Thursday, November 23, 2017

818: Conquers by killing the border being stationed station, chicken dog does not remain!

#818: Conquers by killing the border being stationed station, chicken dog does not remain!
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Ling Yuguo arrange­ment three tar­get, only then the bor­der being sta­tioned sta­tion, was han­dled eas­ily. Bor­der mil­i­tary use Air­port, is the bor­der mil­i­tary use ware­house, is not re­laxed tar­get.
Shi Lei is Ren Gudu choice tar­get, is not let them brings death, but tests their loy­alty. If Ren Gudu is lead­ing the team, can per­fect ac­com­plish Task, Shi Lei quite wel­come them to join own sub­or­di­nates.
East­ern South­ern that bor­der being sta­tioned stands , the rear area that stands as bor­der being sta­tioned, the de­fense in­ten­sity is not strong.
Ren Gudu is putting up in­di­vid­ual rocket launcher, is ad­just­ing the di­rec­tion care­fully, si­mul­ta­ne­ously said in a low voice: „Did you pre­pare?”
„Big Bro, my tech­nol­ogy, are you un­trust­wor­thy?” A smil­ing face shy big boy, car­ries in­di­vid­ual rocket launcher, side says with a smile to Ren Gudu.
This big boy called Huang Minx­uan, al­though was young, but pis­tol, ma­chine gun and sniper rifle, or in­di­vid­ual rocket launcher, he had very good ac­cu­rate aim.
With skill of fine sight, Huang Minx­uan in the Ren Gudu team, has high sta­tus. Task that these time aims, ex­actly as stated Huang Minx­uan helps an­other two peo­ple ad­just first, then launches in­di­vid­ual rocket launcher col­lec­tively.
„En, Lit­tle Xuan, you have a look at their ac­cu­rate aim again!” Ren Gudu does not dare the neg­li­gent in­struc­tion to say.
Huang Minx­uan is lean­ing once more head, ob­served other two's in­di­vid­ual rocket launcher sighted di­rec­tion, opens the mouth say­ing: „Big Bro, the ac­cu­rate aim does not have issue!”
Ren Gudu deeply in­spired, „my from the bot­tom three in­te­gers, every­body to­gether launches! Third, two and one!”
„sōu sōu sōu sōu ~”
The rocket launcher four rocket pro­jec­tiles, have ex­uded the light howl. Four flames in air­borne very daz­zling, merely after sev­eral sec­onds, the rocket pro­jec­tile hit the bar­racks wall sur­face that stands in bor­der being sta­tioned.
„hōng hōng hōng hōng ~”
Four rocket pro­jec­tiles, al­most also ex­plode. The fierce ex­plo­sive sound and pow­er­ful shock-wave, let the sol­dier who rests in the bar­racks, then saw [Je­ho­vah] Great God in the sleep.
Per­haps doesn't the Nanyue Na­tion fel­low, know [Je­ho­vah] Great God?
Móng Cái City, Cheng Dong Strong­hold.
satel­lite real-time mon­i­tor­ing image that pro­jec­tor demon­strates, be­cause is night, does not have the too much de­tail, but the in­tense flame of rocket ex­plo­sion, can­not es­cape the mon­i­tor­ing of satel­lite.
„Good!” Shi Lei praised one, from the ex­plo­sion spec­u­la­tion of rocket pro­jec­tile. Shi Lei guessed. Ren Gudu has com­pletely un­der­stood his opin­ion. First uses the in­frared sound­ing set, then uses the rocket pro­jec­tile to sneak at­tack, as far as pos­si­ble re­duced own loss.
Nanyue Na­tion. Bor­der being sta­tioned sta­tion.
Ren Gudu saw with own eyes that strikes to go well, he does not have ar­ro­gantly im­me­di­ately starts the sneak at­tack, but looked at the watch, then said: „broth­ers, we have 32 min­utes. After 32 min­utes, the air sup­port strength of enemy, will ar­rive here. Lit­tle Huang, ad­justs po­si­tion im­me­di­ately, halfs-volle Sec­ond Round.”
„Com­pli­ant!” Huang Minx­uan anx­ious is bring­ing ex­cit­edly, ad­justs other two's rocket launcher po­si­tion rapidly. Then ac­cord­ing to the sur­vey re­sult of in­frared sound­ing set, has fired four rocket pro­jec­tiles once more.
The Nanyue Na­tion bor­der being sta­tioned sta­tion, has en­coun­tered the at­tack sud­denly. Sol­dier who bor­der being sta­tioned stands, over­whelm­ing ma­jori­ties are also at the ig­no­rant con­di­tion, they do not know that ac­tu­ally what hap­pened.
How­ever, four rocket pro­jec­tiles ar­rive once more!
„hōng hōng hōng hōng ~”
The rocket pro­jec­tile wild shock-wave, lets be away from them near per­son­nel, even was ex­ploded sev­eral frag­ments, the sit­u­a­tion in scene, is sim­ply hor­ri­ble to look.
„Lit­tle Huang, hur­ries snipe op­po­site party hid­den sen­try!” Ren Gudu use in­frared sound­ing set, had not dis­cov­ered that gath­ers mas­sively the enemy, said again the quan­tity of rocket pro­jec­tile is lim­ited, they need to leave be­hind other rocket pro­jec­tile, with cope with the pos­si­ble air ef­fort.
Dark green awp snipe rifle, has made the sim­ple sound, the Huang Minx­uan sink­ing sound track: „First!”
Af­ter­ward less than three min­utes, Huang Ming xuan al­to­gether has killed seven tar­get, each (spear|gun) has not failed, each (spear|gun) has killed hid­den sen­try. „Big Bro, all hid­den sen­try have killed com­pletely, we can on!”
Ren Gudu said loudly: „broth­ers, give on me! So long as is not the per­son on one's own side, kills to me en­tirely, per­son other, Boss told that the chicken dog does not re­main!”
The en­vi­ron­ment that bor­der being sta­tioned stands is bad, is far away from the urban area. Under nor­mal con­di­tions, bor­der being sta­tioned sta­tion will raise some poul­tries, fa­cil­i­tates to eat the fresh meat pro­duce.
More than 200 Pop­u­lar Front dis­or­der has fired into the bor­der being sta­tioned sta­tion, with­out any shield for­ma­tion, does not have the co­or­di­na­tion with each other of any fire su­pe­ri­or­ity. Luck­ily, the at­tack of two rounds rocket pro­jec­tiles, have let the sol­dier who bor­der being sta­tioned stands, fell into dis­or­der. And, Huang Minx­uan helped to wipe out hid­den sen­try. In ad­di­tion, the pre­sent is in the evening, the most bor­der being sta­tioned sta­tion sol­dier, rests in the bar­racks, is not the fully-armed con­di­tion.
All sorts of fac­tors put to­gether, when Ren Gudu is bring­ing the team, after en­ter­ing the fir­ing range, im­me­di­ately sup­presses Stand­ing Army that bor­der being sta­tioned has stood. Ren Gudu team, not de­fi­cient warm-blooded, sim­i­larly has the spirit that fierce does not fear, they clean up the par­tic­i­pa­tion sol­dier who bor­der being sta­tioned is stand­ing fast.
About after ten min­utes, the sound of gun­fire be­comes frag­men­tary. When the clean bor­der being sta­tioned sta­tion in­te­rior, the Ren Gudu team has en­coun­tered the in­tense re­sis­tance, they also pre­sented many com­bat losses.
Also ten min­utes, sound of gun­fire thor­ough quiet, Ren Gudu has wiped a com­plex­ion blood­stain, these blood are not his, when kills the enemy blood that stains.
„Sit­u­a­tion how?” Ren Gudu stands the drill ground that stands in bor­der being sta­tioned, was in­quir­ing per­son­nel that re­turns to one after an­other.
„Big Bro, the west cleans thor­oughly, each per­son­nel of drop­ping down, makes up the (spear|gun) com­pletely, does not have the liv­ing wit­ness ab­solutely.” Small Leader was re­spond­ing to the [say / way].
„Big Bro, north does not have issue!” An­other Small Leader, the brief re­sponse said.
Huang Minx­uan also opens the mouth say­ing: „Big Bro, the east side does not have issue, we have not only killed all Nanyue Na­tion Stand­ing Army, but also has killed all poul­try an­i­mals of their breed­ing farm. In­clud­ing the mil­i­tary use dog, de­fers to the in­struc­tion of Boss com­pletely, the chicken dog does not re­main!”
Ren Gudu took a fast look around, under shin­ing of tac­ti­cal flash­light, some­what moved in­quiry: „Our did broth­ers, how many lose?”
„Big Bro, now is not sta­tis­tics lose the time, we as be­fore are in Dan­ger now, the Nanyue Na­tion Of­fi­cial air ef­fort, may ar­rive any­time, we a bit faster travel!” The Huang Minx­uan prompt said.
Ren Gudu nods say­ing: „Said right, we walk!” Ren Gudu takes the lead, walks to­ward due west, due west is the Nanyue Na­tion cen­ter, si­mul­ta­ne­ously with the po­si­tion of their park­ing all-ter­rain ve­hi­cle, not in a di­rec­tion.
„Big Bro, all our -ter­rain ve­hi­cles, not in that side!” The Huang Minx­uan sense of di­rec­tion is very good, he will not re­mem­ber in­cor­rectly, their all-ter­rain ve­hi­cles park in east­ern South­ern ap­proach.
Ren Gudu walks while to ex­plain: „We sim­ply do not have the time to re­turn to the de­posit­ing point of all-ter­rain ve­hi­cle. This is also Boss to our tests, if we re­turn to all -ter­rain ve­hi­cle to park, that many all-ter­rain ve­hi­cles, you think that Nanyue Na­tion won't dis­cover? Even if our smooth run­ning away passed, drove all -ter­rain ve­hi­cle to run, but the travel trace of all-ter­rain ve­hi­cle what to do? There stands from bor­der being sta­tioned very near, Nanyue Na­tion was very easy to stand to bor­der being sta­tioned on the as­so­ci­a­tion is sneak at­tacked, should be re­lated with it. Once the clue of their in­ves­ti­gate cor­re­spon­dence, they will then look up the birth­land of all-ter­rain ve­hi­cle. When the time comes, im­pli­cated on Boss, you said how we will be processed?”
Huang Minx­uan had pon­dered care­fully, is re­ally sim­i­lar to Ren Gudu says. Ren Gudu does not know that Lao Chao Strong­hold under the Shi Lei's order, was been clean by the com­plete clean. Even if the Nanyue Na­tion mil­i­tary, in­ves­ti­gate to all -ter­rain ve­hi­cle from Lao Chao Strong­hold, they could not look up a more fur­ther clue.
As for the pur­chase chan­nel of all-ter­rain ve­hi­cle? In any case is not the real iden­tity pur­chase, Nanyue Na­tion looked up, what di­rec­tion can also in con­tinue in­ves­ti­gate?
Móng Cái City, Cheng Dong Strong­hold.
Shi Lei looks at real-time image of satel­lite mon­i­tor­ing, curls up­wards one leg on the other, in the eye is flash­ing through strange ra­di­ance, as if thought aloud: „Ren Gudu, tests your time now to! If you can the team, bring back to Móng Cái City, then our Or­ga­ni­za­tion, can need you!”
Ye Feng sits in Shi Lei's be­hind, opens the mouth to ask: „Boss, don't we pro­vide the help to them? They al­ready ac­com­plish Task.”
„No! They do not have ac­com­plish Task! Once Task started, then must con­sider the worst case sce­nario. If we are un­able to pro­vide the tele­sup­port, how they should deal. My [Hope] they study the Rul­ing Se­cu­rity Com­pany spirit, learns our slo­gan axios!” Shi Lei in­dif­fer­ent say­ing.
Ye Feng nod look­ing pen­sive, he ac­tu­ally some­what was re­cently sen­ti­men­tal, per­haps is bloody too much in hand, in­stead stim­u­lated the benev­o­lence?
Led the team to leave for less than ten min­utes in Ren Gudu, two Armed He­li­copter, were turn­ing on the search­light, sky over hov­er­ing stood in bor­der being sta­tioned, when the Armed He­li­copter pilot, shouted pro­pa­ganda through the loud­speaker, has not been re­sponded, he re­ports to the higher au­thor­ity im­me­di­ately.
„Bor­der di­rec­tor Cen­ter, bor­der di­rec­tor Cen­ter, here is num­bers rx004, glow moun­tain bor­der being sta­tioned stands by un­clear per­son­nel is at­tacked, we de­ter­mine ini­tially, en­tire glow moun­tain bor­der being sta­tioned sta­tion, with­out any sur­vivor!” Num­bers rx004 Armed He­li­copter, after re­ceiv­ing re­quest­ing re­in­force­ments that glow moun­tain bor­der being sta­tioned has stood, at the max­i­mum speed catches up, does not have the prompt res­cue as be­fore.
„Rx004, the di­rec­tor Cen­ter order, com­pan­ion plane rx005 land­ing in­ves­ti­gate, rx004 takes glow moun­tain bor­der being sta­tioned to stand for Cen­ter, ac­cord­ing to cir­cu­lar search mode, pe­riph­ery search any sus­pi­cious per­son­nel. Di­rec­tor Cen­ter is au­tho­rized rx004, al­low­ing Free­dom to open fire!” Bor­der di­rec­tor Cen­ter staff per­son­nel, re­sponds im­me­di­ately has res­cued the re­port of Armed He­li­copter rx004.
due west 1.4 kms away, Ren Gudu is lead­ing the re­main­ing team, looks at Armed He­li­copter of dis­tant place through the tele­scope, their close the tac­ti­cal flash­light, main­tained the silent sta­tus, avoids being dis­cov­ered by Armed He­li­copter as far as pos­si­ble.
„Big Bro, we now what to do?” Huang Minx­uan a lit­tle anx­ious ask­ing: „The po­si­tion that we are away from was too near, by the pos­si­bil­ity of He­li­copter dis­cov­ery, had been sur­passed 80%!”


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