, had dis­cov­ered place that some do not suit. Al­though they had dis­cov­ered has issue, but de­cided that the scene of the ac­ci­dent ex­am­ines.
[Izual] when the con­tact four ships, pre­sented big flaw ac­tu­ally, that ex­actly as stated has adopted sev­eral ships na­tion­al­i­ties sep­a­rately. But four ships used the Wire­less com­mu­ni­ca­tion to ex­change. Im­me­di­ately has dis­cov­ered this big flaw.
When they enter the ap­par­ent dis­tance range, uses the tele­scope ex­am­i­na­tion scene of the ac­ci­dent, al­though had dis­cov­ered when [Yue­hai No.3] sub­mer­sion, floats the wreck­age in sea level. But they had also dis­cov­ered the [The Golden Boat] wreck­age, such sit­u­a­tion makes four ships be vig­i­lant.
Six [The Steel and Iron] min­utes make three groups, plunged Xia Na­tion, Yinni Na­tion and Wo Sang Na­tion ships re­spec­tively, have let off the Li Jian Na­tion ships only.
Yinni Na­tion [The Mud is Deep] is a Small-scale trans­port ship, the dis­place­ment will over hun­dred tons, two [The Steel and Iron] be­yond three nau­ti­cal miles, then have launched Swift Arrow b Air-To-Air Guided Mis­sile and Swift Arrow a Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile.
After four Guided Mis­sile two first two, ex­ploded the frag­ment [The Mud is Deep]. More­over, the [The Mud is Deep] ships na­tion­al­ity, in the [Black Lamb] Plan tar­get list, is in the ex­ter­mi­nated se­quence.
[Izual] is con­trol­ling [The Steel and Iron], is stick­ing to the sea level, flies to [The Mud is Deep] three nau­ti­cal miles away. The [The Steel and Iron] con­ven­tional speed has achieved 220 km / h, con­verts, is one minute 3.67 kilo­me­ters, the triv­ial three nau­ti­cal miles dis­tance, less than two min­utes of time, [The Steel and Iron] then can ar­rive.
An­other side, Xia Na­tion, Wo Sang Na­tion and Li Jian Na­tion ships, wit­nessed Yinni Na­tion [The Mud is Deep] to be ex­ploded the fire­ball, the ships of three coun­tries' reck­less wanted to run away.
What a pity, in [Black Lamb] Plan, the script has not arranged the re­sult that they all smoothly run away.
Traces two [The Steel and Iron] of Wo Sang Na­tion ships, is sim­i­lar to copes with Yinni Na­tion [The Mud is Deep] yiyàng, has launched four rounds of Guided Mis­sile, ex­ploded every­where frag­ment the Wo Sang Na­tion ships with ease.
But traces Xia Na­tion two [The Steel and Iron], does not have anx­ious launch Guided Mis­sile, but is [Izual] is cal­cu­lat­ing care­fully, how should con­trol the Guided Mis­sile at­tack po­si­tion, can not at­tack and sink the Xia Na­tion ships.
After all that ships be­long to Xia Na­tion, Shi Lei did not have to start to our not guilty ships crazed.
Through two [The Steel and Iron] op­ti­cal main cam­eras, then co­or­di­nated radar Sys­tem, the [Izual] suc­cess­ful com­pu­ta­tion the re­sult, was con­trol­ling two [The Steel and Iron], first has launched two Swift Arrow b Air-To-Air Guided Mis­sile.
And Air-To-Air Guided Mis­sile has hit the bow deck spot of Xia Na­tion ships, al­though has blasted out the deck, but has not made sea­wa­ter enter the ships.
An­other Air-To-Air Guided Mis­sile ac­tu­ally ‚ac­ci­dent’ has not hit the hull, but ex­plodes in nearby sea­wa­ter.
After hav­ing launched two Air-To-Air Guided Mis­sile, two [The Steel and Iron] have not con­tin­ued to launch Guided Mis­sile, but chose stopped at­tack.
Li Jian Na­tion ships named Free­dom nav­i­ga­tion num­ber, cap­tain named Joseph.
Joseph through the tele­scope, has wit­nessed Yinni Na­tion and Wo Sang Na­tion ships by De­stroy, has also en­coun­tered at­tack in­clud­ing the Xia Na­tion ships, in his heart has filled De­spair.
Gen­er­ally, the ships of World na­ture great na­tion, nav­i­gate Safety some in the sea. If [The Steel and Iron] has ex­ter­mi­nated the Yinni Na­tion ships, then Joseph pos­si­bly will not have been wor­ried.
But [The Steel and Iron] in­clud­ing Wo Sang Na­tion and Xia Na­tion ships at­tack, that has no rea­son not to meet the at­tack Li Jian Na­tion ships!
While Joseph De­spair time, Wire­less con­tact of con­trol room has trans­mit­ted voice in­for­ma­tion.
„Ships na­tion­al­ity con­firmed, Free­dom nav­i­ga­tion num­ber, you whether is the Li Jian Na­tion ships?” Hoarse sound. By [Izual]'s Human Emo­tion Im­i­ta­tion Mod­ule, fic­tion­al­izes.
Joseph does not un­der­stand that [Izual] is any opin­ion, but in line with bet­ting a men­tal­ity, Joseph takes up Wire­less con­tact, re­sponse cau­tiously: „We are the Li Jian Na­tion ships!”
„con­firmed ships reg­is­tra­tion num­ber!” [Izual] con­tin­ues to sim­u­late the hoarse sound, was in­quir­ing Free­dom nav­i­ga­tion num­ber Joseph.
The ships reg­is­tra­tion num­ber is one of the Li Jian Na­tion man­age­ment freight trans­porta­tion sea boat the rule that is sim­i­lar to the car li­cense num­ber, each ships se­r­ial num­ber only ex­ists.
„115206655. this is our ships se­r­ial num­bers, please check!” In the heart of Joseph, raised [Hope], he in­for­ma­tion that in­quired from the op­po­site party. An­a­lyzes, per­haps the op­po­site party is their Li Jian Na­tion in­flu­ence.
If the Li Jian Na­tion in­flu­ence, their Free­dom nav­i­ga­tion num­ber, could es­cape death by a hair's breadth.
Xia Na­tion ships named [The Clear Dis­tance], is a Medium-scale freight trans­porta­tion ship. Al­though the bow was hit by Air-To-Air Guided Mis­sile, but in the deck did not have the crew at that time. More­over the po­si­tion that is dam­aged is quite high. Tem­porar­ily does not need to be wor­ried about emerg­ing of sea­wa­ter.
After [The Clear Dis­tance] by at­tack, the cap­tain or­dered to leave anx­iously, si­mul­ta­ne­ously in the heart was ex­pect­ing the op­po­site party do not pur­sue. Per­haps was his pray has moved the heaven, but was ac­tu­ally in Shi Lei for­mu­la­tion Plan, has not is­sued De­stroy Order to the Xia Na­tion ships. There­fore, lets [The Clear Dis­tance], al­though is dis­tressed. But de­par­ture of Safety.
[Izual] in Li Jian Na­tion net­work, is check­ing Free­dom nav­i­ga­tion num­ber ships reg­is­tra­tion num­ber in­for­ma­tion, be­sides con­firmed Free­dom nav­i­ga­tion num­ber ships na­tion­al­ity, to cre­ate record in­for­ma­tion.
After check­ing ac­com­plish. [Izual] is sim­u­lat­ing the hoarse sound, through Wire­less con­tact, con­tact Free­dom nav­i­ga­tion num­ber.
„Leaves here, does not allow to dis­close any in­for­ma­tion. Oth­er­wise, the next time, will not for­give you!”
Free­dom nav­i­ga­tion num­ber Cap­tain Joseph, in the eye has shown an in­con­ceiv­able look, then im­me­di­ately guar­an­tees say­ing: „Please feel re­lieved that we will cer­tainly not dis­close any news!”
After say­ing, Free­dom nav­i­ga­tion num­ber im­me­di­ately full speed, leaves this place is apt to get into trou­ble.
Just, can they re­ally such avoid­ance right and wrong eas­ily?
In this sea area, a Nanyue Na­tion mil­i­tary use gun­boat was at­tacked and sunk \; Nan­chao Na­tion, Wo Sang Na­tion and Yinni Na­tion, the re­spec­tive freighter was at­tacked and sunk \; A Xia Na­tion freighter ‚lucky’ es­capes, but is dam­aged heav­ily.
Only only then the Li Jian Na­tion Free­dom nav­i­ga­tion num­ber de­parts calmly, the dis­cern­ing per­son un­der­stood at a glance has issue. Re­lated Na­tion(s) in­flu­ence, after fur­ther in­ves­ti­gate, will dis­cover that the Free­dom nav­i­ga­tion num­ber the ships reg­is­ter in­for­ma­tion, was in­quired in Li Jian Na­tion net­work, later Free­dom nav­i­ga­tion num­ber ‚re­laxed’ de­par­ture, all these ex­plained issue.
The in­flu­ence of at­tack var­i­ous coun­tries ships, should be re­lated with Li Jian Na­tion.
If un­re­lated with Li Jian Na­tion, how pos­si­bly to let off the Li Jian Na­tion ships?
Al­though var­i­ous coun­tries' in­flu­ence, will guess that this frames by plant­ing stolen goods on to shift blame. May in fact, which Na­tion(s) ap­pear egg pain doing such, frames by plant­ing stolen goods on Li Jian Na­tion?
What mo­tive or such does to have?
With­out mo­tive, does not have the goal, that Li Jian Na­tion sus­pi­cious de­gree then sig­nif­i­cant pro­moted.
Since sus­pected that Li Jian Na­tion has han­dled this mat­ter, then re­ceives the in­jury Na­tion(s), nat­u­rally must look for Li Jian Na­tion to wran­gle, will also look for Li Jian Na­tion in­clud­ing Nanyue Na­tion.
Thus, mak­ing Nanyue Na­tion un­able to find out, ac­tu­ally they have sieged any per­son in Meis­han Is­land, stirs the tur­bid water this mat­ter thor­oughly, mean­while was [The Steel and Iron] has put aside the re­la­tions of Xia Na­tion.
En­tire [Black Lamb] Plan Core goal, then thor­ough achiev­ing.
Can de­bate as for Li Jian Na­tion that other Na­tion(s) do be­lieve that that was their mat­ters!
Shi Lei only knows a truth in any case.
yel­low mud fell on pants, how could it not be feces?.


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