Friday, November 24, 2017

819: Single soldier rocket Vs Armed Helicopter

#819: Single soldier rocket Vs Armed Helicopter
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Nanyue Na­tion, close to 11 : 00 o'clock at night.
Glow moun­tain bor­der being sta­tioned stands due west, about 1.4 kilo­me­ters po­si­tion, Ren Gudu is bring­ing the sur­plus teams, hid in a level area, in sparse the woods with the aid of the level area, [Hope] pre­vented in the sky the line of sight of Armed He­li­copter.
„Lit­tle Huang, our also re­main­ing how many rocket pro­jec­tiles?” Ren Gudu low voice ask­ing.
„Eight rocket pro­jec­tiles! Big Bro, do we kill these two air­plane?” The Huang Minx­uan look re­veals a cruel color, they and He­li­copter dis­tance, is only 1.4 kilo­me­ters merely, so long as He­li­copter flies to search them, Huang Minx­uan has con­fi­dence after He­li­copter en­ters 300 me­ters ef­fec­tive at­tack range, hits He­li­copter with rocket launcher.
Four in­di­vid­ual rocket launcher, al­to­gether have dis­posed 16 rocket pro­jec­tiles. Means that each in­di­vid­ual rocket launcher, has the quo­tas of four rocket pro­jec­tiles. When the be­fore­hand sur­prise at­tack glow moun­tain bor­der being sta­tioned sta­tion, four in­di­vid­ual rocket launcher have launched two rounds, has con­sumed eight rocket pro­jec­tiles, in other words also re­main­ing eight rocket pro­jec­tiles.
„Lit­tle Huang, do you have the big as­sur­ance to shoot down two Armed He­li­copter?” The Ren Gudu dis­crete in­quiry said.
Their teams, so far have not ex­posed, the search of avoid­ance Armed He­li­copter if can suc­ceed, Ren Gudu does not want to take risk. By the land power, es­pe­cially lacks the ground-to-air method the land power, meets head-on Armed He­li­copter, is bring­ing about own de­struc­tion sim­ply.
„Big Bro, I at least have 80% as­sur­ances!” Huang Minx­uan con­fi­dent replied, said 80% as­sur­ances that from the Huang Minx­uan mouth, in fact was 100% as­sur­ances.
Ren Gudu clenches teeth say­ing: „Lit­tle Huang. We hold troops!”
Huang Minx­uan one hear, has shown the dis­ap­pointed ex­pres­sion, he thinks Ren Gudu will agree propo­si­tion of at­tack Armed He­li­copter, after all the threat of Armed He­li­copter is very big. If not kill Armed He­li­copter, if Armed He­li­copter has dis­cov­ered them, will then cre­ate very se­ri­ous bat­tle loss.
„But, Lit­tle Huang, if Armed He­li­copter, en­tered the at­tack range of rocket pro­jec­tile, gives me to hit ma­li­ciously, les­son ma­li­ciously it!” Ren Gudu un­der­stands cer­tainly Armed He­li­copter Dan­ger, but Ren Gudu has not im­pulsed the con­duct.
„Good, Big Bro felt re­lieved. I well will cer­tainly en­ter­tain them!” Huang Minx­uan hēi hēi says with a smile. The pre­sent is late at night. Sur­round­ing dark­ness. Even if the Armed He­li­copter search­light, has very big power, is un­able to break the dark night as be­fore com­pletely.
Hov­er­ing in sky. The se­r­ial num­ber is rx004 Armed He­li­copter, re­ceived has di­rected the order of Cen­ter, im­ple­ment has not searched the mo­tion of enemy im­me­di­ately, but was hov­er­ing sky over glow moun­tain bor­der being sta­tioned stood, slowly was re­volv­ing the fuse­lage.
rx004 Armed He­li­copter, has pro­vided the in­frared sound­ing set sim­i­larly, be­cause of sur­round­ing piece of Dark, rx004 Armed He­li­copter, has used In­frared De­tec­tor, at­tempts around sen­sa­tion heat ra­di­a­tion.
This strat­egy is very good!
In­frared sound­ing set of mil­i­tary use Armed He­li­copter car­ry­ing. Scanned eas­ily, Ren Gudu and the oth­ers body tem­per­a­ture in­frared ra­di­a­tion. „Called rx005, dis­cov­ered the enemy, dis­cov­ered the enemy, rx005 takes off, im­ple­ment en­cir­cled enemy Task.” the rx No. 004 Armed He­li­copter pilot, was telling the pilot of rx005 num­ber com­pan­ion plane.
„Rx005 re­ceives, cur­rently ac­com­plish launch­ing work.” the rx005 He­li­copter pilot, has not got­ten down from Armed He­li­copter, but after re­ceives the order, started rx005 num­ber Armed He­li­copter to take off rapidly.
When rx005 Armed He­li­copter, ar­rived at rx No. 004 He­li­copter side, the pilot of rx005 com­pan­ion plane, passes on-board Wire­less com­mu­ni­ca­tion, on con­tact rx No. 004 Armed He­li­copter.
„Has rx004, what sit­u­a­tion dis­cov­ered?” the pilot of rx005 com­pan­ion plane, opens the mouth to ask di­rectly.
„Dis­cov­ered that the trail of enemy, the pre­lim­i­nary es­ti­mate quan­tity sur­passes 100, we en­cir­cle to­gether, kills all en­e­mies fully.” the rx005 pilot, is bring­ing in­dif­fer­ent pleased, seems in­tel­li­gently same from to praise.
rx005 and rx42 put up Nanyue Na­tion Armed He­li­copter, flies to­ward the level area that Ren Gudu and the oth­ers hid. Through the night vi­sion de­vice, as well as lis­tens re­spect­fully to the sound, Ren Gudu de­ter­mine came out, two Armed He­li­copter threw to them un­ex­pect­edly di­rectly, ob­vi­ously their po­si­tions ex­posed!
„Looks for the bunker to hide re­spec­tively! Lit­tle Huang, kills left He­li­copter! The big cow, Mouse, you and I copes with right He­li­copter to­gether!” Ren Gudu loud shout­ing.
Po­si­tion in­for­ma­tion had been ex­posed in any case, must re­duce the ca­su­al­ties as far as pos­si­ble!
As two Nanyue Na­tion Armed He­li­copter are get­ting more and more near, Ren Gudu is putting up the in­di­vid­ual rocket launcher con­trol, is the cold sweat. Only for­tu­nately, two Armed He­li­copter Weapons Sys­tem, only then avi­a­tion ma­chine gun and Rocket Nest. The weapon fir­ing dis­tance of both sides, ba­si­cally is in same Level.
If two Armed He­li­copter, car­ried Small-scale Air-To-Sur­face Guided Mis­sile, that is Ren Gudu their night­mares!
Huang Minx­uan in­di­vid­ual rocket launcher on shoul­der, com­plex­ion calm looks at two Armed He­li­copter in sky, he said sud­denly loudly: „Mouse, do not waste the rocket pro­jec­tile! You hurry by me, pre­pares at any time in­di­vid­ual rocket launcher, once after I have launched First, you give me im­me­di­ately!”
Mouse looked to Ren Gudu, in­quired: „Big Bro, ac­cord­ing to doing that Xuan Zi did say?”
„En!” Ren Gudu knows that the Huang Minx­uan ac­cu­rate aim is very good, he arranges two peo­ple and hits air­plane to­gether, ac­tu­ally to ha­rass an­other Armed He­li­copter, thus is Huang Minx­uan de­lays more time.
Mouse car­ries in­di­vid­ual rocket launcher, ar­rived at side Huang Minx­uan, he has in­stalled the rocket pro­jec­tile, only needs to launch the step fi­nally, then can stim­u­late the rocket pro­jec­tile.
After sev­eral sec­onds, Huang Minx­uan opens the mouth to say once more: „Big Bro, you a bit faster launch, do not con­sider the ac­cu­rate aim, the launch! Launch!”
Ren Gudu and big cow under bel­low­ing of Huang Minx­uan, have pro­jected two rocket pro­jec­tiles. The rocket pro­jec­tile drags to en­train the large flame, has streaked across the jet black night­time sky, as if two [Light­ning] were the same, has shot at air­borne two Armed He­li­copter.
How rocket pro­jec­tile that Ren Gudu, or the big cow, fires, the ac­cu­rate aim is un­sat­is­fac­tory, has not hit two Armed He­li­copter, but makes two Armed He­li­copter have a scare.
They had pre­pared to start at­tack, Rocket Nest are prepar­ing to start, but two rocket pro­jec­tile let them have made the cir­cum­ven­tion move­ment, but lost the ac­cu­rate aim.
In the Huang Minx­uan eye flashes through wipes none re­main­ing, while left Armed He­li­copter, makes the cir­cum­ven­tion move­ment, but the flex­i­bil­ity re­duces, he has fired the rocket pro­jec­tile.
The rocket pro­jec­tile shoots up to the sky, Huang Minx­uan ob­served re­sult, has thrown down in­di­vid­ual rocket launcher on one­self shoul­der with­out enough time di­rectly, re­ceived in­di­vid­ual rocket launcher that Mouse hands over, aimed at Sec­ond to put up Armed He­li­copter fast.
„sōu ~”
After Huang Minx­uan aim­ing, chose de­ci­sively has fired the rocket pro­jec­tile. A Sec­ond rocket pro­jec­tile streaks across the night­time sky once again, has shot at an­other Armed He­li­copter.
„hōng ~”
In the sky, shines the in­tense flame sud­denly, has il­lu­mi­nated the en­tire sky, has trans­mit­ted a bang, huge crack the sound raises the fierce shock-wave, lets the sparse woods, rus­tle makes noise.
After five sec­onds, jet black night­time sky, shone one group of flames, as if bright fire­works was the same, with fierce ex­plo­sive. Sec­ond puts up Armed He­li­copter, ex­plo­sion po­si­tion is away from Ren Gudu and the oth­ers to be nearer, Shock-wave makes some peo­ple five in­ter­nal or­gans vi­brate, tin­ni­tus ver­tigo.
Ren Gudu made an ef­fort to fling the head, yelled: „broth­ers, help the in­jured brother mu­tu­ally, hur­ries to leave this place, so as to avoid Nanyue Na­tion dis­patches Armed He­li­copter once more.”
The Huang Minx­uan some­what dizzy neg­a­tive con­di­tion, he was being held by a ro­bust man sim­i­larly, sec­onds the mo­tion say­ing: „Big Bro said right, broth­ers, we a bit faster travel.”
The satel­lite tele­phone that while at this time, Ren Gudu car­ried re­sounded, the ring­tone in the silent night, fright­ened the peo­ple to jump.
Ren Gudu puts out the satel­lite tele­phone, pressed down the an­swer­ing key, the Shi Lei's sound passed on: „Ren Gudu, your Task ac­com­plish how?”
Al­though Shi Lei through gps Global Po­si­tion­ing Sys­tem, has car­ried on the satel­lite real-time mon­i­tor­ing, but the night pic­ture imag­ing qual­ity is too low, Shi Lei is not too clear.
„Boss, the bor­der being sta­tioned sta­tion chicken dog does not re­main. Two Armed He­li­copter of Nanyue Na­tion reen­force­ment, just suc­cess­fully were killed by us.” Ren Gudu con­strained is say­ing ex­cit­edly. But in his ex­pres­sion, is hid­ing the ex­cited fla­vor.
„well done! Our losses how?” Shi Lei ex­pres­sion de­press­ing ask­ing, he has used ‚us’, in­di­cated that ad­mits Ren Gudu and the oth­ers, joins his sub­or­di­nates.
Ren Gudu some­what sadly said: „Boss, our losses are not low. We are es­cap­ing tem­porar­ily still, do not have the de­tailed com­pu­ta­tion. But at least lost over a hun­dred broth­ers!”
„Re­strains grief! Or­ga­ni­za­tion will not for­get these broth­ers! I traced your pre­sent po­si­tions, you con­tinue to the west march for­ward the twenty two kilo­me­ters, I have arranged to aid per­son­nel.” Shi Lei opens the mouth to say.
Ren Gudu re­laxed, un­der­went over four hours of long-range raid, adds on two fights again, their phys­i­cal strengths have very big loss. If Shi Lei no mat­ter they, let them flee, per­haps they also will con­tinue the per­son­nel losses.
„Thanks Boss!” The Ren Gudu grat­i­tude said.
„We are the peo­ple on one's own side. I have said that I am very good to the per­son on one's own side!” Shi Lei said that „was good, this, after you ar­rived has aided, Chen Xin­grui you will lead.”
After say­ing, Shi Lei has hung up the tele­phone. In Cheng Dong Strong­hold, the Shi Lei close pro­jec­tor satel­lite real-time mon­i­tor­ing image, has then pre­served Human Fa­cial Fea­ture Recog­ni­tion En­gine source code in note­book, he had a yawn say­ing: „A'Feng, you guess how many they do lose have?”
„Should be at about half.” Ye Feng had pon­dered a meet­ing, has given quite crit­i­cal data.
„Èn!” Shi Lei beck­oned with the hand, hints Ye Feng to get down, he en­tered in the Safety bed­room, lies on the bed, looks at the ceil­ing, is think­ing se­cretly, how should name the Yel­low Tri­an­gle Re­gion in­flu­ence, name of Nanyue Na­tion sub­or­di­nate Or­ga­ni­za­tion.
As Transna­tional Crim­i­nal Or­ga­ni­za­tion, does not have a name of old-style fan de­vice, ok?


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